Censorship By The Press

Guest Post by Gary Potter

Note:  This is a guest contribution.  Please share your thoughts with the author, Gary Potter, in the comments. 


It’s a fair assumption that more or less everyone on the planet knows who Donald Trump is.  It’s an equally fair assumption, as derived from the rise of the “alt-right” media, that many even know why Donald Trump is.  Those that don’t – lately you can catch them in places like Portland or behind a desk at the New York Times – are suffering a very real existential crisis with regards to this question; they certainly know who Trump is, and there seems to be too much evidence from too many sources to continue the pretense he will not become the President of the United States in 2017.

But why?

A fortunate few have been sated by simple charts and pretty diagrams, popular vote-this and Russians-that, and yet for the liberal “elite” – not placated by these opiates despite these prophylactics being of their own design – find themselves turning ever-inward and downward without meeting anything solid.

Perhaps it’s not who you know.  Maybe it’s who you don’t.  Maybe it’s what you don’t – and though exploring that line of inquiry linearly and literally would, in the cases of the American liberal elite and MSM, exhaust even the patience of an eternally extant being – it ought not be beyond the charity nor ken of an uneducated redneck deplorable Trump supporter to point them in the direction of absolution:

“We have almost up to the last instant trusted the newspapers as organs of public opinion. Just recently some of us have seen (not slowly, but with a start) that they are obviously nothing of the kind. They are, by the nature of the case, the hobbies of a few rich men. We have not any need to rebel against antiquity; we have to rebel against novelty. It is the new rulers, the capitalist or the editor, who really hold up the modern world. There is no fear that a modern king will attempt to override the constitution; it is more likely that he will ignore the constitution and work behind its back; he will take no advantage of his kingly power; it is more likely that he will take advantage of his kingly powerlessness, of the fact that he is free from criticism and publicity. For the king is the most private person of our time. It will not be necessary for anyone to fight again against the proposal of a censorship of the press. We do not need a censorship of the press.

“We have a censorship by the press.”

This excerpt comes from the pages of GK Chesterton’s Orthodoxy, published in 1908 – over a century ago.  Chesterton was an English conservative and Christian apologist who enjoyed slinging phrases like:

The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.

One might call that anti-establishment.

GK Chesterton
GK Chesterton

And yet despite Chesterton’s contemporary ‘frenemy’ George Bernard Shaw declaring him “a man of colossal genius,” there exists no excavational implement capable of unearthing his presence in the modern American educational system.  He remains ignored by mainstream pedagogy, despite his contemporary and 1936 eulogizer Ronald Knox declaring “All of this generation has grown up under Chesterton’s influence so completely that we do not even know when we are thinking Chesterton.”  He is at best dismissed in favor of epicureans like Oscar Wilde despite Trump-esque gems like “Oscar Wilde said that sunsets were not valued because we could not pay for sunsets. But Oscar Wilde was wrong; we can pay for sunsets. We can pay for them by not being Oscar Wilde.”

GK Chesterton, whether for calling out a corrupt fourth estate or repeatedly out-witting the liberal wits, has been relegated to that special historical prison for those who publicly dissent against the hypocrites who have neither the will nor need to address a man who counter-attacked in their own style with substantially more skill.

Sound familiar?

Why Trump?  The MSM, the ‘liberals,’ the young and naive offspring of Silicon Valley billionaires protesting in Palo Alto about not getting their way, cannot answer this question because doing so would require them to acknowledge the one singular concept they quite seriously lack the capability to understand – because Trump was the better candidate.  Because the alt-right media is a better media.  Because reserved, quiet, charitable American conservatives are better people.

Donald Trump’s presidency, to reduce it to an oversimplification, is the result of natural evolution; of the universal law of change, of competition. His election illustrates an implicit, encouraging profundity – a majority who not only can, but more importantly will think for themselves; a groundswell of ideologically self-reliant adults who trust their own sensory organs and, when confronted with obvious bias and corruption, will exercise the quintessential American right to find and consume better resources.

Perhaps in so doing they will stumble across the work of GK Chesterton.

And perhaps in conjunction with Orthodoxy they will stumble across Heretics, a 1905 volume that evinced Chesterton’s growing disgust with eugenics.  Though lifelong friends with Shaw, Chesterton was far from afraid to speak freely – it was precisely what earned him respect.  From that work:

If man, as we know him, is incapable of the philosophy of progress, Mr. Shaw asks, not for a new kind of philosophy, but for a new kind of man. It is rather as if a nurse had tried a rather bitter food for some years on a baby, and on discovering that it was not suitable, should not throw away the food and ask for a new food, but throw the baby out of window, and ask for a new baby.

Trump won the election because he didn’t ask for a new baby; because he and the majority of Americans know doing so is ridiculous.  Because Trump knows, and espoused publicly, shamelessly, and honestly, that the problem is with the bitter food.  With consuming the MSM and liberal lies and delusions.  With being force-fed ideological ‘sustenance’ we are by nature not designed to ingest – because it is objectively wrong.

“It will not be necessary for anyone to fight again against the proposal of a censorship of the press. We do not need a censorship of the press. We have a censorship by the press.”

Trump won because he won’t throw out the baby.  He’ll just make it healthy again.


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November 16, 2016 12:20 pm

The first half of that essay was painful. Contorted and tough to follow. Starting with, “why Trump?” It got really good. “Because we are better people” Brilliant, really. Nice work, keep writing

November 16, 2016 12:34 pm

Yet another one of the hundreds of journalist that fails to point out exactly who, thus choosing to dancer around never zeroing in.. This country will NEVER solve the problem until it gets over , or throws out being terrified of calling out exactly who! Oh everyone is so god awful perplexed at the medias behavior. .. The answer lies in WHO owns the media. WHO over hudreds or thousands of years waged their wars, not with tanks and guns, but with trickery lies, gradualization and deception . You can talk all you want but you will never ever stop the coupe da ta of this country until someone has the balls to do what putin did at the turn of the century . . Loose the politcal correctness, loose the fear of engaging the tribe that has documented their goal is to destroy christians. Seems to me many battles in the past have been one first cutting the method of disseminating lies and propaganda. Its time. The fact that i find no back off even after the election tells me i be best researching some old JFK quotes tonight for relevancy today . Best of luck all !

November 16, 2016 4:19 pm

The answer would be Satan, and you are right. Until we recognize and call him and all his assorted witting and unwitting followers out for what they are we will never solve the problem.

But I don’t worry, I’ve read the back of the Book and I know who wins.

November 16, 2016 1:08 pm

Shaw and is friends were all commie lovers, the press is and has been in love with commie crap for over 100 yrs. The means will get us the end crap. If Trump just gets all that don’t belong here out good, cities that hide them that away there money, build wall put army down on the border good training, Mexico has a wall, so build one, All big business want people to work for dimes but then sell the crap back to you, car loans have gone from 3 yrs too now 84 months a life of slaves. If he just does some of those things we will be happy. I know he can’t but we can hope.

November 16, 2016 5:50 pm

The “Press” meaning the MSM has lost it’s credibility, “slowly at first, then all at once”. It culminated with the Trump election. It has become what Pravda once was, an organ of propaganda ignored by the masses, believed by the ignorant.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 16, 2016 9:26 pm

Bea reminds me of the old-time journalists. They hunted out facts and sniffed the winds for the strong aroma of corruption.

Today, two bit writers go to journalism school to learn ethics and newspaper writing techniques like they were fucking learning Strunk but they are not. Instead, they learn to couch reality in newspaperese. Ghettos become ‘inner cities’ and punks become disadvantaged youths.

And that is how we got our Pravda University graduates writing the news of the day.

I know Bea is probably the lesser of the great writers here, but he is far better than the writers out there. Bea has the old time journalist spirit, kick ass and take names.

Maybe Bea needs to go out there and teach a class, give these morans a clue. Fuckers got told there was nothing more to be learned about 911 and the said okey-doke. These modern rakers don’t do muck, they do Japanese sand raking. Oh, look, sand waves.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
November 16, 2016 10:17 pm


Dt. Pangloss said I should stick to being a lowly commenter until I learn how to spell. Any day now I may be ready to belt out some Nobel worthy material. LOL

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
November 16, 2016 11:58 pm

Gonna start writing like Dylan? A hard rain’s gonna fall.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 17, 2016 3:54 pm

So many of the real stories are buried by those with interests who inhabit the halls of media. If one of your friends is caught with an underage boy or a dead girl, it’s your duty to protect your friend by ignoring the story.
THIS is a large reason why no one trusts (or much reads) the MSM now. They protected every Democrat and punished every Repub as a policy; they ignored government fraud, waste and abuse until it became proverbial. They ignored Lois Lerner until they couldn’t anymore, they are ignoring the “Spiritual Cooking” scandal right now because it NAILS the Democratic Leadership as child molesters, something even most Democrats fail to appreciate. NOTE: if any Repubs are child molesters, they deserve the same prison treatment as anyone else. Rule Of Law, people, sound familiar?
Media Ideological Friend Protection must END. Bureaucratic fraud, waste and abuse protection MUST END. And letting politicians review stories and comment / revise them before publication MUST END. Or, just ignore the MSM and let the Alt-Right media do the job they were supposed to do.
Alt-Right media, look closely at the RINO establishment and tell me what you see: I need to know who to VOTE OUT next round.