What are the odds she has married loving parents?

Via Knuckledraggin

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November 2, 2015 7:53 am

What a waste!

November 2, 2015 8:44 am

Does she look any happier in the second picture?

November 2, 2015 8:45 am

drugs drugs drugs, drugity drugity drugs.

November 2, 2015 8:54 am

Yuck………. just yuck. Wish I had all the money she spent on those, I guarantee I could have put it to better use………….

November 2, 2015 8:55 am

If that’s what she wants and she has the money to do it, why not? I am glad to see that she left her face clear, could seriously impact her job prospects otherwise.

November 2, 2015 8:56 am

Clean up your room!

November 2, 2015 9:04 am

Anyone that I have seen with this many has some very serious issues with self-esteem. The more of them they get the lower they go. I do not found this attractive in the least. I would never hire a person who has done this to their body. This is disgusting and a waste of money. After they have all this done they are still not happy. This is no different from anorexia but instead of food they have used a ink needle. She had a nice body and she ruined it. What next? Let me guess those skull bumps, rings in the lips, eyes, nose, ears and her privates too. How does piercing your genitalia(which no one sees) make you a better or more beautiful person? Its self mutilation and no different than if she used a knife to cut herself.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
November 2, 2015 9:09 am

A train wreck……. as for all the money she likely does what someone I know very well does. She spends like a retard for first two weeks of month then coasts the rest of way at the food bank. She even looks like her. Oh yeah did I mention she is prego. Sad part is we won’t ever get our hands on that money. When I see someone with tats like this the first thing I ask myself is where does she work. Do people do this so that they will become unemployable.

What makes it more funny is it is a selfie with one of those over priced smart phones. Using a smart phone to record something like this strikes as ironic. But that is where we are at.

She is saying with this “I am woman hear me roar”

I wonder if Hellen Reddy had any of this in mind when she sang that song back in 70″s

November 2, 2015 9:35 am

Westcoaster loves women with tattoos . She’ll probably find someone like him to breed with. Their kids
Will be worse then they are.Future of America.

November 2, 2015 9:39 am

Tattoos are for Sailors and Prostitutes. I should know cuz I am a Sailor.

November 2, 2015 9:42 am

I have a beautiful 23 year old niece that looks like Barbie and is covered with tattoos, a parrot, roses, a pocket watch, the American flag and assorted scripture writings, she lives with her boyfriend in Florida.

My 22 year old nephew is a recovering crack addict. He suffered multiple broken bones and a concussion last summer as he wanted to fight three black dudes at a party for drugs (no money) so they threw him off a second floor balcony, the only thing that saved him was the car roof he landed on crushed enough to cushion some of the fall.

Their parents are straight laced, conservative republican, and crazy ultra religious, no real denomination, but methinks both kids are in full on rebellion mode.

November 2, 2015 11:21 am

Dat ho be lookin like she cudda suck da crome offa da railer hitch.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 2, 2015 11:59 am


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 2, 2015 12:00 pm

Lol hit enter key. SB

Jane you ignorant slut get a Selfie Stick!

November 2, 2015 1:02 pm

Just wait until those pretty picture stat to sag!John

November 2, 2015 1:06 pm

“Their parents are straight laced, conservative republican, and crazy ultra religious, no real denomination, but methinks both kids are in full on rebellion mode.”

Nah, I think they inherited “crazy” genes from their parents.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 2, 2015 3:20 pm

It’s some kind of Liberal Illness.

November 2, 2015 4:00 pm

I’d Hit It!

November 2, 2015 7:41 pm

BB you’re so low your MOMMA has tattoos on both boobs and her ass.

Don’t these people know you can get sepsis from dirty ink? I just went through nursing a family member back after coming down with this blood infection that even got into bone. The docs wouldn’t say for sure, but the area infected was heavily covered in ink that had been applied within the past couple years. He’s better now, but was on IV’s for about 6 weeks including 2 in the hospital.

September 6, 2018 10:20 pm

You, sir, are an idiot.

November 2, 2015 11:47 pm

I wonder what the average length is in time from when a person gets a tattoo to the time they regret it.

I believe given enough time most will eventually regret it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 3, 2015 1:03 am

That’s a young BW, about two hundred pounds ago. Not that 295 pounds is a bad thing.