The mainstream media was abuzz with the dramatic and dire warning from the WHO that red meat might possibly increase the risk of cancer. They fail to mention that breathing air, drinking water, walking down the street in sunlight and residing on this earth might also possibly increase the risk of cancer. It was nothing but meaningless drivel proclaimed by nameless, faceless government bureaucrats to promote fear among the ignorant masses. These press releases, based upon no hard scientific data or research, are designed to convince low IQ people to beg for more government control to save us from fearful red meat. And they continue to succeed smashingly.

My local news station had this as one of their top stories last night and was interviewing morons on the street. I swear to God, these people are beyond brain dead. They were very upset by the findings and one dumbass actually said the government needs to do more to protect us from red meat. I wonder why the WHO didn’t put out a report declaring that processed sludge foodstuff sold by the biggest corporations in America and killing far more people than red meat, is dangerous to our health? I wonder why they didn’t declare Monsanto a murderer with their GMO laced foods and pesticide ridden products?

The gullibility and stupidity of the average American cannot be underestimated. God Bless George Carlin.

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

Via Marketwatch

Red meat causes cancer


Getty Images

 If you’re a paleo fan or Atkins diet devotee — or simply a die-hard carnivore — you may be putting your life at risk, a new study reveals.

Eating processed meats like bacon, ham, hot dogs and sausage puts you at risk of getting cancer, according to a report released Monday by the World Health Organization. The WHO put processed meats — defined as meats that have been transformed through salting, curing, fermentation, smoking, or other processes to enhance flavor or improve preservation — in the highest of five categories in terms of their cancer-causing potential, along with cigarettes, arsenic, plutonium and asbestos.

What’s more, the organization says red meat is “probably carcinogenic to humans,” though this was based on more limited evidence. To reach these conclusions, the WHO reviewed more than 800 studies that investigated the association between more than a dozen types of cancer and the consumption of red meat or processed meat in many different countries.


Flying in the face of this evidence, there are studies that don’t show a link between meat eating and cancer, including a study of roughly 60,000 participants released last year that which showed that bowel cancer occurred at relatively similar rates among meat eaters and vegetarians. Plus, as the WHO notes, the cancer risk from consuming processed meat is low: “For an individual, the risk of developing colorectal cancer because of their consumption of processed meat remains small.”

The North American Meat Institute, in a statement issued today, said “scientific evidence shows cancer is a complex disease not caused by single foods and that a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices are essential to good health.”


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October 27, 2015 10:26 am


Here, read this article instead. Titled —- “EAT BACON, don’t jog and never eat fruit: Health guru reveals the 10 surprising ways YOU can shed the pounds and get fit”


October 27, 2015 10:29 am

Imo its easier to demonize and put an all out propaganda blitz for something people can no longer afford,meat-Inflation-it causes cancer!

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 27, 2015 10:30 am

Good fucking grief! Cancer is on the rise from all the biofucktates in the environment at large (air, water, soil), which then works it’s way into the food supply. It’s not the specific food group per se.

October 27, 2015 10:36 am

Newsflash: Being alive causes cancer.

Seriously, mutations at the cellular level happen all the time. Ask any physician if cancerous cells appear in the human body but don’t go metastatic? So, yeah, red meat may have an effect on cells, but so what? So do a lot of other things we put in our bodies on a regular basis.

Genetics, environmental exposure, pure luck, etc., all play a role, but am I going to give up my occasional blue cheese-stuffed, bacon-cheddar cheese burger with onion rings only to get run over by a drunk in the parking lot? Hell no!

“Everything in moderation…including moderation.”

October 27, 2015 10:36 am

1. WHO is a libtard fucknut organization hellbent on destroying the American way of life.

2. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE has any fucking idea regarding a DIRECT link between cancer and almost anything …. (cigarettes being the obvious exception)

3. “Scientists” have been DEAD WRONG about what foods cause cancer. They get a huge hit when they reveal the “secret” …. and slink back in their holes when they say “Oops”.

4. MSG, HFCS, white sugar, chemical colorings, and a list of ingredients in most foods that belong in a science lab …. worry more about THAT you cockfuk hypocrites

5. CuNNt and Fux ran with it all day also. Why? Cuz it’s fluff horseshit. They have NO interest in giving you real and truthful news you NEED.

6. MOOSLIMS and JOOS hate bacon. There is no better reason to eat it.

October 27, 2015 10:36 am


I tried a diet like that once, Atkins or Alzheimer’s or something like that. It was all the rage at the time a decade or so ago.

I came out of it 20 pounds heavier and developed a heart problem.

Don’t believe everything you read.

FWIW, I’ve come to believe that an excess of anything is bad for you and moderation in all things is good for you.

October 27, 2015 10:38 am

Stick it up your fagfuk asses WHO !!!

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 27, 2015 10:48 am


Our Gubbermint does it best, but no matter the source, the news media loves to exploit any sensationalist story.
Acid Rain, Ozone Hole, GloBull Warming, Alar scare (apples), many more but forgot the rest. NONE were/are proven.

BTW, the Ozone Hole is not a hole but a thinning of the lower layer – and it hasn’t changed since we got rid of the CFC’s – and the so-called ‘scientists’ are scratching their heads.


October 27, 2015 10:50 am


With all due respect, I neither said nor implied anything about Atkins. I think it’s a TERRIBLE diet … as is ANY scheme that focuses on one food group. Humans need a combination of Protein, Fats, and Carbs. Eliminating any one is idiotic, imho. As you say, moderation is key.

October 27, 2015 11:11 am

Let me know when the science is settled…..

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 27, 2015 11:38 am

nkit says: Let me know when the science is settled…..
Global warming causes cancer. There, the science is now settled.

October 27, 2015 11:47 am

Stucky…Atkins does eliminate any foods…you still eat carbs etc…it’s mainly a protein diet which you have to monitor to make sure your in the ketosis zone.

Oral sex causes cancer….I know 1st hand.

I eat a ton of fat,bacon etc…..my blood serum is 80.

Genetics is one the biggest clues as to how your body reacts to stuff and perhaps, how long you’ll live .

October 27, 2015 12:24 pm

Eat=Die. Cover from Science magazine I remember from the early 80’s when I was in college. It described the Ames test for carcinogenicity: if a chemical causes genetic mutation in bacteria then it has a higher likelihood of causing cancer in higher order animals. In other words mutagenicity is almost synonymous with carcinogenicity. Pretty much most foodstuffs cause mutation in high enough dose.
So if you don’t want cancer you have the option of starving. Seems to go along with advocates of low caloric diets and living longer. But then there is that whole question of quality of life…

harry p.
harry p.
October 27, 2015 12:55 pm

What drivel, only morons will take this “information” to heart.

This info comes from the same mindset that an average person should be eating half their calories from carbs (likely refined carbs at that).
I wonder if Denninger will write a rebuttal to this in his “Fork You” series.

October 27, 2015 1:09 pm

Read an article a couple weeks ago stating that taking vitamins causes cancer. No shit . The author was a PHD. I take vitamins every day. Herbs to .( green tea , milk thistle )

beebs cat
beebs cat
October 27, 2015 1:44 pm

Yet ur killen deh kitteh wid tunerphish. Whin u evah see a kitteh katch a tunerphish?

October 27, 2015 1:44 pm

The UN is run by Marxists and muslims. Marxists want the peasants to both lower their standard of living and be physically weak and muslims don’t want anyone having access to pork.

October 27, 2015 1:45 pm

Maybe the price of beef will finally come down a bit. Who would have thought the propagandists would actually be doing us a favor?

October 27, 2015 1:47 pm

Meanwhile, cows are dancing in the streets and celebrating the good news issued by WHO. Claiming that Red Meat Science is now settled, they are demanding their freedom and their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of greener pastures.

At Chik-fil-A headquarters in College Park, Georgia, leader Dan T. Cathy has likened the warning from the WHO to divine intervention affirming their decisions to remain closed on Sundays and their anti-same sex marriage agenda.

Eat Mor Chikin

October 27, 2015 1:49 pm

I see where this is going. They will be able to claim that the MacShitBurger with all the fillers of cardboard and sawdust and slime reduces the amount of red meat and is therefore over all a better product. Oh and we need to raise the price.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 27, 2015 1:52 pm

Good Newz Dreary Paranoid Drones!!!

Taco Bell doesnt serve taco meat. Itz true,

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
October 27, 2015 1:58 pm

They serve, wait for it, TACO FILLING! (less than 30% meat) so tread on down to the border and order a 12 pack of crap thru the screen door…its WHO APPROVED!

October 27, 2015 2:30 pm

So the study says that “To reach these conclusions, the WHO reviewed more than 800 studies that investigated the association between more than a dozen types of cancer and the consumption of red meat or processed meat in many different countries.”

OK, so correlation = causation. Using that logic, countries with leftist economic and social policies have higher rates of cancer, ipso facto, leftism causes cancer.

Some questions about the studies:
– Do they differentiate between grass fed beef, and feedlot raised beef? They have much different nutrional profiles.
– Do they control for char-grilled meats, where the carbon is known to be carcinogenic?
– Do they examine the connection between high glycemic load carbohydrates and prevalence of diabetes, metabolic disorders, and cancers? If not, why not?

After a quick google search, I found that Kuwait and Bahamas, which have the second and fourth highest rates of red meat consumption worldwide, don’t even make the top 50 for cancer rates. Shouldn’t this make the study authors curious?


October 27, 2015 2:44 pm

I think this is an exercise in damage control. The low fat narrative is just starting to be revealed for the sham it is, and people are angry. This is a last ditch attempt to scare the public away from a diet that would lower their dependence on the medical industry and achieve healthy weights. Karl Denninger ran an article not long ago where the FDA facebook page asked people to post their weight loss stories. Almost all the stories discussed using low-carb diets, which flew in the face of the advice the FDA gives on what a healthy diet should be. They know people are starting to catch on, and they’re afraid of losing their golden goose.

October 27, 2015 2:54 pm

In the hypocrite thread I mentioned how I eat carb-laden meals despite being a proponent of low-carb diets for most people. Let me qualify that by stating that I’m usually trying to GAIN weight. I lift weights and the carbs help replenish the muscle glycogen lost from a workout and help me build mass.

However, the bulk of my diet is low carb, and all my vitals are in the optimal range. Low blood pressure, low resting heart rate, high HDL, low triglycerides, low fasting glucose, etc. The only “bad” indicator is elevated LDL. But most likely it’s the larger LDL which is benign, not the VLDL which raises risk. The HDL to triglycerides ratio is a much more reliable indicator of cardiovascular risk, and I’m fine there. I’m also around 15% body fat per total weight.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 27, 2015 3:11 pm

There’s one food the World Health Organization enthusiastically endorses. It’s called Soylent Green.

October 27, 2015 3:32 pm

No mention about the SOURCE of the meat?? Probably the most important factor

October 27, 2015 3:44 pm

Yup…the era of misinformation is here. Full steam ahead…

October 27, 2015 3:58 pm

This sure was a blitz and highly successful; I saw this story plastered all over the place yesterday. My first inclination was to suspect either the poultry or pork industry was behind it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 27, 2015 4:01 pm

You beat me to the punch. I was writing an essay on this study and the connection between Agenda 21 and the WHO.

Say, have they done any studies on HFCS? GMO grains? Processed foods? How about vegan diets? Soybeans and soy products as a substitute for meat? Heavy metals in fish?

*cue the crickets and tumbleweeds

October 27, 2015 4:06 pm

Backtable says:
“Newsflash: Being alive causes cancer. ”

Hey! That could be my inroad to kicking off a successful “Extinction NOW!” campaign! The vast majority of sheople will submit to just about anything with the right slogan. It’s the outliers like INTJ’s that will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to truth.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 27, 2015 9:37 pm

There once was a bureaucrat named Pete,
Who liked telling people what to eat,
A cannibal did him in,
And said while wiping his chin,
Who cares about cancer, I like red meat!

October 28, 2015 12:30 am

Let’s see….in the 70’s it was coffee and sugar and cigarettes. In the 80’s it was eggs, salt, any kind of fat and the big boogieman: Cholesterol. Ooooo, that evil cholesterol…it’s everywhere and in everything. The only thing that’ll save you is whole grain cereals and wheat bread. Lot’s of fiber, that’s the ticket. The gym became the cool place to go and the ‘all natural’ bullshit started with food, then everything else.

In the 90’s the weight loss industry made billions and the home exercise equipment companies made a fortune selling people the most expensive clothes hangers in history. Here comes Whole Foods- a bigger pack of liars and con-artists the world has never seen. And here comes the ‘natural food’ aisle in supermarkets- another pile of bullshit. More books, more diets, same bullshit.

While all this healthiness is going on, a lot of the practitioners of this new religion are enhancing their lives with copious amounts of cocaine, booze, random sex and pot….that’s three out of four of my most favorite things in the world, right there.

My brother wants to live forever. Most of the fuckers who obsess over health matters want to live forever. My brother broke all the rules, smoked two packs a day, did all the drugs, banged all the women and tried to drink every last drop of booze in the world. Now he wants to live forever.

WHAT A PUSSY! He quit everything, but that’s not the bad part…..now he’s a born again non-smoker, non-drinker, non-glutton, non-everyfuckingthing. I’m just waiting for him to find Baby Jesus and become a true believer.

Just like these scared people who spend all day worrying about everything. Just live your life, do your thing and fuckall what people say. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone…do what ever the hell you want. Works for me!

October 28, 2015 3:56 am

I thought this was a story about my 11 1/2 inch python.

October 28, 2015 6:15 am

Like I always say – watch “Demolition Man” if you want to see the future…


October 29, 2015 8:42 am

This wouldn’t be the same WHO that snuck sterilization drugs into tetanus shots and ended up harming and killing a bunch of poor people in South America and Africa, would it?

How anyone can believe anything these corrupted and paid-for experts tell us is beyond me.

The latest stat I saw showed that cancer rates are now 1 out of 3. Thanks to the fact that an evergrowing percentage of us eat nothing but processed crap, how could a correlation be drawn between beef and cancer?

Even cigarettes may not be as deadly as we believe once you account for the MANDATED chemicals (untested/untried) added to them. Don’t blame the actual carcinogen, blame the tobacco which humans have been using for millennia. BTW, Natives used tobacco and had NO known cancer until us “smart” whites brought our way of life to them.

Every single one of us is a different machine. What works for you, maybe detrimental to me. These studies NEVER take that fact into account.

I, for nearly a full decade, followed their mandates and “rules” for “health.” The result was cholesterol that was off the charts, and I hadn’t consumed saturated fats in years, increasing weight, increasing illnesses, increasing blood pressure, increasing depression.

Follow these “experts” at your own risk. Keep in mind these are also the people that push diet pop on cancer patients even when other countries have banned the chemicals because they are known carcinogens and toxins.

And, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my “fellow” citizens will trod back to the polls and vote the SAME bastards that are being paid to cull us back into office.

The modern health paradigm is killing us. Partake, believe, follow and then be *shocked* when you end up the statistic.

October 29, 2015 8:46 am

Research Confirms Probiotics Support Immune System

Are You Getting Enough?

Probiotics are quickly becoming a recognized nutrient, simply because their health benefits are so vast and significant. Unfortunately, many people are going without notable consumption of probiotics. Why? Fermented foods are one of the largest food sources of probiotic bacteria, and most people simply aren’t opting for raw sauerkraut as their dinner side dish. The easiest way to receive beneficial bacteria is through a high-quality supplement, particularly one that combines a number of different strains. The strains mentioned above (L. rhamnosus, B. animalis, B. bifidum, and B. helveticus) are just a few to look for if you’re seeking a way to support your immune system. [4]


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