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rhs jr
rhs jr
March 10, 2016 7:10 am

A hell of a lot of Useless Idiots obviously like eating his Bull Shit up; makes me F’n sick. .

March 10, 2016 7:25 am

rhs jr says:
“A hell of a lot of Useless Idiots obviously like eating his Bull Shit up; makes me F’n sick. .”

If’n yer talkin’ about the tRump glee club, I wholeheartedly agree! It’s eerily similar to the Useful Idiots slobbering for Obammy.


Greg in NC
Greg in NC
March 10, 2016 8:03 am

That is a very good picture of the clown reading his teleprompter. I remember early on in his 1st campaign the media had not yet caught on that his head turning side to side was supposed to appear to be addressing the crowd. Once they figured it out they merely zoomed in so the teleprompters could not be seen. Phony ass!

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
March 10, 2016 10:35 am

One man and a cup.

March 10, 2016 1:04 pm

What a bitter disappointment this person turned out to be. I refuse to say his name. It is not worth mentioning out loud. The sheer scale and amount of bald faced lies he told in public, in order to be elected, will go down in history as epic. Not that any of the preceding or present politicians, have clean hands or mouths either!

But this present occupier of the white house is nothing more than a clueless puppet, for the financial/corporate, military/industrial complex and the “Deep State” that is at the heart of all that is wrong within the nation.

At the beginning of his tenure, he had the vast majority of the population of the country behind him 100% and would have done anything to support his “transparent, clean up, government,” agenda that he campaigned on.

Instead he threw the public under the nearest bus and conveniently forgot about ANY promises he made to them. Grabbed his golf bag and went off to play a couple rounds. Less Than Useless.

March 10, 2016 2:40 pm

Considering that most Americans seem to have the intellect of vegetables, is it any wonder they crave manure?

March 10, 2016 7:12 pm

“I’m going to hold Wall Street accountable.” What utter BULLSHIT !