Stucky’s 6 Undenial Proofs That The Holocaust NEVER Happened

I’m going to keep this very brief because my nutter conspiracy friends can’t grasp complex ideas, long sentences, or words with more than three syllables. The twenty thousand word treatise on this subject, replete with references, will appear in the next quarterly issue of Smithsonian.

Quite simply, to prove the Holocaust never happened, all one has to do is prove that Jews don’t exist. Let us examine the evidence.

Evidence #1.  There is much historical evidence of the Jews … by the Jews.

The existence of Jews, some argue, is based on historical records … especially the origin of Jews as documented in the Old Testament, which is thousands of years old. However, only one question needs to be asked here; who wrote these records?? Yup, da Jews!! There’s most obviously a “self-serving” aspect to this self-proclamation. Therefore, all such historical records must be summarily dismissed.

Evidence #2.  There is much historical evidence of the Jews … by non-Jews.

Of course there is! These non-Jews are part of the conspiracy! No self-respecting non-Jew would ever say – “Hey, looky here. I found me a Jew.” unless, of course, there was an interest in Big Money which the Jews, if they existed, would have plenty of. Once again, non-Jew proclamations of Jewry must be dismissed.

Evidence #3. Gefilte Fish

The secret ingredient in gefilte fish;

Humans can’t eat that shit and not die within weeks, if not days. This is a supposed staple of the (non-existent) Jew diet. So, even if there was a Jew … a long long time ago … they would have quickly died off from some flesh destroying bacteria.

Evidence #4. Jew Culture

People are often heard to admire the cultural and scientific accomplishments of the Jew which is most often attributed to “the Jewish way of life”. Red Herring! Straw Dog! We are not interested in examining the Jew way of life. No! We are looking for Jew people. These are two separate questions. Just because you examine the way of life of the Loopy Indian tribe in Oklahoma, doesn’t mean that Loopies actually exist.

Evidence #5: Eyewitnesses who claim to have seen a Jew

First, eyewitness testimony is notoriously inaccurate. Ask ten people who witnessed an accident “what happened?” , and the result will be ten different answers. Second, one cannot discount that these eyewitnesses were bought off by The Great Jew Conspiracy. Lastly, I have spoken to many of these eyewitnesses. One said Jews have big noses and olive colored skin. Another said they have fair skin like Northern Europeans. One Jew said they believe in just one God. Another Jew said He WAS God! One eyewitness said they were filthy rich. Another said they lived in great poverty, and everyone picked on them. The variations in these descriptions are so diverse that one must conclude they are nothing more than Fanciful Tales. Eyewitness testimony is as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

Evidence #6: There are people who claim to be …. Jew!

An insidious lie from the pits of hell. A master stroke designed by Satan’s Department Of Jew Myths. Of course they claim to exist!  What else did you expect?

Conclusion: Jews don’t exist, therefore there was no Holocaust.

I have provided more proof that the Jew does not exist, than the supposed proof that there was no Moon Landing.

The only question that remains is whether or not the Moonie Leader (hardscrabble farmer) and his Hall Of Dunces minions (Bea Lever, flash, Back in Pa Mike, mesomorph, Aravan, Rise Up, Gryffyn, razzle, and a host of regulars too chickshit cowardly to participate) will remain consistent by adopting the view presented here. Or, will they be hypocrites and buy into the lie of the existence of The Jew?

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 19, 2016 11:18 am

My Mother worked for a very old, frail Jewish woman who had the tattoo on her arm from a prison camp.

And honestly, I’d much rather live next door to a quiet, intelligent Jew than a feral negro.

February 19, 2016 11:20 am

Even Lloph can be wrong once a year.Mahtomedi the Meathead.

February 19, 2016 11:22 am

K+D ,so would I but what is your point ?

February 19, 2016 11:30 am

@bb: All the testimony at the Nuremberg trials was phony, right? None of the accused were guilty of anything, per your opinion. My problem with your nonsense is that I’m old enough that I actually talked with witnesses to the Nazi evil.

Stuck, one of the Unser racing family suffered an injury which put him into a wheel chair. Being an Unser, the chair was motorized via a car battery and a starter motor. Capable of 30 mph. You could set your mother up for power, but make sure there’s a limit on the rheostat. 🙂

February 19, 2016 12:31 pm

Stucky, hopefully your surprise goes better than mine did. A few years back I tried to get my dad one of the motorized ones cuz he lost his leg and his license. He tried it out in my driveway for a few minutes. I asked him if he thought he’d use it and he said no.

February 19, 2016 1:33 pm

Stanley Kubrick COULD be the “skeleton key” to the Moon (and potentially dark powers within). I wasn’t there, but I DID see it on TV.

This Bible is the key to the Jews. From the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, the Twelve Tribes of Israel (i.e. Jacob) and the “scepter shall not departing from Judah” to the bloodline of Christ as described in the New Testament, to current events in the middle east and worldwide. All written down a long, long, time ago and never disproven yet (in spite of my best efforts so far).

Historical evidence is the key to the Holocaust. One million Jews or six million Jews, to me, is like Hitler saying: “I shot the sheriff, but I didn’t shoot the deputy.”

But enough about this bullshit and back to the matters at hand:

According the Huffington Post today:

“Hillary Clinton’s campaign scored a major endorsement Friday when Rep. James Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives and the unofficial dean of South Carolina’s Democratic Party, endorsed Clinton’s presidential campaign.”

If she beats Bernie, via the Afro-American vote: Will I still have to pay for kid’s college, or not?

WTF? It’s confusing. Can we focus on the really important stuff now?

February 19, 2016 2:23 pm

Stucky’s off his meds again.

February 19, 2016 2:26 pm

Remind You of Anything?

Becky Akers

“Albert Einstein’s bank deposits were seized when a bread knife–categorically a lethal weapon–was found in his house.” So writes John Toland in Adolf Hitler about the Nazis’ first months of power.

If we substitute “carry-on bag” for “house” and “Joe Passenger” for “Albert Einstein” … hmmm…

February 19, 2016 5:43 pm

If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD THEY KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would they build “camps” hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, recreational, medical and other ancillary facilities. Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble? The jewish communist Bolsheviks did just that with the non-communist civilian populations of the conquered countries in the communist orbit.

Something BIG “stinks” in this whole jewish “holocaust ™” deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made “deals” with the Nazis in order to make life “uncomfortable” for jewish Germans.

The establishment of a “homeland” was a Zionist “dream” since the 1800s. What better way to encourage “emigration” to a barren land than to make things difficult for the “cream of German society” (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” is out . . .

The so-called jewish “holocaust ™” has been turned into a de-facto “religion” in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish “holocaust ™” truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the “tribe” that FEAR the real truth of the jewish “holocaust ™” being exposed is evident.

The truth about this minor event in human history will change much of the world’s perception about those that are using this event as a “cash cow” that “keeps on giving”. . . “there’s NO business like “SHOAH business”.
Jewish complicity in this event is carefully “covered up”.

It is curious to note that jewish interests will hunt down and imprison a 90 plus year-old German “camp guard” while looking the other way when their “own kind” was involved in truly brutal actions. Camp “capos” and “sonderkommandos” (who were primarily jewish) come to mind. Not one of these jewish “collaborators” has been brought to (jewish) justice. I guess blood is thicker than water.

A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question “official” jewish “holocaust” orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the “official” jewish “holocaust” story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to “all things holocaust”.
Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment. . .

If people only knew of the planning that took place (among those of the “chosen”) to engineer the jewish “holocaust”, there would be a pogrom of massive size. You see, the jewish “holocaust” was necessary in order to force the establishment of a jewish state. In this case, the ENDS justified the MEANS. There have been many “holocausts” of much greater misery throughout human history, yet the jewish “holocaust” is the only one that counts . . .

Most jews will never be satisfied with knowing that those that commit evil deeds on earth in this lifetime will pay for it in the next life . . . they have taken vengeance from the Creator and appointed themselves the exacter of vengeance (in contradiction to mosaic law but not their anti-gentile talmud).

Most jews are vengeful people that will never pass up a chance to “make a buck” by screwing a gentile (goyim) out of money or property. jews were hated in Germany for taking advantage of the non-jew Germans between the two world wars. The average German did not have a pot to piss in while his wealthy jewish neighbor was trading food for land . . . taking advantage of the jewish bankster situation in Germany.

Look at the “commercialization of the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” while the much larger communist (true) holocaust is conveniently forgotten. To assure a continuing supply of jewish “holocaust ™” “survivors”, jews are tattooing their ATM (oops, I mean “camp” numbers) on their children and grandchildren.

Since the jews declared war on Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933), the Germans had no choice but to complete the Zionist plan of marginalizing German jews (to say the least).. This fulfilled the Zionist plan of forcing German jews to emigrate to Palestine while making the world grant jews a “homeland”–Israel.

Zionists have been predicting a jewish “homeland” for the last two-hundred years while predicting a “holocaust ™” of 6 million for the same amount of time. The ACTUAL number of non-combatant deaths in the European theater of operations is approximately 731,000, NOT 6 million (official International Red Cross figures).

Regarding that “holocaust ™” “showplace” Auschwitz, there are engineering inconsistencies in the design of the so-called “gas chambers”. The doors are not of a gas-tight design; it would have been impossible to retrieve the bodies, and there is no means to ventilate the rooms after the so-called “gassing” took place”. From an engineering standpoint, these are very serious errors that would have caused the deaths of the “operators” of these supposed “gas chambers”.
American execution expert, Fred Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, surreptitiously obtained samples from the purported “gas chambers”, had them tested and published his results. The absence of methylene blue in ALL of the samples, save one, was PROOF that the “gas chambers” did not exist. The one positive sample was taken from a room used to disinfect clothing.
Mr. Leuchter was rewarded for his search for TRUTH by his professional and personal character assassination by those of the “tribe”. He lost all of his federal and state contracts, and was prosecuted under an obscure Massachusetts “law” for “practicing engineering without a license”–a law which had never been used before or since. . .

It is no secret that after WW2, the Soviets attempted to “create” the “death camps” for propaganda purposes.
The engineering inconsistencies proves that these “death camps” were recreated for communist propaganda purposes. Germans were excellent engineers, and as such, would not have made the engineering “mistakes” that are evident.
Yes, there was extreme deprivation and suffering–many people perished. However, the prime cause of death was typhus. As allied bombings destroyed most of the infrastructure, typhus was at epidemic levels. THIS is what caused the massive amounts of human deaths . . .NOT gassing.

After the end of WW2, these same “camps” were used to intern German civilians. These German civilians were subject to much greater deprivation and suffering than the previous “occupants” of these “camps”. In fact, jews were controlling these camps, at the behest of the Allied forces, and were vicious in their treatment of those interned. In fact, the German civilians interned were defined as “disarmed enemy combatants” despite being civilians, so that Geneva Convention rules would not apply to them.

In fact, it was JEWS that ran the internment camps after WW2. I guess vengeance was theirs, as the Germans made the jews WORK (manual labor in the camps) for the first time in their lives…

February 19, 2016 6:10 pm

Anarchyst admits the camps were built. But instead of the Jews being gassed or torched, they died of typhus and Hitler did it all to recssurect Israel as a nation state (the only nation to ever be resurrected to boot).

If only Rommel understood Hitler’s true intentions. He’d be like…: “WTF?”

February 19, 2016 6:24 pm

Stuck, David Cole is a Jew and claims the Jewish Holocaust was a hoax. Is he an anti-Semite too?

The Right’s Jewish Problem

by David Cole


February 19, 2016 6:51 pm

Here is a curious little tie-in to Stucky’s two posts.

Apparently a substantial component of the “let’s all go to the moon” NASA was a bunch of former NAZI scientists – perhaps unreformed – thanks to Project Paper Clip.

“Somehow” they bypassed the Nuremberg trials – had their identities scrubbed clean and were put to work replicating the famous German rocket science on American soil.

Interesting …..

February 19, 2016 7:11 pm

I just spent 15 minutes composing a retort to stucky and desert rat. It was too long I guess. It went right down the rabbit hole, even though I could write a 5,000 word essay on the subject, showing how wrong you are. Good break for you two. But I will be ready next time. I very much doubt you will be.

February 19, 2016 7:14 pm
February 19, 2016 7:16 pm

i am beginning to feel I have little in common with TBP community these days. It has a high level of folks who simply seem to be nutjobs, that believe in things like:

No moon landing
No Holocaust
9/11 was an inside job
That tariffs will return jobs en masse to the US

I find these beliefs to be insane, or illogical, or with narrow and Iill-considered thought behind them.

I love the old guard, including Admin, Stuck, SSS, I S, Muck, Hope,and many others.

But the nutters are giving me pause to consider, because as a rule I avoid idiots like the plague they are.

February 19, 2016 7:24 pm

As prime sample, anarchist gets votes up, and Stuck down. It is insane.

The last sentence of anarchyst’s post shows in depth his stupidity and real agenda. Never mind the lie re Jews and manual labor.

Fucking imbecile.

February 19, 2016 7:24 pm

Tariffs are going to be wonderful

February 19, 2016 7:31 pm

I lived in miami beach in the 80’s. Miami Beach was chock full of holocaust survivors, tattooed arms and all. I’ve always been a WW2 buff I ain’t buying this was fake. This is worse than the moon landing post.

February 19, 2016 7:35 pm

Tariffs will be a disaster. Prices will skyrocket immediately, and it will take years to revert to US manufacture – if it ever happens. In the interim, jobs will plummet as retaliatory tariffs are slapped on US exports, and there will be incentive for consumers of US goods to replace those goods with product from elsewhere.

Then, as always happens in protected markets, quality will drop, as will productivity, and unions will resume their parasitic ways.

And manufacturing is going to disappear in any event. Tariffs will not change that.

Tariffs are the refuge of those unwilling or unable to compete. And that defines the US at the moment.

February 19, 2016 7:40 pm

star – this is indeed bullshit. As I mentioned, I have met many survivors of the camps. Their tales, and the look in their eyes, haunt me. Thie Holocaust was as real and awful as it gets.

Folks like anarchyst try to say the Jews were rich (unbelievable – Eastern Jews were poor as church mice, and even German Jews covered the hole economic spectrum).

It is insane.

February 19, 2016 7:49 pm

Oh stop it. I was just tweaking you anyway, I’m in a good mood, it’s friday. And I do wonder what’s in the water with all the conspiricy stuff. The moon thing, it’s just engineering. Define a problem, figure it out, next. Before you know it, one small step, etc. The holocaust? I’ve seen plenty of pictures and read plenty of firsthand accounts. That, like the moon landing, is hard to fake. I guess I’ve seen enough with my own eyes at the cape, and heard enough firsthand, maybe someone in the middle of nowhere has no reference point, so it’s easier to believe nutters. I’ve seen spring breakers stare at the ocean for ten minutes thinking it’s not real, new reality for them

February 19, 2016 7:52 pm

Yeah llpoh, when you see women at the grocery store every week with those numbers on their arms, something tells me that was no fad. They are gone now, but 35 years ago they were everywhere on the beach

February 19, 2016 7:56 pm

LIpoh: In the interim, jobs will plummet as retaliatory tariffs are slapped on US exports.

Well because of “free trade” there aren’t that many US exports left, except for guns for ISIS. I will pay more for what I need if it brings back jobs. We don’t need all the shit built in china/india/brazil etc. anyway.

February 19, 2016 8:01 pm

You want to return jobs to the USA? Become the most business friendly nation on Earth……especially towards American small businesses. We’re gonna have to run these socialist fucks out of power first.

February 19, 2016 8:09 pm

Llpoh and star keep talking about “survivors”. Yes, there were 4 million of them, 4 million. I repeat 4 million. Wow, so much for German efficiency, since there were hardly that much more in Europe at the time. And yet 6 million died, right? Gentlemen, you must check your math.

Red Cross estimated that 200 to 300 thousand people in the work camps died. I’ll stick to official figures. Oh, by the way, did you know that Jews didn’t even comprise the largest group at auschwitz? No, I guess you didn’t.

By the way, the first “holocaust denier” was the fat drunken mass murderer Winston Churchill. In his six volume memoir of the war, he never mentioned the “gas chambers”. That’s kinda weird, isn’t it? Llpoh, please prove me wrong. I am sure you can.

Oh yeah, desertrat, the first bona fide “denier” was a Frenchman named Paul Rassinier, who was a communist, who spent time in “extermination camps”, and said those claims you hold dear are complete bullshit. So, your characterization of “deniers” as kkkers or whatever, is completely wrong. Have a nice day everyone.

A pile of shoes means nothing, fucking nothing.

February 19, 2016 8:14 pm

I feel your pain llpoh.

On another topic, I don’t really know your feelings on Native ‘Muricans or whether you might find this offensive but this site: posts some pretty nice images of injuns on a weekly basis. It’s mostly a pictorial site and today he has a more modern image of the last legitimate War Chief of the Crow Tribe. It’s a very quick 5 minute read or viewing each day if you’re interested. Very eclectic mix of images.

February 19, 2016 8:20 pm

Stucky, there is no history of tariffs not working, they always work. And prior to the income tax they funded the federal government of the United states. We lose a billion dollars a day just trading with china. You don’t think we will be better off reducing that number? That’s a thousand million dollars everyday, leaving our economy. Fuck them.

February 19, 2016 8:24 pm

IlucCO2 is another major dumbass.

There are not many US exports? You fucking moron, go buy a fucking clue. Do just a bit of research and get back to me, dipshit, on just how much the US exports.

People without any dea should shut the fuck up instead of making shit up.

The US exports like $150 billion per year to China alone. Dumbass. That is something like 700,000 people making goods just to send to China, you fucking shit for brains. Guess that is “not many”.

Archie – it is almost certain I know more about the Holocaust than any other poster on TBP. I have read tens of thousands of pages on the subject, I have met many survivors, I have studied with some of the world’s foremost scholars on the subject. And I will not get into a fucking debate with fuckwits like you as to whether or not it happened. You fucktards are not worth a bucket of cold cow piss.

February 19, 2016 8:36 pm

“llpoh, if you ever leave (not saying you said that) but, if you do, I will come to Australia, hunt you down, and shove a kangaroo up your ass. Just sayin, that’s all.”

I have no idea why but I’d actually like to see that. I’m betting the kangaroo kicks all yall’s asses!

February 19, 2016 8:40 pm

IS – it was interesting, at the time. It was my undergrad major, and I read around 600 pages a week on the subject. For a long time. It was also because of the extraordinary caliber of the professors and the chance to meet, hear and learn from extraordinary people frequently. Like Elie Wiesel.

February 19, 2016 8:45 pm

llpoh, I think Stuck asked the question. I offered up a website for your perusal.

February 19, 2016 8:46 pm

Just two of the people that bug me here:

Mahtomedi because he’s “Malotlike me”. And yes, I agree with him when he says: “when Llpoh speaks people should listen” (paraphrased).

Llpoh showed me mercy once (under my different moniker) and I appreciate it. As I have stated before, I believe the “Ideas” here on TBP are more important than the individual “identities”. Otherwise, we would all be using our real names.

I also feel gratitude towards Admin, Hardscrabble, Stucky, IS, SSS, and all of the other big dogs for keeping TBP viable through the years so people like me, as well as other “nubes” could find it.

Archie also bugs me. But I did like Archie’s comment under HSF’s comedy post.

So peace. For now.

AnarchoPagen is a formidable opponent. I have went against him in the past as well with other the “anarchists” that have appeared here . But I believe “anarchyst” above, might have found this place via Twitter. Not sure. Maybe not. Doesn’t matter.

We can debate conspiracy theories like 911, the moon landing, etc. But when it comes to the joos and the Holocaust, there seems to be something else at play. Almost spiritual in nature.

I find it fascinating.

So – Archie – when you are ready for “next time”, I will be too.

Let the good times roll…

February 19, 2016 8:55 pm

Llpoh, I am glad you are well read on the subject. Congratulations. I can learn from your wisdom then. Please therefore, produce one, just one, autopsy report, of a gassed Jew. By the way, the corpse should look quite pink. You can’t. Not one. Not one.

Also, could you provide one documentary source for the wholesale slaughter of the Jews? Just one document. That shouldn’t be so difficult. Just one. Perhaps the you can refute mainstream historians who support my position when they say:

“99% of what we know( about auschwitz) we do not actually have the physical evidence for.”
Robert jan van pelt

How about this llpoh?

“Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unbelievable.”
Arno Mayer


The holocaust[comes about by] incredible meeting of minds, a conscious-mind reading within a large bureaucracy.”

Raul hilberg

I am gratified that you hang your hat on such a slim reed. There is hope for dunces like me.

February 19, 2016 9:00 pm

That’s a great retort stucky. Really good. I will await the evidence that you provide proving that the nadzees gassed 6 million Jews. Good luck that my friend.

February 19, 2016 9:05 pm
February 19, 2016 9:23 pm

You are right stucky. Nothing you say will convince me, given your credibility, or lack of it. So, how’s about citing those who can, historians for example. Can you do so? I have done so, against your claims, already. They, mainstream all, line up against you. Again, I ask, please prove your claims. You cannot. Do not offer the bullshit excuse that I will not listen blah blah blah. I most certainly will.

You won’t. There is no need for animosity though. We can have a reasonable debate, even if it might land you in prison in Europe, because you cannot question the orthodox account of the holocaust there.

Why is that, in your opinion?

Dis Nigga EC
Dis Nigga EC
February 19, 2016 9:39 pm

Stuck, simply because I like to change cliche’s a bit: Stick a knife in me, I’m done.

Ric Ocasek
Ric Ocasek
February 19, 2016 9:40 pm
February 19, 2016 9:41 pm

Nice non-argument stucky. Well done. By the way, that is not an ad hominem argument you are complaining about. I just mean what I say, that you lack credibility. Please refute my nonsense with facts. An ad hominem fallacy is when someone attacks the person, rather than the argument. You have no argument. And I have not attacked you, have not called you a drunk, or druggie, etc. Nor would I do so.

Sweet dreams, stuck. I will still await the evidence for your claims, for which you have none.

February 19, 2016 9:47 pm

Archie – I don’t know if it’s going to be on this thread or another. I really couldn’t give a shit. But very soon, I’m going to intellectually fuck your ass up so bad, you’re going to want to go back to comic book world and suck Jughead’s and Reggie’s dicks both at once. Stucky gave you an out. You were too stupid to take it. Now you’re mine, and I’m going to make you my bitch for once and for all. In the meantime, Hugs & kisses..