Statistically Doctors Are More Dangerous Than Gun Owners

Statistically Doctors Are More Dangerous Than Gun Owners

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March 26, 2016 9:29 am

Doctors come in all shapes and sizes and IQ.

They are part of the corporate machine/employees of the

hospital system. They are not autonomous. It is required for

them to make a diagnosis, and proscribe a treatment. They are

encouraged (mandated) to treat the pt., usually that involves a

prescription. ( no measurable treatment = little or no reimbursement)

It is all a hasty process, “here, try this.” And “this” can be more difficult

and complicate the problem for patients. They have very little time to

actually listen to the patient…get the proper history, and make a real plan.

Many drugs are dangerous, and a more direct and simple treatment would be

so much better. Reimbursement for listening is nil. Or minimal.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 26, 2016 10:28 am

Be afraid, be very afraid.

When you enter the medical building or hospital please realize the danger.

March 26, 2016 10:46 am

It is also 100 times more likely for a child to die when a family has a swimming pool than if they own guns. The public has been conditioned to have an irrational fear of guns.

March 26, 2016 10:48 am

Our health knowledge is created, bought and paid for by corporations, to enhance their bottom lines. Same as nearly all science now.

We are lied to, poisoned, then made a feed lot herd from which we are culled all to advance those 60 richest earth families and their political sycophants.

If you are sick your diet and household/work chemical exposures should be the FIRST place a “healthcare” specialist starts, as that is where nearly 100% of the dis-ease starts, yet it is completely ignored.

Eat as close to the way our ancestors ate, including lots of saturated fats. Eat as pure of food as you can afford. Get rid of the toxic cleaners, air fresheners and assorted other chemicals our world is drowning in, that is a good start to being healthy. And quit hating those that are different from you, bless them even as you bless the food you are about to consume.

Every fact that comes from the cesspool of MSM, academia, government or the major corporations has to be discounted, or ignored, if you truly wish to find health. Ironic that it doesn’t matter how many times the lies are uncovered, the majority just keeps on believing and insists we believe too.

I don’t know why I was blessed with the ability to discern truth, but damn, I am so lucky that I am. Even if my parents, friends, bosses and teachers were utterly flummoxed by it.

March 26, 2016 11:48 am

In my experience, doctors and hospitals are primarily devoted to billing, rather than healing.

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
March 26, 2016 12:12 pm

Similar to lawyers with white lab jackets on but far more dangerous to your health. Lawyers don’t compel their clients (victims) to commit crimes. Doctors, on the other hand, create patients for life through vaccinations, over prescribed medicines and antibiotics and “treat the symptom, not the cause” philosophy.

Now that they are effectively all on the government payroll, feeding the controllers with information on every American who volunteers for the system, a doctor’s oath is of no more value than the oath politicians and police take when assuming office. Just a formality.

Now that many doctors are actively asking and reporting on which of their patients own and use guns is all one needs to know about where their loyalty lies. May the chains weigh heavily on their necks, and posterity forget that we were countrymen…..

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
March 26, 2016 12:31 pm

P.S. Excellent post, TE.

” And quit hating those that are different from you, bless them even as you bless the food you are about to consume.”

Those who would leave me in peace I would ask blessings for. Those different from me who wish me and my family dead will have to find their blessings elsewhere, since I will fight to take from them what they so fervently desire of me. According to my natural rights.

March 26, 2016 4:34 pm

So let this be a warning to all you assholes on this forum.

I’m not only a physician but a firearms owner as well. Do. The. Math.

March 26, 2016 6:03 pm

I am a physician, but at least I am not a banker! And I do like firearms so I guess that makes me double dangerous.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
March 26, 2016 6:37 pm

As a Physician AND a Microbiologist, married to a former Industrial Pharmacist (with extensive fermentation / formulation / stability / delivery systems knowledge), I suppose that makes us “Potential Terrorists of the Worst Kind” – a “Family Weapon of Mass Destruction” 😀

March 27, 2016 12:10 pm

“I’m not only a physician but a firearms owner as well. Do. The. Math.”

That’s OK, Dr. Tucci. I like reading your comments anyway. You ain’t gonna hafta shoot my ass any time soon, I don’t reckin.

March 27, 2016 9:09 pm

Father of Obamacare believes dying at 75 is best course for society-Dehumanization