US On Road To Third World

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

On January 6, 2004, Senator Charles Schumer and I challenged the erroneous idea that jobs offshoring was free trade in a New York Times op-ed. Our article so astounded economists that within a few days Schumer and I were summoned to a Brookings Institution conference in Washington, DC, to explain our heresy. In the nationally televised conference, I declared that the consequence of jobs offshoring would be that the US would be a Third World country in 20 years.

That was 11 years ago, and the US is on course to descend to Third World status before the remaining nine years of my prediction have expired.

The evidence is everywhere. In September the US Bureau of the Census released its report on US household income by quintile. Every quintile, as well as the top 5%, has experienced a decline in real household income since their peaks. The bottom quintile (lower 20 percent) has had a 17.1% decline in real income from the 1999 peak (from $14,092 to $11,676). The 4th quintile has had a 10.8% fall in real income since 2000 (from $34,863 to $31,087). The middle quintile has had a 6.9% decline in real income since 2000 (from $58,058 to $54,041). The 2nd quintile has had a 2.8% fall in real income since 2007 (from $90,331 to $87,834). The top quintile has had a decline in real income since 2006 of 1.7% (from $197,466 to $194,053). The top 5% has experienced a 4.8% reduction in real income since 2006 (from $349,215 to $332,347). Only the top One Percent or less (mainly the 0.1%) has experienced growth in income and wealth.

The Census Bureau uses official measures of inflation to arrive at real income. These measures are understated. If more accurate measures of inflation are used (such as those available from, the declines in real household income are larger and have been declining for a longer period. Some measures show real median annual household income below levels of the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Note that these declines have occurred during an alleged six-year economic recovery from 2009 to the current time, and during a period when the labor force was shrinking due to a sustained decline in the labor force participation rate. On April 3, 2015 the US Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 93,175,000 Americans of working age are not in the work force, a historical record. Normally, an economic recovery is marked by a rise in the labor force participation rate. John Williams reports that when discouraged workers are included among the measure of the unemployed, the US unemployment rate is currently 23%, not the 5.2% reported figure.

In a recently released report, the Social Security Administration provides annual income data on an individual basis. Are you ready for this?

In 2014 38% of all American workers made less than $20,000; 51% made less than $30,000; 63% made less than $40,000; and 72% made less than $50,000.

The scarcity of jobs and the low pay are direct consequences of jobs offshoring. Under pressure from “shareholder advocates” (Wall Street) and large retailers, US manufacturing companies moved their manufacturing abroad to countries where the rock bottom price of labor results in a rise in corporate profits, executive “performance bonuses,” and stock prices.

The departure of well-paid US manufacturing jobs was soon followed by the departure of software engineering, IT, and other professional service jobs.

Incompetent economic studies by careless economists, such as Michael Porter at Harvard and Matthew Slaughter at Dartmouth, concluded that the gift of vast numbers of US high productivity, high value-added jobs to foreign countries was a great benefit to the US economy.

In articles and books I challenged this absurd conclusion, and all of the economic evidence proves that I am correct. The promised better jobs that the “New Economy” would create to replace the jobs gifted to foreigners have never appeared. Instead, the economy creates lowly-paid part-time jobs, such as waitresses, bartenders, retail clerks, and ambulatory health care services, while full-time jobs with benefits continue to shrink as a percentage of total jobs.

These part-time jobs do not provide enough income to form a household. Consequently, as a Federal Reserve study reports, “Nationally, nearly half of 25-year-olds lived with their parents in 2012-2013, up from just over 25% in 1999.”

When half of 25-year olds cannot form households, the market for houses and home furnishings collapses.

Finance is the only sector of the US economy that is growing. The financial industry’s share of GDP has risen from less than 4% in 1960 to about 8% today. As Michael Hudson has shown, finance is not a productive activity. It is a looting activity (Killing The Host).

Moreover, extraordinary financial concentration and reckless risk and debt leverage have made the financial sector a grave threat to the economy.

The absence of growth in real consumer income means that there is no growth in aggregate demand to drive the economy. Consumer indebtedness limits the ability of consumers to expand their spending with credit. These spending limits on consumers mean that new investment has limited appeal to businesses. The economy simply cannot go anywhere, except down as businesses continue to lower their costs by substituting part-time jobs for full-time jobs and by substituting foreign for domestic workers. Government at every level is over-indebted, and quantitative easing has over-supplied the US currency.

This is not the end of the story. When manufacturing jobs depart, research, development, design, and innovation follow. An economy that doesn’t make things does not innovate. The entire economy is lost, not merely the supply chains.

The economic and social infrastructure is collapsing, including the family itself, the rule of law, and the accountability of government.

When college graduates can’t find employment because their jobs have been offshored or given to foreigners on work visas, the demand for college education declines. To become indebted only to find employment that cannot service student loans becomes a bad economic decision.

We already have the situation where college and university administrations spend 75% of the university’s budget on themselves, hiring adjuncts to teach the classes for a few thousand dollars. The demand for full time faculty with a career before them has collapsed. When the consequences of putting short-term corporate profits before jobs for Americans fully hit, the demand for university education will collapse and with it American science and technology.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened to the United States. The two main consequences of the Soviet collapse have been devastating. One consequence was the rise of the neoconservative hubris of US world hegemony, which has resulted in 14 years of wars that have cost $6 trillion. The other consequence was a change of mind in socialist India and communist China, large countries that responded to “the end of history” by opening their vast under-utilized labor forces to Western capital, which resulted in the American economic decline that this article describes, leaving a struggling economy to bear the enormous war debt.

It is a reasonable conclusion that a social-political-economic system so incompetently run already is a Third World country.


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October 30, 2015 11:38 am

In all the major cities – somewhere around 60% of the children can’t read at grade level, or do maff.

Many can’t read cursive writing. And they spend between $13,000 and $20,000 pupil/yr to get these results.

We are so fucked – we are allowing these Neegrows, SPICS, Martians, to spawn turd worlder’s right here in our country. What kind of productivity do you think these people will have?

October 30, 2015 12:00 pm

Diversity is our strength

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October 30, 2015 12:08 pm

@Dutch: I suggest you might reconsider underestimating the “spics” who live outside the USA and maybe even within, this latter something I don’t believe myself qualified upon which to opine after 17 years outside the country. Believe it or not, there is great potential in South America and on that I’m qualified to offer an opinion. SOUTH America–not so much Mesoamerica–is the real “last frontier” and I’ve staked the future of my family on that belief. Maybe it won’t live up to its enormous potential and if not, well then I’ve made a bad bet, but if what I’ve seen and see on this site is indicative of what the USA is becoming, well…

Mr R hit one out of the park with this piece as far as I’m concerned.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 30, 2015 12:21 pm

Flash- Looks like I am smack dab in the middle of a herd of white critters. Moving out of the deep south was a good choice but there is no divershitty so when all the critters are white,,,,,,,,where will our strenff come from?

October 30, 2015 12:28 pm

1. It ISN’T just the offshoring, it IS the outright attack and decimation of the ability to run, start or maintain a small business. We want to sell some nuts and bolts online. The vast bureaucracy needed to do this, including having to know, follow and file in over 15,000 sales tax jurisdictions is complete insanity.

Meanwhile, Michigan’s “pro-business” governor has eliminated family farms, the ability to START a plant business, and even the “right” to earn affiliate commissions as that relationship means the company paying you MUST register and file Michigan sales taxes. Which then opens your books up to the 1500 Michigan Sales Tax Business Auditors. Our CPA suggests just not “worrying,” which leaves you open to confiscation of your assets. It ISN’T just offshoring folks, but that sure started the bleed out.

2. 44,000,000 tax returns. Anyone that makes more than approximately $6000 is supposed to file a tax form. You figure out how on earth our “employed” could possibly be 120,000,000 full time workers when only 1/3-1/2 (if all 44 million returns were filed by married couples) are filing taxes.

3. Wall Street and government (especially Fed) have experienced HUGE increases in wages and benefits during the past seven years. That means it is actually MUCH worse for the rest of us. Smell the recovery.

4. Blaming poor people that only want a chance at a better life, EXACTLY like our ancestors, really makes a lot of sense. Did THEY write these laws, gift the mega-corps billions, benefit from the theft of our middle class? No, no they did not.

What, exactly, does hatred get us? How did slaughtering the Indians/Natives make “us” European descendants richer or better off?

Makes me so freaking sick. The only thing I cling to is that most of you haters also believe in the Christian judgmental and destructive God. Good luck with explaining to HIM how treating other victims badly based on prejudice was what “He” wanted for His children.

“Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one’s own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.” ~John F. Kennedy

For GOD so LOVED the WORLD, he gave his only begotten son,
…so only a select, hatefilled few could live forever.

Must be the version in your book, sure as heck isn’t in mine.

Fools, keep on solidifying your own future pain and punishment. And I’m not talking about the next life, I foresee lots of both in THIS one.

October 30, 2015 12:35 pm

Be sure to fill out your next census as “undisclosed but self identifying as black” (or whatever minority is lacking in your area. If it’s good enough for Rachel Dolezal, Elizabeth Warren and yer commander in chief it’s good enough fer yew two!

October 30, 2015 12:51 pm

TE, try just enjoying the freakshow. Yeah everything is fucked up and bullshit but that is because it benefits someone. It’s no accident. At some point you may have a real chance to contribute to a real and lasting change. Until then, we are the proverbial bug in search of a windshield. It’s far more relaxing and entertaining to sit up in the nosebleeds and enjoy the absurdity of it all from afar.

October 30, 2015 2:11 pm

The US is already a third world coutnry. A third world country with a first world credit card.

October 30, 2015 5:19 pm


The descent in to a 3rd World reality is, barring some miracle, a certainty. If this is a given then we have to take a look at our own unique situations and take stock. I suspect that the progression will look like this: things that break will not be fixed. After all, it wont be that those living in the suburbs will be forced to live in cardboard boxes on some hillside but will watch their infrastructure crumble while watching their standard of living sink to that of the barest of necessities with nothing to spare.

Whatever you can do to prepare for this should be done. Some hard skills and some tools will put you miles ahead of everyone else. Of course, if you can get yourself in the top 10% then you’ll be just fine. There is no shame in trying for that as well. Beats stockpiling away solar panels and cans of beans.

October 30, 2015 7:19 pm

“War and Peace and War” by Peter Turchin, The rise and fall of empires. We are right on track. The last step before civil war is the increase in wealth disparity to the point of impoverishment of the masses. As Buckwheat would say, “we dere!”

October 30, 2015 7:49 pm

Yes, the third world beckons the USA. It has been a steady drip, drip, drip since the late 90’s. Talking with my banker a few weeks ago I asked him how the local economy was doing., he said “fine, everybody is on a check.” Looking forward to getting on a check one of these days myself, just need to find enough chumps to finance me (taxpayers). Well, it was fun while it lasted!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2015 11:06 pm

Years ago, I read that Panama had a 90% illegitimate birthrate. Today, that is a conceivable future of America. What are the underlying causes? Poverty, ignorance, immorality, selfishness, immaturity, smugness. That last symptom a result of growing up in a country where the market always goes up and the future is always bright, where everything is free and competition is discouraged because someone might not have the same advantages of money, brains or race.

October 31, 2015 1:48 am


Serfdom began in Europe not with warlords running around catching people in butterfly nets but with the former middle class willingly selling themselves into contract bondage in exchange for protection from the state. It could go that route here as well. At some point the middleclass will not be able to pay the taxes on their paid for homes and cars. What will the middleclass have left to offer up in exchange for someone paying their taxes?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 31, 2015 2:25 am

You reminded me Nickle, Mrs Rollins said her family lost their home due to excessive taxes, they then came to California along with the dust bowl crowd.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 31, 2015 3:15 am

Dutchman says: We are so fucked – we are allowing these Neegrows, SPICS, Martians, to spawn turd worlder’s right here in our country. What kind of productivity do you think these people will have?

How the fuck am I a Third Worlder? Oh wait, I’m American, crap.

Here’s something you might have missed while reading the article above:
A. The scarcity of jobs and the low pay are direct consequences of jobs offshoring.
1. It also mentions that 93,175,000 Americans of working age are not in the work force.
2. That is a far greater number than the estimated 11-15,000,000 illegals in the USA.
B. 14 years of wars … have cost $6 trillion.
C. It isn’t the domestic worker, legal or illegal, who is killing the American economy, it is the 15 cents/hr worker abroad making consumer products for sale in the USA.
D. America is facing the same problems of European countries, ‘children’ living with their parents well into their 40’s.

If you follow LLPOH, you understand that the past 60 or so years of American’s prosperity were an aberration due to the dollar’s status as the reserve currency and the fact that the rest of the world was in the shitter after WW2.

November 1, 2015 6:49 pm

The other nail in the coffin is air bussing Hindus on H1B visas to take American jobs at low cost, that’s worse than outsourcing and affects the middle class

November 2, 2015 3:49 pm

It’s not just manufacturing. All corporations, even those in the services and professional services industries, are also transferring their clerical and many professional jobs overseas. I am constantly seeing all jobs below the manager level be laid off and replaced with an outsource provider, which of course only get the contract because they have all of their staff in India or China or some other low-cost country.
My question is how do we expect to have a feeder-pool of managerial talent if no one in this country can gain the experience necessary to become a manager by spending a few years actually doing the work?

Short-sighted BS…