
Guest Post by Eric Peters

Free people don’t look for “leadership.” But that’s what every candidate for the presidency – regardless of partei – is offering to give them.leadership lead

Such people deserve what they will get.

They have, after all asked for it.

Most Americans do not know what the German word, fuhrer means.

It does not mean “Hitler.”

It means, leader.

Hitler was Der Fuhrer; the leader.

The Germans of the Hitler era loved having a leader. Being led.

And leading, too.

They even had an expression for it: fuhrerprinzip, the leadership principle. You obeyed your superiors and your subordinates obeyed you in turn – with the leader (Der Fuhrer) at the apex of the pyramid.

Americans today are like the Germans were.

Ready for a leader.Great Dictator image

And to be led.

The one requires the other.

This sickness in man was – is – not unique to Germans. It is a canker humanity picked up somewhere from ape to now that itches and comes to the surface regularly, pustulating and red. Germans (Prussians, to be precise about it) were particularly afflicted but the disease is easily spread.

Americans – who have become today’s Prussians – positively crave leadership. Decisiveness, but nor their own. To surrender to a superior will, kind of like you-know-who’s. It explains the almost orgiastic reaction of the audiences at Trump’s events. He is cocky, belligerent, abusive. A business suited version of you-know-who. A leader. He radiates the arrogance of someone who believes he has been anointed to tell others what to do. He is a Great Man.

And the people cheer.Donald Trump Addresses GOP Lincoln Day Event In Michigan

If you listen closely, you can hear the echoes of history; the stamping of feet, the hysterical shrieks of triumph and abasement. Our savior!

Unsere fuhrer...

The others are no better, just less charismatic.

The personally unpleasant Hillary Clinton is just as ready to provide leadership. Desperate to provide it. She, like Trump, knows just what to do.

And her supporters are just as desperate as Trump’s for her to get on with the business of doing it.

Ditto the rest of them. All with “plans” and practically bursting at the seams with eagerness to get their hands on the levers and dials of state power. They each know best.

Better than you, at any rate.Big Brother Hillary

Even Rand Paul – the “Libertarian” Republican – is ready to give you all the leadership you can stand. For instance, he wants to “save” and “fix” the greatest intergenerational wealth transfer scheme ever implemented (you know, Social Security) by double-defrauding younger workers for the benefit of the greedy geezers who demand “their” Social Security payola. Both groups will be told what they’ll do – and what they’ll get. There will not be a “no thanks, I’d rather provide for my own retirement” option. It is not open for discussion. The only debate is over what you’ll be told. Not whether you’ll be told.


Rand also “stands with Israel,” the lamprey on the flanks of the American taxpayer, which he describes as “America’s longtime friend and ally.”

Because, of course, he must.

Else he will not be allowed to provide leadership.leave alone pic

Regardless, leadership we will get. Whether from Trump, Hillary, Rand, Jeb or whoever turns out to be the next avatar of the vox populi.  They will natter amongst themselves, like vultures pecking at the corpse of a musk ox.

Which by the way is us.

There is no alternative to leadership in latter day Weimar America. No candidate running who not only doesn’t want to lead but also despises the idea of being followed.

The whole thing – running for office – necessarily excludes people who don’t want to perch on the corpse (so to speak) and tell you what to do … who have no interest in being told what to do. Such people have no interest in elections.

But – as in Germany all those years ago – such people are now in the minority.

The majority now wants what the Germans once wanted.

And, like them, they’re gonna get it.

But like the Germans of once-upon-a-time, they do not see themselves as the erectors of their own brick ovens (and yes, it will come to that – because it must come to that). When it is all over – if it ever is – they will look back and blame the leaders. Who told them what to do.sheep barred

After all, they were only following orders. Doing their jobs.

They are already saying such things, without the slightest trace or historical irony.

Even the chroniclers or once-upon-a-time missed this critical point. The saltpeter without which the gunpowder can’t be made: The people who demand leadership.

The leader – brownshirted or business-suited – is a non sequitur. The hole in the dam through which the water bursts.

It is the water that decides everything.

And the pressure is building.

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October 29, 2015 6:34 am

Good point… reminds me of someone else on here looking for a leader the other day.

I have found so many people who are appalled at the idea that there might be another way to look at Representative government. These people are not supposed to lead us… they are supposed to represent what best serves our nation’s interest and preserves our countrymen’s liberty.

May the roaring water cleanse the bottom feeding politicians from the earth once the leak become a flood. And I hope it takes the FSA and all of the spineless leeches looking for a leader with it as well.

Let it rain.

October 29, 2015 6:56 am

leadership ain’t for everybody..but if the SHTF , look for it.

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October 29, 2015 7:10 am

“It explains the almost orgiastic reaction of the audiences at Trump’s events. He is cocky, belligerent, abusive. A business suited version of you-know-who. A leader. He radiates the arrogance of someone who believes he has been anointed to tell others what to do.”[imgcomment image[/img]

October 29, 2015 8:41 am

the best we’re gonna’ get , which ain’t saying much…BUT….

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October 29, 2015 8:42 am

Unfortunately, Eric is dead on with this one. As they say, history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes. These people who cheer on any of these charlatans running for office are insane, and they are dragging us down with them, because stupid people in large groups can be very powerful. time to move to alaska

October 29, 2015 8:43 am

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October 29, 2015 9:59 am

This article is horseshit on multiple levels. Get a real history boko and read it.

October 29, 2015 9:59 am

This article is horseshit on multiple levels. Get a real history book and read it.

October 29, 2015 10:44 am

Hey eric peters. People who have power in their lives never think about it. People who feel powerless think about it all the time. Power is just acceptance of responsibility. You won’t get one without the other. Peace

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 29, 2015 11:25 am

Oh for fuck’s sake, this is ridiculous. I knew where it was going before I even scrolled down. Picture of Hitler, then picture of Trump. Talk about your Godwin’s Law. This guy is among the rest of the media geniuses who just don’t get Trump’s supporters at all. We don’t like trump because of his cockiness. We like him in spite of it because of where he stands on the issues we care about. El Coyote can remind everyone that I’ve been all about The Wall since forever. Polling among Republicans shows support for a barrier wall running between 87 and 93% in favor, yet Trump – running for the Republican nomination – is the only candidate who can credibly claim he’ll build it. The unmitigated gall of the rest to deny the GOP electorate what they so obviously want is why Trump is still – bullshit polls to the contrary – beating the piss out of everyone else. Trump is right on the issues in my opinion: right to bear arms, against the secret TPP, in favor of cutting the corporate tax rate, ending carried interest treatment, against wading into Syria, against arming Sunni “rebels”. While we watch Muslim hordes invading Europe, Trump is the only one saying “fuck no” to taking the unscreenable migrants into the US. But we can’t foot down on any of that bullshit…”because Hitler”.

October 29, 2015 12:19 pm

Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,
Every damn day you can read ten knew articles about the most evil man who ever lived.
There all bullshit. He bent over backwards to avoid war with the allies/americans. So they baited the Japanese into a fight and since Germany had a defense pact with Japan, it was dragged into war with the U.S. as well.
And if you believe that six million number, well it had been popping up in propaganda, uh I mean newspapers for about fifty years before WW2. From the beginning of the Zionist movement.

October 29, 2015 12:27 pm

Iska, you nailed it. That is our reality, and it’s looking pretty good. Could be a different country in a couple of years. BUT HITLER!!!

harry p.
harry p.
October 29, 2015 12:45 pm

There have been quite the assortment of dipshit commenters in this corner of the interwebs.
A silign the end is near?

October 29, 2015 1:01 pm

Administrator -It seems the increasing popularity of the site is luring more neo-con loving Republicans to the site.

what once was will be again… heh…TBP comes full circle.

October 29, 2015 1:23 pm

Administrator -flash .I guess I’ll have to run another batch of idiots off.

LOL…Oh please not the dead Iraqi baby pics or the hangman……arrgghh.. funny , how everyone’s skin seem to have grown so thin again.

On a lighter note though, I’ve been channeling my inner Smokey and doxing a little and have finally ID’d TE ..We might have known.

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October 29, 2015 1:33 pm

This Robin Morgan person hates (her?)self? Is (she) undergoing treatment, confined and observed to prevent suicide, being evaluated for organ donation? Hate to waste anything that might be usable ….

“Insufferable privilege”! (She) may be insufferable, but it’s not because of privilege …

October 29, 2015 1:34 pm

Jim, the repugs have to let obongo bone them in the ass. He gets what he wants, in exchange for TPP. You’re still not totally sold on trump, okay. But who do you think can move the chains, other than trump? There is no second choice. Every other bonehead is exactly what they appear to be, an inexpensive and totally gutless lowlife.

October 29, 2015 1:49 pm

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Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
October 29, 2015 1:53 pm

Admin- What kind of system did you have in mind? Good luck getting the criminals out of running the show, no matter what your answer may be.

October 29, 2015 2:03 pm

Well the system is in no danger of collapsing, so what’s your next best choice? All of the problems we have are a result of bad policies designed to facilitate a uni-polar world. That is going to collapse. We’ll be fine, all we have to do is kill the neo-con/neo-lib dream. We can sort out the rest through our regular politics. The country is no different than a business that’s gotten bloated and out of control.

October 29, 2015 2:05 pm

“We don’t like trump because of his cockiness. We like him in spite of it because of where he stands on the issues ….” ———– Iska

Be careful what you wish for. How does Trump “lead” his different business today? By diktat! He speaks, his will is done ….. “fuck you, you’re fired!” if you disagree? Decisive! Terrific even, maybe, when running a BUSINESS. You really think that translates well in politics? Don’t be foolish. Even IF it does translate well in politics, that will mean only ONE thing …. you got yourself a full fledged dictator. As I said, be careful what you wish for.

As far as supporting “where he stands on the issues” that is simply stunning, imho. You might want to read the article I wrote (204 comments here and 50k reads on ZH). I think he’s pulling the wool over your eyes …. something that happens a lot to sheep. heh

The other flaw with supporting “where he stands on the issues” is that you ASSUME that what he SAYS is; 1) what he means and/or believes and, 2) what he will do if/when he assumes office. In other words ….. YOU STILL FUCKIN’ BELIEVE WHAT THESE DIPSHITS SAY IN ORDER TO GET ELECTED??? Wow.

October 29, 2015 2:07 pm

“The Donald Exposed (for starfcker and his Trumpeteers)”

The Donald Exposed (for starfcker and his Trumpeteers)

Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
October 29, 2015 2:13 pm

We need a Fuhrer/Puppet/Actor we can believe in……

Remember when most of you really believed in the Bush’s? Some people here still believe Nixon was a honest guy. LOL

I guess if you don’t know you are terminally ill you are better off……right?

October 29, 2015 2:14 pm

Jim, you don’t seem to realize the putrid odor that is the MSM is on life support. And it was counting on a huge infusion of cash from the presidential elections. It ain’t gonna happen. Look at the consultant class. Dead and stinking. Look at mike murphy, who runs bush’s super PAC. He was gonna bleed this sucker for another year. He may be unemployed next week. Your site is unfiltered, yet is a go to for the smarter MSM types just the way ZH was 5 years ago. I’ll bet that’s gonna end VERY well for you. So calm the fuck down.

October 29, 2015 2:19 pm

You didn’t bend. That’s ballsy beyond belief. Especially for a guy that works a day job. But as the system of PC falls apart, your place at the table, as an uncorruptable will have value once again, and that is an enviable position to be in.

October 29, 2015 2:21 pm

One other thing about The Donald …. it’s quite funny too!

Trump claims he’s donated $102 million dollars to charities. There is ZERO proof of this. He has yet to release his tax records. WHY is that? hmmmm?

Other records indicate the last time he contributed to his OWN foundation was in 2008, when he gave a paltry $30,000.

Donald Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire In The World

This dude is cheap-ass tightwad who doesn’t give a shit about “the least of these”, BUT you Trumpeteers think he’ll suddenly give a shit about the “American people” when he’s elected?? A leopard can not change his spots. Your enthusiasm and support for The Donald is obviously done with Eyes Wide Shut.

Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
October 29, 2015 2:22 pm

Starfcker- The pile of crow you are going to have to eat this time next year and beyond is about the size of Trump Tower now and rising. Don’t count out the controlled media, they will be here in some form after you are long gone from the Earff.

October 29, 2015 2:23 pm

Stucky. That was a terrible article, particularly the sub-title

October 29, 2015 2:25 pm

One example. Easy. The USA in 1979. Next question

October 29, 2015 2:26 pm

“Jim, you don’t seem to realize the putrid odor that is the MSM is on life support.” — starfcker

Yup. Admin is a fucking dumbass. He holds the MSM in highest regard. Loves them. Supports them. Writes glowing articles about them. And you know what? Now that his site is getting a wider and wider readership ….. HE IS THEM!!! That’s why he can’t smell that putrid odor … few people think their own farts smell bad.

Oh … one other question …. ARE YOU SNORTIN’ COKE AGAIN??

October 29, 2015 2:29 pm

Stucky, big deal. I’m no fan of charity. My favorite pastime is answering the blood drive ginks who want me to donate blood, “yeah, you can have my blood when you stop paying your CEO 600 grand a year”. Idiots

October 29, 2015 2:33 pm

Stuck, watch how fast the moneybags who put up 120 million for jeb! want their money back. Rupert murdoch thought that money was already his. Not

October 29, 2015 2:39 pm

And all that money has been spent on globalization. We’re paying for the whole fucking thing. That might end real soon. Lot less niggertowns to support.

October 29, 2015 2:43 pm

Now …. on to Eric Peter’s article.

It is really a terrific article because it tells the absolute truth about human beings. The overwhelmingly vast majority of us (90% or more, iirc?) are FOLLOWERS. That’s the way it IS. We NEED Leaders.

The “weakness” of the article is that it offers no practical solution. Probably because there are none. Quick …. of all the kingdoms and empires in the past 5,000 years, name all the ones which did not have a leader of the people. And, puhleeze, don’t give me any bullshit about some fuckin ‘pygmy tribes n the heart of Africa.

So, we return to full circle — what KIND of leader will we elect? We need a Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Jesus, or even Buddha …. selfless people whose leadership “style” was truly to serve. Instead, we WILL wind up with a sociopath/psychopath. What are we really arguing about, then? That MY psychopath isn’t as bad as YOUR psychopath. Good luck wif dat.

October 29, 2015 3:03 pm

That moment when you realize you’ve destroyed an entire continent.

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October 29, 2015 3:04 pm

I’d like to share this clever image I found somewhere the other day…

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October 29, 2015 3:05 pm

whether we choose to play or not..

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October 29, 2015 3:09 pm

Jim, bongo has run up more debt than every other president combined. Most of it doesn’t have to be paid back anyway. I don’t see trump as fighting for the little guy. What I do see him doing is getting us off the doom loop that is all in/globalization at any cost to the nation and it’s institutions. Fix trade, fix immigration, restore the rule of law. Everything else can wait.

October 29, 2015 3:20 pm

A must read for any interested in how the military went from a fighting force of men to a political wing of the neo-con lobby.

Proud Legions

T.R. Fehrenbach, This Kind of War

We was rotten ‘fore we started – we was never disciplined;
We made it out a favour if an order was obeyed.
Yes, every little drummer ‘ad ‘is rights an’ wrongs to mind,
So we had to pay for teachin’ – an’ we paid!
– Rudyard Kipling, “That Day”

The new legions carried the old names, displayed the old, proud colors, with their gallant battle streamers. The regimental mottoes still said things like “Can Do.” In their neat, fitted uniforms and new shiny boots – there was money for these – the troops looked good. Their appearance made the generals smile.

What they lacked couldn’t be seen, not until the guns sounded.

There is much to military training that seems childish, stultifying, and even brutal. But one essential part of breaking men into military life is the removal of misfits – and in the service a man is a misfit who cannot obey orders, any orders, and who cannot stand immense and searing mental and physical pressure.

For his own sake and for that of those around him, a man must be prepared for the awful, shrieking moment of truth when he realizes he is all alone on a hill ten thousand miles from home, and that he may be killed in the next second.

The young men of America, from whatever strata, are raised in a permissive society. The increasing alienation of their education from the harsher realities of life makes their reorientation, once enlisted, doubly important.

Prior to 1950, they got no reorientation. They put on the uniform, but continued to get by, doing things rather more or less. They had no time for sergeants.

As discipline deteriorated, the generals themselves were hardly affected. They still had their position, their pomp and ceremonies. Surrounded by professionals of the old school, largely field rank, they still thought their rod was iron, for seemingly, their own orders were obeyed.

But ground battle is a series of platoon actions. No longer can a field commander stand on a hill, like Lee or Grant, and oversee his formations. Orders in combat – the orders that kill men or get them killed, are not given by generals, or even by majors. They are given by lieutenants and sergeants, and sometimes by PFC’s.

When a sergeant gives a soldier an order in battle, it must have the same weight as that of a four-star general.

Such orders cannot be given by men who are some of the boys. Men willingly take orders to die only from those they are trained to regard as superior beings.

It was not until the summer of 1950, when the legions went forth, that the generals realized what they had agreed to, and what they had wrought.

The Old Army, outcast and alien and remote from the warm bosom of society, officer and man alike, ordered into Korea, would have gone without questioning. It would have died without counting. As on Bataan, it would not have listened for the angel’s trumpet or the clarion call. It would have heard the hard sound of its own bugles, and hard-bitten, cynical, wise in bitter ways, it would have kept its eyes on its sergeants.

It would have died. It would have retreated, or surrendered, only in the last extremity. In the enemy prison camps, exhausted, sick, it would have spat upon its captors, despising them to the last. It would have died, but it might have held.

One aftermath of the Korean War has been the passionate attempt in some military quarters to prove the softness and decadence of American society as a whole, because in the first six months of that war there were wholesale failures. It has been a pervasive and persuasive argument, and it has raised its own counterargument, equally passionate.

The trouble is, different men live by different myths.


October 29, 2015 3:20 pm


You ever get the feeling we’re just pissing up a rope with some of the maroons on this site?

October 29, 2015 3:29 pm

Jim I never once defended or cared about the ‘global economy’. It’s bleeding us dry. It’s not salvageable. The minute we stop supporting the global economy, we are fine. Want to add 400 billion dollars a year to our economy? End the trade deficit with china. Add a multiplier to that. We run a deficit with just about everybody. Time to fix that kind of thing. We will be fine. The global economy. Who fucking cares?

October 29, 2015 3:31 pm

The point of the article is NOT to discuss the merit’s of specific leaders (but it seems that’s all most of you can do, Hitler wasn’t as bad as the history books say, Trump can lead us back to greatness, and other such nonsense) but to ask ourselves “why do we want or need leaders at all?”

Jesus. doesn’t anybody understand the way to fight governments is to IGNORE them. They are unnecessary, they produce only waste, they provide nothing that free people cannot much better provide for themselves.

“But like the Germans of once-upon-a-time, they do not see themselves as the erectors of their own brick ovens (and yes, it will come to that – because it must come to that.” – The article

Unfortunately, this is absolutely true—and what better proof than to read this fucking thread from supposedly liberty minded individuals on a fringe, liberty-minded website.

The only hope is if enough people cease to ask “who is the best presidential candidate?” and begin to ask “why do we need a president at all?”

Clearly, we are fucking doomed.

October 29, 2015 3:37 pm

Do I think the banksters ‘global economy’ will collapse. Absolutely. Do I care? No. Do I think our economy will collapse? No. Two different subjects you seem unwilling to separate.

October 29, 2015 3:41 pm

@Starfcker – Why? Because America is the one indispensible nation? Because we are the global economic powerhouse? Because we are isolated fro the “global economy” despite being on the same globe?

October 29, 2015 3:43 pm

Glad to see I’m growing on you. I’ll put you down as undecided, leaning trump

October 29, 2015 3:45 pm

No DRUD, because america can’t support 6 billion freeloaders

Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
October 29, 2015 3:45 pm

Stucky- The problem is these are AWARD WINNING maroons. They can’t separate the actor from the play. They can’t see the fakery, the levers being pulled behind the curtain by the Wizard(s).

Drud is correct about the point of the article, so again I ask what system would you choose?

harry p.
harry p.
October 29, 2015 3:48 pm

Admin and stucky,
An article to piss off the maroons might be a good idea but then again that might just draw more of them in. Kinda like bugs beijg drawn to the zapper lights

Arguing with them doesnt change the mind of the person making the bullshit statements, their minds are already lost. Its the undecided open minded people reading the comments. Glad you guys and people like eric peters fight the good fight in the name of logic and justice.
I found writing and commenting mattered little once my son started to walk, talk and capable of thinking and asking questions. After talking to my dad and some of his elderly friends one nite probably 2 years ago i realized there is no point, the vast majority are lost. Better focus on making myself as hard to kill as possible and focus on making sure my boy is raised tough and right. Nothing is going to be easy for us in the future.

But at the same time, it is pointless, the vast majority want to be in a totalitarian environment, either as a ruler or as a subject. Its comical that many consider themselves libertarian, thats like saying GW Bush was a fiscal conservative.
The only solution i see is the dissolution of nations and states, any unit larger than a tribe or small town will never work because the individual is nothing but a number.

Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
October 29, 2015 3:54 pm

harry p

You may get your wish…….the endgame is the dissolution of nations and states but under a totalitarian world gubment. Tribe/Tribal is a dirty word to TPTB and must be eliminated.

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