Intercepted Letter from the KKK: Understanding Useful Idiocy


Exalted Klizzard Fred, Jalisco Klavern, El Ku Ku Klan. Note obsidian knife for disassembling prisoners. May have eye problems. (Photo, Regalia: Klizzardess Violeta)


To the Grand Klaftan and National Klug of the Knights of the Invisible Empire, Ku Klux Klan, December 16, 2015

From Klizzard Fred, laboring for Our Holy Cause  in Washington DC


Esteemed Klaftan,

Greetings from the Yankee Capital. In conformity with your instructions, I provide below a concise assessment of the mood of the nation and our efforts to prevent the rise of the Negro race. The following is suitable for distribution to the membership nationwide, and particularly in the Congress.

Executive Summary:

All things considered, our work goes well. Relations between Negroes and Whites worsen, in large part because of policies of the race-traitors of the Left and of the Negro central government. The Black Lives Matter movement, the recent riots, and the racial disturbances on campus play nicely into our hands. These trends will continue. While the likelihood of race war still seems fairly remote, as the economy declines tensions will grow because of competition for remaining jobs. Ultimately, Whites will rise. In this we must place our hopes.

Assessment and Recommendations

The cornerstone of our efforts must continue to be the denial of education to Negroes. All depends on this. It is true that we cannot keep the few able darkies from advancing, and that if we tried too obviously to do so we might turn the public against us. However, we have been successful in keeping the great majority of Negroes at a very low level of schooling. This has proved sufficient.

The trends are encouraging. News reports indicate that 93% of students in Detroit, which is of course an almost entirely Negro city, can barely read or can’t read at all, and the Department of Education reports that overall illiteracy in America is at 14%, the illiterates being chiefly Negro.

To the surprise of many of our members, the signs are that we will have no trouble maintaining and even deepening the scholastic disparity. You will remember that the election of a mulatto President aroused alarm in many of our Klizzards who feared that Obama would undo all our work of recent decades. I confess that I too expected the worst. Thanks to God on High, this has not occurred. Instead he contributes to the furtherance of our programs. Hallelujah! A third term would be desirable, but is of course highly unlikely.

You will remember the grim days after Brown vs. the School Board when it seemed very possible that Northern schools would produce such a flow of educated Negros that our arguments would be discredited. It has proved to be a false alarm. In preparation for writing this analysis I examined the schools for Negroes in the North, and was pleased to find them uniformly terrible—for example in Newark, Camden, Trenton, Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington, Gary, Flint, and many other Northern cities.

It is true that Catholic schools in urban regions have been disturbingly successful in teaching Negro children. Fortunately, Catholics are in bad odor among liberal race-traitors who will–and do–oppose any policy of Catholic provenance. In general, the political attitudes of our Liberal enemies are such that they will do nothing to change racial policies in the schools. We need fear nothing from this quarter.

It is virtually assured that the race-traitors will concern themselves only with what I think of as political trinkets and gewgaws, such as the Confederate flag. This latter satisfied them, infuriated many Whites, and kept the traitors from focusing on anything to encourage Negroes to get above themselves.

You will remember what the Exalted Luminous Klagon of Illinois said: “If Negroes and their allies among the white race-traitors internalize the belief in the inferiority of the Negro Race, they will do our work for us.” This has proved true to an astonishing degree. As usual, the race-traitors disguise the failings of our Africans instead of trying to correct them which, as the Illinois Klagon pointed out, they do not believe possible. The belief by White liberals in the inferiority of the Negro must be maintained. Fortunately, this has not proved difficult.

In regard to Obama, he is doing much to aid us. A few examples, seemingly minor but potent in their cumulative effect:

First, he has instructed the Justice Depart to use the phrase “justice-involved youth” instead of “juvenile delinquent.” This intensifies the perception that he is a Negro sleeking to disguise the criminality of fellow Africans. We must encourage this approach as it will prevent any actual solution to the chaos in the Negro ghetto.

Second, he wants early release of Negro criminals; the resulting crime wave will work to our advantage, and the  policy itself will make it clear to Whites that he is an African president working to benefit African malefactors.

Third, he urges the schools to stop expelling Negro trouble-makers; This will spur Whites to abandon schools with a preponderance of Negros, thus bringing back segregation by stealth, as it were. This resegregation is in fact already extensive and proceeds apace. We need only wait.

On another front, the establishment of departments of Black Studies in the universities has paid off beyond our expectations. I believe that we erred in opposing them. These departments now exist on almost all campuses. The immediate advantage is that they emphasize the difference between the races (as does thee phrase “African-American”) and, in the Negro, encourage the blessed sense of victimhood. Perhaps more important in the long run is that, by their lack of content, Black Studies produce uneducated Negros carrying meaningless college degrees. This supports the suspicion among Whites that Negro graduates of universities are of low intelligence. By encouraging the use of Black English, we further this goal.

A recommendation: The membership should  use the social media, under differing identities, to urge the acceptance of Ebonics as a foreign language, the imposition of lighter sentences for violent crime, an increase in the scope and amount of welfare payments (particularly to single mothers), and to promote highly visible forms of affirmative action. This last, for example, will cause Whites to shun Negro doctors and attorneys as Whites will come to regard all with suspicion.

Current effects achieved by affirmative action: Here again the news is good, or reasonably so. While it is disappointing to see so many Negroes in federal jobs, on examination things are actually favorable. Resentment of affirmative action among Whites is high. In my conversations with White employees in Washington I have encountered almost universal dissatisfaction with the level of competence of Negroes. My impression—it is no more than this, but based on much experience—is that the affirmative-action Negroes, knowing that they are held in contempt, respond with resentment of their own and less desire to perform. This adds to the deepening racial hostility and is to be fostered by any means possible.

The membership needs to understand that, counterintuitive though it be, affirmative action is important to our Sacred Cause.  If  competent Negroes only were hired, their White colleagues would come to respect them and, probably, become sympathetic to Negroes in general. However, there is little danger o this.

Next topic: A potentially fertile line of inquiry is the incitement of urban riots. I have my doubts as to its practicality, as any hint of our complicity would attract the attention of the FBI, but the payoff almost justifies the risk. As the Anointed Perfervid Klingon of Idaho so convincingly argued in the last meeting of the Grand National Klavern, the burning and looting when covered in detail by television do wonders to persuade Whites of their racial peril. Fear intensifies hostility, and is much to be encouraged.

On a more general note I would like to comment on our prospects in the long term as they appear from Washington. Several points:

First, and most gratifying, the liberal race-traitors cannot afford to espouse policies that might aid the Negro. Consider: If they suggested discipline in Negro schools, they would be attacked by their fellows as racist. The  disorder consequent to uncontrolled misbehavior ensures academic failure for all African “students.” We could never have accomplished this ourselves. Similarly, replacing incompetent teachers would both arouse cries of racism and lose the Democrats the support of the teachers unions. They will not risk political discomfiture to help the Negro.

It is important to understand that White liberal race-traitors who promote “racial justice” do not themselves believe in it. They live in White enclaves, gated communities, White suburbs too far out to be reached by Negroes or in White urban neighborhoods (in Washington, upper Connecticut Avenue and Montgomery county, Maryland for example.) They would never consider sending their children to the Negro schools of Washington. Unconsciously, they  are with us in spirit, while consciously regarding us with horror. On this much depends.

Further, they believe as deeply as we in the incapacity of the Negro. This is apparent in their lack of expectation that the Negro might ever succeed at anything on his own. They now regard affirmative action as a lifelong entitlement, not an initial opportunity. Recognizing that our darker brethren cannot advance on their merits, they punish anyone who makes the observation, and they lower standards for anything requiring intelligence. They say the problem is oppression, but they know. In their hearts, they are with us. Their behavior betrays this beyond mistaking.

In service to our Holy Cause of Racial Purification, I am


Accepted Klizzard of the First Degree, Order of the Burning Cross, and Knight of the Invisible Empire

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December 17, 2015 1:52 pm

Waht is a Ku Klux anyway?

December 17, 2015 3:22 pm

“Waht is a Ku Klux anyway?”
It’s the sound of a vagina uttering a particularly loud and prolonged queef.

On another note, there’s that wonderful line from “Liberal” writer Brian Garfield’s ANTI-Second-Amendment-rights novel *Death Wish* (1972):

“It came to me a little while ago what we really are, we liberals. We demand reforms, we want to improve the situation of the underprivileged – why? To make them better off materially? Nuts. It’s only to make ourselves feel less guilty. We rend our garments, we’re eager to show how willing we are to accept any outrageous demand so long as it’s black, or youthful, or put up by someone who thinks he’s got a grievance. We want to appease everybody – you know what a liberal is? A liberal is a guy who walks out of the room when the fight starts.”

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 17, 2015 3:37 pm

Fred’s still a believer in the Universalist Theocracy, where the only thing keeping 30% of blacks from being smart enough to join the Army is “poor education.”


For the record, the figure for whites is about 7%. This means that there are (for the mathematically challenged) more whites who don’t qualify than blacks….but percentages do matter.

Also for the biologically challenged, (Fred), might selection on the basis of intelligence have anything to do with why inner city minority (i.e., black) schools enroll such incapable kids? Maybe the smarter parents and/or smarter kids move AWAY from the slums because (shocking, I know) they’re smart enough to do so and to have options?

With this column Fred reminds us that he made his living as a reporter, and reporters are part of the Ministry of Truth, Orwell version.

Yes, Fred, none of the following is true, it’s all from lying KKK members.
And the BIG ONE:

December 17, 2015 4:22 pm

Fred shat upon himself with this one.

December 17, 2015 4:39 pm

The Klan Headquarters is in Harrison Arkansas! Most Klan members would not be able to read Fred’s Rant! Stucky what’s wrong with it?

December 17, 2015 4:41 pm

My take was Fred’s describing the obvious damage Obama has done to race relations in this country, theres no doubt about that.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 17, 2015 4:43 pm

Makes a heck of a lot more sense than anything we hear from the Communist (Democrats).

December 17, 2015 4:51 pm

The Klan really is almost a non existent entity!

December 17, 2015 5:15 pm

Stucky says: “Fred shat upon himself with this one.”


Sensetti says: “The Klan really is almost a non existent entity!”

Meaning that Mr. Reed exploited a trope – the Ku Klux Klan – which all the Social Justice Warriors frenetically sputter and steam over while knowing that it’s a phantasm, exploiting the leftards’ great big White ray-ciss bugbear to make his point that in exacerbation of the native intellectual deficits of the Negro race as a whole the “Liberal” fascisti are doing (and have done, for more than half a century) vast amounts of damage to the Mulignani in general and the tiny minority of intellectually capable Negroes in particular.

No, Fred shat upon the LEFTARDS, and did it with telling effect.

December 17, 2015 5:55 pm

I don’t know why people are bashing fred on this one. This is his satirical way of saying that most things the left/government do for blacks hurts them rather than helps them, and if one was KKK, the best thing for you, and whites in general, is for all of these things to simply continue, and play themselves out to their logical conclusion.

December 17, 2015 7:12 pm

Gator, they aren’t smart enough to keep up with Fred’s satire.

December 17, 2015 7:13 pm

“I don’t know why people are bashing fred on this one. This is his satirical way of saying that most things the left/government do for blacks hurts them rather than helps them, and if one was KKK, the best thing for you, and whites in general, is for all of these things to simply continue, and play themselves out to their logical conclusion.”

I prefer Fred speak in his voice rather than a KKK voice to deliver his satire.
Nonetheless, it made sense to me….O is just making the gap/mess bigger.

Some chuckle or feel good Fred pointed out the illiteracy numbers, or the
“interventions” and education $ wasted/failed. Meanwhile, MSM ignores
rising black frustration/violence in favor of a white saying the N word somewhere.
That “outrage” is reported for weeks. This angers whites, thus = an approval for Fred.

Consider the illiterate black, without a father, possibly a drug addled mother, and
the inner rage and impotence for positive change. Consider the young woman,
interested in having “Jonnie(‘s) baby” cause he so cute…and it is a status symbol
for her. Read Colin Flaherty’s books, “White Girl Bleed Alot” and “Don’t Make the
Black Kids Angry.” True, the violent attacks, flash mobs, destruction of property,
are real and horrid. Anyone think those will end? Or will they worsen and spread?

Who is bringing all the drugs into the country from Afghanistan? Just one
question. We, white or otherwise, will be the victims of these disenfranchised
people. I don’t have a clue what to do? Do you?

IMO, blacks suffer from an enormous inferiority complex. So, they want to kill us.
Great. And that puke Soros admits he fuels the fire. And his crime is ignored.
There are others fanning the flames.

December 17, 2015 7:39 pm

Golly gee! Imagine a subtle Fred On Everything! I’d call it a wondrous piece of satire. Beautifully done, skewering the Left, the Politically Correct and the Social Justice Warriors, all in one swell foop!

Well done!


Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton
December 17, 2015 7:42 pm

You white devils think this is funny ? You crackers will do repentance now.We’ll march , protest and burn this motherfucker down with you white folks in it.

I’m especially going after that wise ass called Stucky.

December 17, 2015 7:46 pm

Saw a picture a while back taken in Washington in 1920 .It was arm to arm KKK as far as you could see.

December 17, 2015 9:03 pm

I hope it was satire or tongue in cheek mockery–otherwise I must admit to some befuddlement as to the point/premise.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
December 18, 2015 12:06 am

Oh, man, you said SO much better than I could have. Thanks

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
December 18, 2015 12:07 am

Get a Clue.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
December 18, 2015 12:07 am


EL Chorizo
EL Chorizo
December 18, 2015 12:19 am

He is giving a tongue in cheek progress report, presumably the folks who would be pleased to hear it would be KKKers.

The folks who could not bear to hear it would be the idiots (and their facilitators) who have shot themselves in the dick with their lame attempts to bring about equality in the most artificial manner.

Fred is saying that the Niggers (and Spics) don’t need any help in fucking themselves into the ground. If they keep this up, KKK might become redundant.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 18, 2015 8:37 am

Maybe I’m crabby this morning, but those of you who think Fred was simply trolling satire at a level I’m incapable of grasping, please re-read the following and I’ll explain it to you afterward, using no more than two-syllable words:

“The cornerstone of our efforts must continue to be the denial of education to Negroes. All depends on this. It is true that we cannot keep the few able darkies from advancing, and that if we tried too obviously to do so we might turn the public against us. However, we have been successful in keeping the great majority of Negroes at a very low level of schooling. This has proved sufficient.”

Oh. Fred. You think spending DOUBLE PER-PUPIL, providing the Very Best Facilities, Programs, etc. OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY CAN BUY (i.e., the Kansas City School experiment) constituted **denial** of education?

For those of you defending Fred on this, explain to me how his satire is suggesting that LEFTISTS are the morons in this afore-printed passage?


Fred is here suggesting that Leftists conspire to look like they’re trying to help blacks while in fact doing everything to keep them on the plantation.

The truth is that blacks As A Group will never catch up to Caucasians and East Asians As. A. Group.

Fred is indulging in the same stupidity as essentially everyone else. All of this is collectivist, BY DEFINITION. We must obsess about how GROUPS of people fare, while ignoring the actual, individual capabilities of members.

Instead of accepting that a smaller subset of blacks will be highly advanced, a larger subset of whites and an even larger subset of East Asians, respectively, we have to tax (rob) the Have’s in an endless, quixotic quest to get the entirety of Black America to look like White America (but with better dancing, basketball and wide-receiving.)

Fred was trolling here, but he wasn’t trolling the Narrative, only the left side of the aisle. It’s the Narrative that’s wrong.

December 18, 2015 9:45 am

In part, D.C. Sunsets writes: “Oh. Fred. You think spending DOUBLE PER-PUPIL, providing the Very Best Facilities, Programs, etc. OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY CAN BUY (i.e., the Kansas City School experiment) constituted **denial** of education?”

What part of the technical term “boondoggle” is it that you don’t understand, D.C.?

Government school systems are really nothing more (or less) than massive opportunities for graft. This is why – despite their truly malignant effects and outputs – they garner uncritical support from nominal Republicans and National Socialists alike, and EVERY politician pumps up the noise about how “underfunded” our government indoctrination centers are.

That which “OTHER PEOPLES’ MONEY CAN BUY” is neither necessarily nor probably going to be what attains the best pedagogical results for any of the matriculants compulsorily enrolled in the coercively funded, educrat-administered, politically curriculum’d, “meatgrinder classroom” ADHD factories American governments sluice so lavishly with property owners’ tax remittances.

Among the many “Liberal” mistakes with regard to ethnic groupthink is the laughable premise that schooling alone – not education, but getting certified as having been *schooled* – is enough to raise any person or group of people socially, culturally, or economically. Particularly in the last category, economic benefit is conferred only by other human beings perception of one’s products and actions as being preferentially valuable, and schooling decoupled from real education is nothing more than a simulacrum of enhanced value.

The “Liberal” fascisti cause great sums of valuta to be dumped into the government school systems both in order to get and direct graft to their purposes *and* to assuage their “middle-class ‘Liberal’ meaningful-dialogue we-are-all-responsible well-intentioned blues.”

In the process, why would we ever think that they gave the least little real damn about whether or not the darkies get genuinely educated?

When that happens, what do we get? Thomas Sowell? Walter Williams? Dick Boddie? Clarence Thomas?

The “Liberals” just keep on getting Obozo Administration fumblenuts other affirmative-action hires, like Sierra Club President Aaron “Deer-in-the-Headlamps” Mair (he of the endless “97% – but it’s 97%! Don’t you understand? 97%!” havering)

December 18, 2015 10:28 am

Indeed, D.C., the pain is on us, but the joke is on the Liberals who actually THINK they’re helping the blacks, or anyone else. The waste IS horrible, but the results never improve – and the Liberals won’t be spared when the Crunch hits. And they will wonder what they did to deserve the dindu nuffins’ rage, hate and violence in their posh mansions, like that Cincinnati female justice just recently….

EL Creyente
EL Creyente
December 18, 2015 10:41 am


1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

2. a joke, not to be taken seriously (see 1. above)