Reclaiming the Metaphysical Battlefield

Hat tip Francis Marion

Guest Post by James E. Miller

The U.S. Department of Education just ruled that an Illinois school district violated the rights of a transgender student by not letting him use the girls’ locker room. The student identifies as a female but still has the schlong God gifted him with at birth. In a more sensible time he would be considered a male (and a pervert), but alas, biology has lost out to the religion of “muh feelz.”

Parents are understandably outraged and don’t want a hormonal teenage boy rinsing his junk off next to their daughters. But their concern means nothing to the SJW juggernaut known as the Obama government. They will comply…or else.

The school district now has a month to reach a compromise with the snooty chick wannabe before the Department of Sexification Education takes further action, which could include loss of federal funding. Instead of getting this trans student help (which actual medical professionals recommend), his delusions are being humored. And it will be the female students who suffer.

Don’t assume the transgender problem exists only in schools. The “gender is a social construct” meme is infiltrating all facets of American life. Caitlyn Jenner was only the beginning. There are multiple trans-focused shows on television. Social media allows users to choose from dozens of gender identities. Some wacky parents even subject their sons to camps that “reeducate” them on traditional gender roles by encouraging them to dress like Disney princesses.

“Perhaps it’s time for the country that whipped the Nazis and put Soviet communism in the grave to rediscover its spine and get back to traditional gender roles.”

Given the abnormally high suicide rate among transgender individuals, forcing a child to dress as the opposite sex for the very purposes of undermining basic gender norms isn’t just a novel form of parenting; it’s child abuse. It’s a disgusting crime that warrants legal recourse. But I digress.

Now, you might think: If some delusional folks want to chop off their genitals and play dress-up, why should it be any skin off my nose?

You would be wrong to take a callous attitude toward gender dysphoria. High suicide rates are one thing. The draining of the American—and Western—soul is another. The trend we’re seeing with the rise in acceptability of sexual deviance threatens the very foundation upon which our civilization is built. Unlike Buffalo Bill, it’s no laughing matter.

As the U.S. succumbs to gender madness at home, unapologetic masculinity is taking off abroad. Russia’s strongman president Vladimir Putin openly trashes the moral relativism of the West while standing up for traditional values. China just eliminated its one-child-per-family policy in order to assuage its growing population of unmarried men. The Middle East is being overrun with an Islamic caliphate that practices Sharia law and encourages patriarchal family structure.

Our adversaries are proudly aligning themselves with patriarchy. Perhaps it’s time for the country that whipped the Nazis and put Soviet communism in the grave to rediscover its spine and get back to traditional gender roles.

So how do we begin to reverse the damage done by the left’s deranged view of biological reality?

The answer is easy: start being men and women again. Okay, you might say, but what does that mean, exactly?

It means accepting yourself and your role in the world. It means valuing social obligations. It means taking care of your family. It means having a stake in the community around you. It means going to church. It means staying faithful to your spouse. It means delaying gratification. It means putting the needs of others above your own.

Basically, it means cultivating the bourgeoisie lifestyle so loathed by the left. It’s not always easy—Lord knows I fall short on multiple counts—but dedication to the cause is what matters. Living an ascetic life is the toughest thing a guy can do. But the fruits are worth it: a sense of being a good man or woman, and rubbing it in the face of liberals.

Since the time of Plato, the good life—the way of living that fosters community, puts pride in raising children, obeys the rules, and raises the next generation—has been derided by subversive elites. The rise of Christianity stopped the mass spread of sexual debauchery and corrosive behavior in the West. But in our post-Christian age, it’s more imperative than ever to live by the values that lifted our society from pagan sodomy to rational moral limits.

The Italian philosopher Augusto Del Noce argued that our view of sex is rooted in metaphysical understanding. “The question of eroticism is first of all metaphysical,” he wrote in The Crisis of Modernity. “Only a restoration of what for brevity I will call ‘classical metaphysics’ can truly dismantle the framework of judgments that make up eroticism.”

Fighting a war on a metaphysical battlefield is near impossible when the other side has captured the most fortified machine-gun nests. That’s why it’s more important than ever to live out the ideals that are contrary to the left’s private-parts ethics. We must show the other side that reverence to a strong, but tempered, authority is a necessary thing. That’s the only way to discredit the liberal worldview and restore the idea of a virtuous order existing beyond ourselves.

To begin, we can quit apologizing for upholding the customs that built Western civilization. That includes not ceding to the demands of boys who insist they are girls.

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Captain Willard
Captain Willard
November 9, 2015 12:40 pm

As Tyler said in “Fight Club”: “sticking feathers up your ass doesn’t make you a chicken”.

The mental health crisis in America is a massive yet ignored problem. Defining deviancy down (pace Daniel Patrick Moynihan) doesn’t alleviate this crisis. It’s the mental-health equivalent of pension-fund accounting: just ignore the problem and hope it goes away.

November 9, 2015 12:48 pm

The freak show marches on!

November 9, 2015 1:11 pm

Our enemies control the mass media and the educational institutions. I see no way of restoring Christian principles that was / is the foundation of our REPUBLIC

November 9, 2015 1:12 pm

On Saturday Nights when I was single I identified myself ( in my mind ) as Brad Pitt…alas none of the ladies saw me that way….I still did OK though.

November 9, 2015 1:31 pm

ok so basically a young male is identifying with being a female and is accommodated .
So whats next? a 12 child identifying as a legal adult , so now that 12 year old can buy alcohol , and get a drivers liscense? Or better yet a 25 year old identifies as being elderly and now gets to apply and draw social security benefits? These are not my thoughts ,but I read them somewhere and they make sense to me . WTF is wrong with people?

November 9, 2015 2:13 pm

The government wants to control us – completely. What a better way than to enforce bizarre beliefs that we must hear about as ‘rights’ all fuckin’ day in, day out.

Queers, trans, ugly lesbians, stinky Somali’s, illegal aliens with ‘rights’ and ‘entitlements’, making school districts give individual instruction to retards who will never work in their life, the list goes on and on.

I speak up against it, every chance I get.

November 9, 2015 2:57 pm

So when is Michelle O coming out?Like the late J Rivers said, we all know,Noticed in picture of her/him with her hands both cupped over her “junk” her head bowed in front of Saudi royal.Why?

Das Arschloch
Das Arschloch
November 9, 2015 3:10 pm

Gender is not a social construct. Society is a sexual construct.

November 9, 2015 3:57 pm

So, when Obama self-identifies as Caliph of the Free World, we’ll be forced to go along with it, or risk being called insanity-phobic by the worthless whore media?

I wonder if Bruce Jenner will end up in Obama’s harem?

November 9, 2015 4:54 pm
November 9, 2015 5:32 pm

This shit is getting out of hand. Personally, I don’t give a shit if a guy wants to wear a dress and call himself a girl. It’s certainly none of my business what people do with themselves. The government activity encouraging such things is just another reason to stop supporting it. And while I don’t particularly care if a man wants to be a woman, I do draw the line with wanting to use the bathroom or gym shower with my daughter. No. Not happening. Not ok. My daughter isn’t even 1 year old yet, and as bad as this shit has gotten in the 12 years since I graduated high school, I can only imagine how far out of hand things will have gotten by the time she is in school. But, this can also be a positive – more people will just remove their kids from public schools all together. Home schooling and private schools will grow, which have a much better chance of turning out free thinking individuals rather than the collectivist drones the government schools produce.

I would like to ask the left one questions though – if democracy is the law of the land, and literally the most important thing, why is it that the desires of such a tiny % of the population can trump the desires of the majority of women(and young girls since this is a school) to not have to use a shower and bathroom with males?

Rick Caird
Rick Caird
November 9, 2015 5:42 pm

I am curious as to where the DoE gets the authority to make that call and restrict funding. I suggest the school say “Hell, no”, go to court to get an injunctions against enforcement, and the sue the shit out of the DoE.

November 9, 2015 6:10 pm

If the people in that school district do not demand that they fight the government over this, then they deserve this crap. “In the end, you get the government that you deserve.” There is no way that the Constitution okays a man being considered a woman simply because he says he thinks that he is when all of the physical evidence says otherwise.
Caitlyn Jenner does not need our approval, He needs a shrink. What in the Hell is a teen ager today to make of all of this. Our country is so screwed.

November 9, 2015 6:17 pm

So maybe every boy in the school should suddenly start claiming to identify as a girl so they can join the girls in the showers?

Then. of course, they could also claim they are Lesbians as well.

November 9, 2015 8:33 pm

You can say the sun will not come up in the morning all you want. That will not change the fact. The pendulum will swing and real men will again dominate.

November 9, 2015 9:21 pm

B – the constitution doesn’t mention it because it’s none of the governments business. In a free society, a person should be able to call themselves anything they want. Doesn’t make it true, but a man has the right to say he is a woman. But, the line is drawn where property is concerned. You don’t have the right to demand access to women’s facilities on someone else’s property. As far as schools go, if you are going to get into the constitutional argument, there is no mention of education or schools anywhere in there, so the entire dept of education shouldn’t even exist, as the founding fathers correctly left that out, since it’s none of the fed govts business. That’s the argument that should be made here. This should never be above the state level, at most.

I. C.
I. C.
November 10, 2015 5:05 am

A simple DNA test will be all the evidence needed to prove the real gender.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 10, 2015 3:07 pm

If you like Cultural Communism, you can keep your public school system. It’s doing exactly what he DoE wants and getting better at it every year. Since it will not repair itself, support Vouchers.

June 18, 2016 4:42 am

It seems like the Western world is crumbling and it’s starting with the USA. I honestly hope you guys will take back your land away from these SJWs. It scares me what they’ll do if they take over completely. They’ll then want to target the rest of the world and the thing is, the USA has major influence on the rest of the world. So I will be praying for you guys. God bless and stay strong. Fight the good fight.