The four guys listed below all started businesses or invested in businesses that succeeded. Entrepreneurs starting businesses is what creates jobs in this country. The problem seems to be that once these men reach a certain level of wealth, they can buy influence in our government. When they use this influence to further enrich themselves, you end up with a warped corporate fascist society that eventually leads to revolution. At this point, there seems to be no solution.

The elite are meeting in Davos to ponder how they can reverse the global stock market crash currently under way. Their hundreds of billions in wealth is on track to become tens of billions in wealth. The central bankers will be instructed to print money at a more rapid pace. None of their solutions will benefit the poor or middle class. You are nothing but expendable peasants to the elite. A good war will cull the herd.

When you consider how poor most of the 7 billion people on this planet are, putting your data into this website should make you feel pretty good.

See how you compare to the GLOBAL RICH.

Notify of
January 20, 2016 11:22 am

The problem isn’t how much the wealthy have, it’s that so little new wealth is being produced.

New wealth originates with the real goods producing working class, a class that is slowly disappearing or being pitted against itself in a downward competition.

And that problem is going to become worse and worse in the “developed” countries with their labor force not only pitted against the ones with poverty lifestyles as a standard but also facing increasing competition from robotic replacement workers.

January 20, 2016 11:59 am

And the answer is?- Bernie! It isn’t like these greedy fucks didn’t ask for Bernie.

January 20, 2016 12:05 pm


These “greedy fucks” won’t be touched by anything Bernie does.

But you and I will.

Severely so.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
January 20, 2016 1:31 pm

I’ve learned one thing running my own business I win or I learn.

January 20, 2016 2:15 pm

Mike, we call that learning ‘paying the tuition’. That’s what sets you apart from the persons who punch a clock, that never ending need to self correct. Succeed, or perish. Hard to be dogmatic when you run a business. Anon, I disagree, when you let individuals game the system, and capture all the rewards, it is a problem. Prosperity only comes when those rewards are spread broadly throughout the population through effort, as opposed to redistribution.

January 20, 2016 5:55 pm

what is this…’rich…. of which you speak

January 20, 2016 6:02 pm

“The elite are meeting in Davos to ponder how they can reverse the global stock market crash currently under way. Their hundreds of billions in wealth is on track to become tens of billions in wealth.”

For anyone who still believes that the markets are not rigged, those two sentences should be all they need to see the light.

This market crash is simply (insert deity of choice) telling you that you’ve lived beyond your means for too long. The loss of my meager, trapped 401k will be worth it just to see these elitists take it in the ass. Their greed is exceeding their grasp.

Once you realize that all the world’s a stage and you see the show for what it is, it’s pretty easy to derive quite a bit of entertainment value from it.

And mark my words, Trump buying a seat in the WH is a very bad precedent that will usher in President Zuckerburg, President Schmidt and more. If Cruz is found to be “natural born”, President Soros, President Murdoch and President Musk aren’t far behind. Corporations are people too now so how far away can President Monsanto be?

Quite entertaining indeed!

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 20, 2016 6:16 pm

I put in $85,000 as net income. It came back with:

That makes you the
richest person on earth by income

…not so sure about that.

January 20, 2016 7:09 pm

When Obama and Romney were running, I told a friend that I thought the #1 issue in the world today was wealth/income inequality. It is this issue that can lead to all other terrible problems.

Stephan F.
Stephan F.
January 20, 2016 7:44 pm

“Entrepreneurs starting businesses is what creates jobs in this country.”

Correction: Entrepreneurs starting business is what “creates wealth” in this country.

Goddamit Jim, jobs are not created!

I have reached my limit with the continual diatribe regarding employment and jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs; that’s all we get from the propagandists in the media and, of course, from whining politicians. I’m sick of hearing about jobs.

We’re beating a dead horse here people. With everyone constantly harping about jobs, the situation has clearly fallen into the category of what Henry Hazlitt calls the “fetish of full employment”. There is absolutely nothing the government, private industry, individuals, or any other living sentient being can do to help the so-called employment problem. The only person on the planet who can help you get a job is…wait for it…YOURSELF! You alone are the only one who can make you employable. Got that?

But, but, how do we help the employment situation? Answer: We don’t. When people say things like that, what they really mean is how can we increase demand for more labor? The problem is labor demand is not created by some group of schemers who believe they alone can determine how much labor demand there should be. The cold reality is that the demand for labor must occur within the mechanism of the marketplace, aka: Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”. So there’s your answer kiddies: demand for labor comes from the natural process within the marketplace and not from some artificial construct.

Peter Schiff recently commented on the employment issue by saying, “If full employment, in and of itself, is the holy grail of a healthy economy, why not just ban factory machines? Bang. Problem solved.” And Henry Hazlitt had this to say, “Nothing is easier to achieve than full employment. Hitler provided full employment with a huge armament program. War provided full employment for every nation involved. Slave labor in Germany had full employment. Prisons and chain gangs have full employment. Coercion can always provide full employment.”

The obvious point Schiff & Hazlitt make is that, sure, government can provide jobs coercively. Any two-bit dictator can easily put people to work, but that’s not desirable, nor is it creating employment. This reminds me of one of my favorite comments from Robert Ringer about how the government could achieve full employment by having pyramids built in the Mojave Desert.

Despite those harping unendingly about unemployment, that isn’t even the crux of the issue. The real cornerstone and central focus should be on productivity. All this talk about jobs is purely gratuitous. Full production is what really matters because it’s all about producing and creating wealth. To paraphrase the late & great John Pugsley, “Most people are oblivious to the fact that it is not the labor (jobs) we want but the product of the labor. We do not want the effort of making a television, we want the television.”

January 20, 2016 8:15 pm

Can anyone cite an example of an economist or politician using the adjective productive before jobs?

January 20, 2016 10:37 pm

Lazy programmers.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 20, 2016 11:01 pm

I have two cans of Spam Lite in the cupboard. How many does Bill Gates have?

January 21, 2016 4:10 pm

My rather low income is greater than my very-low out-go. Seems good enough. Granted, my “wealth” from decades of prepping puts me well up on the curve. -)

January 21, 2016 6:31 pm

How rich are you?

Don’t care. I’m totally debt-free and comfortable.