“Pope” Francis and the Disintegration of Europe

Pope's Wall

A Massive Wall Surrounds Francis-Bergoglio’s Vatican City-State

Despite being rebuked and humiliated by the Republican presidential front runner over his inflammatory statements about U.S. illegal immigration policies, Newpope Francis of the Vatican II sect has continued to opine about the migration crisis.

In an address to a Newcatholic French group, Bergoglio admitted the obvious: “We can speak today of [an] Arab invasion.  It is a social fact.”  Yet, despite the horrific consequences of this fact, mostly orchestrated by New World Order groups and organizations of which his church is a part, Newpope amazingly contends that this will eventually be a positive thing for Europeans: “How many invasions has Europe experienced in the course of its history! But it’s always been able to overcome them and move forward, finding itself complimented and improved by the cultural exchange they brought about.”*

Europe “complimented and improved”?!   Right.  Tell that to the thousands of women who have been raped, assaulted, and terrorized by mostly Muslim fanatics, or look at the widespread destruction of private property that these trespassers have wrought, and worse, the cultural transformation that this deliberately created crisis has produced.

Bergoglio furthered these idiotic statements with some multicultural speak: “the only continent [Europe] that can bring some unity to the world.”  And that Europe must fulfill its “universal role” and “rediscover its cultural roots.”**

If Bergoglio really wants Europeans to “rediscover” their “cultural roots,” they will find that ever since the emergence of Mohammedanism, its fanatical adherents have repeatedly attempted to overrun and conquer the Continent and subject its peoples to the crazed religious and political dictates of its possessed “prophet.”

At one time, Europe fulfilled its “universal role” by engaging in a series of military actions (the Holy Crusades) which were mostly inspired by true popes (which Bergoglio and his Vatican II predecessors are certainly not) to expunge the infidel from the sacred places where the Founder of Christianity lived, preached, was crucified, and gloriously rose from the dead.  These authentic successors of St. Peter, in particular Urban II and Innocent III, understood the threat that Mohammedanism posed to their flocks both spiritually and culturally.

The failure of Christendom to ultimately defeat Islam and drive it out of the former lands of the Roman Empire was not the fault of the popes, but that of the secular powers who increasingly sought their own aggrandizement. If the European principalities had heeded the popes’ calls and driven the Muslims back to their tribal homeland, history would have had a happier outcome.

Bergoglio, if he cared to look, would find that Europe’s “universal role” included the justification of “holy war,” in the use of violence against Islam, not only during the Crusades, but in the re-conquest of Spain, and in the defense of its homeland from numerous Muslim assaults. Moreover, the idea of Muslims living side-by-side with Europeans or being able to create their own autonomous communities would have rightly been considered societal genocide.

No authentic pope would be engaged in “dialogue,” common prayer meetings, or other ecumenical interchanges with Muslims as Bergoglio and his Vatican II predecessors have repeatedly and blasphemously done over the years.  Any pre-Vatican II pope, theologian, bishop, priest, or, for that matter, astute layman would properly consider such actions abominable and would recommend as punishment a rendezvous with some of the scum that abounds at the bottom of the Tiber for its transgressors!

Bergoglio and most of the Newchurch hierarchy’s support for free migration and open borders and their condemnation of those who have opposed such lunacy clearly demonstrates that the Vatican II sect is part and parcel of the New World Order which seeks the eradication of sovereignty and the extinction or at least subjugation of European peoples to the global elites.

Not only is this cretin wantonly overturning two thousand years of traditional Christian teaching on morality, but he is openly encouraging the destruction of those societies which that morality ultimately helped to build.

Despite the skillfully and deceitfully crafted persona as “Mr. Humble” and his white pontifical attire, “Pope” Francis and the sect that he heads are a clear and present danger to what remains of Western civilization and must be opposed and removed from power.

*Tom Wyke, “The Pope says ‘It is a Social fact’ that Europe is seeing an ‘Arab Invasion’ and it’s a Good Thing.”  Daily Mail.com.  4 March 2016


Antonius Aquinas@AntoniusAquinas


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April 11, 2016 9:20 am

If this invasion happens to America, and it is, I seriously doubt there will be another Crusades, or another holy war, as in the Christians vs Muslims.

I know religion is playing a part for one side but not so much on the other side. Forgiveness, understanding, acceptance, tolerance, is nothing more than weakness and the mooslums see this as such.

Worship anyone or anything you like, don’t give a shit as long as it doesn’t affect me or mine.
But if mooslums think they are going to force this country into submission like they are doing to Europe?

Stupid is as stupid does.

April 11, 2016 9:23 am

Petrus Romanus.

He prepares the way for the AntiChrist the ways John the Baptist did for Jesus the Christ.

Most will be deceived, few will persevere to the end and be saved.

Your choice, your fate.

April 11, 2016 9:24 am

The more this guy speaks, the more I am convinced he’s an Operative for the genocidal goons doing their best to kill us off….

He predecessor Benedict “retired” – the first pope to do so in what? A thousand years? And Benedict just happened to be a conservative German.

Uh uh… sure… I totally believe that.

THIS guy… surrounded by walls and guards and living in a virtual treasure-filled palace, his every want, need and smallest desire instantly jumped on by a virtual army of support staff… telling US how we should do business. That we should WELCOME these head-chopping fuckers and be happy they’re chopping our heads off, raping our women, blowing our shit up and shooting people….

Yeah… this guy was PUT there by the fucks engineering the destruction of our ancestral homelands, as well as the destruction being wrought in almost every single Western nation…

I can’t prove it, but I know it. Deep in my gut, I know it’s true. Even the Holy See itself has been compromised and is now just another mouthpiece, another outlet for the leftist propaganda – telling us to roll over and stick our ass in the air and take it rather than MARCH TO WAR AND CLEANSE OUR HOMELANDS OF THIS FILTH ONCE AND FOR ALL.

His predecessor – Pope Innocent XI – tapped King Jan Sobieski as Savior Of Christendom. Because he totally fucking WAS the savior of Christendom.

And he earned that title not by allowing these fuckers to open more goddamned Kabop kiosks and building mosques… he did it by PERSONALLY leading the largest cavalry charge in recorded human history: ball-stomping, face-shanking and slaughtering the fuck out of the Ottoman Turks who were trying to burn Vienna to the ground and, by extension, ALL of Europe.

I’m not a big fan of going to war – being Israel’s bitch and hired mercs to fight the fucking wars they won’t… or because some Inside-the-beltway pols need their stocks in Bombs R Us to go up a quarter point… or ‘nation building’ or any of that shit…

But going to war against our ancient enemy to literally save our ancestral homelands?

I can get behind that.

April 11, 2016 9:41 am

great post – nails it.

Billy and card – spot on.

April 11, 2016 9:42 am

I got your Kebab… right fuckin’ here, Akmed!

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ISIS “commander” mocked because he looks like a Kebab…

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April 11, 2016 9:55 am

I’d love to see Armenians slaughter millions of the Musloids.

April 11, 2016 9:56 am

Just think if this guy was pope 450 years ago, we’d all be mooslims now.

Anyway, Mr Pope, clean up your own house first before you decide the fate of billions, eh? Arab invasions a good thing………..WTF

April 11, 2016 10:36 am

There’s a reason why Queen Isabella killed or forcibly ejected every last Muslime from Spain.

Every. Last. One. Of. Them.

She took decisive action. She didn’t sit back in a riches-filled palace, surrounded by sycophants and guards and the best of everything, look down her nose, and sniffingly tell others to go get their hands dirty…

From what I remember, she gutted the palace – sold off everything of value, up to and including the crown jewels. It came to the then-staggering sum of 20,000 florins…. and with that, she built an army and cleansed her country of the Muslime filth… kicked them the fuck off the Continent Literally. Sent those camel-fucking pederast bone-smugglers packing, back to their shithole in North Africa they crawled out of in the first place and ended 700 years of Muslime occupation of European lands.

There’s loads of boo-hooing about how the Muslime “culture” was “destroyed” in Spain.. but you know what? FUCK them…

Say what you want about the ethics of Queen Isabella – because there was a load of other shit going down like the Inquisition – but she got shit done and turned Spain into the wealthiest, most powerful nation – a unified nation – for the next century or so…

Shows you what happens when you step up the Kebab Removal.

April 11, 2016 11:03 am

This pope is one of the most hypocritical, new world order, piece of shitte I have ever seen. Go back to hell, you demon.

April 11, 2016 11:19 am

…the plan may be to turn us all into brown skinned persons
under Sharia law…to the delight of certain controlling groups.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 11, 2016 11:26 am

I was going to make a joke that they need to let Mehmet Ali Agca out of prison. That’s the guy who shot JPII in 1981. Turns out that Agca has been paroled – and also that he converted to Christianity. So if anyone knows anyone else who might shoot this pope, please insert joke here: __________________. Sirhan Sirhan?

April 11, 2016 12:33 pm

He needs to go back to covering op for the Holy Order of NAMBLA. Stick to what he does well, diddling little alter boys.

April 11, 2016 12:33 pm


Yes, that is the plan.

And I expect it will both happen and seem to work for a short while just before the end of the current age.

April 11, 2016 3:28 pm

The Pope has about as much influence as a wet noodle. Who listens to that senile old man? Not even Catholics.

April 11, 2016 5:14 pm

Wow! So many errors and misconceptions. So little time.

Stucky says: “The Pope has about as much influence as a wet noodle. Who listens to that senile old man? Not even Catholics.” You’re kidding, right? The whole world is actively worshiping this man-beast. Even atheists love him.

The author wrote: “Not only is this cretin wantonly overturning two thousand years of traditional Christian teaching on morality…” There is nothing Christian about Catholicism and there never has been. How many millions of actual Christians were murdered and tortured during the dark ages due to their traditional Christian morality?

The author wrote: “the Vatican II sect is part and parcel of the New World Order which seeks the eradication of sovereignty and the extinction or at least subjugation of European peoples to the global elites.” While this statement is true the author fails to realize that the New World Order agenda has always been a Vatican project, orchestrated by the Jesuit generals (black popes) whose only goal (other than the eradication of Protestantism) has always been world domination with the Pope as emperor over it all. Nothing has changed pre or post Vatican II.

The author wrote: “Despite being rebuked and humiliated by the Republican presidential front runner over his inflammatory statements about U.S. illegal immigration policies, Newpope Francis of the Vatican II sect has continued to opine about the migration crisis.” This “crisis” is an intentional ploy on the part of the New World Order to create chaos. The motto of the Jesuit controlled Freemasons is (in English) Order out of Chaos. It is the use of the Hegelian dialectic to create friction: thesis/antithesis until we beg our leaders for a solution (synthesis) AKA world government, The New World Order (see previous paragraph).

Anonymous wrote: “Petrus Romanus. He prepares the way for the AntiChrist…” No, he IS the antichrist. In Daniel’s prophesy of the time, times, and half a time (1 year + 2 years + 1/2 year or 42 months or 3 1/2 years or 1260 days) the entire world (mostly) has been deceived (by Jesuit Francisco Ribera and more recently by Scofield) into thinking that this was a literal 3 1/2 years in the FUTURE. But rather in prophesy the Bible tells us (in most cases) to consider a day for a year. Certainly in this case history has shown that the 1260 days of Daniel is not in the future but has already occurred as 1260 years from 538 AD (Justinian decree, giving the Papacy absolute authority over “heretics”) until 1798 AD when Pope Pius VI was arrested under order of Napoleon thus fulfilling the prophecy that “one of the heads as it were wounded to death”. Then the miraculous healing in 1929 via the Lateran treaty handing the political power back to the Vatican which it retains to this day. The Power of the antichrist

April 11, 2016 5:17 pm

(continued) is not bestowed on a single individual some time in the future, it has been bestowed upon them all between 538-1798 AD, and from 1929 until today.

April 11, 2016 7:14 pm

I bet this is what’s going on at the Vatican :

April 11, 2016 7:19 pm

Billy….did Isabella sell her stuff off to fight the Muslims or to help ol’ Chris Columbus .?

I’m no scholar but wasn’t Spain at the height of its power and wealth at this time ?

April 11, 2016 8:18 pm

I’m Catholic and don’t consider this Marxist my pope. There’s definitely something funny going on. Our Catholic newsletters (from the diocese, not our individual church) are filled with pro-immigrant propaganda.

The articles usually have a Washington D.C. dateline, so this is obviously a national push. Everything’s under assault, even our religion.

April 11, 2016 10:51 pm

Well, the last time I looked, Vatican City was a part of Europe. I don’t see the Pope opening the doors to Vatican City to embrace the refugees. I wonder why not if he thinks it’s such a good thing. Hypocrisy?