Guest Post by starfcker

OK, doomers, this is the big one I promised you. Fighter jet America is plunging to earth, engines aflame, all anybody can imagine is the big smoking crater when this bitch hits the ground. 18 trillion in debt, federal deficits as far as the eye can see, unfunded liabilities at as high a numbers as the scaremongers can imagine them, our very place in the world threatened by crushing debt and political ineptitude. America’s time has come and gone. Right, doomers?

Wrong. We’ve got one thing on our side. Math. All of our problems stem from one flawed premise. The flawed premise? Globalization. That we can’t make decisions in our own interest, that there is some greater good that we must sacrifice ourselves and our families and our country to. Horseshit. If you believe that, you are truly a brainwashed idiot. Each of us can change that right now, and as a country we can change that next November. Why is Donald Trump so confident that he can turn our economic trajectory on a dime? Because he can do the math. We have to start somewhere.

So let’s start at the same point as Trump. First, some baseline numbers, all from 2014. United States GDP, 17.4 trillion dollars. Total tax revenue, just over 3 trillion dollars, or about 17.5 % of GDP. Federal deficit, 483 billion dollars. National debt, 18 trillion dollars, more than 100% of GDP. Number of working age Americans not in the labor force, 94 million. Sounds pretty horrible, right? Not if we focus on the root of the problem. Globalization.

Let’s first define globalization for the purpose of this piece. Globalization on it’s face isn’t evil. It would be fine, were it to grow organically, on it’s own merit. I’m defining globalization as an organized criminal conspiracy, looters helping themselves to the intellectual property and life savings of an entire country. Last year, our trade deficit with china was 343 billion. It’s expected to rise about 20 billion this year. Let’s just round it to 350 billion for the sake of this discussion. That deficit is all Chinese doing jobs Americans used to do.

All those wages, gone, all those profits, gone, all those tax revenues gone. We run deficits with most other countries, but china is the biggest, and easily big enough to make my point. Think of our economy as a bucket of water. Every year, the Chinese leak in that bucket loses us 350 billion dollars. To refill the bucket, instead of producing new wealth, we counterfeit money.

In an earlier essay on this forum (the fruit company), I explained the concept of the multiplier effect, also called the velocity of money. In that example, I pared back the expectation to that the money might change hands 4 times a week. Today, I’m going to scale it back much, much further, to 10 times a year. Let’s just say we went cold turkey, and stopped trading with china. We would immediately stop losing a billion dollars a day.

Now let’s say we ramped up our own productive capabilities, which are the best in the history of the world, to replace the production stolen from us by china. We’re going to need a whole lot of those 94 million unemployed Americans, huh? Imagine what that would do to the welfare rolls. Imagine the taxes those re-employed workers would pay into social security. It would be rolling in dough.

Now let’s plug that x 10 multiplier into our 350 billion in savings. That’s 3.5 trillion dollars. Guess what, boys and girls, GDP just went up 20%. Now let’s tax that 3.5 trillion in new GDP at Trump’s 15% rate. You can kiss that federal deficit goodbye. Overly simple? Sure. I don’t care about china. I don’t care about the traitors that moved their production to china. Take away chinese slaves, and the big box monopolies lose their cost advantage.They can rot, I don’t care. Smooth transition? Probably smoother than you think. Upside for us? Yuuuuge.

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November 10, 2015 7:11 am

Will be difficult even if TRUMP does win .He will face a bought and paid for congress who will still sale the country’s future to the highest bidder. I do like your optimism. It will take a miracle.

November 10, 2015 7:12 am

With this Swiss-watch like efficiency in massive ramp-up of domestic production and consumption, how does the US dollar remain the worlds’ reserve currency, or will that no longer matter as we will have attained energy-independence, too?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 10, 2015 7:50 am

I would love to have one intelligent person explain to me why the USA would not survive economically if we went full scale isolationist- slam the borders closed, end all trade, remove our military from every foreign location, etc.

The only difference between a continent and the globe is size. The planet is a closed system with more people, there’s no movement to expand to other markets throughout the solar system because it’s closed to us (and there’s no one else there). 350 million people. That’s a huge market, but somehow it’s not enough for survival? Who came up with that argument?

The entire premise of every economist I have ever heard in the past 25 years is that human life can only exist if it continues to expand it’s population indefinitely, forever. Are these people retarded? What’s the downsize? Economic difficulties? For who exactly? Do we not already have them? Happiness? I thought we were the unhappiest, most suicidal, drugged up population on the Earth, who exactly is happy with the present system?

The problem we have is that we are all forced to accept a paradigm that was designed to profit corporations, government power mongers, the military industrial complex, Big pharma, the prison industry, etc. What if all of our priorities were realigned?

Anyone ever heard of Cincinnatus? He was at one time the single most powerful man in the world and after he completed the thing he was asked to do, he quit and went back to his farm. HIS FARM.

So we give up Iphones and Halo and replace them with a shovel and a frying pan, how is that bad? One feeds you, the other simply distracts you.

The argument for globalization is so vapid and hollow I can’t believe people believe it.

November 10, 2015 7:54 am

We had debt and ran defecits long before we outsourced everything. The war and welfare machines also need to be dismantled. And healthcare industrial complex. Much has changed, not just outsourcing.

November 10, 2015 7:57 am


Earth is not a closed system. Input of the sun dont forget. And on a long enuf timeline, who knows.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 10, 2015 8:03 am

Great piece. The math is simple, and leaves out a lot, but overall, I love the idea.

November 10, 2015 8:23 am

The “Bankruptcy King” is going to save us from globalization………yep. Sure why not.

November 10, 2015 9:35 am

At htis point , only divine intervention will suffice to save US.

Day is correct. Free trades is national suicide coupled with white genocide, which in truth is basically the same thing.. The Two parties have sold out America to the interests of corporate fascism and now that genie is out, ain’t no putting it back in without very much pain and suffering.

There are four things you need to keep in mind if you are an ardent free trader:

The arguments justifying free trade have always been entirely theoretical, not empirical. In this way, they are no different than the incorrect pre-scientific logical conclusions that were subsequently proven to be false by modern science. At the time they were formulated, inexpensive shipping, the free movement of capital, and the mass movement of labor were unknown.
The USA historically enjoyed its fastest periods of economic growth under protectionist, restricted-immigration periods.
The post-WWII growth was not the result of any trade or economic policies, but a positive application of Broken Window theory. Every other industrial nation had its industrial capacity smashed, so the US benefited from an intrinsic infrastructural advantage for around 25 years.
Free trade levels all prices throughout the market. That’s why a cashier in Miami gets paid about the same amount as a cashier in Portland. Even if free trade increases the overall amount of global economic growth, in doing so, it necessarily reduces wages and standards of living in the wealthier nations to bring them more in line with the wages and standards of living in the poorest nations.

Look, I was an ardent theoretical free trader for decades. I know the pro-free trade arguments better than you do; my father gave me Free to Choose to read when I was ten years old. But the fact is, the theoretical arguments are incorrect; the conclusions their logic predicted have turned out to be observably wrong.

And perhaps you remember what I wrote about how half of all young Americans will have to leave the country in order to find work under a true global free trade regime? The stage for that is already being set.

Offshore outsourcing is having “a fairly strong impact” on IT employment, said Janulaitis. Students coming out of college are facing trouble starting a career “and a lot of that is driven by jobs that are taken by non-U.S. nationals in our economy, and a lot of that is H-1B [visa holders],” he said.

November 10, 2015 9:48 am

Man Admin, you really know how to poop in someones punch bowl, but what you say is quite true. Throughout history whenever a country put up trade barriers the ensuing retaliation was swift and painful just look at the 1930’s. We are buying cheap labor and valuable fuel resources with our funny money, we may as well enjoy while we can get away with it. The party will end sooner or later when everyone else catches on.

My greatest fear is not the end of the funny money party, it’s that the fools in charge will start a global war as my kids are 19 and 22, prime age for the draft, and I truly believe they will draft women as well as men this time around. That is part of why there has been such a push to integrate so many levels of the armed forces. These idiots would justify a global conflict as a jobs program putting many of the 94 million out of the workforce into the “fighting” force, since so many of them are under 30. I hope I am wrong.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 10, 2015 9:55 am

So the only solution is to kick the can down the road until it falls over the edge of the flat earth?

Sooner or later, the music is going to stop and the piper, he will want to be paid.

harry p.
harry p.
November 10, 2015 10:15 am

Hell yeah admin, thats your red line that will make you go yeager, mine too.
Makes me wonder how far out that is, my boy is only 4 so i personally want them to get this shitstorm rolling and over with because while i am breathing he wont be served up as fodder if they were to further enslave (conscript) the youth to fight.

November 10, 2015 10:35 am

Stop trading? That’s your solution??? So simplistic even a caveman calls “bullshit!”.

“Now let’s say we ramped up our own productive capabilities, which are the best in the history of the world, to replace the production stolen from us by china.” ——— starfcker

WERE the best in the history of the world. Fixed it for ya. Let’s just take one consumer item as an example; washing machines … off the top of my head, I don’t any are made in America. How does your plan work? We wave a magic wand and suddenly washing-machine factories spring up again? What about all the start-up costs involved; design, engineering, tooling, training, etc. etc. … and don’t forget … LABOR. What are you gonna pay them? Five bucks an hour? Or does everyone get a “living wage” …. and if so, be prepared to pay $5,000 for one washing machine.

“We’re going to need a whole lot of those 94 million unemployed Americans, huh?” —– starfcker

At least half of those are stupid motherfuckers …. have you ever seen Mark Dice videos? Not to mention that you are operating under an OLD manufacturing paradigm that relies on dumb labor attaching screws to panels. Even if manufacturing make a magical comeback most of the jobs in that plant will be done by ROBOTS. If you really think 94 MILLION people can be put back to work in manufacturing, you’re smoking some might powerful shit.

Also, WHO and HOW are these grandiose plans enforced? The “who”, no doubt, will be Da Gooberment. Yea, just what we need … an even bigger and more powerful shitfuk government. The “how” is even easier … at the point of a gun, fines, or prison. Another fine solution.

I hope Llpoh weighs in on this …. he’ll burst your fantasy balloon in a jiffy.

Lastly, if we don’t buy shit from other countries, I’m fairly sure other countries won’t buy our shit. How will that work out? I’ll tell you; a fucking disaster.

November 10, 2015 10:48 am

That’s okay Stucky…

With a bit of mechanical acumen and some basic tools you can make your own washing machine…

[imgcomment image?w=333&h=500[/img]

Toothed wheel connected to a reciprocating, toothed gear that drives a spindle. On the other end of the spindle are paddles that swish around your dirty laundry. If you’re really creative, you can connect a drive belt to the toothed wheel – the other end of the belt attached to something interesting like a stationary bicycle. If you’re lazy, you can connect it to a small windmill…

No electricity consumption, but you still have to change the water, etc.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 10, 2015 11:06 am

It’s coming down, one way or another.

And those people on the Mark Dice videos are ignorant because the work and innovation of others makes it possible. When push comes to shove watch how fast people figure out the business end of a hammer or a frying pan.

November 10, 2015 11:18 am

starfcker should read ‘Wealth Of Nations’ by Adam Smith.

Smith writes about how countries become rich …. trade = wealth. Wealth is determined by productivity. The more you make, the more you can consume. Productivity is determined by specialization … or, “division of labor”. When people are able to focus on one aspect of production, they get really good at that aspect and their productivity goes up. The more people you can connect in networks of relatively unobstructed trade, the more people can “divide” their efforts, and the richer each one of them will be.

For nations, to be rich is to trade, to be poor is not to trade. It has been that way in all of human history. That won’t change even if starfcker shits hope ‘n unicorns for the rest of his life.

November 10, 2015 12:21 pm

“wealth of nations” was written when nations were more-or-less forced to trade value for value, as in gold coins for barrels of wheat / flour, and none could compel (or long deceive) other nations into unfavorable trade.

Nowadays, we trade low-value (and becoming worthless) paper money for real goods, and with certain advantages (think Swift, international clearing houses and such) force other nations to trade value for fiat (lest they be shut out of the international banking systems or pay 30% tithes or so forth).

We could easily (and fairly quickly, by historical standards) become a manufacturing nation again, but it would require certain sacrifices:
(1) Useless regulations that inhibit innovation and enterprise would have to be dismantled
(2) Useless government drones enforcing such regulations would have to find real jobs
(3) Useless government giveaway programs that reward sloth and gluttony would need to cease
(4) Those who push equality of results rather than equality of opportunity would require ignoring
And so forth. We would still need responsible engineering to prevent environmental degradation (do you want to live next to a waste dump?) and shoddy quality, but this can be done.

I like Starfcker’s optimism too, but having watched how humans behave for half a century, I tend to expect Admin’s outcomes. I hope to be in on the rebuild, once the smoke clears and the fires die down. Maybe we can rebuild it better, just have to see.

November 10, 2015 12:21 pm

I think isolationism would be a great idea…not necessarily zero trade, but only that makes sense, not only from a financial sense, but more importantly from an energy and labor sense. Saw a VICE episode where “scrappers” are tearing all the useful materials out of abandoned buildings in some of our dying cities (the episode centered around Detroit and Cleveland). Great, right? This is REAL recycling. Except fro one tiny little problem…95+% of the shit they tear out of our cities gets shipped to China, so that they can make trinkets over there, ship it back and sell it at Wally World. Obviously, this makes sense in the financial world or else it would not happen..but in terms of energy and labor and time (you know REAL things) it is beyond Full Retard. Nothing resembling a truly free market with sound money would EVER allow such a ridiculous imbalance.

Therein lies the problem with Starfcker’s plan, wit EVERY plan…they simple will NOT happen. Admin hits the nail on the head…our Oligarchs, the only people with the power to peacefully (somewhat anyway) dismantle our system, are the one’s who benefit most from it. Of course it’s silly and of course they are being remarkably short-sighted, but that is simply human nature and the corruption of the powerful.

The status quo will be maintained until it no longer can….the can will be kicked until it falls over the cliff. No one can change that…not the Donald…nor all the Unicorns in Fairyland.

The only things we can hope for are these: 1) the world (and the human race) survives the first Fourth Turning of the nuclear age and 2) If/when we get a new High, we rebuild a system more along the lines of what HSF describes….where productive tools are valued more than toys…where real relationships are valued more than status…where time is valued more than money…and where spiritual pursuits are more sought after than economic ones.

November 10, 2015 12:22 pm

first sentence should read “only that TRADE that makes sense”

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 12:30 pm

I’m not suggesting we stop trading with anybody. Cold turkey is just to make a point. Trump says if we could just bring our chinese deficit down to 100 billion it would change everything. Someone please change jim’s diaper, I think I’ve frightened him

November 10, 2015 12:55 pm

Stucky – I like your mention of specialization – you’ve hit the nail on the head as far as I’m concerned.

Specialization leads to development in key areas, when that knowledge can be passed along (throughout the field – not just one corporate subset) the overall productivity of that field increases leading to more development and more productivity increases, along with branching specializations.

Much of the waste we see today seems to be the result of the hoarding of information/knowledge.

Patents served a valuable purpose decades ago – when new developments were few and far between – research needed to be protected until production lines could begin rolling out the newest widget – key being a physical product. We (western society) has extended the patent to IDEAS.

Coding is a perfect example of this fraud committed on a grand scale, and we can see this by going back to basic math and allowing our current patent madness to apply.

35 = 3*5+20 = 3+3+3+3+3 + 20 = 3*5+4*5 = 7*5 = ….

All of the above are equivalent statements (and there literally are infinitely more). Suppose i have the patent on multiplication, without my explicit permission the only statement of the above that you can use is 3+3+3+3+3+20 = 35. You can still develop calculus, pretty much all other maths, but can’t use multiplication – ever. How productive would those mathematicians be if they had to write out a long form, or write out 3 times 5 rather than use the *? (not exactly what I’m going for but the simplest example to reach as broad a base as possible)

Once we began to patent and restrict access to ideas (in the name of finance I might add) we forced the world to start grinding it’s gears. Why do we need 20 different groups working on a problem that has already been solved when their energy could be used working on one that hasn’t?

Globalization is trying to force the world into one mold – with one agriculture company, one power company, one tech company etc. Highly specialized, likely highly efficient (see note) but with piss poor resiliency. Meaning that in this Globalized world there are multiple single points of failure – one key domino falls and the system stops dead in it’s tracks.
(note: I only say likely highly efficient due to the apparent prevailing assumption of economics of scale > law of diminishing returns; personally unsure of existence of an inflection point – would appreciate suggested reading on the subject)

I will be unable to comment further on this for a while, cheers all.

Tomorrow – Don’t remember those who went to fight or why they were sent, but the ideal they believed was worth dying for – in that their bravery can be honored regardless of the banker’s causes.

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 1:23 pm

Quinn,”you confine your asinine analysis to just china, even though we have huge trade deficits with a dozen other countries.” SF, paragraph 5, “we run deficits with most other countries, but china is the biggest, and easily big enough to make my point.” If I add more vountries and more trade deficits, it only makes my case (and my math) stronger.

November 10, 2015 2:01 pm


There is no solution that can be implemented with the capture of our system by corporate oligarchs. Nothing rational can be done from within. The shit has to hit the fan and this entire teetering edifice of debt has to crash down and destroy the existing institutional order. I’m afraid it will all lead to civil and world war.

Ditto…that is it in a nutshell.

TTP and TTIP were passed (passing) in secrecy. Our country has been looted by the trillions.
We will be looted for trillions more and then blown up. This is the plan in action at present.
We are many decades behind in the realization. So now the Donald is going to change
something? He is charged with distracting us. We have been captured.

November 10, 2015 2:03 pm

sorry, got carried away. attribution administrator.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 10, 2015 2:19 pm

Slamming the borders shut is a solution to the social problem but you need another finger in the dyke to plug the economic problem. Then you need a toe to plug the defense problem and then you need your dick to plug the technology problem. Isolationism and communism have been weighed and found wanting.

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 2:21 pm

Explain how we would lose 10% of GDP by stopping the hemorrhage of GDP called the trade deficit. Trade deficits get SUBTRACTED from GDP. Losing traitor jobs would easily be made up by productive jobs. Mortally wounding some of the multi-nationals isn’t an unintended consequence, it’s a primary goal

November 10, 2015 2:23 pm

starfcker the king of Common Core math

The stupid, it burns.

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 2:27 pm
November 10, 2015 2:30 pm

starfcker POTUS platform ——> To Save An Economy You Must First Utterly Destroy It

starfcker main accomplishment in life ——> can lick his own balls

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 10, 2015 2:31 pm


Until you confirm to me that you have a plan to get the tribe out of control along with the assurance that treaties will be nullified I will have to say you are completely delusional. Also, the pile of crow you will be eating this time next year is now higher than Trump tower and heading to the height of the Burj Kahlifa (the tallest building in the world).

Simple maff does not work in systems where the fucking deck is stacked, maroon.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 10, 2015 2:45 pm

Stucky- OT but Bloomberg reports today that Russia is in a serious hurt locker. Russians are facing rising prices and greater numbers of them are destitute. The Ruble is circle around the bowl from devaluation and a large number of Russians are finding it hard to afford to eat.

Sounds pretty bad to me………and they don’t own anything…….how is this better?

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 2:53 pm

Jim, you’re the one who says this sucker needs to crash, not me. I’m talking about replacing consumption with production. Truly an apocalyptic thought. Pull the pin.

November 10, 2015 2:55 pm

With Obama and Congress passing TTP and TTIP we have basically turned the global economy over to Jamie Dimon and his billionaire butt buddies running the global banks and corporations. Trump and Starfcker don’t have a chance.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 10, 2015 3:05 pm

Don’t look now Peaceout……Trump IS the Joo bankers butt buddy. He owes them, why would he double cross his buddies?

Starfcker is not capable of seeing this simple fact. The stupid is burning so hard it makes the great Chicago fire look like a cookout on Labor Day weekend.

November 10, 2015 3:22 pm

Star – that is some of the dumbest shit ever posted. Admin dropped an A grade dump on your idea – and is right. Stuck then pissed on the steaming pile of shit, and he is right too (except for one small quibble – the US is STILL the greatest manufacturer, and it is not even close).

Let’s take a look at a couple things – the deficit in manufacturing, using Admin’s figures (I believe he has been generous, as I think the US exports close to a trillion a year in manufactured goods, but whatever. I do not have time to check.) is around $600,000,000,000. Divide that number by say $200,000 per employee (the amount of manufactured goods generated by employee, and what do you get?

You get 3 million. 3 million fucking jobs. THREE MILLION!!!! Not chicken feed, of course, but not 94 million either.

Plus, in 10 years time, that would halve, as would all of manufacturing, owing to technology/robotics.

Plus, of course, shit is going to get a lot more expensive – a shitload more expensive. Way fucking more expensive. Buttloads more expensive. One fucking giant dump more expensive.

You see, the problem is the US would stop shipping hundreds of billions offshore, and would, maybe (one big helluva lot of maybe) start making $1.2 trillion of currently imported stuff onshore.

At double or even triple or quadruple the fucking price. So the goods the good ol’ American used to pay $1.2 trillion for might now cost $2.4 trillion, or $2.6 trillion. Because American workers are EXPENSIVE.

Add that added cost to the cost of goods. And boy howdy do you get some serious inflation. But of course a lot of imports would in fact not be replaced by US made goods, as no one could afford to buy the junk that would triple in price.

Plus you are going to kill off a trillion dollars in high tech exports (maybe ENTIRELY destroy the high tech industries in the US) and replace the high tech export manufacturing with making low tech junk like underwear, plastic cups, etc.

WOULDN’T THAT BE A FUCKING STEP FORWARD? That is rhetorical. Of course it would be a fucking disaster.

So, to summarize – 1) the US would lose high tech exports en masse
2) the US would stop consuming the crappy shit currently imported because the cost would be way too high to make that shit in the US
3) we are talking at most 3 million jobs in manufacturing, which would collapse rapidly as tech and robotics continue apace
4) the loss of the high tech exports would jeopardize the entire high tech industry
5) US quality of manufacture would go to shit, a la the 1970’s, owing to no external competition
6) you would see a mass exodus of high skilled personnel (I suppose Star would try to stop people from leaving) shunt off to greener pastures

Seriously, the maff just does not compute.

The US people need to voluntarily do this shit. That way 1) imports collapse, but 2) high tech exports do not.

It is that simple. That maff computes.

But Americans are too fucking stupid do that maff.

And of course, there are all the reasons that everyone else talks about – versted interests, etc etc etc.

This shit will continue until it collapses.

Oh, and did I mention that the US is just a tad bit reliant on FUCKING CHINA, etc., for some critical raw materials?

“But there is a fly in the ointment.In recent years, the United States has become dangerously dependent on imports of raw materials that are needed to keep our economy moving. U.S. manufacturers are now more than 40 percent dependent on imports of many commodity and rare earth metals. For example, import reliance on gallium is at 94 percent, cobalt and titanium 81 percent, chromium 56 percent, silicon 44 percent and nickel 43 percent. These minerals are critical for defense and energy technologies and many high-tech consumer products.

Consider nickel, which is needed in the manufacture of stainless steel and electricity storage batteries, among other things. Oregon has the only U.S. mine producing nickel. Almost all of the domestic nickel comes from recycling alloys containing nickel.”

“But we are also heavily dependent on foreign countries for 19 minerals, mainly rare earth minerals. Few of us are familiar with rare earth minerals, such as neodymium, samarium and dysprosium, but they are crucial in the manufacture of jet fighter engines, antimissile defense systems, night vision goggles and smart bombs, among other advanced military systems. And they have many other high-tech applications — computers, cell phones and flat-panel televisions, for example. Additionally, they are essential to petroleum refining, automotive catalytic converters, wind turbines and electric vehicles. Fortunately, a rare earth mine in California is now producing some minerals. But it alone can’t meet the fast-growing demand for the metals.

This foreign dependency presents a conundrum for policymakers, because unlike the 12-member multinational OPEC cartel that supplies much of our oil, the foreign production of rare earth minerals is concentrated almost entirely in a single country with its own rising industrial demand: China.”

Oh fuck fuckity fuck fuck.

Gee, wonder if China would sell the US that stuff if Star has his way.

Star – seriously, you are kidding, right?

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 3:26 pm

Not kidding at all. And we could mine almost anything in north america if we get the EPA out of the way

November 10, 2015 3:27 pm

I’m with admin, but could never say it as well as he does. I didn’t see any balls on that cat.

November 10, 2015 3:46 pm

Star – it takes YEARS to start up a rare earths mine. It takes years to create the kind of tooling to replace the imported goods (toolmakers? You need toolmakers? Umm – they are in China these days). Factories? You want a factory? It takes a long time to build a factory. You want 3 million trained employees. Get in line.

There would be a monumental collapse.

I suppose Star’s plan is 1) well, we will keep exporting, and 2) we will build all the tools/factories/infrastructure and train all the employees and toolmakers first, and build all the mines, and THEN when everything is ready, we will tell the Chinese to fuck off. Where the trillions in capital to do all this will be found is a secret only Star knows, and he ain’t telling.

While the tools/factories/mines/infrastructure etc. are being built, the ENTIRE economy would collapse. And I mean entire. Exports would fall to zilch, and there would be no imports, and thus no sales, distribution functions, etc.

And there SURE AS FUCK ain’t no fucking trillions of dollars just laying around with willing investors ready to pour down STAR’s rabbithole.

Star – where will the FUCK will the money come from?

November 10, 2015 4:00 pm

There is no fair trade.How can it be if the people in the other country can’t afford to buy anything from your country.

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 4:09 pm

Llpoh, “it takes years”. Then we better get started, huh? And yes, there are trillions just laying around, and Trump’s tax proposal (it’s on his website, read it, knowledge is power) includes repatriating those trillions for the express purpose of rebuilding our productive economy

November 10, 2015 4:10 pm

I dont see globalization in itself as a core issue. There is no solution that doesnt involve undoing 30+ years of rampant growth in entitlement spending. That spending has to be reduced all the way back down to where it was in 1960. It is this entitlement spending that makes it so our people cannot compete on a global stage. Turn off the “free” money spigot. Cut all government funding for education. STOP subsidizing single parent families. STOP. Completely. Buiold back up a network of private charities to support them. Let married families (who make more money) actually get to keep more of their money instead of having to pay a huge portion of their income in taxes to subsidize irresponsible parents. Make it so that the irresponsible parent cannot afford to send their little demon kids to the same schools that married families can afford. That way at least the children of stable families will not be dragged down by the little hellions brought on by the welfare state. This I believe is the single most important thing that must be done. It only takes one bad kid (raised by a single mother on welfare) to drive down the quality of education of EVERY child in a class. Introduce 4 or 5 bad kids in every class and EVERY child’s education suffers. This needs to stop.

November 10, 2015 4:23 pm

Star – bwahahahahaha!

Just read that. Just because Trump is suggesting a tax moratorium does NOT mean that money will be invested in this shit, even if the corps can be enticed to bring it back.

Plus, a little known fact – in the US, it is nigh on impossible to make laws retrospective, including tax law. There is no way in hell that the corps can be forced to bring the money into the US (back is not correct – it was earned overseas).

And there is no way in hell that his idea to tax corps on profits made overseas will fly. You can forget that shit. If that is tried, the fuckers will leave at light speed. The US is the only country that taxes its citizens on world-wide income, and if they attempt to pull that shit on companies, it will end in disaster.

So, your plan relies on 1) enticing the corps to bring money into the US, and 2) assumes once they bring the money in, they will happily invest in manufacturing in the US, given that high tech is going to disappear, that low tech will replace it at best, that manufacturing is going the way of the dodo, and that the economy is going to do a two and a half somersault with full pike into the shitter.

That is some funny shit right there.

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 4:46 pm

Llpoh, we’re never going to agree on this stuff. You are a globalist. You aren’t white. You live in a foreign country. Your interests aren’t going to be the same as mine. So your arguments on this subject are just noise to me. Trump should win the election easily. We’ll see how this plays out. I’d bet I’m right.

starfcker the king of math
starfcker the king of math
November 10, 2015 5:08 pm

Idiot? Maybe. But still the unchallenged king of math.

November 10, 2015 5:23 pm

Star – if you think I am disinterested in the future of the US and the American people you are out of your fucking mind and do me a great disservice. I have a deep and abiding love for the US and its people.

I have paid my dues, have provided jobs and taxes to my country, and have been law abiding. I have no idea what my race has to do with a damn thing. My move has to do with me and my life and my family and my belief that things are going to get far worse before they get better in the US, and in Australia for that matter. The rot has set in, and it will need to be cut away.

I am a realist. The US is now largely populated by sheeple. There are too many slothful and ignorant and lacking in personal responsibility, and too many who want more from government than they they are willing to pay for, and the entitlement mentality has taken deep root. We all know the issues.

There must be a reset.

I will be stunned if Trump gets in. I believe even if the cunt Clinton were caught on tape giving $5 blowjobs down in the ghetto she would be elected.

If you want to bet you are right, I suspect you can go to Vegas and put your net worth on Trump.

Seriously, your plan is bullshit, is totally unrealistic, and would result in world-wide chaos. It would be impossible to implement, and there is no way to fund it, and there would be no time in which to do so. Even if the entire country got behind the idea, it could not happen without a major collapse.

You are trying to mandate a system that should be voluntary. And that never works. Never. If the people are too stupid to do the smart thing voluntarily, government intervention to impose the smart thing on the people is a lost cause and will only make things far worse.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot – blow me.

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