Stucky Sunday Sermon (SSS): Were You Exploited In Church Today?

Want proof that the USA!USA!USA! is a nation of suckers?  Watch the video below.  These people are worse than the maroons whom Mark Dice interviews.

Televangelists and their “churches” rake in hundreds of millions of dollars from their ignorant flock all hoping to receive a “blessing” from da Lawd.  All of it, tax free.

How come China doesn’t have Buddhist televangelists promising health, wealth, and prosperity?  Cuz, only in ‘Murika …

I wonder how many TBP suckers, errrr worshippers, went to this type of church this morning.  Speak up, and tell us about how da Lawd blessed yeeew today!

C’mon, I know it’s a 20 min video, but you should watch it … cuz there’s some hilarious stuff there!


Krugman’s Dopey Diatribe Deifying The Public Debt

Actually, dopey does not even begin to describe Paul Krugman’s latest spot of tommyrot. But least it appear that the good professor is being caricaturized, here are his own words. In a world drowning in government debt what we desperately need, by golly, is more of  the same:

That is, there’s a reasonable argument to be made that part of what ails the world economy right now is that governments aren’t deep enough in debt.

Yes, indeed. There is currently about $60 trillion of public debt outstanding on a worldwide basis compared to less than $20 trillion at the turn of the century. But somehow this isn’t enough, even though the gain in public debt——-from the US to Europe, Japan, China, Brazil and the rest of the debt-saturated EM world—–actually exceeds the $35 billion growth of global GDP during the last 15 years.

But rather than explain why economic growth in most of the world is slowing to a crawl despite this unprecedented eruption of public debt, Krugman chose to smack down one of his patented strawmen. Noting that Rand Paul had lamented that 1835 was the last time the US was “debt free”, the Nobel prize winner offered up a big fat non sequitir:

Wags quickly noted that the U.S. economy has, on the whole, done pretty well these past 180 years, suggesting that having the government owe the private sector money might not be all that bad a thing. The British government, by the way, has been in debt for more than three centuries, an era spanning the Industrial Revolution, victory over Napoleon, and more.

Neither Rand Paul nor any other fiscal conservative ever said that public debt per se would freeze economic growth or technological progress hard in the horse and boggy age. The question is one of degree and of whether at today’s unprecedented public debt levels we get economic growth—–even at a tepid rate—–in spite of rather than because of soaring government debt.

A brief recounting of US fiscal history leaves little doubt about Krugman’s strawman argument.  During the eighty years after President Andrew Jackson paid off the public debt until the eve of WWI, the US economy grew like gangbusters. Yet the nation essentially had no debt, as shown in the chart below, except for temporary modest amounts owing to wars that were quickly paid down.

In fact, between 1870 and 1914, the US economy grew at an average rate of 4% per year——the highest and longest sustained growth of real output and living standards ever achieved in America either before or since. But during that entire 45 year golden age of prosperity, the ratio of US public debt relative to national income was falling like a stone.

In fact, on the eve of World War I, the US had only $1.4 billion of debt. That is the same figure that had been reached before the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.

That’s right. During the course of four decades, the nominal level of peak Civil War debt was steadily whittled down; the Federal  budget was in balance or surplus most of the time; and at the end of the period a booming US economy had debt of less than 5% of GDP or about $11 per capita!

Continue reading “Krugman’s Dopey Diatribe Deifying The Public Debt”


“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”

Charles Mackay

“In reading The History of Nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities, their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.”

Charles Mackay

“Nations, like individuals, cannot become desperate gamblers with impunity. Punishment is sure to overtake them sooner or later.”

Charles Mackay


The Fed Is Bluffing

Interest Rates Won’t Rise in 2015

The Janet Yellen Fed will not raise interest rates in any meaningful way anytime soon. Instead, she will announce new QE programs. On Wednesday, red was showing up just about everywhere – U.S. stocks, European stocks, Asian stocks, emerging markets stocks, crude oil… but it could have been worse…

U.S. stocks recovered some of their losses for the day, after the minutes of the most recent Fed meeting showed Yellen and team still won’t pull the trigger on a rate hike until certain unspecified conditions are met.

According to the Fed, the conditions for a rate increase are “approaching” but haven’t been met yet. Well, guess what… Conditions will never be met.


dudeThey’ll just drop in to see what condition our condition is in

Image credit: Ethan Coen


Market Morphine

It doesn’t work that way. This economy will never recover – not as long as it is under the current Keynesian management. It is like a patient attended by quack doctors – doomed to get sicker from their quack “cures.” Today’s economy depends on large doses of cheap credit…

Continue reading “The Fed Is Bluffing”

7 Million People Haven’t Made A Single Student Loan Payment In At Least A Year

Tyler Durden's picture

Perhaps it’s all the talk about across-the-board debt forgiveness or maybe the total amount of outstanding student debt has simply grown so large ($1.3 trillion) that even those with no conception of how much money that actually is realize that it’s simply never going to paid back so there’s no point worrying about, but whatever the case, the general level of concern regarding America’s student debt bubble doesn’t seem to be at all commensurate with the size of the problem.

And it’s not just the sheer size of the debt pile that’s worrisome. There’s also the knock-on effects, such as delayed household formation and the attendant downward pressure on the homeownership rate, and of course hyperinflation in the rental market.

Of course one reason no one is panicking – yet – is that the severity of the problem is masked by artificially suppressed delinquency rates. As we’ve documented in excruciating detail, if one excludes loans in deferment and forbearance from the numerator in the delinquency calculation, but includes those loans in the denominator then the delinquency rate will be deceptively low. In any event, as WSJ reports, even if one looks at something very simple like, say, the number of borrowers who haven’t made a payment in a year, the picture is not pretty and it’s getting worse all the time. Here’s more:

Continue reading “7 Million People Haven’t Made A Single Student Loan Payment In At Least A Year”

Dow 5,000? Yes, it could happen


Such a scenario can’t be completely ruled out

Don’t be surprised if stock markets stabilize or bounce back in the next couple of days. Markets are due at least a short-term rally after this week’s dramatic plunge. This usually happens after a sell-off, no matter what the next big move is going to be. It doesn’t mean anything.

But anyone who automatically assumes this is another easy “buying opportunity” is talking nonsense.

For the past couple of years, Wall Street’s perma-bulls have had it their way. They’ve been gloating openly as stocks went up and up and up, seemingly without pause.

It got to the point that those warning about valuations and danger signs had been mocked into silence — or were simply ignored.

Not now.

I don’t mean to be alarmist or to induce panic, but someone needs to tell the public that there is a plausible scenario in which the U.S. stock market now collapses by another 70% until the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls to about 5,000. The index tumbled more than 3% to 16,460 on Friday.

Dow 5,000? Really?

For 30 years, stock prices have been increasingly boosted by financial factors: collapsing interest rates and Federal Reserve manipulation, culminating most recently in ‘quantitative easing.’

I’m not predicting that will happen, but contrary to what the bulls tell you, it cannot be completely ruled out.

And even if that ranks as an outlier and a worst-case scenario, there are other, more likely scenarios where the Dow falls to somewhere between 10,000 and 12,000.

Continue reading “Dow 5,000? Yes, it could happen”


At least the German bankers didn’t have to record any losses for their bad loans.

Police used stun grenades against the crowd as hundreds of refugees breached police lines. Migrants are being held behind barbed wire on the Greek side of the border with Macedonia. Macedonia has declared a state of emergency on its southern and northern borders over a surge in migrants and refugees. READ MORE:

A Young Man Was Supposed To Be Married Today. Instead, He Will Be Buried.

In October 2007, Solomon Chau celebrated his 19th birthday in Ontario with friends. It was by pure chance that Jenn was visiting a friend, and that she wound up at Solomon’s party. Jenn would catch Sol’s eye … and two months later Sol took a more-than-three-hour bus ride around Lake Ontario during a snowstorm in December just to show up at her door and ask her out.

By spring of 2014, Sol organized a flash mob in the plaza beneath Toronto’s CN Tower and proposed to Jenn. Of course, she accepted.


The wedding was scheduled for TODAY — August 22, 2015. Instead, today is his funeral.

You see, in December 2014, Sol was diagnosed with liver cancer. Within 48 frantic hours, he was rushed into surgery. The doctors were able to remove the tumor which was poisoning his liver. By New Year’s Day, it seemed that everything was all right.

Except that it wasn’t. In March 2015 the cancer returned. Sol and Jenn were told that the ending was inevitable.

The story doesn’t end quite yet.

The city of Toronto rallied together behind the couple and surprised them with an unforgettable wedding on April 11, 2015. In just three days more than $50,000 was raised on GoFundMe to throw Sol and Jenn a lavish wedding. Expensive wedding vendors such as Boundless Wedding Videos (the video below), Red Earth Photography, and Liberty Entertainment Group volunteered their services free of charge.

Sol and Jenn look so happy. But, I wonder what it must feel like … to marry the love of your life, while knowing you’ll be dead a few months later. The wedding party and guests were in high spirits. Sometimes, even in the face of tragedy, it is the only thing one can be.

Today, Jenn is burying her husband of 128 days. Sometimes, life just isn’t fair.



Well if this isn’t an editorial cartoon played out in real life. So is that dude just lazy or is Walmart that bad to work for? True art makes you question things….So I hear. I still think movie posters are decoration, so what the hell do I know?


It’s like you forget they don’t know they’re doing it. I mean, come on. If my socks aren’t covering enough ankle I know it, you can be damn sure if my ass cheeks were hanging out that I’m well aware of the situation.

Continue reading “WAL-MART FREAKS OF THE WEEK”


“He simplified the confused and puzzling nature of the age. He told his audience in a clear and simple way what the man in the street had long thought, but did not have the courage to express. He said what everyone thought and felt. More than that, he had the public courage more than anyone else to say with a simple logic what had to be done.”

Joseph Goebbels, Der Führer als Redner