Stucky’s 6 Undenial Proofs That The Holocaust NEVER Happened

I’m going to keep this very brief because my nutter conspiracy friends can’t grasp complex ideas, long sentences, or words with more than three syllables. The twenty thousand word treatise on this subject, replete with references, will appear in the next quarterly issue of Smithsonian.

Quite simply, to prove the Holocaust never happened, all one has to do is prove that Jews don’t exist. Let us examine the evidence.

Evidence #1.  There is much historical evidence of the Jews … by the Jews.

The existence of Jews, some argue, is based on historical records … especially the origin of Jews as documented in the Old Testament, which is thousands of years old. However, only one question needs to be asked here; who wrote these records?? Yup, da Jews!! There’s most obviously a “self-serving” aspect to this self-proclamation. Therefore, all such historical records must be summarily dismissed.

Evidence #2.  There is much historical evidence of the Jews … by non-Jews.

Of course there is! These non-Jews are part of the conspiracy! No self-respecting non-Jew would ever say – “Hey, looky here. I found me a Jew.” unless, of course, there was an interest in Big Money which the Jews, if they existed, would have plenty of. Once again, non-Jew proclamations of Jewry must be dismissed.

Evidence #3. Gefilte Fish

The secret ingredient in gefilte fish;

Humans can’t eat that shit and not die within weeks, if not days. This is a supposed staple of the (non-existent) Jew diet. So, even if there was a Jew … a long long time ago … they would have quickly died off from some flesh destroying bacteria.

Evidence #4. Jew Culture

People are often heard to admire the cultural and scientific accomplishments of the Jew which is most often attributed to “the Jewish way of life”. Red Herring! Straw Dog! We are not interested in examining the Jew way of life. No! We are looking for Jew people. These are two separate questions. Just because you examine the way of life of the Loopy Indian tribe in Oklahoma, doesn’t mean that Loopies actually exist.

Evidence #5: Eyewitnesses who claim to have seen a Jew

First, eyewitness testimony is notoriously inaccurate. Ask ten people who witnessed an accident “what happened?” , and the result will be ten different answers. Second, one cannot discount that these eyewitnesses were bought off by The Great Jew Conspiracy. Lastly, I have spoken to many of these eyewitnesses. One said Jews have big noses and olive colored skin. Another said they have fair skin like Northern Europeans. One Jew said they believe in just one God. Another Jew said He WAS God! One eyewitness said they were filthy rich. Another said they lived in great poverty, and everyone picked on them. The variations in these descriptions are so diverse that one must conclude they are nothing more than Fanciful Tales. Eyewitness testimony is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

Evidence #6: There are people who claim to be …. Jew!

An insidious lie from the pits of hell. A master stroke designed by Satan’s Department Of Jew Myths. Of course they claim to exist!  What else did you expect?

Conclusion: Jews don’t exist, therefore there was no Holocaust.

I have provided more proof that the Jew does not exist, than the supposed proof that there was no Moon Landing.

The only question that remains is whether or not the Moonie Leader (hardscrabble farmer) and his Hall Of Dunces minions (Bea Lever, flash, Back in Pa Mike, mesomorph, Aravan, Rise Up, Gryffyn, razzle, and a host of regulars too chickshit cowardly to participate) will remain consistent by adopting the view presented here. Or, will they be hypocrites and buy into the lie of the existence of The Jew?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
February 18, 2016 8:48 pm

I got lost in your brilliant logic someplace as usual but please include me with hardscrabble farmer, Bea Lever, flash, Back in Pa Mike, mesomorph, Aravan, Rise Up, Gryffyn, razzle, etc. Yom Tov.

February 18, 2016 8:57 pm

I thought it was only Musloids believe the Holocaust never happened.

Since this isn’t the Onion, I’m thinking you are serious that there are commenters on TBP that believe the same as Muzzies. Can’t be – even stupidity would be laughing.

February 18, 2016 9:11 pm

Mr. Stucky

This is proof that you are nuts!

February 18, 2016 9:13 pm

or you are trying to compete with the resident comedy
man (former) that told us about his experience.

Either way, you are nuts.

February 18, 2016 9:17 pm

WTF is this shit??

Just when I gained a whole new respect for you, Stucky, for giving the ‘beat down’ on the moon landing deniers, you put your name on this kind of shit??

If the next topic here is Bigfoot/Sasquatch then let me say ‘goodbye’ in advance.

February 18, 2016 9:20 pm

It’s his way of admitting he lost the moon landing intervention, abeit a very psychotic way.

February 18, 2016 9:34 pm

Sticky stirring shit again. This time not so entertaining. Sometimes he does some nutty stuff.

February 18, 2016 9:35 pm

C’mon! Agree or disagree with his latest effort … you absolutely have to admit that Mr. Stucky is in a realm of his own when it comes to stirrin’ the pot. I know my own b.p. jumped several notches attempting to dissect his stream of consciousness or whatever you might care to call it. I bet he’s sitting in his comfy chair l right now, aughing his arse off at all the retorts.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
February 18, 2016 9:39 pm

I honestly find this to be in poor taste. And I am not even Jewish. And I don’t even like Elie Weasel. Maybe worse than the infamous 50 shades of horsey post from way back…

I am still wading through the very entertaining pseudo science book in pdf that somebody linked to yesterday on the moon’s creation. Lord help us all, what sort of link somebody out there is going to post today in response to _this_ topic.

Perhaps OT, perhaps not … doesn’t “Schickelgruber” sound a lot like “Shekel grabber”?

I know they exist because I’ve met quite a few and who would make movies and TV, establish general relativity, and run central banks, if not for bnai Israel?

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
February 18, 2016 9:48 pm

Hi Olde Virginian, which link is that re: the moon book? I am behind on my reading of posts! Sounds like an entertaining book!

Stucky – Not that this affects your brilliant logic but my understanding is that most “Holocaust. Deniers” do not completely deny it simply state that is was exaggerated and that a host of other “undesirables” were treated the same way but coverage of their plight in the event is virtually non-existent compared to the Jews. Thoughts?

Dis Nigga EC
Dis Nigga EC
February 18, 2016 10:13 pm

Mahtomedi says: WTF is this shit??

I got three thumbs down on the Comedy article. Proof that these mongrels do not read the English. HSF was being honest about comedy, he was not being funny. I decide to be honest and agree with HSF that comedy sucks and these bozos give me thumbs down. Don’t pay any attention to these negative Nancies. Fuck them. Man, you veer one iota from their knee-jerk belief system and they go haywire.

Jew is a voluntary designation much as ‘White’ is. You can call yourself either and it is up to another to dispute that but they can’t disprove it unless they are willing to perform a DNA test on your black ass and then they find you have 99.9% white DNA. So it is all based on outward appearance and a few bad grades you got in high school when you were deep into Nirvana and dreamed of starting your own garage band.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
February 18, 2016 10:19 pm

OK Didius… I feel like I am forwarding 9 copies of a chain letter, but here’s that link again

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 18, 2016 10:28 pm

“If the next topic here is Bigfoot/Sasquatch then let me say ‘goodbye’ in advance.”

I’ve seen big foot. I’ve got pics but they are pretty grainy. It’s hard to shoot and take photos on your blackberry at the same time.

Here is the sob looking back at me after the first round. Never got another shot off – he just melted quickly away into the woods. True story. I swear.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Dis Nigga EC
Dis Nigga EC
February 18, 2016 10:29 pm

OV, somebody else provided that link a couple of years ago. But what the hell, even the illustrious Stuck has posted a video I pasted earlier. This after he complained that flash (me, really) was pasting the entire youtube library.

Dis Nigga EC
Dis Nigga EC
February 18, 2016 10:32 pm

Francis, we saw the same pic back in the 70’s. The big guy never ages. It must be his avoidance of the modern diet and women.

Dis Nigga EC
Dis Nigga EC
February 18, 2016 10:37 pm

Stuck, while your busy looking into the background of El Weasel, could you also look up Mahtomedi? I believe BW took on another persona in an effort to discredit me. Think of it, Mahotmedi does not sound like a typical Native American appellation. So when you finish uncovering the Weasel (looking forward to it) you can move on to uncovering another weasel.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 18, 2016 11:00 pm


Ya not sure what’s up with that? Maybe this is the son of big foot? Who knows?? I’ll admit though – the resemblance is uncanny.

On a side note these discussions remind me of the one’s my wife wants to have with me from time to time. You know – the one’s where she jokingly asks if something were to happen to her would you stay single the rest of your life till the day you died?

Sounds like an entertaining little hypothetical talk until you get into it a little bit then you realize nobody thinks it’s as funny as you do when you give what is apparently the wrong answer (in jest I would add) at which point things just sort of escalate from there because no one knows when to call it quits.

It’s funny how this place resembles that situation periodically….

My theory on all this shit is simply (going back to the moon thing) this – it’s a strange world and a lot of shit happens that I can’t control (like almost all of it). I don’t need to get wrapped up in the weird shit I can’t control or prove because all it is is a distraction from the real problems which are often stranger than fiction and larger that wether or not we actually made it to the moon.

So – in short – I’d just like to say to the asswipes that down arrowed me on the moon post for my “fools rush in comment” – blow me. HSF warned you that looking into this shit is time you will never get back – it’s a lesson well learned and one I took in long ago. Besides – now that I’ve seen big foot I’ve seen it all.

February 18, 2016 11:15 pm

Stucky , wasn’t JESUS Jewish ?The apostle Paul , John and Peter.

The Central European so called Jews are the ones that biologically never existed before the 8th century when their King may the whole kingdom convert to Judaism.No connection to the holy land until 1948.

You are right about the holocaust. Never happened the way it’s been told in the western world.

February 18, 2016 11:27 pm

Since I was not there, I’d have to know the height of the chimney and know what was used for fuel before running my mouth about flames or the lack thereof.

Me, I’m a little fed up with Holocaust deniers. I heard some from my father, in on liberation, and while in the Army in the 1950s served with “lifers” who had been in on liberations from camps.

And the newsreels of the 1940s didn’t have Photoshop to fake the walking skeletons freed by our troops.

As far as I’m concerned, Holocaust deniers are right in there with Stormfront, the KKK, Aryan Nation and the skinheads. Sorry trash, all of them. Just more folks for whom a twelve-gauge enema would be brain surgery.

Dis Nigga EC
Dis Nigga EC
February 18, 2016 11:49 pm

Mahtomedi, where’s your manners? I would refer you to Francis Marion to see how a gentleman responds.

February 19, 2016 12:08 am

The real Jew and the real holocaust……. The Jewish ethnic cleansing of Europeans The Ukrainian famines of 1921-23 , 1932-33 , 1946-47.Or the Holodomor. Mass starvation of Ukrainians.

Trotsky and several hundred other predominant Jews among the top Bolsheviks murderers were trained and born in New York city. I believe these are the real Jews you’re looking for.

Dis Nigga EC
Dis Nigga EC
February 19, 2016 12:11 am

You people need to take an online class to figure out when Stuck is writing with tongue firmly in cheeks. Heh.

Dis Nigga EC
Dis Nigga EC
February 19, 2016 12:25 am

Eh, Stuck. My ex moved into a retirement community for those over 55. The rent was low. She observed that folks kind of had a habit of dying less than two months after arrival. Within a few weeks she was dying, she had some sort of pulmonary emergency and had to go to the hospital for treatment. She stayed at that place and kept feeling ill. I asked if it wasn’t a community thing. She said no, that a woman she had befriended had her mom there. I said, maybe it’s the particular apartment you’re in.

She left that retirement community, I say she’s lucky she escaped with her life. Old people pass around germs they would never be exposed to at home. That’s my theory, ok, wild ass guess.

Used wheelchair, only used a few weeks? Ugh.

February 19, 2016 12:30 am

Hey Meathead , you Mr Rat …..Have you ever examined the evidence ?I used to believe the media accounts of the holocaust until I started to notice what some Jews were saying about it.Even denying it ever happened. These were Jews not Aryans. The deeper you investigate the more the holocaust narrative falls apart.

One more time Mr Rat : have you ever really examined the evidence ?Have you read the Soviet reports that were released in the late 90s ? Do your research Desert rat….you will know although I was blind ,now I see….John 9: 25

February 19, 2016 1:02 am

I have met Elie. Was he an honest man? I do not know. But he had a story to tell of a terrible time in history.

But for sure and certain the Holocaust occurred. Was the number killed six million? I do not know. But it was a vast number. I have met many survivors. Their stories are of despair and suffering and loss.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
February 19, 2016 1:20 am

Well, Stucky, as far as logic goes this is right up there with the certain proof that Stevie Wonder is God, to wit:

– God is Love
– Love is blind
– Stevie Wonder is blind

therefore …”God is Stevie Wonder”. FMTT

I don’t get by here much but, dude, you have an erratic behavioral sine wave between “cultured person” and “whacked out dumbass”. (You are never as bad as the 13 yr old who programs the bot for the “bb” character but, just sometimes you seem to aim for it.)

Oh, yeah – – I’ll call your “Blow me!” and raise you a “Go choke on a bag of donkey dicks!”

Back in a few months, maybe…don’t bother to keep my seat warm. Got thick skin and real work to do that keeps me on the move. I’ll give you respect for taking care of your folks but I won’t give you license for abuse of dissenting commenters. Been there, done that myself with the elders…not expecting any medals nor would I want one…it is how we are supposed to behave.


February 19, 2016 1:20 am

When Llpoh speaks, I listen.

So should you.

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
February 19, 2016 7:38 am

Jews exist cause I watched Sienfeld

[imgcomment image[/img]

Of course the Holocaust occurred. Most who question it, question the number of people murdered. But to me the number doesn’t matter. What matters is how a supposedly enlightened Europe let this happen in the first place.

February 19, 2016 7:39 am

Stuck, first I’ll admit I didn’t read your click bat tripe, but I did scroll down to see my handle included amongst a group that you pigeon holed for what?Please, do tell.

Second could your surmise WTF it is you’re going on about without trying to be the funniest shit flinger in the room. Forcing something that isn’t natural is unbecoming of you..just sayin’/

February 19, 2016 7:43 am

And , of which mass murder amongst the thousands recorded in the annals of history do you refer?

noun: holocaust; plural noun: holocausts

destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.
“a nuclear holocaust”
synonyms: cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe; More
destruction, devastation, annihilation;
massacre, slaughter, mass murder, extermination, extirpation, carnage, butchery;
genocide, ethnic cleansing, pogrom
“fears of a nuclear holocaust”
the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–45. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, such as gypsies and homosexuals, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.
singular proper noun: Holocaust; noun: the Holocaust
a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar.

February 19, 2016 7:50 am

Stick to your guns Stucky.

February 19, 2016 9:03 am


Do you think he can pass the driver’s test? Hopefully, he gets a nice trooper. Maybe you can pull some strings and have the test in Chatham.

February 19, 2016 8:59 am

@Stucky: Thanks a lot for this thread, I just really like my Chai Latte going through my nose from laughing so early in the morning!

Good luck with that WC. Mr. HZK bought a used shower chair for me to use several ago when I had my hysterectomy. He put me in the shower, turned on the water and left.

It did not hold up to the “strain” and I was flat on my back, stark naked, covered with soap and practically drowning from the water going up my nose. Mr. HZK could not hear me hollering for help as he had one of his (interminable) hunting shows at high volume.

(He did the same thing with a garden plastic chair when I had my ankle surgery last summer. Hmm, I am sensing a pattern here.)

Why doesn’t her doctor write an rx for the WC? Medicare will pick up 80% of the monthly rental and if she has a secondary insurance, that picks up the rest. I fill out those forms all the time.

February 19, 2016 9:03 am

au contraire mon cher Stuck, I never denied whether it happened or not. I merely postulated that a cover up of a false even was possible.

Take various wars the US has waged with various peoples and Empries thoughout it 200+ year of history.
Every engagement sowing death and destruction was entered into under false pretenses, yet of all the hundred of thousands involved, brothers, sisters , mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas and grandpas, all entered into these grand conspiracies freely and built monuments to the so called leaders of these exploits of war for profit.
Over the last two centuries,hundreds of thousands of separate conspiracies entwined and coagulate to create one mass Bernayesque national mind fuck wherein masses of heroes, mostly young men, get to prove their value to the One Nation and proudly sacrifice their God -given life, for opaque reasons that cannot be articulated other than ‘Murica and you think a government that can pull this shit off for ages can’t fake a moon landing?

I remember not so terribly long ago when you used to get furious over any comment that disparaged the Republican party or your then heroes, Lincoln and Bush. How was the truth hidden from you so long? Surely millions knew and none told? How could they?

February 19, 2016 9:16 am

Stuck, this explains the moon landing hoax as revealed in The Shining in great detail.I hope this clears the matter up for you and leads to the real reason humans were put here on this spinning artificially terraformed globe….reptilian food. sorry you hand to learn so publicly…there was no other way.There walk amongst US.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Secrets of The Shining:
Or How Faking the Moon Landings Nearly Cost Stanley Kubrick his Marriage and his Life

By Jay Weidner

February 19, 2016 9:30 am

Stuck,I have no problem with being included on your list of so called”dunces.” I’ve never done the research into the moon landings , therefore I don’t have any intelligence with which to rebuke or sustain their beliefs and thus no reason to conclude they are dunces at all.

Remember when so called NASA expert( e.g. Carl Atherist Asshole Sagan) were calling Immanuel Velikovsky a dunce for claiming planet have collided with earth?Now crow is served..

[imgcomment image[/img]

More Evidence That Early Earth Collided Head-On With Another Planet

Soon after the Earth coalesced in the early solar system, it was hit by another planet, Theia. The collision formed the moon, but researchers are still trying to piece together exactly what happened, including what happened to Theia. For years, researchers have thought that Theia might have smashed into Earth at an angle, strong enough to obliterate Theia into little bits and create the moon. But that might not be the case. Instead, a recent study suggests that Earth might actually be a chimera of the two planets.

February 19, 2016 9:59 am

If you’re talking about his beliefs concerning the Holocaust, I must tell you … I am NOT a holocaust denier. I have some doubts about the 6 million number. But, so what. What if it was “only” a million. Is this not also a holocaust?

No, it is not the same.

And as the numbers dwindle more and more from the Big Lie, one must explain why it is. what caused any of those people to die?

Was it gas chambers that no one can show us?

The only “evidence” is that of witnesses like Elie Wiesel, Zisblatt, Defonseca, Rosenblatts, etc, etc, etc, which have all been proved to be outright liars.

I will openly say that there was NO intentional program to kill Jews or anyone else.

However, it can easily be proved that Jews and others intentionally murdered many millions of Germans.

But that is probably ok with a jew lover.

February 19, 2016 10:04 am

Me and my peeps at our weekly meeting.

[imgcomment image/revision/latest?cb=20061213151634[/img]

February 19, 2016 10:05 am

My cat

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 19, 2016 10:07 am

Adolf was just misunderstood

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 19, 2016 10:17 am

“WTF can go wrong with a virtually brand new wheelchair?? ”

I’ve got one word for you.


Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 19, 2016 10:19 am

“@Stucky: Thanks a lot for this thread, I just really like my Chai Latte going through my nose from laughing so early in the morning!”

HSF did that to me yesterday. It was decaf though so no big deal….

February 19, 2016 11:15 am

Fuck you Professor , PROVE me wrong ass wipe.Give me some proof the holocaust happened the way it is reported. You can’t and you refuse to do your research .I never said Jews didn’t suffer. I said the holocaust narrative as presented in the western media is false. It is a lie.You piss and moan about the innocent Jew well how about these real Jews.

US Army Intelligence Report…….384 commissars there were two negroes,13 Russians ,15 Chinaman ,22 Armenians and more then 300 Jews. Of the latter 264 had come to Russia from the United states. Most from New York City…….Seems like the real Jews were busy carrying out their own holocaust.
The Jews are not innocent victims….. PROFESSOR.

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