The chart probably makes it look worse than it really is for Trump. Hispanics lean Democrat by 65% to 35% anyway. There are only three states where their votes will matter much. California has a huge amount of Hispanics (14.4 million) and would vote for Hillary anyway. Texas has 9.8 million Hispanics, but went to the Republicans by 57% to 43% in 2012. Trump will win this state. Florida is always a key state and has 4.4 million Hispanics. Trump has an excellent chance based on his landslide victory over Rubio last week. The rest of the Hispanic population is mainly in the urban Democrat controlled shitholes. They won’t swing anything. 

Infographic: Donald Trump's Hispanic Headache | Statista
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It should be expected that U.S. Hispanics have a fairly negative view of Donald Trump, given his highly controversial comments about Mexican immigration. Gallup has confirmed just how deeply unpopular the Republican frontrunner really is, finding that 77 percent of Hispanics have an unfavorable view of him. By contrast, 59 percent of them have a favorable view of Hillary Clinton. Trump has characterized Mexican immigrants as drug traffickers and rapists.

He has also called for a wall to be constructed along the U.S. border with Mexico, which America’s southern neighbor should finance. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto recently saying there is no scenario where his country would pay for Trump’s wall.

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March 18, 2016 12:06 pm

First – how many of these Hispanics are eligible to vote?

Secondly, once they’re in this country, I’m sure they don’t want their labor pool diluted by more Hispanics.

The legal Hispanic citizens, who are eligible to vote – don’t want the illegal immigration.

March 18, 2016 12:10 pm

“It should be expected that U.S. Hispanics have a fairly negative view of Donald Trump, given his highly controversial comments about Mexican immigration. ”

what is a US Hispanic? a citizen or a beaner?

March 18, 2016 12:18 pm

Dutchman, some people believe in the holy “right to vote”. They think that it’s an inalienable human right, like the right to self defense. If it helps their candidate win, anyone who happens by a polling place has the right to cast a vote, simply by being human.

IMO, voting is a privilege, granted after the voter meets established qualifications, such as residency, citizenship, etc. The qualifications are already so lax, in my view, as to make voting pointless. I don’t agree with the idea that voting is a right.

I think that anyone who is a net tax consumer (on welfare, employed by any level of government, currently holding any public office) should be barred from exercising the franchise.

March 18, 2016 12:33 pm

Trump is going to end up getting a large “hispanic” vote, which is totally a horseshit statistic by the media anyway. “Hispanics” aren’t a monolithic voting block like blacks are…. By the way, Trump is going to end up getting a much larger black vote than most GOP candidates do as well. I think Americans are way more sick of fucking liberal social justice warriors any whiny safe spacers than MSM polls will tend to show. Have any of you guys ever been polled in your lives?

March 18, 2016 12:34 pm

I think it’s important to deferentiate between Hispanics and Mexicans. I have a non Mexican Hispanic spouse, and her entire family and many of their Hispanic friends do too. And I mean pretty much every single one of them. A lot of them see this country being turned into a hell hope like the ones they just left, especially Cubans. My wife’s parents are good friends with an elderly Cuban couple who came here in the 50s and they are big trump supporters.

They still think there is a way to save this country in something resembling it’s present form. I don’t happen to agree, but that’s what they think. And they think trump is the only one that can do it.

Many/most Hispanics are catholic and very conservative on social issues. They are sick to death of having all manner of sexual deviancy shoved in their faces by the left, and are increasingly tired of being told that they have to accept pretty much anything without criticism or it’s them who are being intolerant. It’s not even so much that they care about what other adults want to do with their lives, they are just sick of hearing about it, and Bernie/Hillary supporters are going to have zero luck convincing these people to change their minds about it. Unfortunately these people are aging and dying off, so that may not last but another generation or so, but many elderly Hispanics feel that way.

March 18, 2016 12:41 pm

The Dems fight the voter ID laws because they’re a violation of the peoples Constitutional rights.

Maybe someone should use that argument and the rulings in favor of it to fight the laws requiring ID’s for firearms purchases and background checks as well?

Seems to me a Constitutional right is a Constitutional right, but maybe it’s one of those “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” type of things.

In any event, I would expect the Democrats to get the illegal vote -all of it, the illegals, the felons, the double voters and the dead voters- and the Republicans to be accused of various types of voting fraud to take focus off of it.

March 18, 2016 12:44 pm

The corruption of the political process was the main reason for the 1965 immigration act.Ted Kennedy is and always was a sell out. I often wonder how much the Jewish interest paid him through the years. Anyway I think Trump will do alright with Hispanics. Hispanics are different from blacks. Different culture , different wants. Trump should be able to appeal to their interests and help them to see immigration will hurt them in the future.

One other thing , the Hispanics I meet at FedEx terminals in California are mostly pro Trump. I ask one a couple days ago why.He says he hoped TRUMP would lower the tax rates. I thought that was interesting.

March 18, 2016 12:52 pm

Cycling 30 ,where have been ? Playing with those pretty girls down in Miami ? You are right about Hispanics.Many are not democrat plantation slaves like most blacks so they’ll be more open minded toward TRUMP.

March 18, 2016 1:07 pm

Aren’t whites the numerically largest voting block, and by a large margin?

I think, at the end of the day, it is WHITES who determine the outcome of any national election.

Liberal, fuknut, traitorous, WHITE cocksuckers will determine the next election. Hopefully, enough of them grow a brain to vote for Donald.

March 18, 2016 1:16 pm

If the Hildabeast gets elected she’ll be the 4th turning catalyst…Bank It Danno !

It’s going to be an interesting summer….wonder if the Ironworkers etc are waiting on this summers protests with anticipation ?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 18, 2016 2:34 pm

As the author notes, pie charts about the Hispanic share of the whole country are stupid. The only thing that will matter on this “Latino vote” issue is how many voting Hispanics (legal or illegal) are in swing states. The Hispanic share of the electorate in OH, WI, PA, MI is insignificant. Hispanics in FL, CO & AZ are balanced out politically.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
March 18, 2016 4:00 pm

My wife is a Hispanic immigant (legal, of course). She is a Trump fanatic, as are many of her Latin friends. Rule of thumb: Legal immigrant, hard-working, have family, law-abiding, not on government assistance, in or striving towards middle class, Trump. Illegal or semi-legal, criminal, on welfare, “entitled”, uneducated, Hillary.

March 18, 2016 4:55 pm

Stucky is correct about Whites being, by far, the largest voting bloc. The problem is that 53% of them are women. The 19th Amendment was the Real beginning-of-the-end for the U.S.

A true fact.

March 18, 2016 7:49 pm


I can’t keep up with your crazy ass. Now you’re voting for Trump?

March 18, 2016 10:11 pm

Kali was solid Pubbie until Reagan gave about 3 million Julios amnesty. With the exception of ’88, it has been solid dem since.

March 18, 2016 10:36 pm

” The 19th Amendment was the Real beginning-of-the-end for the U.S.”

Mahomdedi, I would say that the 14th Amendment was the Real beginning-of-the-end for the U.S, as a republic, anyway.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 18, 2016 10:37 pm

Define white.

Hispanic applies to anybody who hails from a former possession of Spain (and maybe Portugal since Brazilians fall into that umbrella). Hispanics supposedly or purportedly all just crawled under the wire into the country, they are all Catholics and they have multiple children. They are brown and sound like Bill Dana or Cheech Marin.

I would say Hispanic is a cultural affiliation and not a racial designation. It is an umbrella term but it has little reliable predictive value when Cubans in Florida vote differently from Mexicans in California and Mexicans in Texas have different preferences from Puerto Ricans in Chicago or New York.

Maybe the wall means less to Ricans or Cubans. Maybe Obama’s visit with Raul Castro means more to Cubans that it means to Mexicans.

If we use a Venn diagram to slice and dice the features of Hispanics, I’d be in the TexMex, boomer, brown, bi-lingual, R&R, hetero, non-Catholic, apolitical, TBPer slice.

March 18, 2016 10:48 pm

EC, when I was a young man (I know, looong fuckin time ago) The term Chicano was used a lot. A coworker from Texas rejected the term for himself, saying that his family had been in Texas for over 300 years, and that they called themselves Tejano.

I see what you’re saying about the term Hispanic. Nothing much to add, just bein sociable, y’know.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 18, 2016 11:04 pm

Chicano was an attempt to develop an identity for Mexican Americans in the late 60’s and early 70’s. The term Zoot zooters was imposed on California Mexicans enamored with TinTan (German Valdez) and his fashion preference. 30 years later, the LA Mexicans adopted Chicano and promoted Chicanismo, an activist identity. It got a bit of traction with draft-age, college-age Hispanics. Maybe it degenerated into some socialist movement, I don’t know. I do know it degenerated – decayed – with the end of the war, much like the hippie movement.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 18, 2016 11:27 pm

This ‘Hispanic’ monolith is a convenient political myth. The truth is that it is a political minefield and Hillary is successful because she has honed her craft. Obama got like ten people clapping at a speech he gave in El Paso. My buddy said Jesse Jackson got the cold shoulder when he tried to penetrate the LA Hispanic community. It’s hard, I can’t blend into my wife’s Salvadoran community anymore than I can into a PR or Cuban or Argentine group.

Puerto Ricans assasinate the Spanish language. Cubans speak a strange form of Spanish that is foreign to Mexicans. Univision regularly misses the mark when they try to tailor their ads to Mexicans, assuming we ‘get’ their jokes. They are about as funny to us as Monty Python is to Americans.

What was that Cuban Rubio thinking, that Mexicans would vote for him? And what did Obama think he was doing when he appointed a Puerto-Rican woman to the Supreme Court?

You know why we got Pope Francis? The Mexicans would not accept a Honduran nominee, they wanted a Mexican pontiff.

March 18, 2016 11:48 pm

” Jesse Jackson got the cold shoulder when he tried to penetrate the LA Hispanic community”

Well…yeah. I can’t imagine anyone wanting penetration from Jesse Jackson. 😉

I know what you’re saying, though. My cousin’s wife is Mexican and they live in Mexico, and two of my nephews married South American women,so one of my nieces by marriage is an Argentine, and one is Brazilian, though Carla, the Brazilian niece speaks Portuguese so she wouldn’t really be called hispanic, I suppose.

Anyway, they’re my nieces and, as such, are my family. No other labels apply.