Planned Parenthood Top Doctor Caught Discussing Sale of Aborted Baby Parts

Guest Post by Ovide Lamontagne

The ugly business of abortion became even more abhorrent this week as a 30-month undercover operation revealed that Planned Parenthood’s heavily federally subsidized, billion-dollar-plus-a-year corporation seems also to be generating revenue by harvesting and selling body parts such as hearts, livers, lungs, and muscle tissue of aborted infants. The question becomes whether that is a crime. The answer under current federal law, one might say, depends on the definition of “valuable consideration” — because profiting from the sale of human remains is illegal.

The harvesting, sale, and ultimate use of the tissue and body parts of aborted fetuses is governed by a 1993 federal law passed when the United States Congress enacted 42 U.S.C. 289g, regulating fetal research in general. In particular, 42 U.S.C. 289g-2(a) makes it unlawful for any person “to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce” (emphasis added).

The law defines “valuable consideration” to exclude “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”

In other words, under the law the Congress has prohibited the purchase or sale of fetal tissue for an amount of money (or other consideration) that exceeds the seller’s costs associated with transporting, implanting, processing, preserving, monitoring, and assuring quality control, or storage.

In the video released today by the Center for Medical Progress, to answer such questions of financial gain, we meet abortionist Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who talks about her work and the money involved. Nucatola in fact is Planned Parenthood Federation’s senior director of medical services.

Talking about the money to be made, she discusses economic forces that she must consider in establishing prices and in adjusting her deadly techniques to gather more body parts for sale. She admits that she looks at lists of body parts desired and tries to fill those orders. There can be little doubt that PPFA’s leading abortionist does not limit herself — and, by extension, PPFA — to a determination of out-of-pocket costs in setting a price for a beating heart, liver, or intact head.

Planned Parenthood has operated too long outside the supervision of taxpayers and law enforcement.

The cold-hearted discussion of orders for livers and little hearts, her surprise at a request for lungs, and her description of how “easy” it is to get lower parts is made all the more distasteful as she enjoys a meal while describing the abortions she performs. The Center for Medical Progress’s investigation clearly exposes the market-driven nature of Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in the remains of aborted fetuses. The undercover work of CMP’s David Daleiden shows in graphic detail the price-setting by PPFA’s leading abortionist as she enjoys a glass of wine while discussing a business model she admits to coordinating with others.

The release of video from this undercover investigation raises serious questions about whether PPFA allegedly has been engaged in federal and state criminal activity, which demands a full-blown criminal investigation. Putting aside the potential criminal liability of PPFA in the trafficking of aborted-fetal tissue, this activity is simply wrong and egregious and shows yet again the profit-driven nature of PPFA under its business model.

The alleged activity is principally taking place in Planned Parenthood’s “mega-centers,” detailed in Americans United for Life’s recently released report, “The New Leviathan.” As an international business making more than a billion dollars each year (and receiving $1.25 million every day from taxpayers), Planned Parenthood has operated too long outside the supervision of taxpayers and law enforcement. An impartial audit or a congressional investigation would consider how “valuable” to PP’s bottom line is the sale of aborted infants.

But let’s not lose sight of the spirit of the law in a discussion of the letter of the law. Planned Parenthood’s selling of the broken bodies of unborn children is inhumane and troubling no matter how any investigation resolves. And if Planned Parenthood’s conduct does not violate the federal law prohibiting the sale of fetal tissue and organs, then the law ought to be changed. The practices exposed by work of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress certainly rise to the level of probability that one or more crimes may have been committed, and there is no reason to delay in proceeding accordingly.

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July 17, 2015 2:56 pm

PJ, you’re getting eaten alive, and rightly so. Instead of letting amanda goebbles marconi explain this to you, watch the tape. There is no misunderstanding anything. It will make you a wiser person. And anytime in the future you see amanda marconi’s name, remember, she lied to you, about something important, just because that’s what she does.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
July 17, 2015 3:26 pm

These ‘Live Action’ people are not on the up-and-up. They tried another scam in 2012.

That “tape” is a mash-up!

It is news to me that either gawker or slate are ultra-liberal sites. You may be right about the Komen foundation – I don’t know a lot about the charity or its history. But I think Planned Parenthood does a lot more good than bad. They have done more to spread education and birth control than any other organization. There are countries that were turning into third world, overpopulated shitholes that turned things around thanks to Planned Parenthood.

TBP has turned into the twilight zone with this post!

I don’t hate children and I think abortion is foul. I’d rather see pregnancies prevented than terminated. But my personal views aren’t the least bit relevant – even if I ate babies for dinner every night, that wouldn’t change the fact that you folks bought this propaganda hook line & sinker – because you want to believe it.

July 17, 2015 3:36 pm

“Not only was this nonsense completely fabricated, ….” ——- Pirate Jo

Today, on CNN, a high-level spokesperson APOLOGIZED for the incident … and then stated that WHAT HAPPENED THERE is not normal behavior for PP.

Therefore, it’s really quite difficult to believe this was a coverup, scam, whatever.

July 17, 2015 3:39 pm

There are almost no Christians left.

Christ was clearly apolitical, closest to today’s anarchists (not the bomb-throwing socialist kind, more like the Voluntaryist “improve yourself” kind.)

People today want a pill to feel good.
People today want a lottery ticket to be rich.
People today want a benevolent overseer to
– tell them what to do.
– tell them what to think.
– feed them.
– provide life’s essentials.
– relieve them of the burden of raising their own children.

People want it all. Right. Now.

“Look at ME! I’m different! (because I paid for this tattoo, or paid for these shoes, or this handbag, or because I dyed my hair green. Or nowadays, BECAUSE I WAS BORN A MAN but I’M REALLY A GIRL!”)

People don’t want to invest the time to develop a skill, amplify a talent, or learn something useful. That’s so last year.

Democracy (so-called self-rule) infantilizes people. It prevents people from ever growing up.

Abortion-on-demand as birth control is surely part of this.

So is every political campaign where aspiring rulers speak like they’re auditioning for Santa Claus.

Because they are selling themselves to PERMANENT CHILDREN.

This, my friends, is why the path ahead passes through a valley of thorns where we all will be beset by the Four Horsemen….plus the 5th: The Total State, which is Evil Incarnate.

(And people wonder why I’m an anarchist.)

July 17, 2015 3:45 pm

Razzle, 99.9% of people are so immersed in the Hivemind that they simply cannot break out of the herd.

Today’s herd is made up of permanent children with the time preference of 4 year olds, and the dominant religion is “Might makes right,” as embodied in the organization of men that holds a legal monopoly on the use of force and violence to further whatever is its rulers’ agenda.

Trying to remind Christians of their own supposed reality is asking them to give up their connection to the herd, to exist as an individual who has to face the limitless complexity and confusion of reality all by themselves.

Almost no one has the spine for it anymore. They are simply too afraid, afraid of their own inability and incompetence.

Truly, they Have. No. Faith. Only groupthink, only the hivemind, only the HERD. Collectivism is almost complete.

July 17, 2015 4:01 pm

“Our top priority is the compassionate PERCEPTION that YOU BELIEVE. In the video, one of our staff members speaks in a way that SHOWS HOW WE THINK DAY TO DAY. This is unacceptable, and I personally apologize for the staff member’s HONESTY AND CLARITY,” said Cecile Richards, the group’s president, in a video out Thursday. “As always, if there is any aspect of our work that can be REPHRASED, we want to know about it, and we take swift action to REPACKAGE THE IMAGE.”

There, fixed that for her.

July 17, 2015 4:21 pm

Reading Pirate Jo’s disbelief at a video is creeping me out; lemmings like PJ are going to get us all killed.

Rise Up
Rise Up
July 17, 2015 4:28 pm

Administrator says: (CNN)—Planned Parenthood’s president apologized Thursday for a top official’s tone in a controversial video, but she also denied the clip’s allegation that her organization profits from tissue donation.

“Our top priority is the compassionate care that we provide. In the video, one of our staff members speaks in a way that does not reflect that compassion. This is unacceptable, and I personally apologize for the staff member’s tone and statements,” said Cecile Richards…
Ok, but will that crude doctor Deborah Nucatola be fired? If she isn’t, that will say a lot of how the management of Planned Parenthood takes this seriously or not.

July 17, 2015 5:10 pm

Westcoast has always been a favorite of mine, i like honest libs, fun to debate. He seems to have stepped back to gather more info. PJ, on the other hand, watch the fucking tape. You come on here to argue nonsense, to defend the most grotesque institutional behavior in the US I can remember, and she’s to fucking lazy to watch the tape.

July 17, 2015 5:17 pm

Westcoaster is an enigma

Sometimes he seems like “one of us”.

Other times he makes Bernie Sanders seem tame in comparison.

July 17, 2015 5:35 pm

Stucky, one of my main guys is about the same as westcoast. Lib, but all over the map. But he’s honest and fierce and trustworthy. Great parent, great manager, hard to ask for more. I imagine WC to be about the same. Huge push in the nazi media to explain this away with semantics. Won’t work. It is exactly what it is.

July 17, 2015 6:38 pm

Guys, Pirate Jo hit the nail on the head (thx). You guys all go off the chain when an obviously planted story with just the right spin that endorses your POV comes online, WITHOUT considering the effect the writer is trying to achieve which is without basis and accomplishes nothing but does considerable damage to PP which isn’t just about abortions, they help Woman PREVENT pregnancies with birth control.
For the record, I’m NOT in favor of abortions beyond the 1st trimester, but if I had said this before this point, you guys would have accused me of pandering. I DO believe a Woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy (in the 1st trimester) and it’s none of your or my fucking business.
The major difference I have with the pack here is I care about what happens once the fetus becomes a baby and is born into the world. Seems most of you have this sick, distorted view of reality to force the Woman to push that kid out but care not what occurs thereafter. She & the kid are part of the FSA so fuck them.

July 17, 2015 6:47 pm

“You guys all go off the chain when an obviously planted story …” —– Westcoaster

Oh for fucksake!!! THE PRESIDENT of PP admits what happened at that office was REAL.

Quite being so obstinate and willfully blind. Alternatively, USE YOUR BRAIN.

July 17, 2015 7:59 pm

See WC, we’re exactly on the same page on choice, first trimester. Abortion is a horrible thing, but I get why it can be necessary. This is quite different. And planned parenthood needs to be shut down. Right now. They are truly scum.

July 17, 2015 8:02 pm

WC, if the camera guy would have pulled out a gun, and emptied the clip into that filthy whore, and I were on the jury, he would walk.

July 17, 2015 10:17 pm

So I’ll have to trust you guys on Westcoaster, who is defending this piece of human sludge who actually seems to enjoy butchering babies while stuffing her disgusting fat mouth in an orgy of inhuman proportions as she articulates what Planned Parenthood really believes.

July 18, 2015 2:39 pm

@Stucky: “The video in question, released by the radical anti-choice Center for Medical Progress, purports to show a Planned Parenthood physician admitting that the group illegally profits off the sale of fetal tissue after abortions. It is an outright lie … an outrageous distortion of a wholly legal and ethical practice of donating tissue for research.

Eric Ferrero, vice president of communications at Planned Parenthood, sets the record straight:

“Women and families who make the decision to donate fetal tissue for lifesaving scientific research should be honored, not attacked and demeaned. Our medical practices and guidelines in this area are clear, and we do this important work just like other high-quality health care providers — with full, appropriate consent from patients, under the highest ethical and legal standards, and with no financial benefit for the patient or Planned Parenthood.”

Republicans will resort to any lie they can get away with in their relentless war on women.”

July 18, 2015 6:03 pm

@Westie, if you actually think there is a “war on women” going on, you are delusional.

However, Planned Parenthood has eliminated many millions of black women (pre-birth) in the last century, so there’s that. Last I checked PP was not widely supported among conservative republicans.

July 18, 2015 7:27 pm

Batshit Annie update, place your orders now.

Stem Express’ Human Baby Foie Gras Menu

Oh, yeah. Tyqueisha and Scheherazade in da hood are mos’ def’ gonna be wantin’ in on dis.

And why not, right? I mean, what is the surest guarantee a male can have that Tyqueisha is NOT going to get pregnant, and is financially independent – even someone he could hustle and mooch off of himself, and is therefore an absolute guaranteed “free ride”?

How about Tyqueisha being five or six months pregnant? With twenty grand in human foie gra just waiting to get a tiny bit cuter before harvest and replanting? Hell, Tyqueisha could double-crop. Two per year harvested at 23 weeks. That leaves a six week window to resume cycling again and conceive the next human being for harvest and sale. Hell, maybe Jon Corzine could work with the CME to set up futures on human body part commodities.

Oh, yeah. Tyqueisha is going to be popular.

This is Stem Expresses’ price list. The baby human foie gras section begins on page 52. Screen capture this while you can.

UPDATE: Their website is back up. They are proudly displaying their full price list. Here is the fetal liver stem cell page. $24,250 for a vial of 5 million CELLS.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on July 17, ARSH 2015.

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July 18, 2015 7:41 pm


Nice try. You have YET to answer the question; If the video was video wa fake why did the the prez of PP apologize about it? I know it’s a tough question, so take all the time you need.

War on women ….. hardy har har …. you’ve really taken that libtard shit hook, line, and sinker.