Obama Promised Healthcare Premiums Would Fall $2,500 Per Family; They Have Climbed $4,865

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

How’s that Obamacare working out for you? That’s what I thought.

Considering that pretty much every single thing Obama promised when he was running for President turned out to be an outright lie, we shouldn’t be surprised this is also the case when it comes to his so-called “signature achievement.” Before getting into the meat of this post, let’s take a trip down memory lane and watch a video clip of Obama on the 2008 campaign trail.

As you can see, he didn’t just say it once or twice. He said it over, and over and over again. Now here’s what actually happened.

From Investors Business Daily:

Employer-based health insurance premiums climbed 4.2% this year for family plans, according to an annual Kaiser Family Foundation report. That’s up from 3% the year before.


Since 2008, average family premiums have climbed a total of $4,865.


The White House cheered the news, saying it was a sign of continued slow growth in premium costs.


“We will start,” Obama said back in 2008, “by reducing premiums by as much as $2,500 per family.”


And Obama wasn’t talking about government subsidized insurance or expanding Medicaid or anything like that. He specifically focused on employer provided health care.


For “people who already have insurance, and the employers who are providing it,” he said at one campaign event, “we will work to lower your premiums by up to $2,500 per family.”

“We screwed some folks.”

*  *  *

For related articles, see:

Yep, You Guessed It – Obamacare Website Funneling Private Consumer Info to Private Companies

Video of the Day – Obamacare Architect Credits “Lack of Transparency” and “Stupidity of the American People” for Passage of Healthcare Law

ObamaFraud: GAO Study Finds Almost All Fake Applicants are Approved for Subsidized ObamaCare

Serfs Up – Average Healthcare Premiums Have Soared 39%-56% Post Obamacare

Computer Security Expert Claims he Hacked the ObamaCare Website in 4 Minutes

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 25, 2015 2:46 pm

Yeah but look at all you’re getting for that measly $5,000/yr increase! Next year will be even better. Remember, Capitalism enslaves the workers and socialism breaks the chains and sets us free. Your reward for a good job is as always, less punishment.

September 25, 2015 2:54 pm

Quick (new) O’care nightmare/reality story.

In July I get an email from someone at my health insurance company (not the agent/broker, actual insurance company) and it contains multiple attachments (what’s new, feels like the paperwork is a never ending requirement even for a company with THREE employees). This email states that we are getting a “rebate” of 70-80% of our annual premiums paid for 2014.

I figured it was some new phishing scam and deleted it. Then I purged my account so that sender couldn’t spam me anymore.

In August my agent got a hold of me for both renewals and to tell me to contact the insurer, turns out if was legitimate after all.

So, gleefully awaiting this HUGE rebate, I open the (new) email, and the first paragraphs states that this “rebate” is ONLY for LARGE employers, so the unions and government mainly.

I call the (clueless) woman at the insurance company and ask her how I qualify when we have THREE employees? “In what universe is a group of three considered a “large” employer?”
“But you paid over $20,000 in premiums in 2014,”
“Yep, sure did, absolutely disgusting isn’t it, but that still doesn’t make me a “large” employer.”
“Oh, I have to talk to my supervisor and call you back.”

Needless to say I’m still waiting for the call back and explanation. Cripes.

This is what I know. My son’s girlfriend, because they aren’t married, and she is home taking care of their child with no government assistance, has to pay over $160 a month for a policy with a $5000 deductible that pays NOTHING except for birth control and the annual exam, no labs though, until the $5000 is made. They can’t afford it so pay the fine.

My sister whom works 24 hours a week and makes $10 an hour pays nothing for a policy that only pays for antibiotics and one doctor’s visit a year. Nothing else. If she gets cancer she may, or may not, qualify for medicare (-aid? never remember), same with my future daughter in law.

My own policy has gone from too expensive premiums with small co-pays if you used it, to way more expensive premiums and HUGE out of pockets. Basically we now pay, as a family, $1300 a month plus the first $7500/$15,000 of nearly every single doctor, hospital, or pharm bill.

Of course we all knew this was the real purpose of the bill. To DESTROY the private insurers while cementing the banksters, pharmaceuticals, and their colleges, and their government agencies, as the true winners of the system. Which means that most of them will survive when this system ultimately collapses and we go full European/can’t do basic math and do the single payer/government tax and waste and spend.

I am so damned grateful I removed myself from as much of the paradigm as I could. If I had my way I’d pay the damned fine and then go out and find a catastrophic policy as protection. As it is now I pay $15,600 and that is if I NEVER use the damned “insurance.”

Insanity at its finest. The implosion of this financial and expert-based house of cards is going to be nothing short of spectacular.

September 25, 2015 3:19 pm

Obviously it’s a lie.

Health care is a racket between doctors, hospitals, related service companies, insurers, and big pharma.

By insuring more people, and mandating health insurance, we have done nothing about the cost of medical care.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 25, 2015 4:10 pm

And that’s just the tip. (Now I’m two for two with the white girls bar joke).

September 25, 2015 4:56 pm

Hey, I bet if it wasn’t for Obamacare, the average would’ve gone up by $7365, so a $4865 increase is really a $2500 savings. This is how my pal Krugman explained it to me anyway. So, clearly Obamacare is a resounding success.

September 25, 2015 5:25 pm

There is still the question of millions missing from Michelle Obama Jarrett,her daughter.Never investigated never prosecuted.Further peddled as a blatant lie and behind closed doors WITH Congress, BIG PHARMA.,Must be irradicated,as BOcare will be used as weapon of mass destruction,redistrabution against middle class by our m Brotherhood pres.All illegals will get free everything as middleclass gets the bill in the form of high premiums and no care .

September 25, 2015 5:37 pm

Everyone i meet has told me about their premium going up,A high copay,Most say something like 7000.00. So it is like not having Insurance? You need to have major problems,Than pay out seven grand. Just dandy for the average broke American. Not one person has talked about saving money.

Phil from Oz.
Phil from Oz.
September 25, 2015 6:02 pm

Sorry, folks, but “Obamacare” is a complete success. The legislation has produced the exact, desired result.

Single-payer health care works very well indeed, so that ill NEVER happen in the USA, simply because those with the “Government’s ear” really don’t want single payer – they want (and have got) an Insurance cartel that charges what it likes – and gets away with it since it is backed by the “Government”.

Those who have “paid the Piper” (via bribes (“Campaign contributions”) / lobbying), expected, and received, the desired “return” on their “investment”. Just the same as we have all seen with the “Banking Industry” – no penalties at all for outright theft, running into the high billions of $$s, yet we regularly see the “ordinary people” being subjected to theft at gunpoint (“Asset Forfeiture”), and murder (’cause your Cops “felt threatened”!!), with either no, or very minor, consequences for those “doing the deed”.

Welcome to “Todays America” – where money and connections provide immunity from prosecution, whilst the “lesser mortals” are regarded as ripe for picking / abuse / murder by those who are “supposed” to “uphold the Law”.

September 25, 2015 7:17 pm

We insured some folks…

September 25, 2015 7:18 pm


So, I’m at my doctors last week and we are discussing whether or not I need to have an MRI to figure out what is happening with an injury to my hand. I asked my doctor if I could opt for, instead, a trip to Japan for my MRI as it would be cheaper to fly me to Japan, put me up in a nice resort for 3 days and then get my MRI as it would be to get it done locally. He just gave me a smirk so I let him know that I’ve already seen his (and most other doctors) replacement as I’ve worked within this last year for several companies that have replacements (to include surgery) robots just waiting to go.

I told him he had 5 years left at best and then he’d be “just like the rest of us”.

September 25, 2015 7:28 pm

Nickel Thrower , saw a sign the other day said…….Will work for medicine… Anyway

I warned you about obsessive compulsive masturbating but you’re hard headed like Stucky.

September 25, 2015 7:55 pm

This topic alone will start a political revolution among the sleeping middle class.

Phil from Oz.
Phil from Oz.
September 25, 2015 8:23 pm

Nickelthrower – purely as a matter of interest, how much would (will?) you be charged for a trip down the bore of the magnet?

It would be very interesting indeed to see if your “provider” provides a breakdown of the service costings too (e.g. Radiographer’s time, equipment time, and Radiologist’s time).

Here, the out of pocket cost for MRI imaging is nowadays not much greater than for CT a few years ago – usually less than $500 (AU), and if done in a Hospital MRI facility – there is no out of pocket charge.


Seems the US prices are pretty steep, for what is certainly a common imaging modality these days – http://www.comparemricost.com/, and the cost of CT-PET is VERY high – http://health.costhelper.com/pet-scans.html, especially when you consider the imaging equipment is cheaper (and has a lower running cost) than MRI, AND the bulk of the imaging is performed via 18F deoxyglucose (18FDG), which is not THAT costly to produce (and the capital equipment has a very long useful lifespan, again with not-so-high operating costs)

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 25, 2015 8:28 pm

What kind of fucked up system is it where you can’t even opt out? I should be able to skip health insurance, and hospitals should be allowed to tell me to go off and die if I don’t have the ability to pay. EMTALA was the first mistake.

September 25, 2015 8:54 pm

Obamacare is actually called the ‘Health Insurance Corporation Profit Protection Act‘. We got universal health insurance, not universal health care – because providing actual health care was not the goal.

In a completely unrelated point, Wikipedia has pages on knots:



fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 25, 2015 9:42 pm

i could go to VA and die in the waiting room. my preference is a morphine drip and i hold the booster button an fade away blissfully. since i have no assets it is a win win deal for the liberals, one less conservative male. yet i would be denied that one request meaning i may freeze to death without the yet to be invented log loader, maybe a female robot who cooks. and stokes the stove..

September 26, 2015 5:30 am

My Ambien cr went from five dollars a pill to sixteen per pill.Generic gives me restless leg.Easy to see the fox is in control now.What I’d like to know is when are the villagers going to get their pitchforks against Frankenstein?