Ted Cruz and the Trump Takeover

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Ted Cruz and the Trump Takeover

The self-righteousness and smugness of Ted Cruz in refusing to endorse Donald Trump, then walking off stage in Cleveland, smirking amidst the boos, takes the mind back in time.

At the Cow Palace in San Francisco in July of 1964, Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, having been defeated by Barry Goldwater, took the podium to introduce a platform plank denouncing “extremism.”

Implication: Goldwater’s campaign is saturated with extremists.

Purpose: Advertise Rocky’s superior morality.

Smug and self-righteous, Rocky brayed at the curses and insults, “It’s a free country, ladies and gentlemen.”

Rocky was finished. He would never win the nomination.

Richard Nixon took another road, endorsed Goldwater, spoke for him in San Francisco, campaigned for him across America. And in 1968, with Goldwater’s backing, Nixon would rout Govs. George Romney and Rockefeller, and win the presidency, twice.

Sometimes, loyalty pays off.

About Cruz, a prediction: He will not be the nominee in 2020. He will never be the nominee. If Trump wins, Cruz is cooked. If Trump loses, his people will not forget the Brutus who stuck the knife in his back.

To any who read Allen Drury’s “Advise and Consent” or saw the movie, Ted Cruz is the Senator Fred Van Ackerman of his generation.

Yet, beyond the denunciations of Trump and disavowals of his candidacy, something larger is going on here.

The Goldwaterites were not only dethroning the East Coast liberal establishment of Rockefeller, but saying goodbye to the Republicanism of President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon.

Something new was being born, and births are not a pretty sight.

What was being born was a new Republican Party. It would be dominated, after Nixon, by conservatives, who would seek to dump the Accidental President, Gerald R. Ford, in 1976. They would recapture the party in 1980, and help elect and re-elect Ronald Reagan.

Vice President George H. W. Bush won in 1988 through the exploitation of cultural and social issues. His Democratic rival, Gov. Michael Dukakis, opposed the death penalty, opposed public school kids taking the Pledge of Allegiance, and had a progressive program to give weekend passes to convicted killers and rapists like Willie Horton.

Once this became known, thanks to Bush campaign manager Lee Atwater, the Little Duke was done. The Dukakis tank ride in that helmet, to show his aptitude to be commander-in-chief, probably did not help.

The crisis of today’s Republican Party stems from a failure to recognize, after Reagan went home, and during the presidency of George H. W. Bush, that America now faced a new set of challenges.

By 1991, America’s border was bleeding. Thousands were walking in from Mexico every weekend. The hundreds of thousands arriving legally, the vast majority of them Third World poor, began putting downward pressure on working-class wages. Soon, these immigrants would begin voting for the welfare state on which their families depended, and support the Party of Government.

By 1991, free trade had begun to send our factories and jobs overseas and de-industrialize America.

By 1991, an epoch in world history had ended. With the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the Cold War was suddenly over. America had prevailed.

“As our case is new,” said Lincoln, “so we must think anew and act anew.” Bush Republicans did not think anew or act anew.

They were like football coaches who still swore by the single-wing offense, after George Halas’ Chicago Bears, the “Monsters of the Midway,” used the T-formation to score 11 touchdowns and beat the Washington Redskins in the 1940 NFL championship game, 73-0.

What paralyzed the Republicans of a generation ago? What blinded them from seeing and blocked them from acting on the new realities?

Ideology, political correctness, a reflexive recoil against new thinking, and an innate inability to adapt.

The ideology was a belief in free trade that borders on the cultic, though free trade had been rejected by America’s greatest leaders: Washington, Madison, Hamilton, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.

The political correctness stemmed from a fear of being called racist and xenophobic so paralyzing, so overpowering, that some Republicans would ship the entire Third World over here, rather than have it thought they would ever consider the race, ethnicity or religion of those repopulating America.

The inability to adapt was seen when our Cold War adversary extended a hand in friendship, and the War Party slapped it away. Rather than shed Cold War alliances and rebuild our country, we looked around for new commitments, new allies, new wars to fight to “end tyranny in our world.”

These wars had less to do with threats to vital interests, than with providing now-obsolete Cold Warriors with arguments to maintain their claims on national resources and attention, not to mention their lifestyles and jobs.

With Trump’s triumph, the day of reckoning has arrived.

The new GOP is not going to be party of open borders, free trade globalism or reflexive interventionism.

The weeping and gnashing of teeth are justified.

For these self-righteous folks are all getting eviction notices. They are being dispossessed of their home.

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Stranger than non-fiction
Stranger than non-fiction
July 22, 2016 7:29 am

Cruz voted his conscience, reversing a decision taken months ago. Trump has done much damage since.

is Trump’s position loyalty over conscience? Doesn’t sound very ‘Republican’ to me? In fact, sounds like its opposite.

  Stranger than non-fiction
July 22, 2016 11:29 am

Cruzis an idiot. We have a sinple system. Red team fights each other in the primaries. One guy wins, and then fights team blue. See? Cruz not only lost, he lost by a huge margin. He never was a legitimate contender. And that was better than he will ever do in the future. Bye, ted. Go snuggle with glen beck.

July 22, 2016 7:34 am

O.K. well, I’ll be honest, by today’s standards, I am an old fart. Like, NFG.

I didn’t watch the GOP convo. As with many others, I assume, Canckles is a known, The Don, not so much. But, I hope he’s a good guy. I’m just not sure that the g-ment can be corrected, ever. I know the thoughts of that correction, that the principles are correct and that it can be made to work within the confines of a true republic.

So much water under the bridges, I don’t really believe in that correction anymore; there has been too many slips between the cup and the lip. I have experienced many of those slips. I’ll not regale you with those experiences now.

Sorry for the long lead-in.

But, since I didn’t sleep well last night, I chose to read and get a measure (as best I could) on the event in Cleveland, and, of course, the “fall-out” (read B.S.) that is always sure to come.

But then, then I saw this: Donald Trump acceptance speech was cartoonish and Nixonian, and it will likely be remembered as a kind of eulogy for the GOP…

Along time ago I had read and re-read The Federalist Papers, I also real the Anti-Federalists.

I was curious as there was a link from what is my usual homepage to the The Federalist.com article. So, here’s this: (from wiki) on one of The Federalist.com founders.

Ben Domenech is an American conservative writer, blogger and television commentator. He is the founder and the publisher of The Federalist, host of The Federalist Radio Hour, and writes “The Transom”, a daily subscription newsletter for political insiders. He also co-founded the RedState group blog.[1] He is the former managing editor for health care policy at The Heartland Institute and former editor-in-chief of The City. He created and hosted a daily free market podcast, “Coffee and Markets,” until 2014.[2][3][4][5]
In 2006, Domenech was hired as a blogger by The Washington Post, and resigned three days later after multiple instances of plagiarism came to light.[6]

Alas, I am a late comer to TBP, it’s a-freakin’-a-fuckin’-addicting.

Sleepless night, so I re-watched “Sling Blade”, and I thought of Trump…
Karl: “I studied on it. Studied on it quite a bit.”
Karl: “Well, I like the way you talk.”

July 22, 2016 8:36 am

“Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and His righteousness, and all these (other) things will be added to you.” -Matthew 6:33

July 22, 2016 8:42 am

“Donald Trump acceptance speech was cartoonish …” ——- Grog

I know you’re new here. Thanks for so quickly settling the question about your fucking idiocy. You still have a ways to go for Village Idiot (we currently have bb), but I have high hopes for you.

Go have another drink, then fondle yourself and go to bed. America will be safer as a result.

July 22, 2016 12:42 pm

The quote was from thefederalist.com, as of as of last night. You wrongfully attributed it to me.
It was an example of the BS fallout.
Guess I should have made that point more clearly.

July 22, 2016 11:48 pm

Grog – Don’t mind Stucky. He’s gone batshit crazy watching the world burn and the flames steadily creeping towards us here in the good ‘ol USA. The waiting to see what the elected psychopaths in Wash DC will do next has literally driven him mad.

I drink, so it really doesn’t bother me as much.

July 22, 2016 1:29 pm

Stucky, apparently you did not read Grogs post thoroughly.

July 22, 2016 9:03 am

Is Sling Blade something most of us should have watched?

July 22, 2016 3:39 pm

Sling Blade is an excellent movie.

July 22, 2016 9:13 am

Grog, I get what you’re saying there.

Karl Lee also said “Mmmmm. hit ain’t got no gas in it. Mmmmm.”

Nevermind the knee jerks from the TV addict crowd. They didn’t understand your comment.

Page Turner
Page Turner
July 22, 2016 7:50 pm

If you rely on the media to describe Trump’s acceptance speech you’ll be deliberately misled.

His speech was in no way Nixonian or cartoonish. Had you watched it live, you would never have fallen for that narrative.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 22, 2016 9:04 pm

The public mood is nasty and they are receptive to the Trump talk. He has even inspired David Duke to run for office, one sparrow does not a spring make but they say, where the eagles (or buzzards) gather, there you will find the carcass.

Welcome, Groggy. your take on all this is interesting. I hate knee-jerk trumpeteers but I like your approach, experience counts for something. Of course, it hasn’t had any effect on Trumpeteers.

July 22, 2016 8:07 am

Hmmm, do I vote for Trump or Hillary? Hmm, Trump dammit. Hope is a human thing.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 22, 2016 9:06 pm

Go ahead, Wip. Stick your dick in the glory hole and hope there isn’t a mountain lion on the other side.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
July 22, 2016 8:12 am

Exactly zero of my democrat friends seem to grasp the concept that immigration is not entirely a cultural issue with bigots on one side and hugs on the other. Economic issues such as wage pressure are just seen as excuses and shields to be racist. Like talking to a fucking wall. They have their narrative, which can’t be dispelled and doesn’t require any proof beyond disagreeing with said narrative.

I worry about the social implications of Trump winning. Partly because of how Trump supporters are seen by liberals, partly because actual racists have taken his popularity as proof they are somehow justified in their delusions.

One thing I am happy for this election season is that the two party system is tearing itself apart. The next presidential election will most certainly feature a prominent third party. Hopefully libertarians can stop being the fringe lunatics.

  Punk in Drublic
July 22, 2016 9:06 am

Sometimes, it is necessary to introduce some undomesticated genetic code into an overly domesticated plant or animal line. It helps with resilience and longevity, in my opinion.

July 22, 2016 12:37 pm

Good point, maggie. I believe the same thing

July 23, 2016 12:04 am

Maggie – Brilliant, and so true. What goes in won’t be the same thing that comes out the other end. It is The Fourth Turning after all.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
  Punk in Drublic
July 22, 2016 9:13 pm

OMG, Punk. I am feeling your wavelength. I actually pulled my punches last night when I was telling Stucky that the days of knights in white satin were over. I erased the part that said, the KKK is dead, long live the KKK.

However, I revisited that dark vision above. David Duke is resurgent and the racists are feeling righteous.

I’m not surprised but let’s call a spade a spade. Trump is a racist. This is his hour.

July 22, 2016 8:15 am

Grog…..What you missed at the convention: The very bright, articulate family of Donald Trump; a couple of amazing insights of Donald by his long time friends, and D. Trump’s entire acceptance speech. I get the impression you caught a few snippets from some TV show.

In my time, I can say JFJ, JFK, JFK – then USA, USA,USA -then TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP

And I have a problem with over nationalism (USA, USA) – history shows the results.

Stranger than non-fiction
Stranger than non-fiction
July 22, 2016 8:23 am

What I missed was the very bright headlamps that I would have otherwise been caught in.

July 22, 2016 8:42 am

History is currently demonstrating the results of globalism, both here and in Europe, and I prefer the results of nationalism.

Nationalism isn’t an evil in itself, the Swiss are nationalists as example. Nationalism means taking care of your own house first, others second.

July 22, 2016 9:15 am


July 22, 2016 9:24 am


1st para = +100 (I am all for nation states)
2nd para = -100 (you seem to ignore the effects of uber nationalism, which was my point)

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 22, 2016 9:22 pm

If you listen closely, you can hear the jackboots marching with their rhythmic trump, trump, trump.

You know, koko, I actually wanted to submit a short article that approached the subject of Trump’s fambly. I would title it – Trump Wins (even if he loses).

The gist of it was that Trump has anointed his whole family in this one week. Even if Trump does not gain the White House, his kids are the new reality TV darlings. Like Honey BooBoo, the saps watching will follow them deliriously. The Kardashians are on the way out. Soon we will know everything Ivanka does, wait, can you believe some idiots were gushing about how little Donald or even Ivanka could one day run for President?

Gag me with Stuck’s dick, the idea that this family is America’s new dynasty is revolting.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
July 22, 2016 8:23 am

Well Grog, welcome, but I have ter let you in on uh little secret. Eradicating dipshitted TBP interweb commentary posts is what Admenstruater has personnally asked me ter do, so we need ter talk.

If a post has uh shitload uh grammatical retardations and don’t really follow a logical progression as far as content goes then yer ass will never get read er responded. It also makes readin the site feel like yer at the finish line of the special olympics, getting hugged and slobbered on by 15 mongreloids with serious halitosis. Of course yer keep smilin but inside yer saying ‘shitballs uh mercy, somebody please restrain these retards’.

Now reread what you rote here with a self critical eyeball and answer this question ‘who could possibly give uh monkeys anus about this?’ If the answer is ‘nobody’ (it is), meditate on that fer uh while afore smearing any more dipshittedness on our precious interwebs. Thank you.

  Billah's wife
July 22, 2016 1:15 pm

Billah’s wife
“‘who could possibly give uh monkeys anus about this? If the answer is ‘nobody’ (it is), meditate on that fer uh while afore smearing any more dipshittedness on our precious interwebs.”

I reckon I will apply that principle to most (all) of the posts I see listed under the commenter’s name of ‘Billah’s wife’, Umm Hmm.

July 22, 2016 3:46 pm

I don’t believe that Grog is all that new here, infrequent but not new, but in either event he is already demonstrating TBP genius in his comment above. Add bb, all anonymous comments and one or two other assclowns to that list and you’ll do just fine here Grog. Welcome!

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
July 22, 2016 3:54 pm

I knew you read mah shit Indented Sphincter.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
  Billah's wife
July 22, 2016 9:26 pm

Dang, BW, you just described me.

July 22, 2016 8:32 am

By ignoring his pledge to support the nominee Cruz showed himself for what he really is: A lying establishment Republican.

He also showed the Republican voters saw through him and showed wisdom by rejecting him, and I hope they will in the next elections he faces as well.

July 22, 2016 9:18 am

Ted Cruz resides in the pants cuffs of Central bankers…may he
fall out of those and be stepped on.

July 22, 2016 10:09 am

I have some friends who were part of the tea party crowd with me long ago and they really seemed to fall for the Ted Cruz act. Of course, they bought into Glenn Beck lock, stock and subscription to hear him banter.

July 22, 2016 9:07 am

Patsy is loyal as any dog and he will never get the GOP nomination. He has tried. His thinking is revealed in this statement:

“The ideology was a belief in free trade that borders on the cultic, though free trade had been rejected by America’s greatest leaders: Washington, Madison, Hamilton, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.”

WTF does he mean by “greatest leaders” anyway? That list includes four of the worst presidents in terms of individual liberty and an unindicted traitor who had his ass shot off in a duel for being an unindicted traitor and running his mouth.

Pat gets worse as he gets older. He doesn’t seem to be gaining any wisdom with age.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 22, 2016 9:35 pm

Ed, it will be small comfort to learn that I agree wholeheartedly with your comment. The moral relativist Trumpians are willing to bypass their conscience and condemn a man who kissed away a chance to get appointed to the Supreme Court or a similar payoff like Hillary accepted just to defend his wife’s honor.

Fuck it man, I enjoyed hearing Cruz bitch that he was not the lap dog of somebody who disrespected his wife and dad. That used to be an American value. Today, people can talk trash about your momma and it’s no biggie. They only get in trouble when they talk trash about blacks. In the past, mothers got more respect and honor than boys in the hood.

Fucking Trumpeteers are deluded. They hear Trump talking like Hitler and they start looking forward to the book burnings.

  N1`GNG I1`
July 23, 2016 11:39 pm

That’s OK, El. I like the way they keep bouncin on their Trumpoline. They’re havin a fuckin ball over there. See, if nobody pokes fun at their idols, they get real bored and start snappin at each other..

I like to see them happy.

July 23, 2016 12:12 am

“Pat gets worse as he gets older. He doesn’t seem to be gaining any wisdom with age.”

How dare you insult Pat B. Thumbs down for you…….yea! *hiccup*

July 23, 2016 11:36 pm


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 22, 2016 10:51 am

Pat’s right about Cruz. Unfortunately we can’t afford for Trump to only have lit the way for some future nationalist candidate. Thanks to the cross-border invaders, we’re running out of time. We need him now to put the brakes on replacing the citizens of the US so that recent arrivees can become integrated Americans, as happened with prior waves of immigration. If Hillary wins, the border stays wide open, the Muslim “refugees” continue to pour in, the Democrats become the PRI of America and in a few years, we’ll be where Europe is – 25% unemployment, worse than broke, a suffocated private sector, terrorists burning down the banlieues and waging jihad.

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
July 22, 2016 11:13 am

LOL! When people (the Leftist Media, really), were comparing Cruz (who I voted for, by the way in the TN primary) to Goldwater on Wednesday night, I was thinking to myself that the real comparison should have been to Nelson Rockefeller- the situations were almost identical to 64. I hope that his where the comparison ends, however, win or lose in November, it is likely that Trump has fundamentally changed the nature of the Republican Party, and the fruits of that will be picked up by someone in 2020 or 2024. Lacking that, the country is likely doomed.

Ignatious J Reilly
Ignatious J Reilly
  Yancey Ward
July 22, 2016 12:10 pm

Cruz tried to present himself as a Conservative candidate for Liberty, but his true self was shown when he had his “read my lips, no new taxes” moment when he chose to not keep his word. It goes to show the guy with ties to the Bushes and the wife who works for Goldman Sacs & is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, was just another neocon dressed in Conservative clothing.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
  Ignatious J Reilly
July 22, 2016 9:41 pm

Your comment does not make sense, genius. I had to fill in the gaps with my own words. Noob much?

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
July 22, 2016 2:48 pm


I’m sitting here takin uh big ol stinky deuce, full uh half chewed cornuts and pasty Twinkie residue, and good gawdahmighty the smell reminded me of yer totally idiotic rambling from this morning and so I checked this little ol convo and see yer callin me out. Well lookie here Grog, we already got the token half wit boomer spot taken with Maggie. I declare war on all the gawd dammed pointless dribble that ruins Admenstruater’s hard ass work keepin this shit relevant (though he probably should spend uh little more time at work focused on the tasks he’s actually being paid for, but anyways) so the last thing we need here is uh smartass Corky Thatcher. I’m about ter contact TBP moderator personally and git yer ass banned fer fuckinever. Now go change yer Depends and turn on Matlock cuz yer and yer shriveled pecker are done here ferever.

July 22, 2016 3:18 pm

You know what is the last thing that goes through BW’s brain when it hits my windshield at 70 mph?
Its asshole.

July 22, 2016 4:06 pm

“BW’s brain”= feces filled cranial cavity

There………fixed it for ya!

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
July 22, 2016 3:50 pm


I don’t think yer gettin what I’m tryin ter say. The shit yer writin is so stupid and pointless that everyone here would be getting more out of life if they was sniffin Michael Moore’s butthole rather than readin yer moronic imbecilities. I don’t want ter be rude, but please, do Admenstruater uh a favor and stop vomitting last night’s chili all over his life’s work. Yer don’t belong here. Doesn’t Geraldo Rivera host uh blog yerd feel more comfortable in?

July 22, 2016 4:31 pm

“I was scared and fearing for my life
I was shaking like a leaf on a tree
‘Cause he was lean, mean
Big and bad, Lord pointin’ that comment at me”
good for you, you’re acquainted with Michael Moore’s butthole. congrats

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
July 22, 2016 9:17 pm

Is N1`GNG I1`code language fer beaner? Why in gawds green grandeur der yer keep changing yer nome de plum? I’m sick uh that shit.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
  Billah's wife
July 22, 2016 9:49 pm

Dammit, I can’t figure you out in forever, yet you make me in 2 days. Is it my accent?

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
July 23, 2016 10:13 pm

I kin smell uh beaner from uh mile away. Not cuz the smell like donkey anus like yer’d expect. Now they’re so gawd dammed uppity they smell like Shout! detergent which apparently is cheap enough fer uh SNAP benefit brownie ter use half the container per load. Whereas the beaner used ter shoot bullets inter the air if he got uh cows head fer his daughter’s quincinera stew, now they insist on uh loaf uh ground beef from Walmarts. Whereas they used ter commit the marital act with goats, well, they still do that. Anyways, watsup El Coyote.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 23, 2016 10:40 pm

Shit, one of the things about being old is that memories flush up like plastic trash on the beach. Listen, I never told this story here before but here goes:

I was laid up after an accident and I had no paycheck. Still, the young women at church talked my daughter into a Quinceañera party. Over here it is called a Sweet Sixteen party. I had no money but agreed on faith that god will provide.

We drove to downtown LA and selected a dress from one of the bridal dress stores there. One of the sisters volunteered the hall in the treiler park where she lived. Somebody else donated the fancy cake. I’m not sure if the dress was $1000 or $1500.

I rented a helium tank and filled a whole bunch of balloons for streamers. In the end, I had no money for food so one of the sisters borrowed a large pot and we went shopping for beef tripe to make menudo. The pastor commented that he’d never been to a Quinceañera where they served menudo. I didn’t worry about that.

One of the white girls my daughter invited quietly asked me how much something like that cost. I said about $4000. I could see her mind working on a wish and I thought, one day little white girls will get to celebrate their own Quinceañera just like they already celebrate a piñata party.

July 23, 2016 11:20 pm

One of those shows I really liked until I didn’t.


July 23, 2016 11:23 pm

I have often wondered if George made any more of a difference in Latino-American culture than Bill Cosby did. And, then I wonder what the hell happens to people’s minds.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 23, 2016 11:35 pm

I heard that whites liked Lopez long before Mexicans did. The real game changer was Cheech Marin who introduced Hispanics to the white audience with his Cheech and Chong comic duo. George followed up with a comedy routine that Cheech could have developed if he had gone real and not stayed on the marijuana routine.


  N1`GNG I1`
July 23, 2016 11:44 pm

Gabrial’s a funny guy. He’s fat though, not fluffy.

  N1`GNG I1`
July 23, 2016 11:59 pm

I will have you know that when I was sixteen years old, I was a delegate to the national honor society convention in St. Louis, held at Stouffer’s Towers in the inner city by the arch. The weekend we were there, Cheech and Chong were “playing” Busch Stadium and we heard they were staying in the plush suites underground the towers. A friend and I got the code from one of the busboys to ride the service elevator to the VIP section underground and we went, IN OUR little nightgowns, to Tommy Chong’s door and knocked.

Yes, she had a camera and we took pictures after Cheech Marin came shuffling along because they were getting into the limo to be driven to the stadium for the afternoon show.

My claim to a brush with fame: Cheech and Chong.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 24, 2016 12:03 am

Maggie the jailbait

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
July 23, 2016 11:41 pm

I’ve been to many quinceneras, and no matter how humble, what ive always walked away with is that latinos have a sense of community and joie de vie that Americanos simply do not have. A menudo quincenera is way better than no quincenera.

Shitballs of mercy, I’ve broken character.

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 23, 2016 11:49 pm

You actually sound normal when your drunk, are you Irish?

July 24, 2016 12:07 am

I had a very good friend in the USAF named Alejandro Ruiz and I’m sure there are only about a hundred or so of those in the military and recently retired from it, but I admired his sense of family and willingness to stay married to a tramp from Kentucky who decided she wanted to separate from the military by getting pregnant (and YES, these types of women are one reason women like me have to work so much harder to prove themselves.) Even though she couldn’t seem to keep her legs crossed when he was flying overseas as part of his job that supported her and his two children, he kept his family together for years out of a paternal sense of responsibility. That is something that is not present in other cultures, including some in “American” regions.

Edit: Something destroyed American sense of community in the early to mid 1970s, in my opinion. Vietnam, Watergate, Pentagon Papers, Nixon, the Beatles? What was it?

N1`GNG I1`
N1`GNG I1`
July 24, 2016 12:23 am

Maybe America went broke and women went to work and the traditional family fell apart. There was a sexual revolution in the sixties. Mexicans on this side had old Mexico to keep them in check but soon they caught up with white America and began imitating the ways of the gringo.

My mom said that pochos had no respect, they would talk loudly in Mexico, something people do not do there with strangers. Heck, even the Mexican cops did not breach manners by calling a person ‘tu’ – they always used the formal ‘usted’.

July 24, 2016 12:30 am

Those were some crappy years for me. For many of the reasons you allude to.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
July 24, 2016 2:44 pm

Ter whom it may it may concern. I’m turning over uh new leaf. Maggie done plucked mah gawd dammed heart strings with these two obviously half baked bullshitted personal anecdotes, and I ain’t makin fun uh her no more, er her gay son. Consider it the Maggie, N1`GNG I1`, Myrtle Beeyatch alliance from non. Better cover up those tiny shaved nuts Indented Sphincter, we’re dressed feet battle.