Sandy Hook Puzzles

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

NOTE: A reader brought to my attention this FBI site, which reports no murders in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012. The FBI is reported to have been on the Sandy Hook case and surely is aware of the reported murders.
According to Snopes, the “record keeping anomaly” stems from the murders being included in Connecticut state police records under statewide totals and not under Newtown. This does not explain why other murders are attributed to the towns in which they occurred. It hardly seems appropriate for Snopes to blame “conspiracy theorists” for the FBI’s failure to account for the Sandy Hook murders in its murder report for Connecticut. Is Snopes saying that those who notice anomalies should stay quiet about them? Raising questions is not a conspiracy theory. Many more questions should have been raised about Saddam Hussein’s alleged WMD, Assad’s alleged “use of chemical weapons,” alleged “Iranian nukes,” Tonkin Gulf, etc.

Perhaps the most unusual feature of the Sandy Hook story is the large number of photographs that have been released in order to document the story. It is as if there is no event without the proof supplied by the photographs. This is unusual. When, for example, the FBI murdered approximately 100 men, women and children in the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, the reality of the victims did not have to be established with a large number of photos establishing that the victims were real people with real families. When workers “go postal” and shoot their coworkers, photos are not used to prove that those killed were real people with real families. When an airplane crashes, the event does not have to be verified with news coverage of grieving relatives.

Yet photos are a defining characteristic of Sandy Hook. It is almost like the photos are the event.

The importance of Sandy Hook photos is of concern when so many experts demonstrate that so many of the photos are photoshopped. Among the Sandy Hook photos are photos that are collages of separate photos that have been put together. Others have people inserted into photos. There are a large number of YouTube videos in which people knowledgeable about the techniques of photo alteration demonstrate problems with the photographs.

In response to links I provided to Jim Fetzer’s walk through of several events that have so many anomalies as to raise suspicions, I received emails from people who have the skills to analyze whether a photo is real or a construction.

Some of the explanations are too technical for an inexperienced person to follow, but the photos below are so problematic that expert explanations seem unnecessary.

This is a photo used to establish that the little girl on the right, a Sandy Hook victim, is a member of the Robbie Parker family. Notice that the two children on Robbie Parker’s lap do not appear to have legs. Possibly the white material under the torso of the little girl with her fingers in her mouth can be construed as her legs, but it looks like material draped across Parker’s thigh. I see no sign of legs for the child in the red jumper, and the purpose of the red material draped across Parker’s other thigh escapes me. It is as if the photo was lifted from a waist up photo of the two children and placed on Robbie Parker’s lap. Notice that Robbie Parkers hands seem to be inserted into his sleeves. Experts tell me that an enlarged version of the photo reveals a straight line between Robbie Parker and the Sandy Hook child victim and that this is a sign that the victim was photoshopped into the photograph.

If this is indeed Robbie Parker’s family, why would the family picture have to be a collage of photographs? Why use a fake photograph to establish the identity of a real family?

Robbie Parker Family

This is a photo used to establish the reality of one of the teachers allegedly killed in the Sandy Hook shooting. According to experts, there are many problems with this photo. Without going into any of them, notice that the shadow of the woman on the left falls to the southwest, but the shadow of the woman on the right falls to the southeast. This suggests the photo is a construction made from photos when the sun was in different positions in the sky. The shadows associated with the woman in yellow do not seem to relate to her, and the shadow in front of the standing man seems unrelated to him.

Sandy Hook Teacher

This photo is one of those used to establish the reality of Adam Lanza. It comes from a joint photo of Adam Lanza standing with his father. Experts tell me that this is a photoshopped photo. The left side of his upper body has been cut out to create the impression that he is leaning against the background, leaving his left hand disembodied. Notice his jeans. His left leg is far outside his left side body line and the jeans have to cut in sharply to connect with his waist line.

Adam Lanza

This photo is one used to indicate Sandy Hook school evacuation. There are several versions of this same photo with the same woman leading the children but with a different child at the head of the line. Other photos taken from further back show casually dressed adults who appear to be parents watching a drill exercise. The kids seem to be scowling or frowning from the bright sun, but the larger girl in blue appears to be upset. Notice that she is out of line, that the girl in white and pink behind her has her right hand on the girl in blue’s shoulder (experts say that the hand is “painted on”) and that there is a person wearing black pants between the two girls. How can this be? Experts say that the girl in the blue top was photoshopped into the photograph, perhaps to add the missing look of alarm.

Sandy Hook Evacuation

Here is a close-up in which you can clearly see the kid who is in between the two girls.

Sandy Hook Evacuation Closeup

To sum up. There are two questions. Was Sandy Hook a drill that was turned into a public hoax by the use of doctored photos in the interest of an agenda? If not, why are so many of the released photos used to establish the reality of the event photoshopped?

Why not instead produce the death certificates of the murdered children if not photos? Why not prove with utility bills, school bus routes, and other evidence that the school was in operation and not closed due to numerous problems that the school is claimed to have had?

Those unable to entertain suspicion of government always insist that someone would talk and expose the conspiracy. This insistence is extremely naive. Jobs and careers are at stake and by now everyone has learned the fate of whistleblowers. There are safer ways to talk. Just as the Soviet press developed ways for readers to read between the lines, perhaps the carelessly faked Sandy Hook photographs are an example of those drawn into a government conspiracy “talking” by doing a bad job of producing faked photographs in order to alert us to a hoax.

What is disturbing to me is that I do not know if Sandy Hook is a real event or a hoax. In place of evidence such as bodies, body bags, death certificates, we have what appear to be faked photographs. Why?

Possibly there are other explanations for the anomalies in the photographs. Regardless, Sandy Hook cannot be decided on the basis of photographs alone. The problem I have with the official story is that such a massive event would leave massive evidence, and we have been shown very little evidence. Why can’t we be allowed to see the evidence?

Moreover, the Connecticut government refused to release evidence that would confirm that the shootings did take place. As far as I can tell from an Internet search, the children’s death certificates have never been released to the public. How can this be a privacy issue when the names and photographs of the murdered children are released? State authorities had to be ordered by a judge to release even the 911 calls to the police about the event. Here is a New York Times report:

The best way to avoid conspiracy theories is to do real investigations and to release real evidence. After all the serious lies we have been told, governments cannot expect us to simply be satisfied with their word for it.
If you look at the recent shootings and terror events, one cannot avoid the impression that scripted stories are instantly set in stone in the media prior to any investigation. The explanation comes first and takes the place of investigation.

Perhaps the evidence exists and we are not shown it because the government is training us to accept that truth is what the government says, so evidence is not necessary to support the story. In other words, government might be eliminating the belief that truth exists independently of government’s statements and can be in conflict with them.

Orwell’s 1984 is more prescient than farfetched, so we cannot dismiss this possibility.

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March 6, 2016 9:10 am

Maybe someone should go out and dig up the kids graves to see if there is a real body in them.

If there is it was real.

If there wasn’t it was fake.

Any takers?

March 6, 2016 9:22 am

“Raising questions is not a conspiracy theory.”

“The only people who call conspiracies
‘ theories’ are the conspirators.”
– Weidner’s Third Law of the Universe “

March 6, 2016 10:01 am

This ties in well with the “Mittens and the Media” post. The media makes the narrative, and anyone who asks questions is a Tin Foil Hatter, Troofer!, and worse. I know plenty of otherwise intelligent people who suck up whatever the teevee tells them hook, line and sinker. One of my brothers hardly speaks to me anymore because I dare question 9-11.

March 6, 2016 10:15 am

As I’ve mentioned before, I live close to Sandy Hook. I actually know a couple who lived there at the time of the hoax and they confirmed it was indeed a hoax for me. They have since moved.

One thing I find amusing is the behavior of anyone who lived in Sandy Hook or worked there at the time of the magic carpet ride. All self proclaimed residents or workers at or near the town of Sandy Hook will all say the exact same thing, which is: “I knew one of the people killed there”.

And I mean EXACTLY the same tone, words and look on their face. They will pause a moment, look up or away from you and then solemnly say those words…..”I knew one of the people killed there”.

If asked which one, was it a teacher or kid or what, you’ll get an equally solemn; “I can’t (or don’t want) to talk about it.

Now some of them, if not all of them are full of shit. It’s like the guy who was in the Army during the Vietnam War who was a clerk/typist, but when asked about what he did in the war, he’ll sadly say “I can’t talk about it, man”, which gives one the impression that he was in combat and not just making coffee and filing reports. It’s a matter of unearned self-glorification.

But the funny thing is, is that I haven’t come across one person, not one, that plays it any different. Every person says pretty much exactly the same thing in the same way. Hmmm.

This is all circumstantial evidence, and also pointless because the .gov got away with the hoax, but it’s fun to talk about nontheless.

March 6, 2016 10:20 am

I am still troubled by the Youtube vid of Robby Parker going into character right before going on television…one minute laughing and cutting up with reporters (just after his daughter is massacred!!!) and then becoming the distraught parent.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 6, 2016 10:22 am

All of the videos, pictures, and reporting were faked. There are no dead bodies and there are no graves. The whole thing was to push for tighter gun legislation. This is the only avenue they have as they know they cannot possibly remove them by force. They like to project the power that they can do it but, much like the cardboard and inflatable tanks that were set out in the fields during WW2, it is just an illusion. I think the reason for this and all of the other false flag operations lately is that they know we are in the midst of a great collapse and the worst part is just on the horizon. The citizens will cast blame and the oligarchs will have their Marie Antoinette moment.

March 6, 2016 10:23 am

Teri you are a Trufer! Be proud that you seek the trufe, I am.

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
March 6, 2016 10:35 am

Let’s look at this phonetically kids.

Adam = hebrew for “man”

Lanza = romance for “spear”

Ergo, this episode was the point-man for an agenda?

One adam 12.

Mario Lanza drove a truck.


March 6, 2016 10:38 am


I live in a military town, and experienced the exact same thing during the Iraq war. I was against it, and tried to point out to people that Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. Every military person to whom I spoke, said the exact same thing, word for word, to justify the war, no rational argument whatsoever. I don’t remember the exact phrase (something like, “we need to kill all the jihadis! USAUSAUSA!!”), but after a while, I realized that my arguments were futile. It was creepy!

cogdissnormbias, I am by no means ashamed to be a Trufer. I wear my tin foil hat proudly. 🙂 Trying to get someone to lose their cognitive dissonance is SO exhausting though…

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
March 6, 2016 10:42 am

I am prompted to look more into Mario Lanza.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Clearly there is more than a passing resemblance to the reputed infanticide. Look at the eyebrows. Same supercilious curvature. Hmm…

Also this is troubling about Mario (wikipedeia article):

“a period of study with … Goldovsky and … Bernstein”

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
March 6, 2016 10:46 am

BTW it is impossible to source tinfoil in sufficient quantities – the modern aluminum just isn’t dense enough for purpose

Olde Virginian
Olde Virginian
March 6, 2016 10:48 am

I am being flippant about a very solemn topic. I apologize to all of you reading my comments.

Some little folks got hurt.

If you would know my true feelings on this I refer you to unz who posted same a couple days ago and I unburdened myself in the comments there.

March 6, 2016 11:00 am

Who posted this shit?

Oh … oops … I see it now. And Admin calls ME a shit-stirrer???? Ha!

March 6, 2016 11:05 am

@ SpecOpsAlpha………That video is what really got me going on the SH hoax. A picture says a thousand words and that one was a friggen video!

SH was so obviously faked it makes the Boston bombing look like a professional job. Just for shits and giggles, google videos of school shooting around the world. You’ll see them in South America, Africa and Asia. I know that TPTB want us to believe that Murika is the only place that shit happens, but the proof is in the videos.

Now look at the videos carefully. What you are looking for is an veritable army of medical personal, dozens of ambulances and, most importantly, hundreds of wailing, crying parents and loved ones waiting to see who lived and who died. That is what’s missing from the hoaxes performed by our .gov and that is VERY evident with SH. The next day “parents” of the “victims” were videoed laughing, smiling, giggling and basically having a good time. And why not? They suffered no loss of family and they all just got rich. Not just “let’s buy a new house” rich,…….I mean fucking multi-million dollar rich. House on the hill, slush fund hidden away, luxury cars, fabulous vacations, expensive clothes and nights out kind of rich. Do you think any of them are going to spill the beans? LMFAO

That kind of rich. It’s like the gag about the undertaker trying to look sad at a $250K funeral. They couldn’t look sad at hitting the .gov lottery anymore than I could if I hit the powerball.

March 6, 2016 12:22 pm

Mr. Roberts makes an excellent point about the stark contrasts between the other mass murders the media covered and sandy hook. The volume off of photos that are available vs. The limited amount around other events. I don’t normally wear a tinfoil hat but rely on my own mind and observation to fins answers. Rational observation of sandy hook, the fact that no emergency services were being rendered that we could see. No inured people that we could see. No lifestar helicopters flying out dying people. No ambulances or people leaving with victims. Street blocked with vehicles all pointed one way. Over head shot of fire house and people walking in and out of the place in circles. State of ct changing law on death certificates.

Critical thinkers like ourselves are able to put these puzzle pieces together while the mainstream zombies of everyday America cannot. We as people have been literally brainwashed by corporate mediums of information since we were born and it’s tough sometimes to think beyond what we are fed, and the majority of the population doesn’t possess the ability to think freely at all any more. We have been duped people that have very powerful means to sway thoyght

March 6, 2016 12:29 pm

Concerning the first photo above robbie parkers head also appears to have been place on that body. Look at the outline of his head against the trees. It’s perfectly smooth.

March 6, 2016 12:34 pm

Photoshopped images are a diversion.

Far more relevant are the fraudsters’ ACTIONS.

March 6, 2016 1:02 pm

The point of it all is that they, TPTB, got away with it. All they have to do is make it past the first critical day, then it’s all downhill. Even if some network anchor lost his or her mind and pointed out something phony, that would be drowned out by the next news story of a cruise ship full of Catholic nuns accidentally hitting a whale while they were singing Ave Maria on the bow. The powers that be own the media, so they can put up anything they want on TV. They can sell shit and do it all the time.

It works beautifully, especially with a dumb-as-hell populous. A few of us bitching about it only serves us, by strengthening our resolve to prepare for whatever is coming down the pike.

March 6, 2016 1:59 pm

“You should see the looks on peoples faces when I mention the SH hoax”

Same here. I refer to it as “Sandy Hoax”. Fuck’em if they can’t handle it. I almost give a shit what that dimwitted cohort ‘feels’ about what I have to say.

March 6, 2016 3:04 pm

I know, lets talk with some of the injured. With 24(?) dead there should be around 50 injured, as per every gunfight/shooting in all of history, lets just look at their injuries and ask how it went down,

March 6, 2016 3:47 pm

They got away with 9/11 and SH and the Boston bombing are the result. They think they can get away with anything, and for the most part, they’re right. Articles and comments like this piece are a crack in their armor. Let’s keep chipping away.

March 6, 2016 4:37 pm

Lysander says:
“The point of it all is that they, TPTB, got away with it. All they have to do is make it past the first critical day, then it’s all downhill. Even if some network anchor lost his or her mind and pointed out something phony, that would be drowned out by the next news story of a cruise ship full of Catholic nuns accidentally hitting a whale while they were singing Ave Maria on the bow. The powers that be own the media, so they can put up anything they want on TV. They can sell shit and do it all the time.”

Yeah no shit! Same thing happened with the death of JKF Jr. I forget the exact details but there was an official coast guard spokesman that gave a couple of what seemed like legitimate statements that morning and out of the blue he just disappeared from the air waves. After that ALL official statements were put out by the Pentagram People. It was and is the only time in history that the Pentagram took over all reporting on a crash of a civilian, private aircraft crash. All efforts since then to track down the first guy, who stated his full name and rank have failed. There is no record of his existence despite audio and possibly video recording of him.

There are plenty of head scratchin’ abnormalities with the JFK Jr. death.

JFK Jr. had supposedly said that he fully intended to reveal those who were responsible for his fathers murder.

March 6, 2016 5:56 pm

There absolutely is something hinky about Sandy Hook, but I don’t think that those photos prove anything.

In the first picture there’s a lock of hair from the girl on the right hung up on his shirt, not the type of detail that would be done by a photoshopper. The other two girls are each straddling one of his legs and the dresses hide most of the details, no mystery there. There’s a little bit of a halo effect on him, so there is some possibility that his head was photoshopped on, but it could just be his hair.

In the second photo the people are sitting on rocks, not flat ground. The differing angles and shapes of the rocks could easily account for the differences in the shadows.

The third photo absolutely is photoshopped. But if you had a picture of yourself with a person accused of mass murder wouldn’t you photoshop yourself out of it before selling it to the media?

In the last picture there is another child in darker clothes in the shadow behind the glrl in blue. The children are bunched up. The hand on the shoulder of the girl in blue is the hand of the child in the shadow. You can’t see the hand of the girl in pink because it is on the shoulder of the child in the shadow, which is hidden behind the girl in blue.

I find this photo “analysis” just as tiresome as the endless “analysis” done on the Boston Bombing pictures. There’s lots of good real data out there, why waste people’s time with this?

March 6, 2016 6:08 pm

“There’s lots of good real data out there, why waste people’s time with this?”…

…He said, after wasting time composing a three paragraph post trying to dismiss the anomalies in the photos. Araven, why not post some of the “real good data” that’s out there instead of griping about wasting time?

Maybe you find it tiresome because you’ve already decided that the Boston Bomb Fraud and Sandy Hoax went down the way the news media presented them. If so, why not say so? I won’t consider it a waste of time if you do.

March 6, 2016 6:49 pm

Mr Ed brays like the jackass he is. I’m not the one trying to prove anything. I usually like PCR, but these pictures don’t prove anything about Sandy Hook.

March 6, 2016 6:59 pm

” I’m not the one trying to prove anything.”

Well, you just proved that you’re an asshole. It makes me wonder what else you could prove if you really tried.

March 6, 2016 8:33 pm

What rings false to me is the fact that all of the victim’s parents would be OK with their children’s dead bodies lying in a school almost night in puddles of their own blood.

No. Way. In. Hell.

It might not be a scientific reason to doubt, but is IS visceral. Parents don’t act like that. Especially not parents of the helicopter variety, which is the typical kind you’d find in an affluent community like Sandyhook.

Every single decent parent out there would be holding out some hope that their little one might not be dead but just injured, and no one would be satisfied until they saw for themselves that their baby was truly gone. That isn’t the sort of thing you trust to impersonal law officers, you need to do it yourself.

The entire farcical event flies in the face of human nature.

March 6, 2016 11:34 pm

“Either she has no legs and was photo-shopped in, or those are not Robby Parker’s legs”

Another bizarre feature in that photo is the huge hands that are supposedly Robbie Parker’s. Both hands are unnaturally spread out and are too large for the rest of his body.

The photo is very odd, to say the least.

March 6, 2016 11:38 pm

They would have to kill me to keep me out.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 6, 2016 11:48 pm

The photo of the children being led away from the school was proven to be faked and taken a year before the event by Veterans Today’s research team. You may be able to view them staging the photo on VT if the photos are still up.

March 7, 2016 12:33 am

westcoaster I agree with you sorta …………… and you still want to give them more of my labor dollars ? Talk about cognitive dissonance … Really?

Keeping the parents out ,if something like this happened um , that wouldn’t happen in my world !

If my house was on fire and I knew there was no way to get my kids out without me dying , I WOULD STILL GO IN THE HOUSE !
Police , firefighters , etc could only stop me from getting to my kids by killing me .

I do not know of one single parent that wouldn’t do the same .

March 7, 2016 2:24 am

Sandy hook was definitely a hoax.

As for shadow directions though…
[imgcomment image[/img]

March 7, 2016 7:46 am

“Some said the wife’s face is actually an overlay of Robby Parkers face. (weird)”

Yeah, that’s weird. The mom’s facial expression is really bad, so it’s hard to imagine a couple accepting that particular shot out of the proofs as the one that would be their final choice for prints of a family photo.

In the days of film photography, a studio might offer fewer proof shots for the customer to choose from, but there would still be several snaps of a portrait so that a shot with a bad facial expression like hers in that photo wouldn’t have to be included in the final choice.

With digital cameras in use today, it’s economical to take many more snaps for a customer to choose from for the final photo. It’s kind of hard to imagine a woman allowing a flubbed snap of herself looking like she does in that pic to be the final choice for printing pics to share with friends and relatives.

March 7, 2016 8:42 am

“You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place”

~ Jonathon Swift


My sibs are coming to NC for their annual trip and they of course believe the official versions of any controversial event.

They are emotionally driven people – certainly not INTJ’s – and will believe whatever the Box tells them, particularly if there is some trauma induced feelings. They did not get to their positions with logic, facts, evidence or reason –they are easily emotionally manipulated, a trait I believe has been intentionally encouraged and propagated among the people.

Take away logic and talk about feelings 24/7 and look what you get – a nation of workers, not thinkers.

And to add fuel to the fire the BOX tells them they can counter any self-doubt or self-recrimination by calling me names – “conspiracy theorist”.

They are good people but they are controlled by their emotions – Bernays must be very proud.

March 7, 2016 9:08 am

Yojmbo, all I said was that these three pictures don’t prove anything and are therefore a waste of time. Get a life.

March 7, 2016 9:58 am

Regardless of the topic: Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, 9/11, JFK assassination, etc., if we don’t properly vet all the data and blindly accept the bad data with the good then we are the “conspiracy theory kooks” that the mainstream media accuses us of being.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 7, 2016 11:45 am


Admin has his reasons. Looking forward to the day Stucky can admit the jig is up.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 7, 2016 12:03 pm

Araven- Which photos are a waste of time?? The smiling parents?

There were many giggling ,smiling, bubbly parents of the slaughtered children, they are known in the tinfoil hat world as “The Smiling Parents of Sandy Hook”.

What a crock that they expect us to buy this stuff. You would have to be brain dead not to see this is theater.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 7, 2016 12:22 pm

BW has a point, you put 70 million Americans on Zoloft or the equivalent and they will believe anything. Another 200 million are just dumber than owl shit and are unable to do any critical thinking to realize this is a hoax. That leaves very few people with enough functioning brain cells to process this sludge and call them out.

They know they can get away with anything.

March 7, 2016 12:59 pm

BL, see my post 6th March 2016 at 5:56 pm. The pictures in the original post.