
Guest Post by Eric Peters

Free people don’t look for “leadership.” But that’s what every candidate for the presidency – regardless of partei – is offering to give them.leadership lead

Such people deserve what they will get.

They have, after all asked for it.

Most Americans do not know what the German word, fuhrer means.

It does not mean “Hitler.”

It means, leader.

Hitler was Der Fuhrer; the leader.

The Germans of the Hitler era loved having a leader. Being led.

And leading, too.

They even had an expression for it: fuhrerprinzip, the leadership principle. You obeyed your superiors and your subordinates obeyed you in turn – with the leader (Der Fuhrer) at the apex of the pyramid.

Americans today are like the Germans were.

Ready for a leader.Great Dictator image

And to be led.

The one requires the other.

This sickness in man was – is – not unique to Germans. It is a canker humanity picked up somewhere from ape to now that itches and comes to the surface regularly, pustulating and red. Germans (Prussians, to be precise about it) were particularly afflicted but the disease is easily spread.

Americans – who have become today’s Prussians – positively crave leadership. Decisiveness, but nor their own. To surrender to a superior will, kind of like you-know-who’s. It explains the almost orgiastic reaction of the audiences at Trump’s events. He is cocky, belligerent, abusive. A business suited version of you-know-who. A leader. He radiates the arrogance of someone who believes he has been anointed to tell others what to do. He is a Great Man.

And the people cheer.Donald Trump Addresses GOP Lincoln Day Event In Michigan

If you listen closely, you can hear the echoes of history; the stamping of feet, the hysterical shrieks of triumph and abasement. Our savior!

Unsere fuhrer...

The others are no better, just less charismatic.

The personally unpleasant Hillary Clinton is just as ready to provide leadership. Desperate to provide it. She, like Trump, knows just what to do.

And her supporters are just as desperate as Trump’s for her to get on with the business of doing it.

Ditto the rest of them. All with “plans” and practically bursting at the seams with eagerness to get their hands on the levers and dials of state power. They each know best.

Better than you, at any rate.Big Brother Hillary

Even Rand Paul – the “Libertarian” Republican – is ready to give you all the leadership you can stand. For instance, he wants to “save” and “fix” the greatest intergenerational wealth transfer scheme ever implemented (you know, Social Security) by double-defrauding younger workers for the benefit of the greedy geezers who demand “their” Social Security payola. Both groups will be told what they’ll do – and what they’ll get. There will not be a “no thanks, I’d rather provide for my own retirement” option. It is not open for discussion. The only debate is over what you’ll be told. Not whether you’ll be told.


Rand also “stands with Israel,” the lamprey on the flanks of the American taxpayer, which he describes as “America’s longtime friend and ally.”

Because, of course, he must.

Else he will not be allowed to provide leadership.leave alone pic

Regardless, leadership we will get. Whether from Trump, Hillary, Rand, Jeb or whoever turns out to be the next avatar of the vox populi.  They will natter amongst themselves, like vultures pecking at the corpse of a musk ox.

Which by the way is us.

There is no alternative to leadership in latter day Weimar America. No candidate running who not only doesn’t want to lead but also despises the idea of being followed.

The whole thing – running for office – necessarily excludes people who don’t want to perch on the corpse (so to speak) and tell you what to do … who have no interest in being told what to do. Such people have no interest in elections.

But – as in Germany all those years ago – such people are now in the minority.

The majority now wants what the Germans once wanted.

And, like them, they’re gonna get it.

But like the Germans of once-upon-a-time, they do not see themselves as the erectors of their own brick ovens (and yes, it will come to that – because it must come to that). When it is all over – if it ever is – they will look back and blame the leaders. Who told them what to do.sheep barred

After all, they were only following orders. Doing their jobs.

They are already saying such things, without the slightest trace or historical irony.

Even the chroniclers or once-upon-a-time missed this critical point. The saltpeter without which the gunpowder can’t be made: The people who demand leadership.

The leader – brownshirted or business-suited – is a non sequitur. The hole in the dam through which the water bursts.

It is the water that decides everything.

And the pressure is building.

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October 29, 2015 3:54 pm

Calling the Fourth Turning Gray Champion. Please show the hell up.

Jim just what the hell happens if we enter endgame without a leader?

Well lets just look to history. What happened to every representative republic that failed as a political entity. What form of government took over. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Strong Dictatorship.

At least the Neocons will be happy……..

October 29, 2015 3:59 pm

World Made by Hand.


October 29, 2015 4:00 pm

“Constitutional Republic as conceived in 1789.” ——— Admin

Sumbabitch! I was just about to type that EXACTLY!!

Get rid of EVERY government department that was added since 1789. Tear up the 40,000 laws that put us in jail …. except, make it a 20 year prison term — a reeducation skool — if you become a Libtard. Yeah. That’s a good start.

Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
Bea Leaver- Who Is Looking For Answers
October 29, 2015 4:01 pm

Admin- How do you keep the banksters from owning the CR? There is the rub. To sleep per chance to dream.

October 29, 2015 4:04 pm

” …. what better proof than to read this fucking thread from supposedly liberty minded individuals on a fringe, liberty-minded website.” ———- DRUD

Dozens of people voted thumbs up for that copfuk who flipped the girl out of her chair and then dragged her across the room.

There are FEW true “liberty minded individuals” even here.

October 29, 2015 4:07 pm

“Do I think the banksters ‘global economy’ will collapse. Absolutely. Do I care? No. Do I think our economy will collapse? No. Two different subjects you seem unwilling to separate”
——— starfcker

Let me get this straight …. you believe the USA!USA!USA is ONE HUNDRED PERECENT self sufficient … we don’t need fukshit from any other country …. fuck global trade, we’ll do it ourself. Right?

I urge you to consider a new name —- dumbfcker

October 29, 2015 4:10 pm

Stucky says:

“Let me get this straight …. you believe the USA!USA!USA is ONE HUNDRED PERECENT self sufficient … we don’t need fukshit from any other country …. fuck global trade, we’ll do it ourself. Right?”

No, that does not take it far enough. He believes that the USA!USA!USA! supports 6 billion “freeloaders”

bb, you are off the hook, now and forever. Starfcker is now officially the village idiot.

October 29, 2015 4:17 pm


Since only 10 or so people respond, I’d be a slacker if I did not do my part.

The question of leadership is fairly straight forward in a modern nation such as ours. A global empire based upon the petro dollar and a high tech (soon to be robotic) military requires full time attention. Since I’m busy enjoying life while making a living, I do not have time to run our global empire and everything that comes with it – neither does anyone that posts here. For that, we need specialists that we can appoint and then forget about for 4 years while we watch unlimited porn while doing our damnedest to get type II diabetes. In so long as we have these weapons, a global empire and the worlds reserve currency, we’ll need full time sociopaths/psychopaths to run the shop until they run it into the ground.

The way around this, as I see it, is to dismantle our empire, unhinge our currency from oil and do away with our weapons of mass destruction.

People that have wealth that can not be stolen do not need leaders. After all, the reason everyone is clamoring for leadership is to either live at someone elses expense or to stop the people that are demanding foolish redistribution schemes.

October 29, 2015 4:26 pm

As to what type of government I would “choose?” I would again pose the question I posed on an article of yours earlier and ghot exactly zero responses: what benefit does the model of the “Nation State” provide to its people or to humanity in general?

Now, given that Nation States are a part for the world and nothing would change that–I agree completely that a constitutional republic as established in 1789 is the best we can do. In a better world, I think smaller government (say less that 500,000 people) would be the answer. I believe this to be the best because it would provide more homogeneous cultures. Also, it would more limit power of rulers and further necessitate free trade between these little states.

Maybe I’m wrong…but this is all pie in the sky dreaming at this point.

Anthony Hargis
Anthony Hargis
October 29, 2015 4:57 pm

The right of consent, for example, was one of those rights. American Founders repeatedly declared that “no man is obligated to obey any law or pay any tax unless he has given consent to it”. Did they mean this literally? Of course they did. From the first English settlement to the Revolution this was how affairs of the colonies were managed. Every “law” and every “tax” had its origin in contracts between colonial assemblies and those who petitioned for redress of grievances. The terms of the contract were sometimes referred to as “laws” of the contract while its money payments were treated as “taxes”. And only petitioners were obligated to obey such “laws” and pay such “taxes”. When redress was completed, related “laws” and “taxes” expired.
This right of consent has powerful implications today: it means that only those who petition (submit proposed legislation to Congress) are obligated to obey terms (“laws”) and needed money payments “(taxes)” related to such petition.
This, obviously, is not what happens today. Instead, those who petition make themselves exempt from such “laws” and “taxes”, while such “laws” and “taxes” are imposed on all non-petitioners. This is the principle of Persian law, which goes by many names: law of the conqueror, martial law, among others.
Just imagine what would happen if munitions makers and international banks were the only ones obligated to pay for the carnage they perpetrate.
We also have a constitutionally-protected right to withhold our taxes until the government redresses our grievances (but do not try it until you have studied my book, The Lost Right, edition 3.5; and well-positioned your assets; see, http://redressone.wordpress.com/the-lost-right/).
These rights and powers – among many others unknown to current generations – were won with the Revolution… and who knows them?
There, in two paragraphs I conveyed to you more real history than you learned in 12 years of elementary and high schools, and 4-6 years of university indoctrination. You won’t learn this and other lessons from professors, or judges, or lawyers; the first two depend on continued grievances for their pensions, the third never learned such history, or law.
Without this knowledge, you might use one tenth of the power available to you thru the First Amendment. redressone.wordpress.com/locate

October 29, 2015 4:58 pm

The following five things (at least in THEORY) are made easier if there is a nation state;

–1) Defense

–2) Creating and maintaining a national transport infrastructure to facilitate trade and travel.

–3) Maintaining a uniform national culture

–4) via a unified set of governance it allows for economic growth

–5) governing authority is ultimately derived from the people

October 29, 2015 5:31 pm

Admin- If only that were possible, any president that could hold the line against the banksters would not be alive for long. That is right up there with wishing for honest financial markets. LOL
Learn to enjoy the finer points of the prison planet, self rule and a free Republic is not a option.

Look around and tell me how many people you see that would be willing to do the backbreaking work of the Amish/made by hand life? Niggas is too lazy these days……..ain’t nobody got time for that.

The army you speak of would be rag-tag starving scarecrows without the Rothschilds checkbook, how do you get around that?

October 29, 2015 5:53 pm

Even Kunstler’s World Made by Hand has room for artisans, those who use their hands / skills / minds to make quality goods for resale to willing buyers. Can you make wooden bowls, sheet metal bowls, ceramic bowls? Can you make tools? Can you weave cloth, mats, baskets? There will be a place for you.

On the other hand, if all you know is how to shuffle paper and make meaningless marks like “approved”, “received” and “Filed under ___ on ____”, you might NOT have a place. Or your place might be cleaning out drainage ditches, spreading fertilizer or fixing roads, instead of planning your retirement while waiting for 5:00 PM to roll around. Or whatever “management” type job you used to be doing – once the pyramids called state and local government collapse, a whole lot of folks won’t have those kinds of jobs anymore.

I would like to think of it as liberation – you can quit being a desk drone, and go out and build your palace, write your Great American Novel or paint your masterpiece. But then, seeing the output of most “artists” these days, starvation may well sweep the land. I haven’t bought a “rap” album yet, and don’t expect to, so any rap artist depending on me is going to starve. I hope to be really busy, doing the things others need and can’t do for themselves. The list appears to be endless, at this point.


October 29, 2015 5:55 pm

Ladies, I see you carried on without me. Bea, I may be wrong, time will tell. Dig a nice bunker to hide in, in case I’m not. Stucky, never said we were self sufficient. But we hold all the cards. Backbabble, very wise of you to keep it brief. makes you seem smarter. Jim, love you buddy, keep knocking them dead.

October 29, 2015 6:04 pm

@ Bea Lever

“The army you speak of would be rag-tag starving scarecrows without the Rothschilds checkbook, how do you get around that?”

You won’t without the situation probably devolving into something like the former Yugoslavia of the early 1990s.

“Balkanization” becomes a very real possibility. From there a slow march to something functional but at local levels to start with, building with time.

The desire to “control” (and be controlled) never leaves humanity. It never will. The only hope is that a balance is struck, between liberty and social cohesion, and this will always require vigilance. Always.

Perhaps this is what is meant by “Freedom is never free.” You have to fight for it, and contrary to myth, you have to earn it. It may be an inalienable right but in reality, it will be never granted for nothing because nature abhors a vacuum, and there will ALWAYS be those seeking power.

October 29, 2015 6:12 pm

Jim, don’t stick bush on me, either. I’ve never once defended him. If trump were a dem, that would be fine with me. I could care less about R&D. My interests are nationalist

October 29, 2015 6:59 pm


My father went Galt when I was a kid. It is a very hard life, ask Hardscrabble how many nights he pours himself into bed and every inch of his body hurts.

Artists/ artisans are for the most part broke thus they do not contribute to the cost of maintaining a army for defense which is extremely expensive. Who will put in on this army, some dudes making bowls out of wood? Be realistic.

I do share your dream of leaving the paper game for freedom.

October 29, 2015 7:02 pm

Backtable gets the gold star for critical thinking.

October 29, 2015 7:20 pm

some sycophant needs a pat on the head…yes he does..

October 29, 2015 7:27 pm

@Admin: Hmmm, I see some truthiness leaking out. It’s a good sign

Bernie Sanders doesn’t get enough play here on TBP. While I know his “label” doesn’t fit the room, personally I’m way beyond labels because they don’t mean anything anymore. You can’t convince me these GOP members of Con-gress are conservatives in any way. If they were they wouldn’t vote for any appropriations bills.

So, WTF. If you’re not going to get your will done by your own “tribe” who are continually lying to you anyway, maybe it’s time to look at the person more than their label. And Sanders hits my checkmarks as a decent public servant. He’s proven by his speech and votes that his goal is to SERVE HIS CONSTITUENTS, and he is concerned for them as a public servant should be.

IMHO Bernie Sanders is the polar opposite of Donald Trump. And that’s good!

October 29, 2015 7:36 pm

Westie- Please move to a leftist SA country ASAP, you would be much happier. It’s like Cali without the nice cars.

October 29, 2015 7:44 pm

@Bea… am thinking that you and I would have lots to chat about while feeding my chickens worms.

October 29, 2015 7:46 pm


Go Dems! Go Bernie!!!!

Apparently, NOTHNG you read here is getting through your thick skull.

Bea is correct …. you really should move to so SA lefty country.

October 29, 2015 8:07 pm

Stuck, he lives in north mexifornia already

October 29, 2015 8:12 pm

Flash, make sure you stay on the other side of the thread, if you stand any closer, the weight of all of our IQ points might tip those guys over like Guam.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 29, 2015 9:38 pm

Iska Waran says: El Coyote can remind everyone that I’ve been all about The Wall since forever.

He has been so passionate about it that I renamed it Iska’s Wall. It is a white elephant, no offense, something to delude the deluded that the government is doing something constructive by constructing something; ask the Chinks how that strategy worked out.

Admin, me and bb have been fighting tooth and nail to keep the lurkers from being swayed by group-thinking one-mindset yes-men. It is in the job description I-S so kindly posted.

Group howl, yes-men!

October 29, 2015 10:28 pm

comment image

October 29, 2015 11:45 pm

I realize this argument is kinda old at this point, but starfcker is overly simplifying this whole trade deficit thing. A major part of why we are able to get away with so much as a country comes from the power of the almighty petro dollar. We export our dollars(inflation) to other countries when we buy things. Other countries have a high demand for dollars, because they need them in order to purchase oil, which is(or was..) always priced in dollars. The minute this goes away, the fiction of our economy working goes away, big time. A lack of dollars internationally is reeking havoc on EM economies right now, because they borrowed dollars to finance things, and the dollar has risen against other currencies, a lot.

Now, don’t get me wrong, in no way is this sustainable forever. RIght now we get to conjure up money out of thin air, and the rest of the world gives us boat loads of real goods for them. Once that goes away, its a game changer.

October 29, 2015 11:49 pm

“Constitutional Republic as conceived in 1789.”

“Constitutional Republic as conceived in 1789. ——— Admin. Sumbitch! I was just about to type that EXACTLY!!”

You’re both wrong. The Constitution was conceived (signed) in 1787 and ratified in 1788. Got 2 birds with one stone. Heh.

Official TBP Fact Checker and Burr Under the Saddle

[imgcomment image?w=960[/img]

October 29, 2015 11:59 pm

SSS gets the gold star for best fact checker.

The USA!USA!USA! was incorporated in 1871so at this point, what difference does it make?

October 30, 2015 12:00 am

Nice work, SSS. Hope you didn’t bruise your knuckles

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2015 12:12 am

flash, that is not TE, you suck at doxxing

October 30, 2015 8:58 am

starfcker , there’s many here with IQ’s that tower above mine, the thing is though, I’m more stubborn about digging out the truth than these high flying idealists who allow their dreams to displace the reality of real politic.

In my life I’ve looked at monarchism,collectivism,liberalism in the classic sense and anarchism all with great interest, but it’s only since I’ve turned to studying militarism that I began to understand the true nature of all power. It may seem trite to say, but power does literally grow out of the barrel of a gun, or even nuke and sans military might , there can be no power of peace.

But don’t get me wrong, I’m all Lysander Spoonish over a stateless society, it’s just that I’ve come to accept the bitter truth that due to human nature and the tendency towards self-imposed ignorance, we the people ain’t ever going to shoulder the responsibility of self-governance when we can elect others to bear the blame. One might say, politics is a mental defense mechanism while war is the physical and once the blame games gets to burdensome to bear ,only physical conflict will serve as a valve to release the pent up stress of a political system gone bad. And, that’s where my gut tells me we’re at today and is why for the immediate future , I’m saying put your idealism , whatever it is aside, and tribe up , especially you with young kids, because they are the future and without them , no ideology ever preached will matter one iota. And if you don’t know who your tribe is, then take a look in the mirror. I’m not saying seek discord with diversity, I’m merely encouraging those of the periphery of their culture to seek closer bonds with their own kind.Safety in the event of TEOTWAWKI is guaranteed to no one, but the odds are better for survival if one is amongst their own kind. So regardless your ideological preferences, tribe up.
Safety in numbers and all that, because as history has shown and as long as human history continues , there will be war.

One influence-outside of TBP- that steered my diversion off the preferred stateless path into the oncoming traffic of pragmatism has been the factual essays by military experts in Jerry Pournelles THERE WILL BE WAR books and Vox Day’s RIDING THE REDS HORSE series.
I can’t recommend these books enough. Strategy is everything. Bet on it.


There Will Be War Volume I

Riding the Red Horse

October 30, 2015 9:14 am

EC, give a troll a break , would you.

Admin-I know you already know this, but for the benefit of others, the only reason Britain’s American colony didn’t become another monarchy instead of the Constitutional Republic it became was due to the influence of one man and one man only,General George Washington.
The Continental Army’s officers corps offered the kingship to Washington and he turned it down and without his influence over the enlisted corps ,they could not challenge the Continental Congress.

I wonder who in the US military now is preventing, as did Smedley Butler 1933 with the Roosevelt administration , the military from tossing Obongo and his vile Republic destroying minions from office and taking administrative control of the US government.
And, at this point, I wonder how many Americans would be against a military takeover?

October 30, 2015 10:09 am


Very nice last two posts. Really.

October 30, 2015 10:12 am

Administrator says:

“I don’t buy into party politics any longer. Game for suckers.

No chains to be moved. The system will never be fixed from within. It’s too corrupt, bloated, and ingrained.

The system will need to collapse before any real change could take place.”

Once admin made this comment at 1:47pm, there was no need for further comment. Succinct, to the point and accurate!

October 30, 2015 10:20 am

Thanks Stuck … does this mean you issue a reprieve on my ass whooping sentence?

October 30, 2015 10:25 am

Ass whooping? WHAT ass whooping??? I dunno …. did I actually talk about ass whoopings?? That’s soooooo yesterday. lol

You know my personal “rule” about every day being a new slate, and never taking a shit-fest from one thread into the next. Well, normally I try to abide to that.

You are safe. No Zapping for you, one year!!

October 30, 2015 10:30 am

Thanks Stuck… I know how we roll here…I call a TBP group hug….everybody in!

October 30, 2015 10:37 am

Let’s hug it out – me, flash, starfcker, Matti, and Anon

[imgcomment image[/img]

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 30, 2015 10:42 am

FYI, prototype for my wall…[imgcomment image[/img]

October 30, 2015 10:48 am

Stuck…..you left out TE.

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 30, 2015 12:27 pm

Admin throws up another bullshit smoke screen with his comment at 6:27 am. In response, I humbly offer the following.

“The United States presidential election of 1788–89 was the first quadrennial presidential election. It was held from Monday, December 15, 1788 to Saturday, January 10, 1789. It was the first presidential election in the United States of America under the new United States Constitution, which was adopted on September 17, 1787.”

Another epic beat down, folks. Right here on TBP. Compliments of SSS. Heh.

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
October 30, 2015 3:08 pm

When Merkel is done, there will be nothing left to rebuild. Just another Muslim majority third world shit hole.

October 30, 2015 3:48 pm

@Mr Q: “The system is much closer to collapse than you believe. It’s called math.”

With all due respect to your unquestioned math skills, Karl D has been going on about this for years and while it would appear to be self-evident, it hasn’t worked out that way and anyone who invested according to his ideas is unlikely to have done all that well. I’m also a math guy with some real world experience and have been gravely disappointed because of my failure to perceive the trickery that can defy the math. Given that I’d like to see myself as a practical person, I decided to entrust my capital to the very-well-fed-connected Cumberland Funds and it has turned out well. As you know, the system is rigged and barring a total collapse that I don’t see forthcoming barring the very seriously unforeseen, the “realities” of math have been trumped by the willingness of the populace to go along with the illusion. Will it eventually collapse? Beyond my ability to predict. The numbers say yes, the situation on the ground says no up to now. How, pray tell, do you explain that?

I agree with you that at this point only a collapse will change things. The thing is, I’m not so sure such a collapse will take place in the near or even relatively distant future. Would you not agree that this situation has gone on for far longer than any reasonable mathematician would have believed possible? The Fed fellas ain’t dumb regardless of what the ill-informed believe; they know exactly what they are doing and it just keeps on working. Will the plug get pulled at some moment in the future? IMHO pretty much a sure thing, but when it happens, it’ll be game over for John Q Public in the USA and there’ll be sweet FA that he can do about it. Good luck finding a “fuhrer”, folks! If you want one for real, try looking in the mirror and take on the responsibility!

October 30, 2015 6:41 pm


Let me walk you through this in a few simple steps (you want simple, you’ll get simple).

Step One

You said the Constitution was conceived in 1789. I said 1787.

Step Two

Let’s take a look at the definition of conceive with a focus on #2.



1. become pregnant with (a child).

2. form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind. think up, think of, dream up, devise, formulate, design, originate, create, develop.

Step Three

I submit that the Constitution was “conceived” the day it was signed in 1787 by a majority of the members of the Constitutional Convention. Furthermore, it was sufficiently ratified in 1788 by 11 of 13 states because the presidential election, which started in December 1788, used guidelines in the Constitution for electing the president. The Constitution became the supreme law of the land in 1788. Period.

Step Four

I graciously accept your white flag of surrender.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2015 8:49 pm

I call for a group howl and flash wants to go hug some nuts. I should pull your mancard,flash.

October 30, 2015 10:37 pm

I have avoided this thread like the plague!
Your either a sheep or a wolf or a sheepdog .
Sheep = those that are eaten
Wolf = those that look to eat
Sheepdog = Those that protect the sheep from the wolves!
Which are you ? There is no shame in any category . It is what it is. You are ,what you are.
Your either a leader , or a follower , or one that mediates between the two .

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2015 10:51 pm

This place is full of leaders, folks who see the truth and howl it out for others to hear.
Disperse, I say, Disperse! Something wicked this way comes!