I am not against the manufacture and sale of psychotropic drugs. These medications have helped millions of people deal successfully with mental disorders ranging from mild depression to severe psychoses such as schizophrenia. What I am against is the increasingly wholesale prescription of these drugs to those under the age of 25, when the brain is still maturing. This must be done very carefully to insure these young patients are, per a Food and Drug Administration warning, regularly monitored for behavioral changes by both the attending physician AND caregiver(s) of the patient.

What do I mean by “wholesale prescription?” Here’s an example. The granddaddy of anti-depressants on the market today is Prozac, a product of Eli Lilly. It first came on the market in 1989. In 2010, 24 MILLION prescriptions for Prozac and its generic cousin (fluoxetine) were written just in the U.S. alone. Wow, from zero to 24 million in just 21 years. And Prozac is no longer the most prescribed anti-depressant; it is #3. The #1 and #2 spots are held by Zoloft/generic and Celexa/generic, respectively. Do you think that these potentially dangerous, to those under 25, psychotropic drugs are being over prescribed? I do. And they are wrecking havoc both here and abroad.

Andreas Lubitz was born in Germany on December 18, 1987 and died by suicide on March 24, 2015. In 2009, at the age of 21, he was diagnosed with severe depressive disorder and treated with psychotherapy to include taking two powerful anti-depressant drugs, Mirtazapine and Cipralex (aka Lexapro). Both of these drugs qualify for the following warning by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, quoted verbatim from its website:

[5/2/2007] “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today proposed that makers of all antidepressant medications update the existing black box warning on their products’ labeling to include warnings about increased risks of suicidal thinking and behavior, known as suicidality, in young adults ages 18 to 24.” Note: Within months, this proposal became a mandatory warning.

By now, you may be asking yourself (or may already know), “Where have I heard the name Andreas Lubitz before?” He was the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525 and deliberately crashed the Airbus A320 into a French mountainside, killing himself and all of the other 149 passengers and crew members on board. Since the crash occurred on French territory and it has been conclusively determined that the act was a deliberate crime, a prosecutor named Brice Robin from Marseille was appointed to investigate.

Thus far, Mr. Robin has released the following information related to his investigation:

—-Lubitz saw 41 different doctors in past 5 years.

—-He was STILL taking Mirtazapine and doubled his dosage to “help him sleep” and “keep him from going blind.” This information comes from a March 10, 2015 email Lubitz sent to one of his doctors, just two weeks prior to the crash, in which he informed the doctor that he had doubled his dosage.

—-He had 7 medical appointments in the month prior to the crash, including 3 with psychiatrists, and had taken 8 sick days in that month.

—-At least one of his doctors felt Lubitz was unstable and unfit to fly but was afraid to report it due to strict medical secrecy requirements in Germany, which can send doctors to prison if they share information unless there is clear evidence a person intends to commit a crime or harm themselves. Lubitz specifically told his doctors not to share his medical information.

—-To some extent, Lubitz’ ex-girlfriend and his mother knew of his fear of losing his vision and took him to some of his medical appointments. What either knew about his behavior is so far unknown.

All commercial and military pilots are supposed to be physically and mentally healthy and are required to take annual exams to certify those requirements. Lubitz deliberately used German law to hide his unstable and deteriorating mental health. Just as he did in 2010 when he lied on a U.S. Federal Aviation Administration questionnaire if he had ever been treated for mental health issues. He checked the “no” block on this question, and it was later changed to “yes” when Lubitz, after being challenged by the FAA, provided the FAA with a letter from his German doctor that he was completely cured of his bout with severe depression in 2009. The letter was recently published in an article in the New York Times.

Now, let’s get to the root cause of this tragedy. The drugs. Not the German medical laws which helped Lubitz conceal his mental condition, not the 41 (!!!!) different doctors with whom Lubitz saw, and not the Lufthansa cockpit security rules which allowed Lubitz to lock out the aircraft commander and leave him in sole control of the airplane. No. These are contributing factors, of course, but I submit it was the psychotropic drugs which initially set and CONTINUED TO SET Andreas Lubitz onto his path of mass homicide.

Let’s consider this research I conducted on Mirtazapine, which Lubitz started taking in 2009 and was still taking at the time he crashed the aircraft. Aside from the fact that he was first on the drug at age 21, an age the FDA warns can cause thoughts of suicide, it has other effects. From drugs.com and WebMD.com, we find this “call the doctor immediately” side effect of Mirtazapine: blurred vision, tunnel vision, eye pain or swelling, or seeing halos around lights. Then there’s these common side effects – vision changes and trouble sleeping.

What? Are you kidding me? Lubitz was taking a drug that was not only unsuccessfully treating his depression but also possibly, and I emphasize possibly, creating the vision and sleeping disorders he was complaining about and might have deepened his depression. And his deluded self-prescribed solution for his vision issues and insomnia was to double the amount of a drug which might have created these side effects in the first place. He lied, 150 died.

Side note. Mirtazapine is manufactured under the Sandoz brand, a Swiss company owned by Novartis AG, also Swiss. Sandoz is the company that discovered LSD in 1938 and brought it to market in 1947, where it was legally prescribed and sold in the U.S. until October 1968, when possession of LSD became illegal. Too late. Charles Manson and his LSD-fueled band of murderers terrorized the LA metro area in 1969.

Let’s move on to the latest mass murder, the Charleston SC killer of 9 African Americans on June 17th by 21 year old male Dylann Storm Roof. Roof was arrested in February 2015 for possession of suboxone, a drug used to treat heroin addiction. Here are the psychiatric side effects of this powerful opioid:

Common (1% to 10%): Anxiety, depression, nervousness, abnormal thinking
Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Abnormal dreams, agitation, apathy, depersonalization, drug dependence, euphoric mood, hostility

It gets worse. While a few media outlets have briefly mentioned Roof’s arrest with suboxone, most of the media is focused instead on angles such as gun control, the Confederate Flag, racial hatred, and an act of terrorism. You have to dig more deeply to find this as reported in The Daily Beast and International Business Times on June 18, 2015.

(quote) Roof was a student at White Knoll High School in Lexington. His classmates said he was a drug user. “He used drugs heavily, a lot,” said John Mullins, who attended the same high school as Roof, told the Daily Beast. “It was obviously harder than marijuana. He was like a pill popper, from what I understood. Like Xanax and stuff like that.” (unquote) I noted that John Mullins was widely quoted in other major media outlets such as the LA Times and Fox News. What these media outlets did NOT include in publishing comments by John Mullins is the one I just posted from The Daily Beast. I wonder why? Could huge advertising revenue from the drug companies play a part in the media’s lack of or delayed reporting on the drug angle? I think it does.

Here’s the scoop from drugs.com on Xanax, a prescription psychotropic drug commonly found and sold on the black market because it is so over prescribed and readily available. “Xanax belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepines. It works by slowing down the movement of chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced. This results in a reduction in nervous tension (anxiety). Do not drink alcohol while taking Xanax. This medication can increase the effects of alcohol. It is dangerous to try and purchase Xanax on the Internet. Samples of Xanax purchased on the Internet have been found to contain haloperidol (Haldol), a potent antipsychotic drug with dangerous side effects.”

Then there’s these side effects of Xanax from RxList.com:

“Call your doctor at once if you have a serious side effect such as:

•depressed mood, thoughts of suicide or hurting yourself, unusual risk-taking behavior, decreased inhibitions, no fear of danger;
•confusion, hyperactivity, agitation, hostility, hallucinations”

As yet, we don’t know what other drugs, legal or illegal, this pill-popping killer may have been taking, and we may never know if his lawyer is successful in keeping his medical records from being released publically. But it is worth noting that he started his drug habits at a very early age, probably around 15 or 16 or even earlier, given that he dropped out of high school in the 10th grade and his drug addiction was known to classmates before he dropped out.

Lubitz and Roof join a long list of young mass killers on psychotropic drugs: Columbine High School killer Eric Harris (Luvox; the medical records of co-killer Dylan Klebold have been sealed); Aurora movie theater killer James Holmes (clonazepam and generic Zoloft); Sandy Hook Elementary School killer Adam Lanza (Fanapt – a powerful anti-psychotic drug that was initially not approved by the FDA because it induced the type of behavior it was supposed to treat); Seattle shooter Aaron Ybarra (Prozac and Risperdal); Santa Barbara shooter Eliot Rodger (Xanax). If you want more detailed information about the strong, as in nearly 100% correlation between psychotropic drugs, particularly anti-depressants, and deadly violence, go to SSRIstories.org.

As a start, I have the initial suggestions to help with addressing this seemingly endless string of random violence that has hit our nation from coast-to-coast.

First, we must get a handle of how many prescriptions for psychotropic drugs are being written for patients UNDER THE AGE OF 25. I have yet to find the answer, at least through Internet searches, and I don’t think there is an answer. But the solution may be simple. DEA has a database which tracks controlled substances, ranging from Schedule I (illegal drugs such as heroin and LSD) to Schedule V (such as prescription cough medicine with codeine). Very few psychotropic drugs, Xanax is one of them, are tracked through this database as a controlled substance. Therefore, the answer is …………


Expect a political push back on this proposal from not only privacy advocate groups, but two unlikely sources: the Veterans Administration, whose doctors routinely over prescribe anti-depressants for young veterans diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and universities, which respond to students who complain of stress and anxiety (finals week, etc) with anti-depressant drug prescriptions.

Secondly, as I mentioned at the outset, the FDA warning for psychotropic drugs contains this statement that “(Prescribing anti-depressants) must be done very carefully to insure these young patients are regularly monitored for behavioral changes by both the attending physicians AND caregiver(s) of the patients.” Thus, I propose that the attending physician DOCUMENTS that he or she has reviewed the patient’s caregiver structure to insure that at least someone is available to accomplish this task. I realize that the mental health industry will strongly oppose this move, but let’s get it out there and see what happens.

I’ll close with this quote from the National Institute for Mental Health, “A number of psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and depression, are thought to be associated with brain dysfunctions, although the nature of such brain anomalies is not well understood.”

Reflect on that for a moment. “Thought to be” means “we don’t know for sure.” “Not well understood” means “we need more information.” Think about that when physicians routinely prescribe psychotropic drugs to treat mental disorders in young patients and how badly it can go wrong, as it has time and time again.


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July 1, 2015 3:01 pm

Thanks for writing this, SSS. This is an important issue – perhaps a key issue. A site dedicated to this issue is:


I’m not affiliated with that, but find it an interesting if disturbing resource.

July 1, 2015 3:03 pm

Your article said: “In 2010, 24 MILLION prescriptions for Prozac and its generic cousin (fluoxetine) were written just in the U.S. alone. Wow, from zero to 24 million in just 21 years. And Prozac is no longer the most prescribed anti-depressant; it is #3.”

Assuming that people have a prescription for only one of these at a time, and that the #3 rank is in a year similar to 2010, that suggest that over 72 million Americans are prescribed these drugs – in fact, probably well over that. 72M would be nearly a quarter of the population. A WAG of 100M would be close to a third of the population. No wonder this country is so fucked up.

July 1, 2015 3:06 pm

Nice post. But nothing will fundamentally change bc the masses are already too indoctrinated into the medical model of a pill for every ill, especially when it comes from a mighty doctor, in his shiny white coat and non stop propaganda of healthy people running in green fields. All that fancy sciency lingo is very effective in impressing anyone. Same thing with vaccines, as soon as people began questioning it, there come all the “dangerous” outbreaks, next a law eliminating personal belief exemptions is passed in CA. They are paying attention and don’t want their flock disturbed.

July 1, 2015 3:21 pm

Too much money behind Big Pharma to let this cat out of the bag, better to blame it on guns and shit. Thx for posting this, Admin. It’s a big story, but with 90% of media controlled by 5 companies with interlocking boards with Big Pharma, it’s not likely to gain traction.

July 1, 2015 3:39 pm


This is SSS’ post.

July 1, 2015 3:23 pm

My grandfather’s Ingraham pendulum wall clock (95 years old and still ticikin’ in spite of the lickin’) recently struck four p.m. and here I sit, work done for the day, marveling at this pathetic display of what has become of the folk of the nation in which I was born. WTF has happened up there? All those pills, all this pc nonsense—Have y’all lost your minds? Whoops! Guess the pill scrips answered that one!

I’m getting on to geezerhood (69 in a few weeks), but even so…

I LOVE this site, given that y’all provide me with a take on the good ol’ USA that I’d likely otherwise miss: THANKS!

And from the bottom of my heart I wish y’all the best of luck, because it sure appears that you need it! Hell, no matter where one might be, we ALL need it! How in God’s name has this come to pass?

July 1, 2015 3:28 pm

My wife was diagnosed with depression by her doctor, and put on Celexa.

I can’t even begin to describe how terrible that was, it pretty much made a zombie out of my wife, but the pain of trying to withdraw from it was too much for her.

We eventually weaned her from it over the course of 2 years, but she still has side-effects.

We’ve pretty much stopped going to the doctor completely. Dental check ups twice a year, eye once a year, and I had to go and make sure my leg wasn’t broken after falling off the roof this spring.

Our medical system is a complete scan.

July 1, 2015 4:00 pm

Because I think our Gov’t is a real POS from 50+ years of history, it may be entirely possible that giving these drugs to the under 25 group was planned as a means to enact gun control. Yes, I know it is ridiculous; so was WTC 7; so was JFK single shooter; so was the 2nd Gulf of Tonkin incident; so is passing the Free Trade agreements, and now TPP – (nothing to do with ‘free trade); so was eliminating the Glass Steagall Act in 1999; Inciting revolutions/coups in many, many countries (death and misery) so the U.S. could install puppets in order for our Mega-Corps to harvest their natural resources. I’m sure there are more.

July 1, 2015 4:04 pm


Admin always make you out to being a real old fart. If you married your wife out of college 33 years ago, that makes your age around 56 y.o.

July 1, 2015 5:32 pm

This all got started when we started doping perfectly normal young boys in elementary school with Ritalin to suppress their normal developmental behaviors (trying to make them act more like complacent girls).

This is what happens when bureaucrats are given the power to dictate what the range of normal and acceptable human behavior is and forcibly suppress those who don’t fit into it by any means they deem necessary.

That range is getting narrower and narrower by the day now, and you can expect it to eventually outlaw most things that were considered normal in the past.

Conform, die, or be drugged into compliance.

July 1, 2015 6:00 pm

Put too many rats in a cage, but with plenty of food and water. What happens?
Aberrant behaviors.
Very Depressed Rats.

We have a lot of Very Unhappy People. Why?

They’ve been told to:
-chase casual sex, the more the better.
-be unusual, as in stick out of the crowd for reasons having not a thing to do with respect-worthy accomplishments. (Dyed hair, tattoos, “I’m a queer, I’m a girl with a Y chromosome, etc.”)
-self-medicate with booze, coke, pills, etc.

So these things make them even more lonely and unhappy. So they go to the allopath who has been brainwashed by medical school and pharmacists to think his prescription pad has all the answers. He’s been told he’s at the Left Hand of God, and that any bad outcomes from his treatments aren’t his fault, they’re simply “bad luck.”

No one is thinking for themselves.

Everyone is buried tick-deep in the Hivemind, where no rational thought is possible and only self-indulgent, self-harming vices are celebrated.

And we’re surprised people are lonely, unhappy and depressed.

July 1, 2015 8:22 pm

I do not understand the use of these new fangled drugs. Why don’t they handle depression they way it has always been handled – drink lots of booze.

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July 2, 2015 3:08 am

Nice write, SSS. Not something I think about much, noone I know or their children are on these type of meds, but the numbers you put up are staggering

October 2, 2015 8:37 pm

Thank you great article!! Very motivating to GET THE WORD out. I am an RN I see people in their homes daily some have been ill many are healthy I get their medical hx for illness and /or Life Ins exams. It is unbelievable the numbers of people who have been or more so continuously on antidepressants and antianxiety meds. All they have to do is tell the Doctor one thing…I’M stressed, I can’t sleep, I’m anxious, I’m depressed the solution is always a pill.
Well the insurance industry knows the risk…anyone with any history of these drugs if they get life insurance at all definitely pays a higher premium.

The pharmaceutical companies are masters at marketing they have created a whole pill taking society they are sneaky and not looking out for our best interests. Personally I believe for the most part you can stick the psychiatric industry in there with them as well. Did you know they want to use LSD to “help” the veterans with “ptsd”…..brilliant???

October 2, 2015 10:08 pm

I missed this one. Must have been knee deep in laying sod.

My son was very active in elementary school and very smart. He didn’t like to pay attention to things he already knew. At one point I talked to a doctor, who suggested Ritalin. I said “Absolutely NOT.” and that was that… I would have home schooled him rather than given him Ritalin.

Anyway, an excellent article that indeed ties into what has happened now several months later. We don’t know that this shooter was on SSRIs, but we know he was in a “special” school and that he lived in a special home. To most of us, that suggests lots of special medications.
