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January 20, 2016 10:35 am

I didn’t think the Dutch had the balls.

January 20, 2016 11:36 am

European Civilization Stands at the Precipice

Flooded by foreigners and having disowned its roots, are we witnessing the end of Europe?

Europe is in a panic. Europe is in horror. Europe groans. Victims of war and migrants from North Africa, cross the sea on fragile boats, previously drowning in site of the coast, at best clambering up to beg Europeans for a piece of bread, now storm the borders, tear at the barbed wire, throw flares at police. Over New Years in Germany they hunted down girls and young women to harass, rob, strip and rape.

“What’s happening” – Europe’s moralists wonder? – How can these people, to whom we have given so much, dismiss the warmth we have shown them, why do they not appreciate our compassion and tolerance?”

Visionaries and moralists, they don’t understand the psychology of the people coming from North Africa and the Middle East. These people came to escape European bombs, missiles and shells. They fled burning towns, broken relics and rotting corpses. They came to Europe not for a piece of bread and work, but to be saved from death. But also, with a feeling of revenge, seeing

Europeans as enemies, involved in their disaster, destroying their civilization and way of life.

But how do Europeans perceive this? Leftists and liberals, which include Mrs. Merkel, demand greater tolerance, bigger quotas of foreigners to be be taken in, believing that Europe will humanize them, soothe their hearts.

Europe, including Germany has forgotten its past. The countries of Europe have lost the will to exist, to resist, forgetting their great statesmen and culture. Germany has forgotten the Cologne Cathedral, its Gothic spire majestically soaring. It forgot Durer, Bach, Beethoven and Wagner, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

An amorphous Europe continues to open its doors to those who hate Europe and Germany. It is a sad fate for a cold clime to be filled by the hot clay of hatred.

Against a backdrop of criminality, the nationalists are surging into the streets, their crowds bigger and more organized than those on the left, the anti-fascists and humanists preaching multicultural tolerance.

These crowds’ speakers will be tomorrow’s political and spiritual leaders, and they will recall Germany’s greatness, cursing Versailles and Nuremberg. At which point, the fascization of Europe will no longer seem far-fetched – much less the demise of the liberal, tolerant European Union.

Is Europe really a helpless maiden tossed upon the back of a fierce, stupid bull, who carries her over the sea to an uncertain future? Is this the end of the old Europe? Or will the maiden wake up, jump off the bull and reappear in a shower of foam, like Aphrodite?

Russia is watching closely.

January 20, 2016 12:44 pm

Stucky, it is a lot of chaos here in germany,

some people like chaos, because it is a chance to change things.

This is a good article about the question “Who is hunting Angela Merkel”

Do you remember the New York Time said: Merkel has to go.

This happens here not by surprise.

It is the explosion of the “oligarchy-migrant-weapon” for the benefit for the oligarchy.

well, yes most germans are not political interestet, like in the US.

when they will wake up, i hope, they are not going into the “anger phase”

they will really wake up, a lot of my friends are aware and not angry.

a bully wants to bring you down on his moral level, to beat you with his daily experience

you should avoid the bully

January 20, 2016 2:59 pm

Simply require that each and every one of these “refugees” – emphatically Muslim males of military age – renounce Islam, convert to some variant of Christianity (I suggest unleashing the Mormons and the Jehovah’s Witnesses upon them), and celebrate their dedication to western values by chowing down at a great big pig roast.

Otherwise, hit the road, Abdullah.

January 20, 2016 4:11 pm

@ a-german

Thanks for the informative link. U.S. wants Merkel to play ball.

January 20, 2016 4:54 pm

How about-require all seeking refugee status to get voluntarily sterilized? How bad is it where you come from-how badly do you want to immigrate?

Muck About
Muck About
January 20, 2016 5:11 pm

Western Europeans from the Black Sea to the Spanish Border with a few N/S offshoots are the pot that hold the roots of Western Civilization.

I’ve never met a sand dweller with any creativity (and yes, they had creativity, astronomy and math in a past civilization), a Cossack with a soul, or an black African with anything in his mind but rape and murder and robbery to obtain as much of someone “stuff” with minimum effort. Death and destruction be damned.

Should I ever feel the urge to visit Scandinavia, The Middle East, anywhere South of the Mediterranean Sea or East of the Western Shore of the Black Sea you have my permission to detain me indefinitely on the Island of Majorca.


Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 20, 2016 5:22 pm


Interesting article, very believable that astro-turfing the twitter platform to make Merkel toe the line has been skillfully done. Germany is going to sink deeper into the pit just as we will here in the US.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 20, 2016 6:38 pm

a-german says: “a bully wants to bring you down on his moral level, to beat you with his daily experience you should avoid the bully”
Instead of avoiding the bully, how about you beat the fuck out of the bully?

January 21, 2016 3:17 am

@rise up: do you know what a bull thinks, when he attacs a matador?
I dont know what the bull thinks

I tell you what a matador does with the bull:

he exhausts the bull, with “smoke and mirror”,
with a little red provocation, again and again.

… and then he kills the bull

fool me once – shame on you, fool me xy-times …

If you have some time, look at

and this is the polite english version,

about a man who organized american oligarchy money for a rif-raf in the beginning.
the rif-raf became in 1921 the godfather of his son

Ernst said he brougt the “bellamy salute” to germany
or the Harvard yelling “Har, har, har” to germany
nice import

come on, feel the difference
just feel it

January 21, 2016 9:05 am

Replace snake with Muslim.

“Take me in, oh tender woman
Take me in for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake.

“Now I saved you,” cried the woman
And you’ve bit me, even why?
And you know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die”
“Ah shut up, silly woman,” said that reptile with a grin
“Now you knew darn well I was a snake before you brought me in ”


January 21, 2016 10:19 am

Al Wilson The Snake;
