Guest Post by Ol’ Remus

art-remus-ident-04.jpg As I wrote here after the Paris Massacre:

The time for importing more Moslems and forcing us to adopt and adore them is over. The time for reducing their numbers only in distant lands is over. The time for “bringing the perpetrators to justice” is over—it’s war, not a crime wave. The time for candle light vigils is over. Those in DC who won’t do what needs doing need to be compelled to step aside for those who will.

Attorney General Lynch disagrees. The day after the San Bernadino massacre she spoke at the Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary fund raiser—an interesting choice of venue—and assured them “we stand with you.” She said she would use her Justice Department to protect Muslims, you know, from all the angry mobs that are beating up their kids on their way to school and burning down mosques and assaulting their wives in supermarkets and clinics and shooting them wholesale at holiday celebrations—oh wait. She went on to say the Constitution does not protect “actions predicated on violent talk” and pledged to prosecute those responsible. Um, what does she mean? Did she just tell us this is none of our business? Or that we have to clear our comments with the Bureau of Hurt Feelings lest we be swept up in a future roundup of co-conspirators?

We have to excuse Lynch, she thinks it’s her job to tell us what we can say to each other, and she gets all but incoherent when she tries to talk uppity, but it’s okay, her people will decide what she meant when the time’s right. Sounds like she means shut up and walk away, nothing to see here, citizen. Hmm. The same threat we get from the Moslems. A mere coincidence. We know she doesn’t mean DoJ will defend the First Amendment and move against violent, scheming Islamists in an effective way, it would just be so wrong. Oh, and because guns, the ever-reliable red herring. Can global warming be far behind? Here’s Lynch again, this time all girly-giddy:

National Review – There is now a “wonderful opportunity and wonderful moment to really make significant change,” Lynch declared the day after 14 innocent Americans were murdered and 23 injured at the hands of a Muslim couple who’d reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIS. And what is this change? New gun-control measures, of course.

An honest inquiry into shootings in this country, especially mass shootings, would reveal what the problem is, and it isn’t guns. We’ll save it for another time.

Hussam Ayloush, of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Los Angeles chapter, appeared on CNN and agreed with Attorney General Lynch. He says the San Bernardino killers don’t bear the ultimate responsibility for these murders and if we had any self respect we’d shut up, confess our guilt and ask forgiveness from our Moslem “neighbors” for forcing them to commit this atrocity.

Fox News – Ayloush said U.S. support for repressive regimes in the Middle East, including Egypt, “push people over to the edge. Then they become extremists,” said Ayloush. “We are partly responsible. Terrorism is a global problem, not a Muslim problem. And the solution has to be global. Everyone has a role in it.”

It’s bull. Said differently, their terrorism is everyone’s fault but theirs. The shuck ‘n jive blame-shifting seems familiar, can’t quite place it. And what do you mean “we”, Moslem man?

At about the same time, Obama told us, and expects us to believe, the perpetrators “fell victim” to Islamic extremism. Excuse us—they shot up a room full of innocent people and they’re the victims?! So, victims all around. This is an off-the-shelf “escape and evasion” tactic kept handy by the amoral clever. Otherwise intelligent people with a rickety sense of justice fall for it every time.

Obama we understand. As he said years ago, “if the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will stand with the Moslems.” Plain enough. But what are we to think of unelected leaders who can’t or won’t hold the guilty fully accountable, who also tell them “we stand with you”? Why not with us? Why do we have an Attorney General who threatens us for speaking against those who periodically murder us, do we now live under Sharia Law? Why the followup intimidation after every outrageous attack, can’t the jihadists do this without DoJ’s help? And why the rush to import more of them, is there some sort of shortage?

Anyway, here’s the working theory from what’s known from news accounts so far. Tashfeen Malik was a Pakistani, maybe a war widow, who went back and forth to Saudi Arabia, assumed a new online persona, got her “fiance visa” even though the home address she listed does not exist—there’s your “strict vetting”, and set up operations in the US with her hubby. She was ISIS, and Sayed’s minder. The infant was eyewash, maybe not even theirs. It was Syed’s idea to hit the Christmas party, perhaps on impulse, setting their preparations in motion prematurely. The home made bombs may have been defective by intent, the builder’s, not Sayed’s. There are other versions. This one conflicts materially with the mainstream news accounts—yet ISIS did refer to the “three lions of San Bernadino”. Release the surveillance video please. Unedited. Some time before 2065.

Now consider this:

DC Whispers – Mr. Obama and Ms. Jarrett* are increasingly concerned over anti-Muslim rhetoric not only among the general population and politicians, but among federal, state, and local law enforcement officials who are increasingly concerned further threats to public safety might very well be imminent. They want this tone “corrected” immediately.

Barack Obama is said to have asked during an earlier meeting regarding the San Bernardino terrorist attack how best they,  “control the message on this.” Jarrett* operatives have apparently already reached out to and continue to then remind supportive media figures to describe San Bernardino as a “shooting” and not connect it to Islamic terror.

*Valarie Jarett, Obama’s senior advisor, has close ties to CAIR, a Muslim Brotherhood franchise.

And this:

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
President Obama, at the UN, 2012

Islam has revealed itself as a murderous aggressor since the seventh century. Decent people have opposed them in word and deed for all of those centuries. And decent people are opposing them now, while DC is up to its nostrils in incompetence, misdirection, unwarranted accommodation and, as is being discovered, outright assistance. DHS is the JV team, not up to the job and ISIS knows it. Now they’re here, so it’s here we must annihilate them first, root and branch, on an emergency basis. Their defenders and enablers are self-declared accomplices who have earned their share of the consequences. DC has to decide whose side they’re on before the electorate decides for them. So far they have chosen unwisely.

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December 8, 2015 12:53 pm

What is the chances O-fuckhole declares marshal law before his term is up?

December 8, 2015 12:56 pm


but official statements reveal the intent

this is insane

December 8, 2015 1:15 pm

The entire Obama administration is permeated with Islam sympathizers, supporters and apologists. It is sickening. They seek to use their power to bring in millions of muslims to fundamentally transform the U.S.A. A traitorous and treasonous lot they are. May they all receive their comeuppance. The sooner, the better.

December 8, 2015 1:27 pm

“So far they have chosen unwisely.” No kidding. Not only on the most recent massacre but on the neo-con foreign policy of this country entirely. Our government is on the wrong side of history, folks. And we’re paying the price.

December 8, 2015 1:39 pm

A brilliant analysis by Ol’ Remus.

December 8, 2015 2:01 pm

What, historically, has been done with enemy collaborators?

They are not merely infesting the US government. They are in most of Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. The government of every white country has been infiltrated and subverted.

I think turning the white world into a huge South Africa is the plan. Minority whites, struggling to keep the system running for the parasites.

December 8, 2015 2:17 pm

@WIP: zero. BTW, it’s martial law. The military would not obey consistently and chances are good he’d be ousted in a coup. If he wasn’t, a civil war would start within 1-2 months, tops, and once that started most of the USMC and half or more of the Army, along with >90% of the reserves and guard, would join the freedom side.

No reason for him to do it either, as Boston showed us, we are virtually living under martial law conditions anyway, just without the real military being the militarized force.

December 8, 2015 2:17 pm

Why don’t we have a ‘thank an American citizen day”?

December 8, 2015 2:36 pm

The MSM, pundits and general left apologists are all apoplectic about Donald Trump’s “suggestions” amounting to the abrogation of Constitutional rights.

SINCE WHEN DID NON-AMERICANS – – – knocking on our door to immigrate, invade, or just show up and attack us – – – SINCE WHEN DID THESE ANIMAL INTERLOPERS have Constitutional rights ?

Obomber claims to be a Constitutional Law Perfessor :

Obama a Constitutional Law Professor?

. . . so he should know that non-citizens have no Constitutional rights. No right to immigrate, no right to freedom from religious bias. No right to claim USA Gubmint financial benefits, etc.

So how is Donald Trump trashing or otherwise disrespecting the U S Constitution when he says we need to stop muslim immigration until we have a handle on this evil islam insanity we face.

NON-CITIZENS HAVE NO RIGHT TO IMMIGRATE, no matter what filter is used to exclude them.

So simple. At least I see it that way !

Let them all leave, they do not respect our way of life. If we can’t make them leave, at least prevent people(?) who want to kill us from entering.


December 8, 2015 3:07 pm


Doesn’t mean he isn’t going to try if he gets the excuse.

It would give him a reason to remain in office.

And half or more of the country would support that.

Fortunately, they’re the unarmed half that runs away screaming in terror when a six year old chews a Pop Tart into an “L” shape.

December 8, 2015 4:44 pm

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December 8, 2015 5:39 pm

Heaven forbid, someone might start asking real questions, “why is it SO FUCKING IMPORTANT to overrun western civilization with third worlders? And who is it important to?

December 8, 2015 6:07 pm

Unfortunately, if the election was held today and he ran he would take everyone of the 10 big states except Texas. Remember that unmovable 52 percent.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 8, 2015 8:04 pm

The American Communist, Muslims and La Raza are working together.

December 8, 2015 8:33 pm

When did Ol’ Remus come back?????? I’ve missed him…..

December 8, 2015 9:12 pm

Thanks Admin…..

December 8, 2015 9:58 pm

Love Ol’ Remus. Glad he’s back.
I wonder, if the founding fathers knew what’s happening now, would they have changed the bill of rights to only reflect freedom of religion for Christians only?
When the Constitution was written, the Bill of Rights only pertained to Congress, not the states. Each state had something in their constitutions outlining religious requirements for holding office, some said Protestant only, some said Christian only. I’m still trying to figure out out the 14th Amendment put the states under the Bill of Rights.

December 8, 2015 10:48 pm

This isn’t a corrupt, or criminal government.

It’s an enemy occupation.

December 8, 2015 11:12 pm

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Captain America
Captain America
December 9, 2015 2:03 am

Guns do not kill people, melanin kills people.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
December 9, 2015 3:56 am

You guys are incredibly naive if you think the military is going to think for itself. Stop watching Hollywood movies who give the latest heartthrob a rifle and helmet and go take a look at the current actual composition. Most of the enlisted troops are Black and Latino — many can barely read and lack any real education to put a situation in historical context. They all suffer from smartphone syndrome. Half of the officer corps is now mostly – ugh – coddled Millennials who don’t want to give up their guaranteed paycheck and struggle like their civilian counterparts. They will do what they are told to maintain their Tricare, COLA, and relatively cushy standard of living. If you think otherwise you need a serious reality check.

December 9, 2015 6:02 am

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December 9, 2015 6:03 am

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December 9, 2015 6:48 am

I have had my first Arabic language lesson.

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December 9, 2015 6:49 am


I. C.
I. C.
December 9, 2015 8:35 am

We are watching the Obama administration commit jihad against America.

December 9, 2015 9:10 am

Don’t believe everything you read. Sometimes you have to think about what is being said and how it fits into the bigger picture. Especially question the MSM. 90% is BS and the other 10% is sports and weather.