Understanding Evil: From Globalism To Pizzagate

Submitted by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com,

I have spent the better part of the last 10 years working diligently to investigate and relate information on economics and geopolitical discourse for the liberty movement. However, long before I delved into these subjects my primary interests of study were the human mind and the human “soul” (yes, I’m using a spiritual term).

My fascination with economics and sociopolitical events has always been rooted in the human element. That is to say, while economics is often treated as a mathematical and statistical field, it is also driven by psychology. To know the behavior of man is to know the future of all his endeavors, good or evil.

Evil is what we are specifically here to discuss. I have touched on the issue in various articles in the past including Are Globalists Evil Or Just Misunderstood, but with extreme tensions taking shape this year in light of the U.S. election as well as the exploding online community investigation of “Pizzagate,” I am compelled to examine it once again.

I will not be grappling with this issue from a particularly religious perspective. Evil applies to everyone regardless of their belief system, or even their lack of belief. Evil is secular in its influence.

The first and most important thing to understand is this — evil is NOT simply a social or religious construct, it is an inherent element of the human psyche. Carl Gustav Jung was one of the few psychologists in history to dare write extensively on the issue of evil from a scientific perspective as well as a metaphysical perspective.  I highly recommend a book of his collected works on this subject titled ‘Jung On Evil’, edited by Murray Stein, for those who are interested in a deeper view.

To summarize, Jung found that much of the foundations of human behavior are rooted in inborn psychological contents or “archetypes.”  Contrary to the position of Sigmund Freud, Jung argued that while our environment may affect our behavior to a certain extent, it does not make us who we are. Rather, we are born with our own individual personality and grow into our inherent characteristics over time. Jung also found that there are universally present elements of human psychology. That is to say, almost every human being on the planet shares certain truths and certain natural predilections.

The concepts of good and evil, moral and immoral, are present in us from birth and are mostly the same regardless of where we are born, what time in history we are born and to what culture we are born. Good and evil are shared subjective experiences.  It is this observable psychological fact (among others) that leads me to believe in the idea of a creative design — a god.  Again, though, elaborating on god is beyond the scope of this article.

To me, this should be rather comforting to people, even atheists.  For if there is observable evidence of creative design, then it would follow that there may every well be a reason for all the trials and horrors that we experience as a species.  Our lives, our failures and our accomplishments are not random and meaningless.  We are striving toward something, whether we recognize it or not.  It may be beyond our comprehension at this time, but it is there.

Evil does not exist in a vacuum; with evil there is always good, if one looks for it in the right places.

Most people are readily equipped to recognize evil when they see it directly.  What they are not equipped for and must learn from environment is how to recognize evil disguised as righteousness.  The most heinous acts in history are almost always presented as a moral obligation — a path towards some “greater good.”  Inherent conscience, though, IS the greater good, and any ideology that steps away from the boundaries of conscience will inevitably lead to disaster.

The concept of globalism is one of these ideologies that crosses the line of conscience and pontificates to us about a “superior method” of living.  It relies on taboo, rather than moral compass, and there is a big difference between the two.

When we pursue a “greater good” as individuals or as a society, the means are just as vital as the ends.  The ends NEVER justify the means.  Never.  For if we abandon our core principles and commit atrocities in the name of “peace,” safety or survival, then we have forsaken the very things which make us worthy of peace and safety and survival.  A monster that devours in the name of peace is still a monster.

Globalism tells us that the collective is more important than the individual, that the individual owes society a debt and that fealty to society in every respect is the payment for that debt.  But inherent archetypes and conscience tell us differently.  They tell us that society is only ever as healthy as the individuals within it, that society is only as free and vibrant as the participants.  As the individual is demeaned and enslaved, the collective crumbles into mediocrity.

Globalism also tells us that humanity’s greatest potential cannot be reached without collectivism and centralization.  The assertion is that the more single-minded a society is in its pursuits the more likely it is to effectively achieve its goals.  To this end, globalism seeks to erase all sovereignty. For now its proponents claim they only wish to remove nations and borders from the social equation, but such collectivism never stops there.  Eventually, they will tell us that individualism represents another nefarious “border” that prevents the group from becoming fully realized.

At the heart of collectivism is the idea that human beings are “blank slates;” that we are born empty and are completely dependent on our environment in order to learn what is right and wrong and how to be good people or good citizens.  The environment becomes the arbiter of decency, rather than conscience, and whoever controls the environment, by extension, becomes god.

If the masses are convinced of this narrative then moral relativity is only a short step away. It is the abandonment of inborn conscience that ultimately results in evil. In my view, this is exactly why the so called “elites” are pressing for globalism in the first place. Their end game is not just centralization of all power into a one world edifice, but the suppression and eradication of conscience, and thus, all that is good.

To see where this leads we must look at the behaviors of the elites themselves, which brings us to “Pizzagate.”

The exposure by Wikileaks during the election cycle of what appear to be coded emails sent between John Podesta and friends has created a burning undercurrent in the alternative media. The emails consistently use odd and out of context “pizza” references, and independent investigations have discovered a wide array connections between political elites like Hillary Clinton and John Podesta to James Alefantis, the owner of a pizza parlor in Washington D.C. called Comet Ping Pong. Alefantis, for reasons that make little sense to me, is listed as number 49 on GQ’s Most Powerful People In Washington list.

The assertion according to circumstantial evidence including the disturbing child and cannibalism artwork collections of the Podestas has been that Comet Ping Pong is somehow at the center of a child pedophilia network serving the politically connected. Both Comet Ping Pong and a pizza establishment two doors down called Besta Pizza use symbols in their logos and menus that are listed on the FBI’s unclassified documentation on pedophilia symbolism, which does not help matters.

Some of the best documentation of the Pizzagate scandal that I have seen so far has been done by David Seaman, a former mainstream journalist gone rogue. Here is his YouTube page.

I do recommend everyone at least look at the evidence he and others present. I went into the issue rather skeptical, but was surprised by the sheer amount of weirdness and evidence regarding Comet Pizza.  There is a problem with Pizzagate that is difficult to overcome, however; namely the fact that to my knowledge no victims have come forward.  This is not to say there has been no crime, but anyone hoping to convince the general public of wrong-doing in this kind of scenario is going to have a very hard time without a victim to reference.

The problem is doubly difficult now that an armed man was arrested on the premises of Comet Ping Pong while “researching” the claims of child trafficking.  Undoubtedly, the mainstream media will declare the very investigation “dangerous conspiracy theory.”  Whether this will persuade the public to ignore it, or compel them to look into it, remains to be seen.

I fully realize the amount of confusion surrounding Pizzagate and the assertions by some that it is a “pysop” designed to undermine the alternative media.  This is a foolish notion, in my view.  The mainstream media is dying, this is unavoidable.  The alternative media is a network of sources based on the power of choice and cemented in the concept of investigative research.  The reader participates in the alternative media by learning all available information and positions and deciding for himself what is the most valid conclusion, if there is any conclusion to be had.  The mainstream media simply tells its readers what to think and feel based on cherry picked data.

The elites will never be able to deconstruct that kind of movement with something like a faked “pizzagate”; rather, they would be more inclined to try to co-opt and direct the alternative media as they do most institutions.  And, if elitists are using Pizzagate as fodder to trick the alternative media into looking ridiculous, then why allow elitist run social media outlets like Facebook and Reddit to shut down discussion on the issue?

The reason I am more convinced than skeptical at this stage is because this has happened before; and in past scandals of pedophilia in Washington and other political hotbeds, some victims DID come forward.

I would first reference the events of the Franklin Scandal between 1988 and 1991. The Discovery Channel even produced a documentary on it complete with interviews of alleged child victims peddled to Washington elites for the purpose of favors and blackmail.  Meant to air in 1994, the documentary was quashed before it was ever shown to the public. The only reason it can now be found is because an original copy was released without permission by parties unknown.

I would also reference the highly evidenced Westminster Pedophile Ring in the U.K., in which the U.K. government lost or destroyed at least 114 related files related to the investigation.

Finally, it is disconcerting to me that the criminal enterprises of former Bear Sterns financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his “Lolita Express” are mainstream knowledge, yet the public remains largely oblivious.  Bill Clinton is shown on flight logs to have flown on Epstein’s private jet at least a 26 times; the same jet that he used to procure child victims as young as 12 to entertain celebrities and billionaires on his 72 acre island called “Little Saint James”.  The fact that Donald Trump was also close friends with Epstein should raise some eyebrows – funny how the mainstream media attacked Trump on every cosmetic issue under the sun but for some reason backed away from pursuing the Epstein angle.

Where is the vast federal investigation into the people who frequented Epstein’s wretched parties?  There is none, and Epstein, though convicted of molesting a 14 year old girl and selling her into prostitution, was only slapped on the wrist with a 13 month sentence.

Accusations of pedophilia seem to follow the globalists and elitist politicians wherever they go. This does not surprise me. They often exhibit characteristics of narcissism and psychopathy, but their ideology of moral relativity is what would lead to such horrible crimes.

Evil often stems from people who are empty. When one abandons conscience, one also in many respects abandons empathy and love.  Without these elements of our psyche there is no happiness. Without them, there is nothing left but desire and gluttony.

Narcissists in particular are prone to use other people as forms of entertainment and fulfillment without concern for their humanity.  They can be vicious in nature, and when taken to the level of psychopathy, they are prone to target and abuse the most helpless of victims in order to generate a feeling of personal power.

Add in sexual addiction and aggression and narcissists become predatory in the extreme. Nothing ever truly satisfies them. When they grow tired of the normal, they quickly turn to the abnormal and eventually the criminal.  I would say that pedophilia is a natural progression of the elitist mindset; for children are the easiest and most innocent victim source, not to mention the most aberrant and forbidden, and thus the most desirable for a psychopathic deviant embracing evil impulses.

Beyond this is the even more disturbing prospect of cultism. It is not that the globalists are simply evil as individuals; if that were the case then they would present far less of a threat. The greater terror is that they are also organized. When one confronts the problem of evil head on, one quickly realizes that evil is within us all. There will always be an internal battle in every individual. Organized evil, though, is in fact the ultimate danger, and it is organized evil that must be eradicated.

For organized evil to be defeated, there must be organized good. I believe the liberty movement in particular is that good; existing in early stages, not yet complete, but good none the less.  Our championing of the non-aggression principle and individual liberty is conducive to respect for privacy, property and life.  Conscience is a core tenet of the liberty ideal, and the exact counter to organized elitism based on moral relativity.

Recognize and take solace that though we live in dark times, and evil men roam free, we are also here. We are the proper response to evil, and we have been placed here at this time for a reason. Call it fate, call it destiny, call it coincidence, call it god, call it whatever you want, but the answer to evil is us.


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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 9, 2016 8:00 am

Having lived long enough to be both “good” and “evil” in terms of my actions and my thoughts and having made a conscious decision to turn away from one and towards another I have come to this single conclusion.

Most things that we choose to do that could be classified as “evil” are based on extremely short time preferences- opportunity, feelings, what presents itself immediately to be taken advantage of, heat of the moment, impulsive actions- while “good” requires much longer vistas of behavior that accrue over time for a benefit that almost never repays in the present on a personal level.

I’ll use examples because that was one of the worst descriptions I have ever written but I can’t seem to put it into words.

You see an object of value, no one is present, you take it because it benefits you even though you know that it doesn’t belong to you and will cause it’s owner hardship because of the loss. That’s evil.

You see an object of value, no one is present and you make the effort to return it to it’s rightful owner because it doesn’t belong to you and it’s loss will bring hardship to the owner despite the fact that it creates a hardship for you- loss of time, effort, etc. That’s good.

For a human being to make the judgement of whether something is good or evil is likely hardwired in for most of us although there are indeed grey areas and outside influences that can make the decision less than clear. It does come down to the inner personal decision to make the choice which direction he or she should move in life. Most people make that decision and then move in that direction continuously. “Good” people don’t occasionally steal something and “evil” people rarely do for others without a direct benefit to themselves.

The benefits of one are immediate, the benefits of the other long term.

The funny thing is it is one of the few actual freedoms that no one can ever take from us or force us to abandon because it is almost completely internal in nature.

Our choice.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 9, 2016 8:44 am

For individuals, most “evil” is based on instant gratification and most “good” is based on reward which is only realized in the long term.

Behavior which is rewarded is repeated, behavior which is punished is extinguished, behavior which is neither rewarded or punished may be either repeated or be extinguished.

The more we repeat something,whether it is rewarded or not, the more likely it is to become an ingrained habit which resists extinction and can be either good or evil as it may.

Be aware of your habits, they become virtually unconscious actions if you aren’t.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 9, 2016 9:26 am

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Late President of the Bi-Lo Stores

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
December 9, 2016 9:33 am

Hey HSF! Great comment, really good insight about the differing time preference of good vs evil. One sees this same differing time preference in all sorts of situations, and invariably the association seems to be that the long view is better than the short view.

Consider, people who stay uneducated even though they have to sit through 12 years of school are those who refuse to consider the long term results of their choice…

Third world countries where people eat all their seed corn because they are not completely full right now…

Politicians who pass egregious laws because they want power today and don’t worry about who will be in power tomorrow…

People who run up the credit card for more bling today, and the bill is not due for weeks…

People who party late into the night even though they have a 6:00am schedule for their job…

And so on and so on.

What is the common trait that unites all these people? It is that they have a sort of fractured individuality. While the concept of “multiple personalities” is not new, this is a bit similar but less extreme. For the person with this fractured personality, the person who is experiencing the present “let’s party all night long!” has almost no empathy with his future self who must also experience the future “Oh, my God, the alarm is going off and I need to get up NOW to go to work!” In a very real sense the present “let’s party!” person is a very different person than the future “time to go to work” person. Because the present self is disconnected from the future self (and even MORE disconnected from anyone else’s self) it acts without acknowledging that its actions are causing great harm. There is no inner voice, no conscience telling them “how does this affect the people around me?” The evil person, the person without recognition of the future is (to themself) the only person who is real. Other people (even their future self) are only important insofar as they impact the present.

What causes this inner fracture? I suspect that there are multiple reasons, but two come to mind. First, horrific experiences in childhood that make emotional detachment so ingrained that the habit of empathy is broken forever. Second, being raised without principles, being taught that rules are strictly applied only to the now. One result of being taught principles, the idea that there are some rules that should NEVER be broken, is that the psyche of the growing child is bound into a cohesive unit. Following one’s principles against all temptations otherwise, requires will, and the exercise of will strengthens the unity and integrity of a person’s inner life.

Is there any cure for adults who have not adopted some sort of ethical and moral compass? Can people who have learned not to consider tomorrow be retrained? Certainly not easily… perhaps not at all, or only with great effort and enormous painful experience.

December 9, 2016 12:31 pm

Wow! Brandon nails it again! Outstanding points!

A social psychologist from Stanford named Philip Zimbardo (same guy who ran the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment) scientifically helps shed light on the “POWER OF THE SITUATION” to provide additional influence on individual behavior.

I show this to anyone who wants to learn about our species and in turn themselves.

December 9, 2016 12:36 pm

Understanding how “good” people can do terrible things (aka Nazis) to other people led me into the field of sociology and psychology. I have been searching my whole life for answers to help explain the human condition; both logically through secular means like existential philosophy and the Greek Greats as well as trying to understand social constructs like institutions of government as well as spiritual concepts like our “light” (photon-emissions) (see the book entitled The Field), spirits, energies, souls…

It is satisfying to find others from different walks of life who have come to similar conclusions about life and us.
Thank you Brandon!!!!

December 9, 2016 12:46 pm

He brings up a very good point. Where are the victims?

Let me preface this by saying I have not read every single link and post about ‘pizzagate’. But, I have read enough that I have a pretty good understanding of the situation.

We have a ton of very nasty circumstantial evidence (photos, tweets, artwork) , along with a bunch of creepy emails filled with underage sexual overtones and messages written in ‘pizza’ code. All the makings of a pedo ring.

The only thing missing are the victims. Where are these kids that have been molested? Are they hiding them somewhere? Are the parents in on this too?

December 9, 2016 12:58 pm


Watch the Conspiracy of Silence documentary that Brandon referenced to understand how “victims” are treated if they try to come out and expose the actions of these demons.

It’s only an hour long

December 9, 2016 8:29 pm

— ” Where are the victims?”


December 10, 2016 6:16 am

#killroom 😉

December 10, 2016 6:52 am


December 10, 2016 6:54 am

— “Where are these kids that have been molested?”

Lady Gaga. Miley Cyrus. Katy Perry. Corey Haim. Corey Feldman. James Alefantes. etc.

— “Are they hiding them somewhere?”

In plain sight or chopped to bits.

— “Are the parents in on this too?”



December 9, 2016 1:03 pm

I hope Seaman has set up a channel on another site because they are gonna yank his channel soon I can feel it. He is a prime target. He’s not so big that google would face significant backlash from it. But he’s big enough to have become dependent on the money his channel makes. Tough position to be in.

December 9, 2016 1:40 pm

I got an update from Seaman’s youtube channel since I recently subscribed. I haven’t had a chance to watch it while I am at work; but the title of it suggests Youtube is already taking down some of his videos about Pizzagate

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 9, 2016 1:30 pm

(1) If I kill all my victims you cannot use them to expose my pedophile ring.
(2) There is a Crunch coming – a near-total collapse of societal systems (financial, commercial, probably the power grid, etc.) – and there is little we can do to stop it. Trump may delay it, if TPTB don’t decide on a Samson response to the loss of power and wealth by reform.
Either way, Trump delays it or not, you will have to fight for your life, your family’s lives, and anything you have or own that someone else wants bad enough. It will become life-or-death for millions when food no longer reaches cities, city dwellers fan out looking for it, and martial law is insufficient to maintain order.
I have managed to wander around on this planet for over fifty years, and never had to kill anyone. As far as I know, neither my malice (mostly confined to muttering to myself in dark tones) nor my actions (I design industrial processes) have killed anyone at all. I am fairly confident that in order to stay alive, sometime in the next (xx) years I will be forced to.
Will that make me evil? If “thou shalt not kill” is a Biblical absolute, am I doomed?
What is my relationship to a mankind that makes killing inevitable and a God who is omnipotent but does not prevent the need (free will, anyone? I choose to die to keep from killing for self-defense?)
I don’t wish to give in to evil, but practically speaking I see it coming and I can’t stop the Crunch. Move to rural Idaho?

  james the deplorable wanderer
December 9, 2016 1:46 pm

@ James
You wrestle with many of the same questions about morality and ending someone else’s time here that I continue to ask myself. What am I willing to do! What is God’s will for me to do? Should I take another desperate, fearful person’s life in order to protect those I love and care about!
We will have an advantage over many, since we are already doing the tough work mentally for the time when The SHTF!

However, I fear that much of the “Holly” wood predictive programming of the masses have already conditioned them to behave like animals….for instance the running television show The Walking Dead has already outlined various degrees of behaviors of how to treat one another in an apocalyptic scenario…That or the movie the PURGE is another prime example of how the TPTB will be ready for people’s imitation of characters or situations in which they have identified with in the movies seen solely as entertainment. This should not be under emphasized considering most people let their cognitive shields down when viewing something they consider entertainment compared to “non-fiction”

Which vessel are we? A Vessel to show God’s Wrath or His Mercy?

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 9, 2016 2:20 pm

If I am forced to end another’s life due to the need to preserve my own or my family’s, it won’t be God’s wrath! It will be mine.
Whether or not I feel guilt about it I won’t know until it happens.
I wish I could see a way out of this without bloodshed, but those who design society’s systems seem to have decided this is the best way out, without my input of course.
Those who worship money and power will learn what such worship brings them, one way or another. The systems we painfully built can fall in days, if enough stupidity occurs at once – and I doubt those who wish the Crunch, having accidentally (unknowingly), carelessly (centralized systems are more fragile than distributed ones) or deliberately (Gaia worship taken to the extreme) created the conditions to break them can build anything better to replace them – or even, create refuges that will sustain them for any length of time, once it happens. Stupidity! Thy name is elites …

December 9, 2016 7:45 pm

Knowing good and evil (Gen.3:7) is not the same as understanding the difference between them. Their effects and possible consequences. Gen.2:17
This comes from our choices and the experience gained from them. Gen.3:22
This is why this knowledge- good and evil -is inherited. Or as the author quoted Jung, “are rooted in inborn psychological contents or archetypes.”
However this knowledge does not make one either good or evil. So to conclude as the author has, that evil is in us all, leaves out the one very important step. That is, that having evil or good IN us is worked out through the mechanism of free will.


December 29, 2016 2:46 am

1.What is true evolution? Everything may have come from a single pt but did it produce a Universe? What if this is a TEST & higher logic knows u must b deceived to b tested.
Scientists thru history have helped paint a picture for u. I do not believe it is correct. They have merely interpreted Father’s maths the way it was intended.This is a place of deception. Y? Because true evolution resulted in an equation. Not Yang&Yin but Light&Darkness. The side of Light resulted in Father & Father created the rest.The Dark side is the reason for the test, it produced a learning state as well. Darkness666 is a learning Force/mag field, a state like the Fly that is embedded in the genetics of all creatures. His shape is an octahedron (a back 2 back pyramid) that fits inside a sphere(aka The Great Pyramid).The sphere is the shape your soul would b if it is Light.He searches for patterns of acceptable bad in u so He can use u like a Fly. What does a Fly do? It is trying 2 unbalance u so u release charged energy ie. energy Darkness can use 2 feed himself. Father created Satan 2 b the Dark overseer of the Test & gave him a tremendous amount of power 2 b so. His job is to keep u out of the Light where Darkness can take control of u (a job well done don’t u think). He laughs at u thru movies like Star Wars. At the end of the test Father’s maths calculates your equation, your alignment 2 Darkness & u go 2 Heaven or Hell. U c now the equation is separated. Father built Hell, but they r Satan’s rules. There’s no Sun, no food to hide the energy stealing from others – how do u think u’ll fair in a world of real vampires?. If u r still Light & most of u r not u need 2 think what it is u shouldn’t b eating (it’s not an apple) & where u should b. The Sun is the only source of Balanced Light in the world. Here’s how 2 use it 2 remove DarkEnergy-b Vegan,b fit,don’t eat b4/during,no lotions,reduce skin shadow,wash in sea/1-2hr.

2.If the Theory of Everything is Light&Darkness then what would true evolution b. If a single pt did implode/explode what would b produced? Perhaps energy & the inherent forces.Over time the forces form patterns that become more & more intricate.To do this the forces must learn to bind the energy, to concentrate it.These r forces that must be in synergy with the energy – The Light.But an equation must result therefore some forces don’t want 2 b in concentrated energy, and they learn to unbind it. These r forces out of tune with the energy – the Dark. The fundamental difference is the energy. Light patterns can continue to expand, learn & b long lasting. Darkness is a more complex state – low energy patterns that become parasitic, that steal energy from other states to sustain a transient existence.I believe the Light resulted in Father, & Father has learnt to subdivide the equation. Essentially everyone is a binded Light pattern. But not all patterns want to follow this path. U need to Test them to see if they turn Dark. Against what? Darkness the evolutionary endpt of one side of the equation. This is the purpose of the World, but the whole process is hidden behind food & genetic machines.

3.What r the manifestations of Darkness? Darkness666 is a fly like vortex state in the genetics that u r here 2b tested against. A black hole state. People talk about auras & this is essentially correct. He tracks your patterns, & adds an unbalanced charge to your memories & associated state of feeling. From a young age He tries to orientate your mood & keep it going around & around. To give u a consistent dark mood – superiority, devious, sad, overexcited, etc. A high % of people fall victim 2 this. All these states r energy draining states 2 others (Darkness is a hidden sickness). Ever walked into a teacher or bosses office & wished u were somewhere else? Darkness hides behind a fascade of learning, always trying to position the dark person He possesses so they can drain the energy of others. The person could b a preacher, teacher, lawyer, criminal, etc. Is Darkness your inertia in life or are you His? http://www.michaellightsite.wordpress.com