Via Knuckledraggin

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November 3, 2015 11:02 am

This is the redneck approach to engineering.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Pretty funny,

November 3, 2015 11:44 am


November 3, 2015 11:45 am
rhs jr
rhs jr
November 3, 2015 8:04 pm

While ya’ll urban mites r laughing at us Crackers, I was working at a gas station when a Blue Belly in a suit pulled in with his family and a flat tire; he asked me to put on his spare. I said I’m to busy for that. He said I’ll give you $20 and I said I’ll find the time. The “man” didn’t know where the tire was, how to get it out, how to jack up a car etc much less change a tire. One day I picked up a hitchhiker and he asked me what that grey stuff hanging in the trees was. It won’t matter if my father is also my uncle or whatever; when the SHTF, ya’ll Blue Bellies are gonna be long pork on toast.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 3, 2015 10:00 pm

flash, this may be unheard of in mainstream America but Salvy women put all others to shame. Case in point: young Salvy woman comes to the USA, marries an aging gringo. He was well off but wouldn’t last much longer due to his condition. He offered to marry her and to leave his possessions to her. She did not go Hollywood like Anna Nicole, she took care of him. He helped her bring her kids over legally. He finally died some 10 or 15 years later. My mother in law told her friend, ‘he used up all your youth, instead of dying, he lived because you nursed him back to health.’ Auntie –, as my wife calls her, never regretted anything, she knew her duty as a wife and performed it to the best of her abilities.

November 3, 2015 10:29 pm

@rhs jr..That’s good. I thumbed up your comment even though I’m a Connecticut Yankee, so technically I’m a Blue Belly too, in spite of the fact that all of my relatives came over from Germany and France in the 1880’s, so no one in my family tree fought in the War Of Northern Aggression. However, that said, it was pretty hopeless to start a war against an enemy so numerically stronger in every way. Courage, Culture and Honor doesn’t make it against the sheer numbers of factories, mines, railroads, shipping, population base and virtually unlimited immigrants that the North possessed.

What the Union did to the South after the war is unforgivable. Nuff said by me.

Most of the well meaning liberal granola eaters in NY-CT-MA would be screwed, blued and tattooed in the event things get sporty. As a matter of fact, that is one thing that keeps me going. I would love to watch the looks of panic and horror in their faces when their fairytale world crumbles. I imagine them stumbling out in the street with a putting club in one hand and a non-working cell phone in the other to ward off a mob of multicultural enrichers.

But there are many good folks here in occupied territory. We are tired of getting sidelined and dealing the ‘special people’ getting their way.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 4, 2015 10:38 pm

Lysander, I was a military officer and have met great people everywhere in the world. Rebels have a good natured heritage of standing our hallowed ground and we ridicule the liberal Yankee Blue Bellies right back in their faces. About our loss, Rebels miscalculated a number of things and were on the wrong side of slavery but we won’t make those mistakes again. July 4, 1776 is our Birthday and all Americans celebrate together (12Apr1861 is History). I may get killed for saying the Truth like JFK, but Conservatives love The Gospel, The Declaration of Independence (ratified 1776) and the country the real men of the North and South gave us in The Constitution of 1787 (ratified 1788). It is the Law of the Land and the POTUS and SCOTUS can not unilaterally change any part of it nor can Congress make Laws that amend it unless two thirds of the House and Senate so vote. All unConstitutional Laws are null and void. Unfortunately, there is little expectation that any election from here on will be honest and reflect The Will of The People. Nobody given the outcome of 1861-65 and other events wants to start any shooting with any government (but to be prepared should traitors start it anywhere or we are invaded).

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 4, 2015 10:54 pm

Apparently, a lot of folks here are under the impression that they are descended from royalty. They might have a legitimate excuse, people have always told them they are a royal pain in the ass.

You all are rednecks!

Do you crave squirrel soup? Drive an old pickup? Roll your own cigarettes? Understand what BW is saying? Wear blue jeans to church? Call it an icebox? Know what ‘eating-pussy’ means?

And yet no one posts anything, afeard to come out the closet.

Is everybody here a Yankee?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 4, 2015 10:54 pm

Famous redneck saying: if it bleeds, it leads.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 5, 2015 10:55 am

El Coyote, stereotypes are fun but fiction. I’m a redneck but had to look that saying up in Wiki. I had heard that about the (yankee) MSM but what does it have to do with certifiable rednecks? The first time I heard that word was as a FSU freshmen from some guys from Ohio, I asked what it meant: someone who works in the sun and gets a red neck. I’m OK with that. Of course we don’t do ALL the things you quote and some non-rednecks do do some (wouldn’t we all be rednecks in bed?). Lysander is a Connecticut Yankee (bless his heart) but he is not inept or a snob (shocking?).