Bernie Sanders Supporters Promised Free Laptop or iPad If They Vote For Him, They Believe

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June 6, 2016 9:02 am

That can’t possibly be legal? That would violate numerous laws. Even in California.

June 6, 2016 11:25 am

How I believe various TBPers can be bought into voting for Bernie via these freebies ….

bb — a 100 pound bag of Purina cat chow

rhs jr. — a Bible signed by Jeebus

fabulous — a one year Dick Washing, Inc. (“We get shit off of anything!”) voucher

Maggie — 500 frames so she can hang pictures of her son on every square inch in the house

Admin — a matching condo next to the one he owns … maybe he can sell THAT one

SSS — a new set of balls

Billy — all expenses paid for a four day weekend at Harvard to attend a seminar; “Niggers are people too”

June 6, 2016 12:05 pm

That and a vanilla soy candle off etsy

June 6, 2016 5:21 pm

Almost wish that dumbass would become president, the break down of civil society would be spectacular to behold, very next day I would demand my government freebie check, and if I didn’t get one, the state would still be paying my room and board in jail for the forseeable future. win win.

Don’t get me wrong this isn’t a threat, but I fugure if the nation is stupid enough to elect Bernie Sanders, they are stupid enough to pay for my room and board.