“What about black brutality?” — Viral rant by a black woman

An African-American woman’s rant about the hypocrisy which plagues the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement has gone viral.

Peggy Hubbard, who lives just across the river from St. Louis in Belleville, Illinois, slams BLM for tearing up communities in response to a thug being shot dead by police while ignoring the issue of black on black violence that led to the death of a 9-year-old girl in Ferguson.

Hubbard began by talking about the aftermath of the police shooting of 18-year-old Mansur Ball-Bey, who reportedly pointed a handgun at officers while he was fleeing a crack house in north St. Louis on Wednesday.

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The Ultimate In Doom Porn: China Invades the USA

Holy Shit.  Doesn’t get much Doomier than this …….. IF it’s credible (which I doubt).


The Chinese Plan To Occupy America


(Davie Hodges)  Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, is stating that based on evidence derived from Chinese dissidents, that the Chinese, in response to the American space-based attack upon Tianjin, will launch a three-pronged attack from the United States from 7,000 miles away. The attack will consist of the following strategies:

Layer #1) An attack on the dollar and U.S. debt instruments.

Layer #2) A massive cyber warfare attack on the U.S. infrastructure.

Layer #3) An attack on U.S. military satellites to maximize the disruption of military communications, banking transactions, emergency services and other systems that depend on satellite communications.

I have written extensively on how the Chinese have already demonstrated the ability to engage in attacks, upon American, in all three domains described above. Mike Adams assertion that the Chinese are capable of, and will employ, attack strategies from all three of these areas is correct and have already happened, at least in a Beta test mode.

I need no convincing that Mike Adams is correct, but I do not believe that these three areas of attack represent an end game strategy and I am not sure that Mike believes that either. I have a slightly different take as I am convinced that these attacks are the military equivalent of a long-range military bombardment designed to weaken American for the final kill. The utilization of these three modes of attack can and will bring America to her knees as the economy is collapsed. The three pronged attack will be followed up by Chinese occupation troops.

The Effects of a Three-Pronged Chinese Attack

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Maybe they aren’t all so good. I guess all of our wars don’t keep our soldiers totally occupied. They seem to have time for cheating on their wives. I can’t wait for a high level politician to be revealed. It’s just a matter of time, because we all know psychotic politicians are lowlife, slimeballs, with no morality or care for right or wrong. Cheating and lying are their lives.


Guest Post by Rob Price

Compromising details on thousands of military personnel have reportedly been leaked in the huge Ashley Madison hack

It includes everything from email addresses and financial information to sexual fantasies. In short, it’s a blackmailer’s paradise.

And according to one researcher, who goes by the Twitter handle t0x0pg, the dump contains more than 15,000 US military and governmental email addresses.

Most of these are military in nature: There are 6,788 us.army.mil addresses, for example, another 1,665 navy.mil ones, and 809 usmc.mil. Some of these may well be fake, and security researcher Graham Cluley points out that Ashley Madison doesn’t verify email addresses used to sign up (“so I could have created an account at Ashley Madison with the address of [email protected], but it wouldn’t have meant that Obama was a user of the site”).

Nonetheless, the sheer volume of military email addresses very strongly suggests that highly private information on many thousands of military personnel has been leaked online. Business Insider has not yet independently authenticated these findings.

Continue reading “A FEW GOOD MEN???”

The Federal Reserve is Not Your Friend

Guest Post by Rand Paul & Mark Spitznagel

Imagine that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was a corporation, with its shares owned by the nation’s major pharmaceutical companies. How would you feel about the regulation of medications?  Whose interests would this corporation be serving? Or suppose that major oil companies appointed a small committee to periodically announce the price of a barrel of crude in the United States. How would that impact you at the gasoline pump?

Such hypotheticals would strike the majority of Americans as completely absurd, but it’s exactly how our banking system operates.

The Federal Reserve is literally owned by the nation’s commercial banks, with a rotation of the regional Reserve Bank presidents constituting 5 of the 12 voting members of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the body that sets targets for certain interest rates. The other 7 members of the FOMC are the D.C.-based Board of Governors—which includes the Fed chairperson, currently Janet Yellen—and are nominated by the President. The Fed serves its owners and patrons—the big banks and the federal government, while the rest of Americans get left behind.

The Federal Reserve has the ability to create legal tender through mere bookkeeping operations. By the simple act of buying, for example, $10 million worth of bonds, the Federal Reserve literally creates $10 million worth of money and adds it into the system. The seller’s account goes up by $10 million once the Fed’s monies are received.  Nobody’s account gets debited for $10 million. This is a tremendous amount of power for an institution to possess, and yet the Fed shrouds itself in secrecy and is accountable to no one.

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Crippling Technology

Guest Post by Eric Peters

So much would be possible – if it weren’t for the government.'85 Civic

Government, remember, is not composed of experts in much of anything – except control and manipulation. Politicians and bureaucrats are not people who do things.

They force others to do things.

In the car world, you have the ridiculous spectacle of non-engineer mechanical imbeciles dictating functional parameters of engine design to people who actually do know how a four-stroke engine works, the meaning of stoichiometry; who understand that there is an inherent conflict between fuel economy and “safety.” That the more a car is designed to meet the first objective, the less it will meet the second.

And the reverse.


The engineers are told to deliver both in equal measure – and we end up with cars that are heavy and thirsty.

It’s a tragedy – a comic one, when you put it in context.'15 Civic

Here we are – almost 2016 – and the typical new car is about as economical to drive as the typical car of 1985. This is hard to believe, but you should believe it because it’s true. The typical car of the early-mid-1980s was averaging mid-high 20s – just like today. There were numerous models available that approached or even exceeded 40 MPG on the highway. A few (like the diesel-powered VW Rabbit) got into the 50s.

They did this without direct-injection or even port fuel-injection. Many still had carburetors. Eight and nine-speed transmissions (with the top three gears being overdrives) were unheard of. Most automatics of this era had four speeds. Some still had just three.

But the one thing the cars of that era did have was less weight – about 500-800 pounds less of it, on average, than comparable cars have today. And the sole and only reason for all this additional weight is the increased demand for “safety” eructing from the solons in Washington. Well, so we must presume. Because the people who actually buy the cars were never offered the free choice. It would be interesting to find out what they’d choose if they did have that choice.

Continue reading “Crippling Technology”


Every day I look at the gas price sign at the Exxon as I get on the Northeast Extension of the Turnpike. It just sits there at $2.64 per gallon. It has been in that general vicinity for weeks. Then I think to myself WTF. I know oil prices have been plunging for the last two months. Where’s my fucking savings!!!

I’m tired of the bullshit about refinery maintenance, summer driving, and all the other made up excuses for why gas prices aren’t falling. Oil prices today are under $41 per barrel. They have fallen 33% since June 24. National gas prices are actually higher today than they were in early August. Gas prices have only fallen a minuscule 5% since June 24. 

When oil prices rise, gas prices shoot up instantaneously. I want my fucking savings and I want it now!!!

Who do I see about this?

Hillary: Nominee or Indictee?

Hillary: Nominee or Indictee?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

While perhaps too early for Democratic elites to panic and begin bailing out on Hillary Clinton’s campaign as a doomed vessel, they would be well advised not to miss any of the lifeboat drills.

For Hillary’s campaign is taking on water at a rate that will sink her, if the leakage does not stop, and soon.

Initially, the issue of Hillary and the emails she sent and received as secretary of state seemed too wonkish, too complex, too trivial a matter to sink a candidacy as strong as hers.

Her nomination was considered as assured as any since Vice President Richard Nixon ran unopposed in 1960.

But since it was revealed that as secretary of state she used a private server for her emails, located in her home in Chappaqua, the bleeding of public trust has been unabated.

Her tortured explanation as to why she installed her own server only raised suspicions. Her erasure of 30,000 “personal emails,” her initial refusal to turn her server over to State, her denials she ever received confidential information, her wiping of the server clean, her stonewalling, have all ravaged her reputation for truthfulness. And truthfulness was never Bill or Hillary’s long suit.

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Cocaine Dealer Most Upstanding Guy Wall Street Broker Knows

NEW YORK—Highlighting the man’s trustworthiness, even temperament, and overall decency, Wall Street broker Simon Hansen revealed to reporters Monday that his cocaine dealer, Tim Arndt, is easily the most upstanding person he knows. “Tim’s a real professional, no question—he’s the only person I know who’s always there for me when I need him—but what really sets him apart is what a good guy he is,” said the Goldman Sachs financial specialist, admitting that of all the colleagues, clients, and acquaintances he interacts with in Lower Manhattan, the man who regularly supplies him with narcotics is, by and large, the most genuine and unselfish person in his life. “I have some coworkers and a few buddies from other firms that I like hanging out with, but if I had to point to one person as the most honest and dependable in my life, I really would have to say Tim. He’s just straightforward and treats you with respect, and doesn’t go behind anyone’s back or anything. I can’t say I’ve met too many people like that.” At press time, Hansen was attempting to pay Arndt only $50 for $80-worth of cocaine and pocket the rest of the cash for himself.

Via The Onion

Philadelphia Cop Kills Dog by Running it Over In Front of Owner, Then Tells Her It “Isn’t a Child, It’s Just a Dog”



On August 9, a Philadelphia police officer ran over a woman’s beloved pet dog as the woman watched, telling her that “it’s just a dog,” as the woman sobbed and held her companion’s dying body.

Sidara D. Son was hanging out with friends and her dog, Phoebe, in her yard when they saw Sargeant Chad Culbreath (35th Precinct, Badge #3207) speeding down their street.  Believing that he was driving too fast through the residential neighborhood, they attempted to get his attention so they could ask him to slow down.

Unfortunately, as this was happening, the friend who was holding Phoebe lost their grip and the dog ran into the street.  According to a blog post about the incident, Sargeant Culbreath sped up his car and deliberately ran Phoebe down as well as almost hit the person who was trying to grab her.

As Son ran into the street and held her bloody and broken dog, she cried out to the officer’s asking them what if it had been a child.  The officer coldly responded that it “isn’t a child, it’s just a dog.”

To make matters worse, the heartless cop threatened to arrest her as she mourned in the street.  As Son pleaded with the officer to let her take Pheobe to a vet, he refused to allow her to leave and called for backup.  Five more police vehicles arrived and blocked off her street.

Continue reading “Philadelphia Cop Kills Dog by Running it Over In Front of Owner, Then Tells Her It “Isn’t a Child, It’s Just a Dog””