Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease – True or False?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I know this is the big rumor and there is probably something that is true for Hillary refuses to release her medical records. Wikileaks has release emails where her staff were investigating drugs for Parkinson’s disease. Her fall which clearly disrupted her vision was certainly no minor event. She is on blood thinners for a clot in her brain. However, what I can say is that all my direct sources have long said she is violent and acts out of anger not reason. She would often get mad at Bill and gave him a black-eye. She hit Secret Service staff and treated employees like dogs or slaves. Nobody I have spoken to has ever had a reassuring thing to say about her temperament to be president.

Whether she has Parkinson’s disease is a valid question and her refusal to simply release her medical records are crucial for an office of this significance. Congress should pass a law immediately that there must be a medical examination that includes mental fitness. I have stated before that the Republicans use to have me meet with those who wanted to run for President. The potential candidate was told I was to there to brief them on how the world economy functioned. In truth, I was then asked my “opinion” if the person had the mental capacity to understand the complexity. I met with governors and others who wanted to run for President back in 1999. That’s when I was asked to meet with George Bush, Jr. but was told this one was “different, he’s really stupid.” I was shocked and asked why would they make someone “stupid” president? I was told he had the name. Ever since, it is no longer about selecting and backing good people. Today, it’s just about winning.

Keep in mind that Hillary had a “gutter mouth” long before she became first lady. When she was pushing her healthcare agenda before Congress that failed, her response to a question about small business should cause anyone to pause before voting for this woman. A statement before Congress that she would put small businesses out of business for they could never afford her plan was met with her response: “If they can’t afford it, they shouldn’t be in business!”

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Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 28, 2016 9:41 am

Hillary Clinton’s health is a serious issue. I don’t know the facts. I can say this. She is unfit to be president on so many grounds that this particular problem is way down on the list.

  Southern Sage
August 28, 2016 2:26 pm

Hell, I’m a physician. Every medical doctor is educated, trained, and required by the canons of the profession to observe every person in the populace when we catch such individuals under our consideration. “Threat assessment” personally and in particular, generally and publicly. It’s your duty as a physician.

We can’t not observe the signs and symptoms of pathology present in the person of Hitlery Clinton. All of this stuff is obvious. No medical doctor is excused the responsibility, and Clankles is clinically diseased.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
August 29, 2016 2:07 am

OK, I work in ID so I’m obviously not an expert in neurodegenerative diseases, but I’m not convinced it’s PD. There’s none of the characteristic signs of under or over-medication, whilst “unsteadiness on the feet” may arise from so many different cases, especially in those who are getting on in years (that would be Hitlery, folks!). Could be nothing more sinister than progressive joint damage, or the effects of analgesics (e.g. Tramadol – strong association with unsteadiness in the elderly). Could be early-onset dementia (or a “dementing process”, of which there are text-booksful!), or it “may” be Parkinsonian – like rather than true PD.

There’s no sign of cogwheeling, and maybe reflexes are a bit slow, but see above for other causes.

Dementing processes / ALD causing the “personality problems”? A quick look at past footage of Hitlery suggests she’s always been that way – aggressive, demanding, and from anecdotal evidence via the ‘Net – a right royal pain in the bum. So, no “real” evidence of sudden personality changes (ALD or early-onset Dementia).

Summary – she’s obviously “not right”, but without further info it’d be a very long-shot dx to go for PD at this stage!

Ted Noel
Ted Noel
September 7, 2016 8:32 am

I love your comment that “we can’t not observe the signs…”

I’m also a physician, and it’s my studied opinion that she has Parkinson’s Disease. I published my reasoning in a video at http://www.vidzette.com/index.php/2016/08/30/hillary-clintons-medical-problems/ with a “Field Guide” to spotting the symptoms in her public appearances at http://www.vidzette.com/index.php/2016/09/06/a-field-guide-to-hillarys-parkinsons-disease-signs/.

August 28, 2016 9:52 am

Not only her health,but morals.What was she doing in her basement with classified gov ? Has to do with $$$$$$$?Whats with the hole in her tongue?

August 28, 2016 10:13 am

Martin Armstrong was used to there to brief potential presidents on how the world economy functioned?

August 28, 2016 10:14 am

What was it Dr. Drew said about Hillary’s health?

IMO, and I’m absolutely not competent to claim it’s true so it’s just an opinion, I think Hillary may be in the beginning stages of Dementia not Parkinson’s. That would explain a lot of what she says and does that don’t seem fully rational.

Of course, Parkinson’s could also be present as well. I think the two can happen together even if independent of one another.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 11:12 am

The Russian mouthpieces say Hitlery has MS. At this point, what difference does it really make?

  Bea Lever
August 28, 2016 11:36 am

Not one damn whit of difference. I’ll offer Stucky the silver platter again here… She could be filmed killing soft little bunnies by hand and no one would criticize her one bit.

August 28, 2016 11:56 am

Probably why she doesnt do press conferences or campaign rallies.

Only Jerry Kimel. A clever ploy to make fun of it and the Email scandals. Just another right wing conspiracy . Ha ha ha.

Big Dick
Big Dick
August 28, 2016 11:59 am

You want shit? Vote for this piece of crap and you will get shit. More than you can handle. Get ready for the load is about to drop on your head.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 28, 2016 1:32 pm

It’s censorship because it’s public?

No linky, you stinky.

August 28, 2016 3:51 pm

Hitlery isn’t fit to pick up dog shit. Just my opinion.

August 28, 2016 5:38 pm

Hillary’s health issues might be the reason why Bill Clinton got Trump to run on the Republican side of the race.

August 28, 2016 10:25 pm

In clinical decision-making, patient evaluation is predicated upon even on fragmentary and incomplete indicia. That’s simply reality. In medicine, medical doctors have to move through the differential diagnosis on the basis of whatever information presents, however limited and even anecdotal. Patients, for instance, lie about even the most critically important elements, and we’re taught (and learn by experience) how to consider these “human elements” of input.

And commonly in clinical medicine, we have to devise and effectively implement snap decisions in situations where morbidity and mortality depend. If definitive proof cannot immediately confirm the evaluation of observations – not just physical signs and symptoms but everything we see and we’re told – it’s all got to be grist for our mills. It’s how differential diagnosis begins, and without that process we can’t effectively discharge our duty to even a sack of shit like Hitlery.

Yes, she’s a felon, an enemy of the Constitution, the republic and Western civilization. But she’s a patient, damn her. Even on death row, the profession confers a duty to provide Cankles with standard-of-care medical diagnosis and treatment.

Sedona Rocks
Sedona Rocks
August 31, 2016 10:04 pm

I would consider that HC may be a malfunctioning clone. This is not far fetched in the least.