Long Live the Flags of Dixie!

Confederat Flag

On May 19, the House of Reprehensibles passed a proposal that would essentially ban the display of Confederate flags from national cemeteries.  The amendment was added to a Veteran Affairs spending bill.

Not surprisingly, House Speaker Paul Ryan allowed the measure to be voted upon in hopes of not disrupting the appropriations process.  Yes, by all means Paul, the redistribution of taxpayers’ confiscated wealth should take precedent over a draconian attempt to eradicate a heroic symbol of the country’s past.  Hopefully, Ryan will be ousted this November as both Speaker and Congressman for not only his consistent sell out to Obummer and the Democrats on the budget, but his lack of understanding and appreciation of what is arguably the most important period of American history.

In a certain sense, the Confederate flag should not be displayed in national cemeteries or for that matter flown alongside those of the Union.  The two are representations of dramatically opposed political ideologies.  Liberals and political opportunists of all sorts have deliberately smeared the South’s attempt at secession as being entirely over the issue of slavery.  The “Civil War” (which that struggle has become known by) is now seen through Politically Correct hindsight.

A civil war, in the truest sense, is a conflict between factions attempting to gain control of a government typically for their own aggrandizement.  The bloody conflict between the North and South was not that, nor was it solely over slavery although the institution played a role in it.

The Confederacy wanted no part of the Washington establishment at the time, which it believed had become too tyrannical, and attempted to secede from it.  The remaining states of the North, under the “leadership” of Abraham Lincoln, prevented this at the cost of more than 600,000 lives, the vast destruction of property, and the impoverishment of a people who simply sought to rule themselves.

The South’s action was nearly identical to what the colonies, North and South, did some 80 years previously in breaking away from the British Empire and becoming free and independent states under the benign rule of the Articles of Confederation.

As America’s Founding Fathers saw their liberties violated by King and Parliament, Southerners witnessed similar tyrannies and wisely anticipated more federal oppression with the election of Lincoln.

This interpretation has been ably supported by scholarship, though the view is rarely acknowledged in academia or in the mainstream media.  In an essay from an insightful collection titled Secession, State and Liberty, Donald Livingston persuasively describes the ideological content of the Declaration of Independence, the revolution it inspired, and its influence on the South’s leadership.

He writes: “Overall, the Declaration is an argument designed to justify the secession of the new self-proclaimed American states from the British state. . .  [It] is a document justifying the territorial dismemberment of a modern state in the name of the moral right of a people to self-government.”*

The South, imbued with such logic and the example of the Revolutionary generation’s break with Great Britain, attempted to separate from the Union on similar grounds and, in Livingston’s view, had a much stronger claim than the Founding Fathers had for independence:

[T]he colonies were not and never had been recognized as sovereign states, either by others or even by themselves.  At the time of the Civil War, however, the southern states had been and still were sovereign states, and so they could mount not only a moral argument but a legal one as well.  And it was the legal argument they primarily insisted upon.  Each state used the same legal form to secede from the Union that it has used to enter, namely, ratification in a convention of people.**

Although slavery was a part of the South’s final break with the North, the Confederacy could never have been built on such a narrow foundation.  Those who seek to paint Southern secession as a movement solely designed to protect their “peculiar institution” have either misunderstood the genesis of that struggle or do so for political gain.

While Southern secession is mercilessly condemned by the Establishment, scholars like Professor Livingston see it and the War for Southern Independence in a much different and far nobler light: “With the orderly, legal secession of the southern states, the American genius for self-government reached its highest moral expression.”***

The Northern and Southern flags which fly in national cemeteries across the land are indeed representative of different traditions, but not what the Politically Correct crowd would have everyone to believe.

The defenders of Dixie and the flags that commemorate their courageous actions have long since been morally justified.  The Union flag, on the other hand, has been one of aggression and domination, at first, brutally directed at its fellow countrymen who simply sought self-determination, and afterwards against millions of peoples from Vietnam to Iraq.

Hopefully, in the not too distant future as economic conditions worsen and American hegemony can no longer be maintained, the Union flag and the empire in which it represents will receive greater vitriol than the Confederate flag has gotten for its innumerable mass murders, destruction, crimes, and chaos which it has wantonly brought to every corner of the planet.

*David Gordon, ed., Secession, State & Liberty. Donald W. Livingston, “The Secession Tradition in America.” New Brunswick (U.S.A.), Transaction Publishers, 1997, p. 7

** Ibid., 18.

*** Ibid., 19.

Antonius Aquinas@AntoniusAquinas



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May 30, 2016 10:17 am


The problem with banning the Confederate Flag is the obvious disrespect for the hundreds of thousands of Confederates (AMERICANS) who died on the battlefield. Men who at the time believed their cause was just and true. And truth be known, the origins of the Civil war had absolutely nothing to do with civil rights in general, nor slavery in particular. At its core, the war was fought over states rights versus the power of the Federal Government.

The government has taken this political correctness crap and twisted into plan old fashioned censorship and the tyranny that goes with it. Fuck you Washington DC.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 30, 2016 1:58 pm

Ditto. I love the Beautiful Flag (The Stars and Bars) and hate the Liberals who have their boot on my neck trying to tear it from my hand (and my song Dixie, all my Southern Monuments, my equally long and Proud Heritage, my High School’s very name and the very tongue in my mouth). I am fed up with Reconstruction II and the NYC Elite ZOG Oligarchs who control all America and actively seek to destroy her; even her own Honored Institutions, their own Flag which even we call Old Glory (The Stars and Stripes), and the God that founded her.

May 30, 2016 2:15 pm

Indeed, rhs jr. If you’ll recall, back in 2014 a 9th Circuit Federal Court in California ruled that the American flag is a “symbol of racial animus.” This was in response to a protest against a high school that said Mexicans were free to wave Mexican flags on May 5th but Americans were not free to wave American flags or wear clothing with the American flag on it. Yes, the American flag took a backseat to a foreign flag upon our soil. Disgusting, and even more so if some of the Mexicans waving Mexican flags were here illegally.

How long will it be before the Marxists try to stop the singing of the National Anthem in public and at all sporting events? How long before they throw Old Glory in the trash can of revisionist history and demand a new flag – probably something with rainbows etc?

May 30, 2016 3:38 pm

Even more importantly, this needs to be addressed on the federal level, why?

May 30, 2016 7:24 pm

The more I see of the Unionists the more I admire the Confederates, who never invaded a foreign nation (unless you count the North), never tried to make the Union obey them, never visited carpetbaggers, Reconstruction or ruinous tariffs on the Union, never denigrated the Union dead or disrespected their leaders after the conflict. The South did not have a central bank, did not have a massive resource-draining bureaucracy, did not have a secret police force.
Judging from the last 170 years, the wrong side won.

May 31, 2016 8:02 am

I am from the North but understand the issue of the South, I think. It was my understanding, after being better educated that the Civil War was more about Agricultural and Trade issues than Slavery but that the latter was the force used to unify the North against the South. I view the Civil War as one about Sovereignty of the States and that seems to be still important. We need all the States to declare their Sovereignty. That is what the Framers of the Constitution felt was the Plan. The things being done by the “inveterate liars” in D.C. (we have managed to elect the the most successful liars in the U.S. of A. to the highest offices (this is regardless of Party). I see the best start is to NOT give into the “divide and conquer” approach being used by BO and the rest of the Rulers in D.C. and get back to the Original Plan. Those in the South are correct and there are so many signs of the Propaganda and Manipulation going on. If one looks closely, e.g., the Red and Blue States, the South should be traditionally Blue but the Democrat Party has moved so far Left that it left the South. The Red States (made to look “Communist” by the color) are closer to what the South remained. Our System has been “been changed by deception” and it continues. We need to Return to the Original Constitution and put the power back into the States. Part of the problem is the “PUBLIC” has be dumbed down so far and made so dependent that we all may be in for an “ass-kicking”.

May 31, 2016 8:18 am

the South fought the war of independence because the north invaded them. no where in the Constitution does it stay that any state cannot secede. If it had most of the states would have never ratified it. the South had every right to decide their future. but since lincoln, the first American terrorist, wouldn’t allow that 600000 men died for no reason. lincoln didn’t even bring slavery into the war until after 2 years of fighting when northerners were getting tired of sending their men to die for something that didn’t affect them. to keep from losing support lincoln gave the Gettysburg address to make his invasion a “moral” war.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 31, 2016 8:34 am

My family flies the Bonnie Blue Flag, niggas don’t have a clue what it is and transplanted liberal Yankees think it has something to do with Texas. heh heh

May 31, 2016 9:45 am

The title of this peice is incorrect. Progressives, not Yankees are the problem. Otherwise the Flag would be safe in the South. I see more “Rebel” flags flying in New Hampshire than I see in Georgia.

May 31, 2016 10:07 am


Dav343 you may be right. These days it seems that “progressive” means; my way or the highway. In fact this message is rammed down our threats by the left, the right and the middle. Which tells me that today they are all one and the same. Individual liberty, the bedrock upon which this country was founded, has been eviscerated beyond all recognition. It has been under attack from all directions for decades.

May 31, 2016 2:45 pm

The term “Progressive” was in use with Teddy Roosevelt. It is one of the many “diversion names” for Socialism. Being FREE is not what they want but being in control is.