Via Monty Pelerin

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August 10, 2015 2:24 pm

People are so worried about minutia and absolute bullshit that they are hardly living ANY lives anymore.

I know way too many people whom’s existence begins and ends on FB, my sister actually feels that I must not want to be included in her life because I refuse to use FB as a telephone to the people I love.

If our grid goes down for any amount of time, or experiences huge lapses of operation, a full 50% of our society is going to go full retard and freak the hell out.

Think cigarettes are addicting? Phone addicts check their phones 10x more often than smokers light up.

Just wait until 50% of the population, including those in our own homes/families, lose their ever loving shit.

Epic, it is going to be EPIC. And not in a good way.

May we lead interesting lives, indeed.

August 10, 2015 2:43 pm

smart phones are the greatest invention of all time

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 10, 2015 3:08 pm

Most interesting thing in that picture… grandma. She’s the person I’d most like to talk with.

August 10, 2015 3:11 pm

T4c, smart phones are amazing. It’s not an either/or zero sum equation. I lead a very full life, full of people, full of activity, full of culture, and I’m outdoors for hours every day. And I have a phone/email/ GPS/camera/movie camera/watch/calculator/alarm clock/weather radar/internet browser/flashlight in my pocket all the time. Where is the downside?

August 10, 2015 3:49 pm

@starfcker – When used as a tool, there is no downside. The smartphone, wireless technology, and the endless information of the internet is one of the most impressive accomplishments of mankind over the last 40 years.

Unfortunately, a lot of people use it as a replacement for their otherwise drab and seemingly pointless life.

With endless information came endless entertainment. Witlessly staring into the screen for hours on end, I’ve watched my brother-in-law and his friends sit in a room “hanging out” while every last one of them is messing with their phone, occasionally reading the others some joke they found online.

Whatever happened to drinking beer and getting into meaningless fights?

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
August 10, 2015 3:50 pm

Grandma has more knowledge in her little finger than all of them put together……..she probably wishes they would go home, I know I would.

August 10, 2015 4:21 pm

I still had a “flip phone” up until a few months ago and I only bought a SP because I was going on a trip overseas and the flip phone wasn’t an international phone. So now I have a SP –yeah– whoop-Dee-doo I still only use the ‘Phone function’, all the rest of the thousands of things it can do, I have no clue and could care less.

Slightly off topic I know, but any way, some years ago I had a neighbor, a little old lady that had no family except a niece that rarely ever visited. But when the niece did visit she would always come with her kids. And the way the old neighbor lady would tell it the second the kids came in the house they would start whining about how they wanted to leave. “There’s nothing to do here. Why do we have to stay so long? Can’t we go?”

When the old lady died she left everything to some neighborhood church that she had visited once or twice that had welcomed her like she was family. She left nothing to the niece and kids.

August 10, 2015 4:45 pm

Point taken

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 10, 2015 5:24 pm

Phones don’t have brains and now I’m wondering about their owners

D. B. Cooper
D. B. Cooper
August 10, 2015 8:46 pm

I don’t own a phone, just a land line. So I’m with those who would gravitate towards Ganny .

Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
August 10, 2015 10:23 pm

Such a disgusting and sad image.

People are such great stores of knowledge and you don’t have to waste gigabits of data or recharge.

I was blessed to be able to talk with my grandfather quite a bit and learn of his experiences no piece of shit smart phone candy crush game could ever come close to filling.

His stories of being in the 37th infantry division from WV in WW1, gassed and wounded in the Meuse-Argonne at his artillery battery.

His stories as a Sargent first class in the Marines in China in the late 1920’s in Shanghai were the best. He loved the station.

I still have his original WW1 Army field uniform, his Marine Corps blues and a custom embroidered Marine blanket with a custom silk dragon.

His discussions and thoughts on the great depression and how the bank went bust and lost the families money after they sold the farm.

Better than any piece of shit App if you ask me.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 11, 2015 7:25 am

This is directly related to the other piece about teenagers not being part of the work force.

Yesterday I spent the day using a half dozen different tools- wire cutters, crimpers, ratchet, hammer drill, saw and a shovel. The14 year old neighbor kid working with me used to be one of those I-drones who constantly gazed into his device until this Summer. I let him drive the pickup truck, ride a dirt bike and use power tools so he spends all his free time up here now practicing these skills.

I notice he seems a lot happier, he stands up taller and he’s learned how to do a bunch of stuff that he can use the rest of his life on his own projects, for his own benefit. He’s been a help to me, improved the farm, earned a few bucks (and more than a few packages of grass-fed meat for the grill) and built his confidence doing something he can point at years from now when he’s a grown man and say “I did that”.

That’s what’s missing- adults spending time showing young people how to be productive and how to interact with other people. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading, writing and sharing my thoughts and ideas with other people via the Internet, but it if it was gone tomorrow it wouldn’t leave a ripple in our lives- people have forgotten that it’s just a tool, not a lifestyle.

Send Granny to us. We’ll talk to her while she puts up dilly beans.

August 11, 2015 7:30 am

Ther you go Admin. That is why teens aren’t working. Old farts that visit TBP a lot as well.

August 11, 2015 7:43 am

T4C said:
“If I unintentionally found myself lost I hope my iPhone will help me in being found or finding my way back.”

Why not get yourself a Boy Scout manual and learn how to never get lost and find your way home if you do get lost? Hope is what Obama promised. Hope should not be used to save your life.

August 11, 2015 7:58 am

You guys remember the movie “Wall-E”?

Our current situation reminds me of when Wally ends up on the ship and you see what the humans have been up to…

Every single one of them is a fuckin’ blob. They’re plugged into some networking shit and only talk to one another via a video link. Practicing your golf swing is sitting and watching some robot do it for you.

At one point, the pleasant female overhead voice says “Try Blue! It’s the “New Red”!”…. everyone says “OOooohhhhhh!” and pushes a button and all of their outfits swap from red to blue. Or something like that.

At some point, one of the humans who has been shaken out of their stupor and finally disconnects from the iCrap looks up… “I didn’t know we had a pool!” Lived their whole life right next to it, didn’t even know it was there…

I don’t own iCrap. Never will own iCrap. I don’t do Facespook. Or send out Twats… tweets… twerps? Whatever… I’ve never taken a “selfie” – all my photos are of other people and things. Why would I want pictures of me?

The Asteroid of Doom can’t hit soon enough…

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 11, 2015 8:18 am

Billy’s tone has taken a dark turn recently. Of course, he’s still a master when it comes to word play – ‘twats…tweets…twerps?’ LOLO I just can’t get enough.

But now he’s obsessed with getting revenge on the Republican party and demonizing people that use smartphones and ‘Facespook’ (get it, I mean really, how does he come up with this stuff?). He slammed the door on our trailer so hard the other it day it fell off and then he yelled at me ‘I don’t WANT to lose my negative psychological attachments’. Hearing that almost broke my heart.

August 11, 2015 8:31 am

Billy said:
“The Asteroid of Doom can’t hit soon enough… ”

I see you’ve crossed over to the dark side. Welcome.

August 11, 2015 10:08 am

While there’s no such thing as “everybody”, for many smartphone users it’s a case of strong thumbs, weak minds.

August 11, 2015 11:30 am

TPC says, “…Whatever happened to drinking beer and getting into meaningless fights?…” MAD, DARE, Reagan, being arrested because you “might” commit a crime, the war on personal rights, do I need to go on?

I, too, have a smartphone, and a kindle hd ($79, I couldn’t say no) and, of course, my laptop. And, I, too, was very, very addicted to the internet for a few years, but now I try and limit my shiny screen time.

Thanks to middle age (and computer usage, sunglasses) I can barely read most crap on my phone without my readers anyway. But I love being able to look up item reviews while standing in the store, or using the GPS to find the fastest/shortest ways in and out (was so helpful with a very back road/off beaten way that shaved 20 minutes off an 1 1/2 drive when my dad was in the hospital).

The problem, as with most humans, is our unique ability to become obsessed with things that keep us excited/interested. Ok, it isn’t really unique, there are some animals that exhibit the same traits.

And this addiction is the exact reason why trying to police morality, in the name of public health and safety, will NEVER work.

We are born ready to become addicted to things. There are few, if any, people I’ve ever known that have zero addiction triggers in their lives – well, as long as those people were being honest with themselves.

Throw in the chemical lobotomies that we have been mandating for the past two generations and it shouldn’t take a genius.

Wall-E, like Idiocracy, were not supposed to be documentaries, but both are turning into them.

August 11, 2015 2:38 pm


Truly. I have fully embraced the The Doom (not the game. It’s a proper noun at this point) as our only saving grace. That someday, some huge catastrophe will befall us and the dazed survivors – after a allowing for only the smartest, toughest and most ruthless to make it – will realize that the way we were doing things prior to The Doom was fuckin’ stupid and collectively vow to never repeat that shit…

The fucktards – as evidenced by BW – the willfully oblivious, the drooling idiots… they all need to go. In an earlier age, I would have not only been allowed, but encouraged, to cut him apart bit by bit, then feed him his own testicles.