“A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally in the end betray itself.”

Livy, History of Rome

“Rome has grown so much since its humble beginnings that it is now overwhelmed by its own greatness…The state is suffering from two opposite vices, greed and excesses; two plagues which, in the past, have been the ruin of every great empire.”

Livy, History of Rome

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September 2, 2016 6:55 am

“A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally in the end betray itself.”

The Global Warming scam fits the quote. I read somewhere else that the G20 will meet in China and one item that they will discuss is a Global Tax – the governments are bankrupt and they will do and say and tax anything to keep the music playing.

September 2, 2016 11:31 am

kokoda: so does the zika virus. the insecticide they are spraying is killing the bees and it has been suggested that this insecticide may actually be the cause of microcephaly. As James Burke (Connections3) observed “Six Billion people on the planet and not a plague in sight.” This promped me to do a calculation taking the land-area of Texas and the world population figure from Wikipedia: Every couple could have a townhouse and it would all fit within the Texas borders. Calculation: ( 6 Billion peeps/268,581.00 sq mi) x (1 sq mi/27.78288 million sq ft) = ~803 peeps per million sq ft or about 8 peeps per 10,000 sq ft or about 2 people per 2200 sq foot-townhouse lot size.