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March 5, 2016 9:59 am

This isn’t a black or white issue, this is a why the fuck are there so many fat people issue?


I said it………..

March 5, 2016 10:07 am

Why da’ hatin’…Trump should be reasonable, like Bernie…sheesh.

I. C.
I. C.
March 5, 2016 10:14 am

Some of those bastards were up in my neck of the woods last week.

Turns out a 20 year old black was brandishing a firearm while arguing w/ another of his kind. Cops were called. Came onto the scene. Black guys saw the cops and took off running. Cops pursued. Black guy suicided hisself in his nappy head.

Blacks freaked and turned e-thug. Got on social media. Dead black’s momma read about sonny boy via social media. Pretty sad that she found out like that. While she was disbelieving and grieving, black e-thugs tuned into social media and marched theyselves to the area to cause a scene. Black Lives Matter got there to stir it up. Protesting ensued. Racist shit started up. Black lies thrown around that the cops shot the 20 yr old in the back of his nappy head. Uprising started.

Local cops got State cops involved to do investigation right off the bat. No cop fired their weapon. No traces on cops’ hands. Gunpowder on black 20 year old.

Whole time the protest was in front of local police station not far from the scene. Those dumbfucks didnt even know they were standing at the very spot where a memorial to a fallen local officer had been erected. That officer (Officer Timbrook) was killed by a black. Bastards…

Can we offer one-way tickets back to Ghana now?

March 5, 2016 10:15 am

Charge everyone of those niggers with assault and have a nice fucking day!!!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 5, 2016 10:16 am

This dude gores sacred cows for breakfast. I love his unrelenting exposure of the media fraud that passes for “news” at every opportunity, it must gall them to no end.

March 5, 2016 10:34 am

Simple solution: Make Blacks exempt from the law when their crimes only involve other Blacks.

Either there won’t be enough of them left after a year or so to cause any problems anymore or they will have straightened out and civilized themselves through their own efforts. Either way the problem with Black violence is over.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 5, 2016 10:53 am

It is hard to watch the sheer stupidity of those creatures. They kill each other with reckless abandon(not that I am complaining) then publicly fault humans for it.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 5, 2016 10:55 am

That kind of forceful violent disruptive behavior of a peaceful event deserves a few days in jail.

March 5, 2016 11:14 am

Interestingly, within that small group of BLM people (maybe 15 or so people), there were but 2 blacks (excluding the 3 or 4 large black cops escorting them out).

Should I snicker or weep?

March 5, 2016 12:22 pm

Black lives really don’t matter, not at all. MOST lives don’t matter! But especially black lives decidedly do not matter (in the aggregate).

March 5, 2016 1:47 pm

Love the running commentary of Donald Trump in the second video, while ejecting those fools. And love the roar of the crowd. America, coming back to life

March 5, 2016 2:02 pm

@Stuck…the commie shill said angry white man, not angry feminist…just so you don’t get confused.

David Brock: ‘Trump is the last stand of the angry white man’

“Should Trump be the Republican nominee, the prospect of a record-setting gender gap is, well, huuuge,” Brock will say, according to The Post. “In fact, a Hillary-versus-Trump race will likely produce the biggest gender gap in the history of modern American politics.”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 5, 2016 2:50 pm

Stackingstock says: …have a fucking day!!!

Fixed it for you.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
March 5, 2016 2:53 pm

You dont get no support from good peoples by going around interrupting. Whats wrong with asking Trump for an interview and put some questions to the man, or write his office a letter, wait to get a chance to ask him a question about your problem. But you down there screaming shouting like they’re all your enemies, then don’t act all surprised when they oblige.

March 5, 2016 3:30 pm

Newsflash to BLM:
When you need to announce to the world that your life matters, it doesn’t matter.

Your value to society should be self evident, clearly demonstrated by your actions and your contributions. No amount of self promotion can redeem something that produces nothing of recognizable worth or value.

Modern Chronicler
Modern Chronicler
March 5, 2016 5:23 pm

While I’m a fierce believer in the Constitution and in the First Amendment’s protection of free speech, I also believe in wisdom – and that means knowing when not to speak. That also means knowing situations one is best avoiding.

The irony in BLM activists showing up at Donald Trump rallies is that they do not know for a fact that all the pro-Trump attendees don’t think that black lives matter. Pro-Trump people who go to his events simply want to see him and to hear him speak. Whether Trump is going to be a fine president is irrelevant. These are extremely partisan crowds, and the BLM activists’ crashing such events (and other situations when leftists/liberals showed up) are neither wise nor constructive.

What I gather from discussions with friends is that even well-educated people fail to understand WHY Donald Trump has garnered such widespread support. They sincerely believe that Trump supporters are all ignorant bigoted white racists – they either refuse to consider or to accept that perhaps Republican and Democrat figures who have made promises only to break them, added with a culture of favoring certain groups over others in the name of equality (when this is nothing more than veiled reversed discrimination with a veneer of “righting” past wrongs) has generated profound ire across many communities in the United States.

I, as a conservative, would not attend a gathering of liberals – not because I’d be afraid, but because I know my views wouldn’t be welcome. I, as a believer in the Second Amendment, would not show up at a pro-gun control event. I admit I’d be very tempted to do the latter, but enemies of the right to keep and to bear arms have the right to speak (even if they speak untruths).

As for BLM, I find it hard to give them any credibility given they ignore the appalling disregard for human life that is so exhaustingly frequent in black communities – a disregard shown through rampant violence in which blacks who suffer violent deaths almost always have other blacks as their killers.

March 5, 2016 7:11 pm

I had one of the most surreal experiences yesterday.

I drove my dad on several errands. One of them was for a haircut. Now, I have never ever taken my dad for a haircut. Not only does he want a haircut, dad wants to pay for ME to get one. mmmm-okay, let’s have fun. He went to the same barber for the last 20+ years until that older guy died. He found a new barber about two years ago. Loves him. OK, dad, show me the way. We arrive … it’s just 10 minutes from the house. Hold on ….

…. I walk in. What do I see? Four BLACK barbers, and about eight black customers! My first thought, really — “WTF????”, but I keep silent, of course. Weirdly enough, no one even gives the two pasty white Germans even a glance, except dad’s barber who politely nodded hello.

The joint was a hoot!! I’m not kidding. It was a scene straight out of the move “Barbershop”. Everyone talking at the same time, one person louder than the next. I was paying rapt attention to as many conversations as I could. The wait was almost an hour, so I heard a lot of stuff.

Basically, the conversations were split between sports and politics. Although the guy waiting in the seat immediately to my left was quite animated about the “motherfuckin’ mechanic” who fucked him over by charging over a hundred dollars to install an alternator, or something. ESPN sports was blaring on the TV and the announcers were discussing something about Seth Curry … and there were huge arguments whether or not Seth was the best basketball player of all time. “Shee-it, man! All that light skinned motherfucker can do is shoot. Jordan woulda beat that nigger 21 to nuthin’!!”. Ohmigod, the “nigger this” and “nigger that” and “motherfuckers” were cascading upon my virgin ears like an avalanche. It was really really fun to watch and listen to.

Let me digress to my actual haircut. I was very tempted to ask Jaleel (his real name) if he ever cut a white person’s hair. Then I thought that might sound raaayyycissss, so I shut the fuck up. He asked how I wanted it cut, I told him, and THAT was the extent of our conversation. I actually liked that. I don’t want to pry into his shit, and don’t need him prying into mine.

Normally, I’m in a barber’s seat for 15 minutes, 20 minutes tops. Get ’em in, get ’em out, like cattle. I was in Jaleel’s seat for almost an hour!! He would do things like taking a step or two back, looking up and down, putting his hand on y chin to turn my head, and clip ONE or two hairs!! My god, he was meticulous. I never saw what he was doing, as my chair never once faced the mirror. Weird. But, all the other patrons had hair cut likewise. Finally (!!!) he was done, wheeled my chair around …. and I was BLOWN AWAY. Hands down, and it’s not even close, it was the best motherfuckin’ haircut of my life. Really. Ms. Freud, my hypercritical mom, and several others have made very positive comments. And it only cost $18. Dad paid, cuz he insisted. I decided to blow Jaleel away, and gave him a $10 tip. That’s saying something right there cuz I’m a fucken tightwad. I also got his card. I’ll be going back again and again. Why not? A great cut, and massively fun entertainment.

There was also some lively discussion about politics. Those details would be boring, and not terribly illuminating. Suffice it to say this; Hillary got lots of thumbs up, Bernie didn’t do too bad, and Trump was mocked, and with vigor.

Which brings me to the above videos.

Trump will NOT unite this country. (Oh shit, here comes the down votes from the Trump-eteers, who hate truth.) Oh, he will unite a certain segment of America, that’s for certain. That segment will be voracious in their support for Donald. And there will be the other side who will equally hate Trump, from Day 1. What’s the split? 50/50? 60/40? Who knows, except the numbers will be YUGE on both sides. It will be ugly. That’s the truth, and you know it.

Grey champion … 4th Turning … whatever …. I think the next fours years will be bloody ugly. Few will escape the Days Of Pain.

OTOH, my success rate in predicting these type of things is about 10%, in a good year.

March 5, 2016 7:12 pm

Is there anyone who doesn’t believe Black Lives Matter is a Soros funded Arab Spring for the United States?

March 5, 2016 8:18 pm

For several years we had a black barber in town, just up the street from my business. Nate took over the shop when Sam, our white barber retired. I became one of his few white customers. I learned a lot about middle class black culture sitting in his shop, listening, and participating in the conversation. Before moving back home, Nate had run the bakery in a major supermarket in Cleveland. He told me that driving to church with his wife and kids there was like running a gauntlet. On several occasions he was stopped and harassed by white cops, for no reason. He said that any time he saw a police car in the rear view mirror he would break into a cold sweat. This was a good, honest man who owned his home, held a steady job, paid his taxes and was a true Christian.
And, because he was so distrustful of our dominant white culture, he firmly believed that O.J. was innocent and framed, and that was the belief throughout the black community.
So, now, WTF. I really hate to see the good people who are not whitey-tighty citizens lumped in with the large criminal element that
has grown up through the cracks of our massively dysfunctional society. And, I really don’t know if there is an answer.

March 5, 2016 9:07 pm

I think that the 68% Caucasian population in ussa is just about fucking tired of carrying the other 32%!
There is no benefit anymore . It is a failed ,misguided experiment from a particular culture that wishes to hide their particular crimes against humanity by blaming another culture .
If trump is tapping into the very real reverse discrimination that goes on in this country , he will win ,barring the ron paul treatment at the so called convention .

Rise Up
Rise Up
March 5, 2016 11:35 pm

Stucky says: “Trump will NOT unite this country.”
Did Trump ever say he was trying to unite the country? No, his mantra is to “Make America Great Again”. There’s no fucking way in hell to unite a country that is a such a stew of races and cultures it has become in the last 40 years.

Obama claimed he was going to unite America. He did the opposite, taking the BLM style of politics at every opportunity. Jumping in early in high profile incidents like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin, and ending up on the wrong side of justice in each case.

It may be too late for America to be “great”, but at least we can stop the bullshit political correctness that has paralyzed and ruined reasonable discourse and logic.

Donald Trump is voicing the consciousness of middle America who have been shamed into silence by liberal media as well as far-left Democrat and spineless Republican politicians for simply desiring common sense in our culture, language, and borders.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
March 5, 2016 11:36 pm

The liberals are so stupid they do not even realize they have in fact created Trump. He is a manifestation of the frustration created by their own arrogance and hubris. Trumpism is just beginning – it is the result of an extreme move to the left. In the end the move to the right, as the pendulum swings back through the centre, will be even more extreme. Shit will get ugly. The wrong people will be targeted and the status quo will go merrily on in one form or another.