Pink State

Guest Post by The Zman

Imagine the space-time continuum gets scrambled and you find yourself in a world where the coming election is between a crazy old cat lady, an old hippie, Hitler and Mussolini. Hitler is leading one major party and Mussolini is leading another major party. The hippie and the cat lady have no party and very little support. As a practical matter, your choice is between Hitler and Mussolini. More important, you know the ramifications of both choices. The former is murder and mayhem and the latter is authoritarianism and long speeches.

To anyone with a soul, the choice is clear. You vote for Mussolini. It’s a terrible option, but so is chemotherapy. No one enthusiastically opts for chemotherapy, but it beats dying from cancer. If you told your doctor that your morals prevented you from choosing chemo, so you were going to visit some guy with magic crystals, your doctor would try to have you committed. Similarly, no one would wants Mussolini as the ruler, but he is a vastly better option than Hitler. You do what you must, even when it is unpleasant, to stop Hitler.

To continue this a bit further, imagine if someone came up to you are said “I’m Susan Wright and my principles prevent me from voting Mussolini, even though I know Hitler will murder millions, so I’m voting for the goofy hippie guy.” You would have dark thoughts about that person. They are willing to stand aside and allow something truly horrible just so they can avoid doing something unpleasant. To make it worse, they demand that you pretend that their cowardice and treachery is high minded.

Further, you would look at those people investing all of their energy ridiculing Mussolini as pro-Hitler partisans. After all, the successful end of the efforts can only mean one thing –  Hitler wins. They could protest all they like that they hate both Hitler and Mussolini, but you would know them by their deeds. They are working to pave the way for Hitler, regardless of their reasoning. If successful, they would be, in part, responsible for what comes next. Blood would be on their hands and you would feel justified in holding them responsible.

Alternatively, if someone came up to you and made the case for Hitler, along with pointing out the faults of Mussolini, you would not feel the urge to punch them in the face. They may be horribly mistaken, but at least they are being honest. They are pro-Hitler and they take responsibility for it. They own it. Who knows, they could be right and Mussolini is worse in the long run. In theory, at least, you can debate this with the Hitler fans and maybe in the process sway some undecided voters to your side.

Obviously, you see what I’m doing here. Replace Hitler with Clinton and Mussolini with Trump and we have the debate between the Cult of Never Trump and the rest of us. No one thinks Trump is the ideal candidate. Many of us think he is a awful candidate, but he is orders of magnitude better than Clinton. Her election means the nation lurches into authoritarianism. What comes next will be unfathomably horrible. If you have a soul, you do what you must to prevent evil from triumphing. Susan Wright has no soul.

This twitter exchange I had with her is the genesis of this post:

@SweetieWalker @IngrahamAngle @RedState @SeanseiHannity You are choosing to help Clinton win. You own that.

@TheRealZBlog @IngrahamAngle @RedState @SeanseiHannity I own my principles. You should try some, sometime.


Red State, of course, has gone full-on moonbat. Their only reason to exist these days is to bash Trump and Trump voters. A moral nullity like Susan Wright also takes time out to bash other Dirt People like Sarah Palin. Even loopy liberals have moved on from Palin-bashing, but as a dog returns to its vomit, the degenerate social justice warriors of the Never Trump Cult go back to Palin-bashing when they need material. Reading her posts, you could be forgiven for thinking she was a writer for Salon.

To return to my analogy, Susan Wright is the sort that would spend all her time harping about the defects of Mussolini, then claim she is standing on principle, as Hitler rounds up the Jews and packs them off to the gas chambers. She would rather something horrible happen, than get her hands dirty doing the hard work of opposing evil. Of course, that assumes she thinks Clinton is a bad choice. Again, reading her posts, it’s hard not to think she is related to the old bag, not just a supporter.

After the war, many Germans tried to say they did not know what was happening so they should not be held accountable for supporting the Nazis. The question in those cases was whether or not the person should have known or could have known. The Clinton Crime Family has been a known quantity for 25 years. Susan Wright and her ilk know exactly what comes from a Clinton victory. Blood will be on their hands. “I did not know” is not going to be an acceptable excuse when the time comes.

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October 19, 2016 10:48 am

I almost feel as if we are strapped on the train track watching the train coming toward us, knowing that the switchman has the power to avoid the catastrophe with a simple flip of a switch. Yet something tells me that someone has tampered with the switch so that the track is frozen into place to ensure the train collides with destiny.

I watch the local ads on television here in the hills of Missouri and find myself horrified at the absolute lowclass level of insults hurled between candidates for local, state and national office. It is a sign of just how broken our country has become and I truly believe the principles of this country, if they ever truly existed outside of our minds, have been lost and can never be recovered except in small pockets of community where trust can be established outside the contaminating control of TPTB and the corrupt MEDIA.

I can only HOPE that Jefferson’s words are valid: I fear for my country when I remember that God is Just. (not exact quote and YES, I know it was about slavery.)

October 19, 2016 11:19 am

Just 2 cents…I never cared for Red State, and Susan Wright may be
hedging her bets (for Hillary) by being an ambiguous (for women)
hanger-on. These type of people are my least favorite.

Lysander The Deplorable
Lysander The Deplorable
October 19, 2016 11:42 am

So….if Trump gets in TPTB crash the system to leave him holding the bag. We all end up hungry and terrified, fighting each other over a can of beans.

If hilligula gets in it’s WWIII which will end up with H-bombs going off everywhere and every nuclear plant going China Syndrome. We are all dead, dying or just merely totally fucked.

Hmmmmm……..what to do-what to do?

I know! I’ll vote for the ‘fighting each other over a can of beans’ scenario.

October 19, 2016 12:06 pm

To be fair, Hitler wasn’t elected on a platform of genocide. OK, he was behind the execution of Ernst Roehm in 1934 though he expected Roehm to commit suicide with the gun he provided to him, but not until well into WW2 was he viewed as a mass murderer.

In a Europe that included Franco, Mussolini and Salazar, Hitler wasn’t unusual and certainly his dicatatorship was mild as compared to Stalin’s, at least until deep into WW2.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
October 19, 2016 1:00 pm

Zman, usually I agree with you, but not this time. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.

Trump is not the crooked, bottom-dweller, scum-sucker that Hillary is, but he still wants to use government to solve our problems. Plus, I fear that if Trump won and really tried to do some good things, he’d be put in a motorcade in Dallas, and we know how that story ends. Pence would then be President and Pence is as much a neocon as Hillary.

Now, I can freely “throw my vote away” on a third party candidate because I live in Oregon. Trump, being a Republican, can never, ever win Oregon. Hell, if Hitler was a Democrat running against a Republican Mother Teresa, Hitler would win Oregon in a landslide.

So while I too hope that Trump, if he wins, avoids a war with Russia and does other good things, I really don’t think he will be allowed to rock the boat very much.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
  Trapped in Portlandia
October 19, 2016 2:54 pm

there is only 1 question facing every voter: which candidate is LEAST likely to start a war with Russia

  Trapped in Portlandia
October 19, 2016 4:03 pm

I agree with you about pence. I may still vote for trump(honestly haven’t made up my mind) and I may not. To be clear, my decision is vote for trump or don’t vote, not sure yet. I said from the moment he picked pence that he was setting himself up to get JFKd. Pence is an establishment, garden variety republican and every bit the neocon killery is. He needed to pick someone even crazier than himself. The way it stands now, if he gets elected, and if he is allowed to take office, and if actually tried to do anything serious about the cesspool our country has become, he will find himself the victim of some ‘crazed lone gunman’ or similar situation, and we will be stuck with Pence, which would make EVERYONE most consider the establishment very happy. Trump fucked up picking him.

October 19, 2016 3:15 pm

Unfortunately, Gay Veteran, that would probably be the tree-hugging party candidate.

October 19, 2016 3:29 pm

the problem with using analogies is that the readers bias will turn either viewpoint into being true.


October 19, 2016 5:31 pm

Zman, jsut curious,

In your world who would George Washington be: Hitler Or Mussolini?

October 19, 2016 8:01 pm

Seriously, fuck off zman.
The jews declared war on Germany in 1933. They finally managed to orchestrate the war proper in 1939 when Great Britain declared war on Germany.
Murdered millions? I expect you refer to the holohoax, which is demonstratively a jewish figment.
With regard to the jews, Hitler was only attempting to do what had been done in over 100 countries previously – kick the bastards out. Crikey, even some of your Founding Fathers warned against letting jews in. Those warnings went unheeded and now look at the mess the country is in.
Trump is Hitler? If only..

Slayer of Sacred Cows
Slayer of Sacred Cows
October 20, 2016 11:21 am

The mindset of the OP is exactly how we ended up with Clinton vs Trump – voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil, and voting in general only validates and perpetuates this authoritarian system. Also, WW3 is happening regardless of who the president is. Just in case you weren’t aware, the president doesn’t run the country, he’s just a front man for the dark government, the people who actually make the decisions. If they want war, they’re going to have war. The scam of voting won’t change that at all.