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November 22, 2015 12:02 pm

Re: The Fourth Turning…in my opinion,

For those waiting for the S to HTF…please know that it already has.
For those who are waiting for a war, please understand we ARE at war.
For those waiting for a financial collapse …please know we are experiencing it.
For those fearing martial law…we are in virtual martial war now
For those fearing civil unrest, destruction of quality health care, taxation without
representation, highway robbery by police, militarization of police, destruction of
the educational system, corruption of government, financial criminals run amuck?

We are not “the land of the free”. We are captured. Make an innocuous remark?
Lose your job. Students of history could state this this all far more eloquently I’m
sure. And their predictive powers would out do mine as well. Nonetheless, allow
me to urge you to prepare. Mentally, spiritually, and materially.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 22, 2015 3:56 pm

susanna: Hear, hear!

November 23, 2015 12:21 am

@ susanna…Well said. I can’t think of anything to add….you said it all.

Chris Webb
Chris Webb
November 24, 2015 1:03 pm

Reading the 4th Turning changed my life. I now feel like I have a glimpse of our future. While I’m confident that the next ten years are going to further decline, it’s after this turning ends at around 2025 that I’m not so sure about. I’m equally torn between optimism and pessimism. Will this winter be utterly destructive or will the foundation of decentralization being laid (internet, bitcoin, blockchain, etc) be enough to shift a new paradigm based on freedom and property rights? Regardless, I’m currently looking for property out in the country in order to ride out this storm.