Via Ben Garrison

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January 11, 2016 7:54 am

Of course, those of physical ability and criminous intent don’t need firearms to accomplish murder. In the military, the handgun is considered an instrument of personal protection for technicians, weapons crews, and other “non-shooters,” and therefore a “force multiplier” for the weaker and less skilled.

For the aggressive and the muscular, there are no “gun controls” on bladed and blunt instruments.

Mrs Conclusion: We’re going to have our budgie put down.

Mrs Premise: Really? Is it very old?

Mrs Conclusion: No. We just don’t like it. We’re going to take it to the vet tomorrow.

Mrs Premise: Tell me, how do they put budgies down then?

Mrs Conclusion: Well it’s funny you should ask that, but I’ve just been reading a great big book about how to put your budgie down, and apparently you can either hit them with the book, or, you can shoot them just there, just above the beak.

Mrs Premise: Just there!

Mrs Conclusion: Yes.

Mrs Premise: Well well well. ‘Course, Mrs Essence flushed hers down the loo.

Mrs Conclusion: Ooh! No! You shouldn’t do that – no that’s dangerous. Yes, they breed in the sewers, and eventually you get evil-smelling flocks of huge soiled budgies flying out of people’s lavatories infringing their personal freedom.

January 11, 2016 11:53 am

just ignore the anti-gun nonsense,

hear and see no evil.

January 11, 2016 3:07 pm

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

For those that were comforted by Obamas statements that he is not trying to take your guns away and that he just wants to find a way to make guns safe, I would remind you that he also once or actually more like hundreds of time, said “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance”. So now he’s saying if you like your guns you can keep your guns.

By now any thinking person has to realize that when Obama makes a statement, what he says is intended to deceive. He frames his words to allow you to believe what you wish to hear, but his real meaning is hidden in the words that he leaves out of his statement. So in his mind he is telling you the truth, the fact that you are too stupid to understand is your fault.

Take the statement “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”; and now add the words he conveniently left out of that statement. — “but you’ll have to pay that doctor bill yourself because that doctor will no longer be included in your new insurance”—Now go back and read the statement –“If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”; you’ll see how in Obama s mind he was telling the truth.

Now Obama’s saying if you like your guns you can keep your guns, and he just wants to find a way to make guns safe. You have to ask yourself what does he means by that. What is he leaving out of that statement that would tell you what he is intending to do?

So let me give you an example of what he could be saying:

YOU CAN KEEP YOUR GUNS when we render them useless by either cutting them in half or by welding the barrels shut.

Now you can see that his statement that he doesn’t intend to take your guns away, he just wants to find a way to make them safe, could very well be a true statement.

January 11, 2016 6:23 pm

Around 5000 people a year die in backyard swimming pools, heavily slanted toward children.

Considering there relatively few numbers in relation to guns, maybe Obama should be going after swimming pools if he is really concerned with public safety.

After all, nobody needs a swimming pool outside of a very limited group of professionals that need them to train for and use in their profession.

January 11, 2016 7:30 pm

About 400,000* people die every year from medical screw ups.

Where are the shrill screams from the mini-Stalins demanding the immediate end of medicine?

* https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/781687/john-james-a-new-evidence-based-estimate-of.pdf