Via Knuckledraggin

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Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 12:00 am

And yet ANOTHER anon coward joins the fray.

The fantasy shit you little homos are weaving would make a decent novel.

Holy crap, the circle jerk has how may anon coward faggots spewing bullshit now? Yer gonna have to call in a hazmat team to clean it up in BSL-4 suits.

ID’s shitbags, then it goes to the next level.

July 27, 2015 12:02 am

Takes a real man to call his wife a liar. I posted a link to her blog where she talks about them living in SanFran in 2005.

I post another quote written by the cumstain where he says his Indonesia visa was cancelled and he was exiled in 2003 back to the US for 5 years.

He promotes himself as a professor of journalism, yet I cannot find a single reference to any scholarly work or positions held.

Sure does screech a lot for someone caught with his weiner in the pumpkin pie.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 12:03 am

Jesus H. and free publicity too. You buttfuckers can open your own PR firm after this, keep you out of the can… but perhaps that;s not what you want, eh?

Trolls posting shit with no attribution. Now THAT is going to be taken seriously there anon cowards.

HA HA! Fucking freaks, no wonder America is toast.

July 27, 2015 12:05 am

So, Mr Finnegan, really, how do you explain these little anomalies? I have posted quotes and links. You have been asked to explain, but so far refuse.

And please, the threats really are unwarranted.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 12:08 am

Sure can’t beat the squealing of stuck anon cowards. Can’t research worth a fuck either, however that’s to be expected from toothless, inbred fucks jerking themselves and each other at the keyboard.

No names, no ID, no attribution. First rule of journalism there, fruitcakes.

Craws yer faggot asses, eh?


July 27, 2015 12:12 am


That article on his own blog, written by himself, said he went into US exile for five years from 2003.

The same quote can be found elsewhere. I already linked his wife’s blog where she clearly says the were in CA in 04 and 05.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 12:14 am

HA HA! As if I have any need to “threaten” a gaggle of mindless faggots conducting a toothless smegma-lubed circle-jerk. And as if I in the slightest have to answer questions of any kind from nameless, faceless homosexuals too cowardly to identify themselves for attribution as I have.

Bottom line (pun intended) and getting back to the original story and comment is that you can’t take the fact that there are decent black people out there. The sole reason for your feminine angst at my pointing this little factoid out.

Your personal troll attacks are old hat and from an old, tattered script and as you have seen easily dismissed.

Want to be taken seriously?

Names, e-mails, phone numbers for attribution, just as I have, faggots.

Otherwise… your bullshit.. is just that – cowards.

July 27, 2015 12:15 am

Lying sack of shit said:
“No names, no ID, no attribution. First rule of journalism there, fruitcakes.”

We’re not journalists tubesteak. You’re the one holding yourself to such lofty ideals. Go ahead post the truth to clear your name.

Like I said, you have no problems posting lies to anonymous people…….be a man, post the truth too. Onus is on you shitstain!

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 12:22 am

As if I have to “clear my name” with a mincing, prancing, anon coward faggot.

No attribution, no game. Give it up freak, this is one old dude that has played this game with some serious fucking trolls – you don’t even make the “D” list there, buttfuck.

Names, e-mails, phone numbers just as I have provided. Your bullshit is good for nothing but passing amusement and amazement at the dogshit that now infests my former country. Soon to be exterminated, I might add. You can’t and will not be able to hide forever behind the skirts if anonymity, pussy.



July 27, 2015 12:26 am

So which is it?

Is Imas Kurniawati Finnegan the lying sack of shit,


Is Robert S. Finnegan the lying sack of shit?

Now when anyone searches on his or her name his bullshit will be on display.

Keep flapping your cock holster Robert, you are your own worst enemy.

July 27, 2015 12:29 am

“I own The 5th Estate Asia, and that account is mine.”
—-Robert S. Finnegan

The Fifth Estate is a socio-cultural reference to groupings of outlier viewpoints in contemporary society, and is most associated with bloggers, journalists, and non-mainstream media outlets.

Whoooeee, watch out, people. Bubby Finnegan says he OWNS the 5th Estate on the entire Asian continent. I did not know that. Billions of people read what this man has to say. Billions. This is not a man to be trifled with. Tread lightly. Heh.

July 27, 2015 12:29 am

Mr Finnegan- you cannot defend. You are hoist by your own petard, your wife’s own words, your own article. You blatantly lied about your prison stint, and blatantly lied about leaving the US forever.

You posted a make-believe story of how you were saved by a black man. The question is why? Most likely it was in support of a political agenda of some sort. Journalists really should not do that.

Why did you make this crap up?

July 27, 2015 12:33 am

Robert S. Finnegan says:

“HA HA! As if I have any need to “threaten” a gaggle of mindless faggots”

Fear not Bobby Boy, no one here fears the likes of you. We just enjoy exposing fucktards like you……..you know……….like journalists are supposed to do.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 12:35 am

HA HA! As if I need to “defend” anything from a nameless, faceless, anon coward homo.

Fuckin A. Proof positive that the gene pool in America is terminally polluted with toothless, inbred buttfucker DNA. And the “Mr. Finnegan” bullshit? HA HA! You thin THAT is going to gain you any traction? Give me a tiny. little, break… faggot.

No ID, no attribution, zero sum game.

Not even a decent shot at it there, freak.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 12:38 am

The fact that you are too chickenshit to put up your ID proves just how fearful you are of me, faggot.

Old hat. Get a new playbook, or at least come up with something interesting and accurate.

Fucking coward. Too bad I can’t be the one to put you out of your misery.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 27, 2015 12:41 am

I’m not sure I would give my personal info to this jack off. He sounds unstable. He did not provide the name of his cell mate or his prison guard aunt. What medication is he taking for his type 1 diabetes, I wonder? And how in hell did the prison infirmary happen to have a rescue dose on hand at two in the morning? This puke is pulling all your puds and loving every minute of it.

July 27, 2015 12:46 am

No, Mr Finnegan – I think you are an A grade nutjob. Since we found out you are a liar, you have never responded to the question as to why you are lying. Enquiring minds want to know.

The most telling thing about you is that you profess hatred of the US, yet went running back there the minute things went bad in your adopted country.

That defines hypocrisy. You took your wife and scrabbled back at full steam to the US “in exile” from Indonesia.

I note you have not renounced the citizenship of the country you loathe and where you will never return (at least until you get in trouble again). That too is very telling. You lack the courage of your convictions. I am stunned, simply stunned.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 12:55 am

This just keeps getting better. Glucose is the antidote for Type 1 hypo you fucking illiterate. Sugar. There, you just learned something on my dime

And, as stated numerous times – reading incomprehension being a symptom of toothless inbred faggot-itis – as if I have the need or requirement to provide any type of detail to homo cowards too terrified and chickenshit to put their ID’s down for attribution, as I have here.

So, that leaves us with a gaggle of faggots with their heads up each other’s asses that are incapable of performing the most basic research in a never-ending circle-jerk.

Which leads to the forgone conclusion that you are all indeed, mincing, prancing, homosexual trolls incapable of taking on even a decrepit, old jarhead and scoring a single hit.

I suggest you make good of your remaining time on this planet, blowing and buttfucking each other while accomplishing absolutely zero except to expose yourselves for the pathetic wastrels that you are.

Cheer up fruits, there are easier targets out there. However, one fine day your shit will catch up with you, and someone in the U.S. will wind up taking you seriously. You will then have to answer for your bullshit face-to-face, and wind up with your diseased, little-boy cocks chopped off and sewn in your peter-puffing lips.

Now that would make for a real story.

HA HA! Fucking cowards.

July 27, 2015 1:02 am

Robert S. Fingerme said:
“Proof positive that the gene pool in America is terminally polluted….”

It cleaned up considerably when you left.

Go spout your bullshit lies somewhere else dumbass. You’re too pathetic for words.

A former Marine? Fucking pathetic. A Marine with no honor is not a Marine.

A journalist? Fucking pathetic.

An expat? Good fucking riddance!

An expat in Indonesia? More than likely a child molester. Beyond pathetic.

Still thinks someone wants to hear his story? Like I said we know everything we need to know about your story thanks to the prolific amount of bullshit you’ve posted here and elsewhere. Retard……..be gone!

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 1:05 am

Quite a work of fiction you have cooked up there, coward. Love to see the book come out “By Anonymous.”

I am quite sure however, that sucking and jacking your fellow faggots here – all confirmed losers by the way per your self-contrived and co-produced “exchange” – takes precedence over any writing aspirations. As I said before, you can’t research worth a fuck so it would be an aborted effort on your part, just as you are an abortion and mutant parasite on the ass of America.

Too bad it was a wasted effort. I am confident however, that you fudge-packers got off in the process.


Better luck next time, anon coward shitbags. Next time check your target out before opening your sucks, it will save you a load of embarrassment (not to be mistaken with the load going down your diseased throat!).

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 1:10 am

And the finale plays itself out as predictably as always with busted anon coward trolls: cut and run when faced down with the truth.

Happy dirt nap, anon coward faggots. It won’t be long before you will be confronted by an enraged commenter that has the capability to track you down in your sewers, and then instead of each others minuscule cocks you will be eating lead.

HA HA! Fucknut fruitcakes.

July 27, 2015 1:12 am

@ Robert S. Finnegan

You seem to be hung up on the fact that people who post here use anonymous screen names. That’s our choice, as it should be. It’s a blog, not a U.S. Senate committee hearing.

But that’s not always the case on TBP. One of our frequent visitors is Stephanie Shepard. That’s her true name, we know her background, and we even have one of her videos she posted. She’s a brave young lady who arrived here and created an absolute shitstorm. It went on for months. Long story short, she’s still here.

And she has respect. Maybe not always agreement with her views, but respect. Thus far, Mr. Finnegan, my personal rating of respect for you is not moving the needle.

July 27, 2015 1:15 am

Robert and Imas Finnegan:

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 27, 2015 1:18 am

Mr Finnegan has a long history of beating the bandwagon against anonymous posters:

Finnegan from 2011

“Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data, ability to repeat discredited memes, and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Also, be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor even implied. Any irrelevancies you can mention will also be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonymous.”

This is fantastic. There are far and away too many cowards and nutcases who disrupt a discourse from behind the skirts of anonymity, gleefully doing their best to piss-off legitimate posters with their spurious, fecal diatribe. Hopefully soon, all posters will be required to post their names and contact info such as an e-mail address. This will bring these illiterate, nefarious cowards to heel immediately and they will disappear from cyberspace once and for all unless they wish to risk their pencil-necks at the hands of an enraged poster.”

Please note again the veiled threats.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 1:26 am

Now that is hilarious, the desire or need for the “respect” of anon coward faggots. That indeed, produced a laugh. Fantasy self-delusion in the extreme.

I could care less who a freakish, nutless, gutless fruitcake holds in esteem. You are worth less than the dogshit I scrape off my sandals, mutant faggot.

There is no other justification for refusing to provide attribution to your fecal fantasies other than cowardice and the purveyance of anything other than outright lies in a failed effort to smear someone that related an incident where the black guy was a decent person of integrity, far and above you and your ilk. THAT is what gets to you and your fellow coward faggots, not irrelevant trivia about my expatriation from America or what caused my departure.

THAT is the irrevocable truth there, you little limp-wristed pansy.

My only regret is that I will not be there to photograph you getting blown away by an enraged commenter that has made you his temporary hobby and hunted you down to be held accountable for your lies and bullshit spew.

Unless… you come on down here for a visit. I would be more than happy to punch your ticket, and any of your homo friends with the nuts to accompany you.

A pipe dream… oops. Guess I should abstain from using that word with a pipe-smoker.


Happy dirt nap, shitbag. It’s coming down the tracks at you, the day you roll the dice one too many times and come up snake eyes and that day will come just as surely as the sun rises in the East.

July 27, 2015 1:30 am

I declare Robert S. Finnegan the winner!


July 27, 2015 1:39 am

“My only regret is that I will not be there to photograph you getting blown away by an enraged commenter that has made you his temporary hobby and hunted you down to be held accountable for your lies and bullshit spew.”

You could be that enraged commenter there fucknut. Should be an easy job for a real journalist. Go ahead….hunt me down Bobby. Hold me accountable Bobby Boy.

Former Marine my ass. Marines suffering dysentery have SHITS better than you.

July 27, 2015 1:54 am

Seriously, how sick does a person have to be to be wishing death on someone else.

July 27, 2015 2:25 am

Yep…..Corky definitely has issues. Maybe he was drunk?

July 27, 2015 6:02 am

FWIW Robert, I sometimes resort to posting a photo of a particulary ugly toad, but my stories are real. I suggest you give it up. This crowd will never forget you passed off fiction as your story.

I am Martha but prefer Maggie.

July 27, 2015 6:13 am

I think Booby has been TBPed , but good. I hope they have lot of butt-hurt balm available where Finny truly resides…mom’s basement most likely.

July 27, 2015 7:29 am

I wish flash would plant 75 thumbs down on each of cuntfuk Robert S. Finnegan’s posts. Heh heh.

July 27, 2015 7:30 am

I am now going back into my self-imposed hiatus for the rest of the week.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
July 27, 2015 8:07 am

Wow Bob, could’ve saved a lot of embarrassment & chest pounding if you didn’t lie in the first place. Sad.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
July 27, 2015 8:12 am

C’mon James, easiest 90 comments you ever got, all it took was 1 lying asshole from Caldonesia. Hilarious stuff.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 8:29 am

A hairy dyke fraud posing as a “journalist.” Where have I seen this before, and in support of coward, faggot trolls no less.

Priceless, and a plagiarist to boot. This is why The 4th Estate is dead in America.

Go munch some rug, you tuna-smelling cunt. Your bullshit reeks of jealousy and oozes penis envy.

July 27, 2015 8:52 am

Stucky -I wish flash would plant 75 thumbs down on each of cuntfuk Robert S. Finnegan’s posts.

I can’t Stuck , thanks to your leading me to see the error of my evil deed…I’m a now doing penance and will self- flagellation as soon as my cat-o-nine tails arrives UPS from Amazon.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 9:06 am

Money, or in this case loss thereof talks. Speaks volumes as a matter of fact. So does exposure. A little taste of both on the way, admin will not be pleased with the trolls as they will eat into donations.

Boner appetit, inbreds!

In the old newspaper days there was a saying: Never fuck with a guy that buys his ink by the barrel. Guess these days it’s 0’s and 1’s. Whatever. The effect is the same.

July 27, 2015 12:02 pm
Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 2:17 pm


Write the winning headline for the upcoming 5th Estate report and photo caption for the above image (West Philly Christmas Card Photo) and win fabulous prizes!

1ST PLACE : An all expense trip to the Martin Luther King Jr. Library in Washington DC!

2D PLACE : An all expense paid trip to Rabun County Georgie and tour of the former set of the movie “Deliverance,” to be conducted by in person Ned Beatty! The 2D Place winner will also get the chance to compete in the annual Georgia “Squeal Like A Pig” contest!

Send you entries to: Headline Contest – Attn: Racist shitbag troll editor.



Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 2:22 pm

This is a classic example of why Admin usually controls trolls on a website, and why comment disclaimers were invented.

It is also why retractions are printed for publishing lies and slander. They cost money.

July 27, 2015 4:42 pm

Fuck! Bobby’s still trolling for a dick to suck huh? Hardly surprising.

I trembled all night waiting for you to come blow me away Bobby. Or was that BLOW ME? What happened? You’re a real disappointment there cock gobbler. After you show up and blow me I think use my dick to put big cock shaped bruises all over your head.

The best part of you ran down your mamas leg Bobby Boy.

Bobby and his butt buddies coming to blow me:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 5:06 pm

You had your chance Admin.

July 27, 2015 5:15 pm

Bobby Boy threatening admin:

[imgcomment image[/img]

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 5:21 pm

Money money money…

Quinn later moved to the midday slot at WTAE radio, an adult contemporary station in Pittsburgh, under the aegis of General Manager, Ted Atkins (“Captain Showbiz”). In 1983, he became half of “The Quinn and Banana Show” on B-94 FM, which ran in Pittsburgh, PA, until 1993. Their format was bathroom humor. After a course of conduct, wherein they implied that News Director Liz Randolph was promiscuous, she sued the station and Quinn and Banana for defamation and sexual harassment. On Valentine’s Day, 1990, Ms. Randolph won on all counts, and a jury awarded her $694,000. Three years later, his FM morning show was canceled.

By 2008, Quinn’s extreme language had earned him notoriety; for example, the Bill Moyers Journal on PBS noted he regularly refers to the National Organization for Women as the “National Organization for Whores.”[3] The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that as of Monday, 11/18/13 Quinn has been dumped from the WPGB lineup.

July 27, 2015 5:30 pm

Finnegan is a dumbshit.

July 27, 2015 5:32 pm

Bobby is that a shower cap or are you a dickhead? I’m leaning toward dickhead. Not a good look BTW.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 5:32 pm

We’ll just see about that now, won’t we?

July 27, 2015 5:33 pm

You go Bobby! You’re on the right track. Aren’t his investigative skillz awesome? Try not to suck too many dicks along the way and get distracted now.

Robert S. Finnegan
Robert S. Finnegan
July 27, 2015 5:37 pm

I hear the giant sucking sound of donations being vacuumed from this website. Good job.