Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Everything is Disintegrating

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Guest Post by Rory, The Daily Coin for Shadow of Truth

Below is a conversation that is unlike any that I have heard before. When preparing for interviews Dave Kranzler and I usually go over what we are going to discuss, how to get the show started and how we will hand off the conversation. It’s a good formula that has served us well. In the conversation below you can throw that formula out the window.

Our world, as many of you know, is experiencing massive, unprecedented change at an ever increasing pace. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, is not only one of the foremost economist in the world, but he also has one of the world’s most respected voices covering the geopolitical landscape.

The American people are asleep at the wheel. The blame is not totally their’s, but they do bare the brunt of the blame. The mainstream media does not report what is happening within our economy or the geopolitical arena, unless they can spew on and on about the endless rainbows, unicorns and how “America is the greatest and Putin is the devil.” No depth of coverage, nothing of real value reported, so the American people are left ignorant and wanting for truth. When you work 2 or more part time jobs, are struggling with keeping a roof over your head and the kids need new shoes, it becomes a challenge to seek the truth even though you know the “report” Brian Williams just delivered is a fabricated piece of fantasy. There is almost no truth to be found in the American mainstream media.

One of the best ways to understand what is happening today in places like Syria, Ukraine and the Middle East is to take a step back and see what history has shown. Most all situations in the human experience have roots in the past. As Mark Twain said, “History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” that certainly applies to the ever encroaching American police state, the unfolding war in Syria, Ukraine, and the Middle East. Does that sound like world war or is it just me?

What has happened over the past several years in places like Iraq, Libya and Syria have roots in the late 1990’s. The Project for a New American Century, a “think-tank”, founded by Dick Cheney, one of the most die-hard neocons the world has ever seen, developed a plan to invade – that’s right, invade – 7 countries in 5 years. Their plan is taking longer than originally thought, but I am not sure if Russian and Chinese resistance was part of the calculation. The development of al-Queada, that has now morphed into ISIS, has not gone as planned either. ISIS appears to be morphing into their own entity that the CIA is having a hard time controlling. The rogue band of mercenaries are going rogue in a way that was not foreseen.

Dr. Roberts describes the evolution of the “deep state” and how the neocons have a strangle hold on the American political process that is hard to shake. These psychopathic warmongers are not concerned with anything except power, blood-lust and their own sense of “destiny”. The tapestry that Dr. Roberts weaves begins with Nixon, the Vietnam War and winds it’s way through the latest meeting between President Putin and Secretary of State, John Kerry. The picture is clear and details how we have arrived at the brink of nuclear annihilation. The three part series is not to be missed. To get the whole picture you need to listen all the way through. It was intentionally broken into smaller pieces to allow the info to sink in. As I said we are facing a world in change and the pace is quickening. Give this a good listen and let us know what you think.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Law Only Applies to the Helpless Pt 1

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: NeoCons Run America Pt 2

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Everything is Disintegrating

– See more at: http://thedailycoin.org/?p=55858#sthash.5rRPy1xd.dpuf


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December 20, 2015 10:47 am

P G Roberts brought up in a KWN interview,his connections thought the Russians had a new weapon that could completely cut off enemy communication,and that they have already used it several times.That has the US is baffled. Interesting stuff!

December 20, 2015 11:07 am

The US is being looted,bill given to taxpayers, with absolutely no accountability.

December 20, 2015 11:18 am

That gave me a little bit of hope .. … unless and until the neo-cons take it to another level.

December 20, 2015 11:23 am

In war the winners get to write the History.

In politics the winners get to write, amend, interpret and enforce the Law.

December 20, 2015 12:03 pm

Anonymous says: …..” the Russians had a new weapon that could completely cut off enemy communication,”… This rings as very plausible.

I’ve often wondered what is going on behind the scenes in the battle for military supremacy. Given on one hand the Russian, and Chinese obvious desires to advance and protect their society’s, and on the other, the US, which is mired and watered down in MIC price gouging, affirmative action, political correctness, sloth and the such, it’s easy to see the US slipping.

December 20, 2015 4:57 pm


george powell wrote on Mon, 11/09/2015 – 05:42

Group think and arrogance and compacency. Some years back we got our hands on a couple of MIGs and we scoffed that Russian technology was backward, they were still using valves. Valves! We were using things called dual gate FET’s that were sooo much better. We were criminally complacent. Only after a lost decade did we realize that all our communications would have died in a real war upon the release of the first EMP. Valves, unlike FETs are immune to EMP. We were in fact completely helpless for decade and not know it. The Russians did! That’s a sobering thought.
A decade on and our government were registering protests because the Russians were beaming high frequencies into our embassies, ‘to cook our diplomats brains’. Again complacency. They were actually listening to everything we said using the doppler effect of small metallic objects vibrating as we spoke. For another decade they had the upper hand and we never knew it. The moral is never listen to the sound of your own voice and never underestimate your opponent. Something we seem to do repeatedly.
– See more at: http://www.afcea.org/content/?q=Blog-modern-ew-capabilities-accompany-russian-forces-syria#sthash.7jvff0DU.dpuf


Gee whiz, what do I know about radar blocking and EW? Obviously not much.

However, I have read endlessly about the “neo-con” agenda, the most obvious
players, seen open source documents, and read some history. Disparate pieces,
but the main of the puzzle is in place. One does not have to be a genius to add and
subtract. Or, if people state their intentions on paper, and you see those intentions
play out, you may as well believe them. 9/11 = new pearl harbor = rationale for
attacking/read attacking sovereign countries…to look for a renegade Saudi guy?
There were other motives: bank robbery/gold theft, document destruction in 3
locations to prevent financial crime discovery/proof. Some little $ making enterprises
“on the side.” Very easy to know who, what, why, when, and where…if you look at
the players (around Bush) and follow the $.

It would be very unpolitic to give a personal opinion, and it would be just so much
bluster anyway. I can say traitors of countrymen and women (PC) should earn a
traditional trial and punishment. But it won’t happen, as the people involved are
too big to fail and too powerful to jail. And some are bankers too.

December 20, 2015 6:01 pm

Suzanna.. Are you another one of those tinfoil hat, addlepated conspiracy nuts who’s trying to pin 9/11 and some trivial financial irregularities on George Bush’s associates?
I suppose you think that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t killl JFK, Sirhan didn’t kill RFK, the Oklahoma City courthouse bombing was a false flag op and that the Boston Marathon bombing, Sandy Hook, the San Bernardino shooting, and others were too.
People should follow their leaders and not fruitcakes, like some of those on TBP who have mistaken, unsupported theories.

December 20, 2015 6:16 pm

I just finished all 3 chunks and encourage all of you to take the time to listen. And for the record I think PCR is spot-on.

December 20, 2015 9:46 pm

I agree with Westcoaster.
Kiss off watching the first half of a bowl game, the talking heads, and commercials galore on tv for an hour.
Listen to Paul Craig Roberts.
He’ll tell you, accurately, what’s going on in the world today.
These three segments are a most worthwhile video.

December 21, 2015 10:34 am

Yes. PCR is so insightful, so observant, so discerning, so “in-the-know” that he cannot recognize or call out Jewish depravity/control.

He’s THAT good.

December 21, 2015 11:16 am

What I liked about it was that I could LISTEN to it while doing other things. And, yes… well worth the listen and many times I came over to back up to make sure I heard correctly.

That important I think.

December 21, 2015 2:02 pm

From what I’ve gathered from different sources the incident with the USS Donald Cook really happened. That not all the US Navy has to worry about. Another issue are the unstoppable ship-killing ballistic missiles the Russians have.

Allegedly, the Russians have space weapons poised to destroy our satellites in a few minutes, as I’m sure we do well.

December 21, 2015 3:53 pm

This country is drowning and PCR describes the fucking water!! There’s not one piece of actionable information in these videos and it’s the same thing every time he speaks. He says the same tired thing every time! Neocons are bad and we’re fucked. How many times do you need to play the same record? Try this PCR

We are in the midst of a Fourth Turning hard times and war are very likely our lot! Get to a rural location and get prepared. Buy some good horses and horse drawn equipment, put up food, guns and ammunition. Get prepared to live off the grid without electricity. Choose wisely when you select your location a good water supply is a necessity!

There’s more useful information in that one paragraph than anything PCR has said in his last ten interviews and very possibly ever said!

Feel free to correct me if you found some useful actionable information in this piece!

December 21, 2015 5:15 pm

Hey PCR did not have anything bad to say about Trump! That’s the only reason I listened. As a matter of fact he said no one owns Trump and that Trump did not need anyone’s money. But then he turned around and made a baseless claim that Trump would not know what to do or how to fix this mess, but he gave no explanation for his claim. And if you don’t think PCR says the same shit over and over you don’t listen to his bloviations. I just wish he’d spend a little time on the cure instead of an endless description of the disease!

December 21, 2015 5:20 pm

Hey, Trumps a wild card no one knows what he’ll do, no one! But under our current situation I think he’s worth the gamble! He doesn’t want to go to war with Putin, he wants to rebuild the homeland, what’s not to like?

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
December 21, 2015 5:49 pm


Yesterday I sat down on the terlet and I could feel the rumbling deep in mah bowels. I had et 4 bags uh cheetos slathered in whip cream and good gawd it was comin on fast. I thought to mahself, ‘this is gonna be uh Sensetti’, cuz when I think of stinky black and green dookey that ain’t no good to nobody yer name is always the first thing that crosses mah mind. Stop ruinin the site with yer drunken retardation you slobbering pencil dicked baboon.

December 21, 2015 6:01 pm

Billahs bung hole– FUCK YOU. Your goofy immature dialect is less than amusing! And once again you offer nothing! You don’t run this show Bitch and your attempt to police this site is amusing and means absolutely nothing to me!

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
December 21, 2015 6:48 pm

I went to Billy Jr’s special needs school fer uh run down on his abberant behavior and there I saw a staggering number of drooling mongoloids and I thought ter myself ‘Sensetti would feel totally outclassed here. He has got ter be the biggest retard I ever come across’. And then I got back on Jimmy Q’s site and here you are proving mah point. Would you please roll back over inter that ditch and stop tryin ter play with the big dogs?