Hat tip Boston Bob

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harry p
harry p
May 5, 2016 3:08 pm

Yep, thanks Uncle govt.

But those “administrators” are basically paper pushers/filers/shufflers that are jobs for the idiots thatarent mentally equipped to do much else.
Its all a job/works program, ive been to more doctors offices the last 6 months than 5 years prior, and sooooo many of these “administrators” are loud, middle-aged obnoxious black women.

May 5, 2016 3:33 pm

Yep, I’m in the construction industry and a bulk of our work is facility renovations.

I’d wager that 70% of the renovations to expand individual practitioner medical spaces are not for additional patients, it’s for additional clerical staff to handle obamashitforcare.

May 5, 2016 3:54 pm

Yep. We too often focus on the inner-city ghetto ‘moms’ who pop out the out-of-wedlock children like a popcorn machine, but the health care administrators are equally parasites.

Another big expense since ObamaCare took effect that nobody has the balls to talk about is the insanely expensive treatment for sodomites with AIDS. $17,000 per month and up. All covered by ObamaCare.

May 5, 2016 4:04 pm

Well, the above comments are all part of the ” I’m free to do what-the fuck-ever I want to my body because it’s my body, unless I need you to pay for it, then it’s ok for you to get involved” mantra. The land of the free, free stuff and free from responsibility, that is. Sweet.

May 5, 2016 5:39 pm

A similar situation exists in public schools. The number of administrators has grown to ridiculous levels. Administrative jobs in a bureaucracy are not just jobs that aren’t needed, they’re actually jobs that should not be done, or even considered if the stated goals of the bureaucracies are to be met.

These jobs go to people who aren’t qualified for anything practical. The do-nothin incompetents who fill the ranks of school administrators are a stifling influence on the institution they’re supposed to serve. It’s likely the same case in “heffcayah”.

“Wheh my heffcayah at?” scream the FSA.

“Hush up an fill out this form” say the administrators.

May 5, 2016 10:34 pm

It is true that bureaucracies have expanded in almost every domain. The USELESS FEDERAL BUREAUCRACY, higher education administration and staff ( for sure ) and the Hospital / Practitioner / Insurance company Axis bureaucracy. I worked in Health Care ( the financial end of it ) for a long time . One health plan I worked at – – advertised, and correctly too – – that 88 cents or even 90 cents of every health care dollar paid to the plan went back out as medical benefits.

WHAT THE So’N’Sos never said was this : Of the up to 90 cents that went to actual health care, the hospitals and doctors squandered ( at the time ) easily half of that on administration, meeting federal rule mandates and insurance company process requirements.

I never wanted O-Bozo-care as it was doomed from the start. 2000 pages, huh, WTF was that all about ? More to the point, O’Bozo was held captive by big pharma and big insurance. Once the insurance companies were given free reign, the whole concept was doomed from the get-go.

There are lots of better alternatives – – OBozo-care is not one of the worst, IT IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST PLAN THAT OUR NANNY-STATE OVERSEERS COULD HAVE FORCED DOWN OUR COLLECTIVE THROATS !

I fear for the future.


Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
May 5, 2016 11:56 pm

Substitute “teachers” for “physicians” and it explains our school system. And why they always need more money.