How Donald Trump Goes Broke …


A Fake Economy

AIKEN, South Carolina – Aiken is battened down. The wind is blowing hard… dark clouds race across the sky… trash bags tumble down the main street. “This is tornado weather,” said a local resident. “You better be ready to run.”


concept of rich and poorFrom poor to rich and back? Read on …

Photo credit: Enrique Ramos Lopez


No cyclone appeared. Meanwhile, in the stock market, prices went down and then back up, ending the day up 53 on the Dow. Commentators in the press said the turnaround was the result of news from the oil industry.

“Oil pulls out of dive…” was the start of a headline in USA Today. Last year, when oil was in the $50 range and diving, rising oil prices would have been regarded like a visit from Count Dracula on a stormy night.

Expensive fuel sucked the blood out of the consumer economy, said the experts. Now, by some magic, oil is only half of last year’s level, but the rising price of oil is considered good news.


Apric crudeOil got cheaper than we thought it would, and the recent action looks tentatively constructive – but it’s not enough yet to really get excited – click to enlarge.


At the Diary, we never believed that a falling oil price was “good,” and now we don’t believe a rising price is “good.”  Prices are neither good nor bad; they are only true… or false.

True prices are like real friends. They tell us the truth, even when it is unpleasant. They give it to us straight – the bid and the offer… the supply and the demand… the give and the take…

“You better ease up on the drinking,” they might say. “Did you get a pre-nup,” they might ask. “If I were you, I wouldn’t put all my money into that deal,” they might advise.

But true prices need true money. And when you can create credit out of thin air… and use it like money… you don’t know what anything is worth. Lending is distorted. Investing is distorted. Prices are distorted. And reputations are distorted, too.

In our modern fiat-money-driven economy, prices – especially the price of credit – lie. They flatter you. They trick you. They build you up… just to see you fall down. Pretty soon, you’re dying your hair and running off with your secretary…


Shaped by Circumstance

Which brings us back to where we left off yesterday… at the dervish known as Donald J. Trump. Our guess is not that Trump is a phony but that he doesn’t know what he is. No one is really a “self-made man.” Circumstances shape us all.


donThe Donald

Image credit: DonkeyHotey


Napoleon, had he been born in the 20th century rather than the 18th century, might have run a hedge fund. Catherine the Great might have had a show at Vegas. Sir Isaac Newton might have launched a killer app.

The Donald had the good fortune to be born at the right time and the right place. He is the third generation in a family of successful builders. And he began his career at the beginning of the biggest real estate boom in New York history. But why was there a boom in the first place?

Why is the Grand Hyatt, formerly the Commodore Hotel, worth so much more today than when Trump got an option to buy it for $10 million? And why is The Donald so damned rich? We’ll come back to that…

Trump is hero to the guy who drives a pick-up, the fellow who runs a small business, and the homeowner who tries to make ends meet… All of them vote for Trump. They know the game is rigged. They don’t know how it works… but they see Trump as man enough to do something about it.

He is the champion of all the “losers” – mostly working-class men, left behind by globalization, financialization, and technology. They haven’t had a real pay increase in 40 years. And all those jobs the Obama administration says it has created? They all went to immigrants!

“Don’t believe those phony numbers,” he says of the feds’ unemployment delusions, following up with his own delusions immediately. “The number’s probably 28%, 29%, as high as 35%.” And the Fed governors? They’re “idiots,” says Trump. What about competition from immigrants and foreign suppliers? “Build a wall!”


Reaping the Whirlwind

We pause to note that trade walls got a bad reputation after Smoot met Hawley. In June 1930, Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley jacked up tariffs to record levels on more than 20,000 imports into the U.S.… and helped to bring about the Great Depression.


smoot and hawley-1Economic ignorance, densely packed: Smoot and Hawley – and the NYT issue that announced Hoover had signed their tariff bill. Global trade promptly collapsed, the stock market entered a downward spiral and a global depression followed suit.

Photo credit: National Photo Company


But heck, there are a lot of ways to bend prices: Restrict sellers from offering their products. Block working people from offering their labor. Create a money system based on credit from the banks. Enact regulations… requirements… ZIRP… NIRP… minimum wages… price setting commissions… you name it.

What leads us to focus on Trump is that he is the most artful scalawag in American politics. The rest – Cruz, Rubio, Clinton, et al – are obviously on the make. They use bombast, lies, and pandering to get ahead. Mr. Trump already is ahead. He doesn’t have to lie or pander. And bombast? You can’t blame a tiger for his stripes!

Besides, he is right: The system is corrupt. And he knows it as well as anyone. Trump does not need to take bribes. He’s a rich guy. Instead of taking bribes, he bribes others. He is not bought; he buys.  The Clintons came to his wedding, he points out.


trumpA refreshing combination of bombast and truth

Cartoon by Jerry Holbert


But probably unbeknownst to him, he is beholden to Deep State finance, too. He borrowed phony dollars. He bought. He built. Then, as his buildings rose in value, he had more collateral, so he was able to borrow more. And more. And more. He was using the Fed’s cheap credit to finance real estate in the heart of the financial world.

Now, he looks in the mirror and sees a genius, with collateral worth $10 billion more than his loans. A self-made billionaire, he’s proof that you can still make it big in America if you are ballsy enough.  He’s smart. He’s brash. He’s successful. But he didn’t make himself great. The credit system did. And it can break him, too.

In the coming tempest of a credit contraction, even a great real estate empire could be swept away.


Chart by


Chart and image captions by PT


The above article originally appeared at the Diary of a Rogue Economist, written for Bonner & Partners. Bill Bonner founded Agora, Inc in 1978. It has since grown into one of the largest independent newsletter publishing companies in the world. He has also written three New York Times bestselling books, Financial Reckoning Day, Empire of Debt and Mobs, Messiahs and Markets.



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February 28, 2016 6:31 pm

Author is equating building a wall to tariffs. Trade will not be affected by a wall.

February 28, 2016 6:35 pm

‘But he didn’t make himself great. The credit system did. And it can break him, too.’

I think should perhaps read:

But he didn’t make himself great. The credit system did. And it will break him, too.

Time will tell..

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 28, 2016 7:20 pm

High tariffs are bad; just ask Southerners in 1860 or look at America after 1930; but, what we have now is even worse: no manufacturing, no mining and little agriculture with everything imported and paid for with evermore worthless printed and borrowed fiat dollars. A Depression is better than Hyperinflation just as poverty is better than Hell; but that is what Obama is giving us as sure as Obama is a Racist Muslim and Harpy is a Communist Witch.

February 28, 2016 7:55 pm
February 28, 2016 8:23 pm

It clearly is the Globalist vs. the Nationalist. Im with the Nationalists. Im sure the Globalist will make him pay for interrupting their schedule.

February 28, 2016 9:30 pm

Go ahead and junk me, but there’s almost no way Trump is a hero. Why?

The media hates him, but can’t complete a paragraph without saying his name.

The GOP hates him, but err, well- ditto.

The fact that he’s a perpetual self-promoter notwithstanding, he wants to boycott Apple (for all the wrong reasons) and execute Snowden.

So, y’all go ahead and tell me not to let the perfect stand in the way of the good.

I’m not at all convinced that Trump even resembles good.

Nor do any of the other candidates, btw.

February 28, 2016 9:46 pm

@38 sec mark ——- “I am not gong to pay for this fucking wall, let him pay for it.”.

Pretty funny, imho.

February 28, 2016 10:05 pm



Trump is great …. when all he has to GENERALLY SAY is “I will make America great again.”

Trump shows he’s a moron …. when it comes to ANYTHING SPECIFIC.

There were at least two instances of Da Donald trying to be specific in the most recent debate. Both failed miserably.

1) When Wolfdick Blitzed mentioned that the two federal departments Donald said he would eliminate would only save about $60 Billion a year … but the deficit is approaching $500 Billion …. so where will the savings come from? All the Donald coulod say was something about eliminating waste and fraud. It was weak … you could tell Trump was flustered, and clueless.

2) Dickfuk Rubio asked what Donald’s Obamacare replacement would look like. Trump rambled on about erasing state lines. And that’s it. He looked and sounded so clueless it was literally embarrassing.

Loves the military machine. REALLY loves copfuks. Loves banks. Loves the security state. Won’t audit the Fed. Loves Big Government solutions … like (supposedly) unilateral world wide tariffs and forcing companies to do business in ‘Murika … OR ELSE!!

He’s different!!! OH YEAH, BABY!!!

But, we have some douchebag Anon that has posted on more than one occasion — “Vote for Donald or vote for the same.” —- and right now in another active thread that comment has 22 up votes. Holy shit!!

Trumpet-eers. Some of the most gullible and short-sighted people you’ll ever meet.

February 28, 2016 10:42 pm

Stucky, this isn’t anything new. Until at least 1988 the political machine did what was best for america. Lots and lots of bullshit, but no politician could get elected saying fuck america. Trump is just old school. Straight nationalist. The rest doesn’t matter. And half the stuff in your rant you made up anyway. Drawing our tentacles back in is the answer. America can’t support the world. Nitpick all you want. Do you really thing a bunch of fifty year old fat Walter Mitties in cammo pants with AR-15s is going to turn this around? Our politics has been hijacked by globalists. A nationalist administration can do a lot to fix things. I’m betting that’s about to happen

February 28, 2016 10:49 pm

Read my political and economic articles from the past year. They sort of intertwine. I don’t waste my time writing groupthink. But the four of them together pretty much bring us to where we are right now about as accurately as anything else. Sure, I’ve eaten some shit for them. But I’m right. (The fruit company) (morning in america) (the primaries are over) (maff)

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 28, 2016 11:16 pm

Star- I have read some information so strange today about Trump I would be afraid to post it. Backs up that a coup is in progress, and incorporates freemason guardians.

An Anonymous
An Anonymous
February 28, 2016 11:25 pm

Trump is a moron says Stucky, so
vote for Bubble Butt Fairiubio,
Canuk Citizen Cruz. or
Webster Tarpley’s breeding bitch.

February 28, 2016 11:29 pm

I agree with star fxxer. Anybody running for president is running for American cheerleader in some way. I don’t believe all the gung ho things trump says, any more than I think he believes his buildings are gods greatest gift to mankind

February 28, 2016 11:32 pm

Bea, this is the nastiest part of the race. The next two weeks. Because, if they fail to take him down by March 15th, it’s game over numerically.

An Anonymous
An Anonymous
February 28, 2016 11:39 pm

Mr. Webster Tarpley… my apologies. You have a great website; your comments are incisive; and I apologize for linking you with The Mrs. She was Webster Hubbell’s squeeze to please and it was he who was the father of – oh, look it up online if you’re interested in cucks, child bearers, and kids.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
February 28, 2016 11:45 pm

Star- Understand that I refer to a coup as in “WINNING” the country back from the criminal cabal and sending them packing. This not about smoke and mirrors presidential primaries, this is the Big Kahuna in progress.

February 28, 2016 11:54 pm

Bea, I agree, there is a lot going on we’re barely aware of. The Roger stone and Steven Miller pieces linked in the comments on the trump, good and bad post from yesterday are jaw dropping. If you have tine, listen to both.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 29, 2016 12:01 am

kokoda says: Author is equating building a wall to tariffs. Trade will not be affected by a wall.

My third grade economics teacher said there is an opportunity cost to such a choice. She was talking about a couple of candies I wanted but I only had a penny. You can have one or the other but not both. I gave it a lot of thought deciding which treat I wanted, a bazooka joe bubble gum or a jaw breaker.

Your being a bit cavalier with tax-payer money. Build the wall. Satisfy my craving for instant gratification. Raise the tariffs, the world be damned, I shall be satisfied at all costs!!! Fucking tax and spend liberal.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 29, 2016 12:36 am

An Anon, isn’t Webster Hubbell also Khloe Kardashian’s bio-dad?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 29, 2016 1:10 am

The Uniparty establishment is about to release the hounds of hell on Trump. You might have thought they already did, but that’s nothing compared to what’s coming. A little of it will be true, but most – by far – will be bullshit.

Trump is wayciss
Trump did business with the Mafia
Trump is in the Mafia (look at those hand signs he does)
Trump is Illuminati
Trump eats babies.
Trump isn’t that rich
Trump cheats on his taxes.
Trump is racist
Trump hates Muslims
Trump is racist
Trump hates immigrants (even though most of his wives were immigrants)
Trump is racist.
The KKK loves Trump
He didn’t disavow David Duke fast enough
Trump is a liberal
Trump is an anti-semite
Trump is secretly a Jew
Trump’s ties are made in China
Trump’s not a real Christian
Trump is sexist
Trump is a pig
Trump never prays
Trump isn’t “presidential”
Trump is part Mexican – the raping part
Trump says “fuck” sometimes.


February 29, 2016 1:27 am

Trump is a Billionaire. What makes any “Trumpeteers” as Stucky calls them, think for one second he would even be able to function inside government? He doesn’t have a clue. No, he’s in it for the power and that’s it. He even admitted in a recent speech when asked about his replacement plans for Oblundercare that a lot of the Healthcare company execs are his buddies. Why would he make things tough on them to make things easier on us gentry?
And the rest of the GOP candidates are fucks too.

The only one who stands out is Bernie Sanders, who has been saying the same things for 20 years. Better start listening to him, otherwise we’re out of options.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 29, 2016 1:47 am

This is the kind of bullshit I’m talking about Going back 89 years to find a story of Trump’s dad being arrested. The good news for Donald is that they apparently can’t find anything more substantial than this.

Westcoaster. Your boy Bernie is finished. Lost SC by 50 fucking points. He could be Emporer of New England, but has zero chance of being the democrat nominee. If Trump gets the Republican nomination (having pulled off the biggest mutiny in the history of mutinies), your choices in November are 1) stay home 2) vote for the woman who put Isis in control of Libya or vote for only candidate who doesn’t want to topple Assad or provoke Russia into war over the Baltic States.

February 29, 2016 3:04 am

“Westcoaster. Your boy Bernie is finished. Lost SC by fifty fucking points.” Nothing to add to that.

February 29, 2016 3:06 am

Westy, snowden favors trump. Explain that, please.

February 29, 2016 8:01 am

“Economic ignorance, densely packed: Smoot and Hawley – and the NYT issue that announced Hoover had signed their tariff bill. Global trade promptly collapsed, the stock market entered a downward spiral and a global depression followed suit.”

And lest we forget, Dark Ages and Galileo being persecuted by the Catholic Church led directly to the Smoot -Hawley Act . Bonner should not better, but since he doesn’t I didn;t bother reading the rest of his tripe.

For many years, it was supposed that the Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930 played a major role in the economic contraction of the Great Depression. As more economists are gradually coming to realize, this was unlikely the case for several reasons. First, the 15.5 percent annual decline in exports from 1929 to 1933 was less precipitous than the pre-tariff 18.3 percent decline from 1920 to 1922. Second,
because the amount of imports also fell, the net effect of the $328 million reduction in the balance of trade on the economy amounted to only 0.3 percent of 1929 GDP. Third, the balance of trade turned negative and by 1940 had increased to nearly ten times the size of the 1929 positive balance while the economy was growing.”
– The Return of the Great Depression, p. 192

The thing that is so patently absurd about the Smoot-Hawley tariff theory of the Great Depression is that America was not an import/export-based economy 80 years ago. The percentage of imports and exports as a percentage of GDP was so small that not even shutting them down completely could have caused such a massive contraction in the 1930s American economy. Debt was the problem then and debt is the problem now. The federal stimulus exacerbated the problem then, and the global stimulus is exacerbating the problem now. And given the relative size of historical debt+stimulus to present debt+stimulus, it should not be hard to understand why the Great Depression 2.0 will be worse than its historical predecessor.

The Return of the Great Depression Kindle Edition
by Vox Day (Author)

February 29, 2016 8:04 am

@ Iska Waran You missed one.

Trump is controlled opposition

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 1, 2016 12:15 am

Iska Waran says: Your boy Bernie is finished. He could be Emperor of New England,
Too bad, Trump vs Sanders would be a great battle