California Middle School Makes Kids Sing About Spreading Islam

Parents in Orange County are outraged after seventh-graders were asked to sing a song about spreading Islam in class.

A social studies teacher at Spring View Middle School gave students an ode to Islam to sing, set to the tune of Rachel Platten‘s “Fight Song.” But instead, the chorus goes:

This is their fight song

Spread Islam now song

Prove that they’re right song 

Other parts of the song declares that they “don’t really care if no Jews or [Christians] believe,” and “Islam… Allah’s on the way.”

Parents were upset, to say the least. “I believe that by singing this song, the children feel comfortable believing that maybe Allah is the only god, and maybe that they should start following him,” one parent told CBS Los Angeles. “And that I’m not OK with.”


Even Islamic organizations like CAIR aren’t happy with the song, especially the lyrics “they might only have one god, but they can make an explosion.”

“Our reaction was that obviously the teacher could have had a better choice of words,” spokesman Ojaala Ahmad said.

Watch above, via CBS Los Angeles.

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November 21, 2015 8:08 am

Allow me to preface this statement by saying that I am an atheist and think all religions are equally stupid. Their main purpose is to allow the smart to lead the stupid around by the nose.

That said, can you fucking imagine the outrage from the left if a public school teacher made her students sing bible verses. There’s be thousands out there with their little signs demanding seperation of church and state. And some how the teachers union, who never lets these incompetent fucks get fired, would make an exception for the Christian teacher. But, somehow this will be consider ok ‘cuz I needs muh diversity’. I really hope I never have to put my kids in a public school.

November 21, 2015 8:14 am

When a teacher can do stunts like this and know they will not be fired,its over,pull kids out asap.Tax $$to go to private school of choice.Starve the beast

November 21, 2015 9:03 am

Gah, this really happened! I had to check a few sources to make sure, because I could not believe it.

This comes under the heading Promoting Religion in Public Schools, and is absolutely against the law. There should be no question that this teacher has committed a grave offense, and should at least be subject to severe discipline, such as 6 months suspension without pay, and dismissal after any repeat offense.

November 21, 2015 9:09 am

Also, given the abysmal performance of American students in basic reading and math as evidenced by their test scores, perhaps it’s time to drop social studies and other “fluff” courses from the curriculum, at least for elementary and middle school students. These types of courses give the instructor far too much scope for promoting her personal politics and beliefs, and are usually delivered in formats that don’t require the students to utilize core skills- for example, films and other visual material that requires no mental exercise, like television, is used, instead of requiring students to read and cogitate.

November 21, 2015 9:53 am

Something tells me this won’t get anywhere as near as much political and legal attention as if they had sang a Christmas carol or something.

And there will be nowhere near as much retribution for it either.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
November 21, 2015 11:18 am

“To insure the dominance of the new statism over public opinion, to insure that the public’s consent would be engineered, the governments of the Western world in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries moved to seize control over education, over the minds of men: over the universities, and over general education through compulsory school attendance laws and a network of public schools. The public schools were consciously used to inculcate obedience to the State as well as other civic virtues among their young charges. Furthermore, this statizing of education insured that one of the biggest vested interests in expanding statism would be the nation’s teachers and professional educationists.”

Murray Rothbard on Public Education

November 21, 2015 11:38 am

I spent some time researching the name of the 7th grade teacher who committed this bullshit, but was unsuccessful. It looks like the school has removed any references to any teacher in any grade from their website. Links to ‘departments’ take you to totally unrelated pdf’s about ‘new school construction’. They have covered their tracks in this case.

So, in light of that, it would be safe to say she’s a jew or is of middle eastern musloid decent. Now I wonder what else this female sow is teaching the children? How to praise niggers properly? How White people are the most evil in the world and should be exterminated? How homosexuality is the best lifestyle, while being straight is lame and stupid?

November 21, 2015 11:48 am

Shit is fucked up, and bullshit.

Not surprised this is in California.

Public schools are basically like a mandatory Hitler Youth organization with an anti-white agenda.

November 21, 2015 11:54 am
November 21, 2015 12:37 pm


I’ve got to argue with your premise.

In the testing insanity that accompanied No Child Left Behind and now Common Core, schools began reducing attention in the “fluff” subjects to spend more class time on reading and math.

Reading comprehension is dependent on the possession of enough background knowledge within the reader to be able to grasp vocabulary, allusions, historical references, and figurative language. When history, science, music and art are reduced or eliminated altogether, opportunities to learn about the larger culture are vastly diminished. This becomes an even greater issue when significant numbers of immigrant kids must be acculturated. This is why reading scores tend to drop in the upper grades; as the text becomes more sophisticated, comprehension requires more background knowledge and the kids don’t possess it.

This is a bit oversimplified, but I think you would have to agree our kids don’t suffer from overexposure to history these days.

November 21, 2015 4:34 pm

Gayle, I agree with you that history, art, music, and literature are not “fluff” courses,and are essential to intellectual development.

Social studies, however, is in another category. While history is, or should be, based on facts- on events and developments as they occurred, social studies is a set of theories of how society works, and tends to be way too open to interpretation by the people who create the curriculum, and those who teach it, who tend to be allowed to be a little too, ah, creative in their approach and their choice of material. I realize that history can certainly be taught with bias and often is, but it is easier to keep a teacher on track than it is with social studies.

November 21, 2015 10:02 pm

— “Their main purpose is to allow the smart to lead the stupid around by the nose.”

Atheism is a much better system of belief for that. It locks the smart firmly at the top of the pyramid with people being conditioned from birth to believe there is nobody to appeal to but other humans.

The increase in totalitarianism totally has nothing to do with the masses having God replaced by other humans. That’s just a coincidence.