Pizzagate – Like It Or Not, This Story Is Never Going Away

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter


I’ve been hesitant to write about Pizzagate, primarily because the rest of the internet has already covered the story incredibly well.  It felt like without something substantial to add, anything I said would just end up being a hodgepodge of links from other sources who did a better job of describing the saga than I ever could.  After constant commentary from readers, all of whom were upset with the MSM burying the story, I finally deciding on a new perspective to share.

This story is never going away.  No matter how hard the MSM, authorities, or establishment tries to bury it, it will never die.

A little background on Pizzagate is necessary, for those who aren’t familiar with the story.  The contents of the personal Gmail account of John Podesta were breached (notably because Podesta fell for a common password phishing hoax), and the contents of his emails were leaked gradually in the subsequent months.  The contents of the emails detailed debate questions shared by Donna Brazile to Hillary Clinton, doubts about Hillary’s Wall Street speech fees, rigging the DNC primary against Bernie Sanders, and the King of Morocco bribing the Clinton Foundation to get a defense deal with the United States, among thousands of others.  Most Damaging Wikileaks has a list of what it believes to the top 100 most damaging leaks, and they almost entirely came from Podesta’s Gmail account.

Think about that for a second – the majority of the “Wikileaks” you are hearing about are all due to one highly-placed Democratic staffer being so brazen about his corrupt criminal conduct that he wasn’t afraid to openly discuss it using a Gmail account.  And, we’re only hearing about it because he fell for a common password phishing scam that could have just as easily happened to you by a Nigerian “prince” or a desktop pop-up ad claiming “your system has been compromised, change password immediately!”  If you would think someone like Podesta would be more concerned with hiding questionable conduct somewhere else besides a Gmail account, you would clearly be mistaken. 

So, how did we get to “Pizzagate” from these emails?  Well, allegedly there was something that was so awful, that while it was still discussed in the emails, it had to be spoken in code.  Internet sleuths have hypothesized that Podesta and his brother Tony ran an underground child pedophilia sex ring with James Alefantis, who allegedly used pizzerias owned by Alefantis, notably Comet Ping-Pong, as locations for their clients’ conduct.  Using food items as code words for their illicit conduct would be understandable; even though a Gmail account be easily subpoenaed as evidence were real charges to be filed, clearly Podesta was unafraid about conducting sketchy business via Gmail, and the “code” could easily be used as cover.  If you don’t think its a code, read some of the emails for yourself, and let me know what you think it is, because none of the emails referenced make any sense at all.

With the help of a friend, I’ve compiled a list of links, pictures, theories, and explanations behind Pizzagate, in a separate page linked here.  For the record, my opinion on Pizzagate is simple – there is so much smoke, there has to be at least some sort of fire behind it.  I won’t go into too many details; the link I provided will fill you in on anything you want to know, and if you’re still interested, it will be up to you to fill yourself in on the rest.  Allegedly, this conduct has occurred since at least the 1980s-1990s, and Podesta has been a power player in DC since the early 80s. 

However, I have to bring up James Alefantis, because you might think he’s some nobody who just so happens to be friends with the Podestas and own a pizzeria.  Previously known via the Instagram account he ran as “jimmycomet”, he is listed as the 49th most powerful person in DC.  He’s posted personal thank you letters to him from Hillary Clinton, posted pictures of his boyfriend (Alefantis is gay, I’m not making a joke) David Brock, who is also director of Correct The Record (CTR). He has also posted pictures of children all over his Instagram, citing the Podestas in the comments, as well as being into some very creepy satanic art and objects.  Also, he’s visited the White House at least five times, and posted pictures of Barack Obama playing ping-pong, incidentially with a child.

So it’s not as though Alefantis is just some schmuck who owns a few pizza places who just so happens to be friends with the Podestas.  This guy is a serious DC power player. 

I’ll leave it to you to go down the Pizzagate rabbit hole and make your own conclusions; be warned, we are talking about an underground child sex ring, with major satanic references and some truly disgusting allegations.  Even though Wikipedia lists Pizzagate as a “debunked conspiracy theory”, there are thousands, if not millions, who think Pizzagate exposes a sinister, criminal element of politics in DC.  And I’m certain that the voices demanding further investigation will only grow louder in the months and years to come; make no mistake about it, this story will never go away, no matter how much the authorities and/or powers that be want it to.

Why?  Simple.  What if it was your kid, who came to you and said they were abused by one of these people?  Or, go a step further; what if it was your child who was a victim, and the truth had been covered up for years, because the criminal in question was a powerfully-placed individual?

I don’t have any children, so I don’t know how I’d react, and that honestly scares me to some degree.  I’ll tell you this – if it was me, I’d never stop until my kid got justice.  If the authorities wouldn’t do anything about it, I might be moved to take matters into my own hands.  I don’t know; like I said, I don’t have kids, but if I did, I’m sure they would mean the world to me.  If you have children, don’t your children mean everything to you?

To those would say this can’t possibly happen, because of the scope, size and nature of the alleged crimes; really, is it so hard to believe?  That some of the most powerful people in the nation wouldn’t be able to run a child sex trafficking ring and cover up their involvement in it?  Or that they wouldn’t use evidence of participation in child sexual abuse as bribery against other DC power players, such as Dennis Hastert?  Do you honestly believe that 1) the Podestas and Alefantis wouldn’t be able to do this, or 2) that they wouldn’t be able to cover the whole thing up?

The entire Pizzagate saga feels eerily similar to the Jerry Sandusky scandal.  If you’ve somehow been living under a rock, in November of 2011, Sandusky was formally indicted by a grand jury of 40 counts of sex crimes against young boys.  The former defensive coordinator of the Penn State football team, his illicit conduct is known to date back to at least the mid-1990s, perhaps as far back as 1976.  Notably, his conduct was covered up by many within the organization, notably the University’s President Graham Spanier, Senior VP Gary Schultz, Athletic Director Tim Curley, and former assistant coach Mike McQueary (who testified to witnessing one of the alleged abuses in 2002).

Just to recap, this is a child sex abuse scandal involving a powerfully-placed individual, that was covered up at least 15, probably closer to 35 years.  Sound familar?

Also, ask yourself; did you even have any idea who Jerry Sandusky was prior to the 2011 indictment?  And did you have any idea who John Podesta was prior to the 2016 Wikileaks, and the allegations that he ran a child sex ring that have (finally) been acknowledged by the MSM?

When the Sandusky scandal broke, I made a few (probably tasteless) jokes about it, as I am known to do, and I also asked friends (some of whom are PSU alumni) what they thought.  After making said jokes and asking questions about who knew what and how deep the problem went to one friend in particular, he said something that will forever be stuck in my head:

What if it was your kid?  How would you react?  Wouldn’t you want to know what really happened?

Of course, there have been so many allegations of complicit conduct and cover-up behavior in both Pizzagate and the Sandusky scandal, that all of it cannot possibly be true.  Another source who attended PSU in the early-mid 2000s pointed out how some have connected the disappearance of District Attorney Ray Gricar to the Sandusky scandal, noting that he did not think the two were linked at all.  He stated that Gricar was “a scumbag DA who had a lot of kids prosecuted for inconsequential crimes like underage drinking,” and “had his fair share of enemies in the criminal justice system, possibly people he had wrongfully imprisoned.”

Notably, Gricar tabled earlier investigations against Sandusky in 1998, and as my source notes, “he could easily have been paid off” to do so.  Also, Gricar disappeared just two weeks after he indicted a drug dealer in “the largest heroin operation that we have ever seen in Centre County”.  It sounds to me like Gricar is just another scumbag in the criminal justice system who had plenty of enemies, and who had of course already chosen not to prosecute Sandusky.

Like Pizzagate, there are probably many others like Gricar who are have been falsely tied to Pizzagate.  However, like Spanier, Curley, Schwartz and Paterno, there are clearly those like the Podestas and Alefantis who are in the thick of the whole thing. 

And, if Pizzagate is real, then comparing Sandusky to the Podestas and Alefantis would be like comparing a street pickpocket to the Gambino crime family.  Its not like it is that far out of left field – not only is Sandusky a child pederast who got away with it for decades, plenty of highly-placed individuals in the university and in the criminal justice system were complicit in allowing him to remain free and continue abusing children, even though they had every reason not to allow his conduct to continue.  In addition, child abuse has long been rumored to occur in Hollywood, most recently again brought to light with new focus on child abuse allegations against director Bryan Singer, with the perpetrators getting away with their conduct due to their status as Hollywood big-wigs.

For me, nothing short of a full investigation and criminal inquiry into Pizzagate that goes beyond local police, and actually brings someone to justice, will suffice.  The MSM, who is known to peddle fake stories and not retract them, is complicit in this conduct by refusing to do any real reporting on it, and stating that Pizzagate is a “conspiracy theory” that is in no way rooted in fact.  If you’ve read any of the Podesta emails in question, and you can tell me exactly what all the pizza references he is making are supposed to mean, if not some sketcky child trafficking ring with satanic surroundings, I’m all ears, and so is the rest of the internet.

Whether you choose to believe it or not, you’re going to have to live with one fact – Pizzagate is never going away.  Even if years went by, with everyone telling you the whole thing was a conspiracy, and the authorities telling you that there was no evidence behind the allegations…

…what would you do or believe if it was your child, who came to you and said he/she had been sexually abused?  Would you believe it then?  Would you ever be able to look your child in the eye for the rest of their life, if you didn’t do everything in your power to bring the awful people responsible to justice, using any means necessary?

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December 19, 2016 8:30 pm

I’ll read this later and try to comment. Have been out of the news cycle.

December 19, 2016 8:41 pm

Many of us are aware that among friends there are cases of abuse, be it
one time only or many times over some years. I am aware of this.
A daughter of a friend, junior in high school, was undergoing some
life stresses when the story of her abuse came “out.” There was
nothing of satanic ritual, just a cousin, adult married male that
babysat for a 5 and 7 year old. The victim was female and 5.
A combination of factors saved the guy from a serious beating or
So, I really hope the story does not languish and is eventually investigated
and the perps punished. Absolutely. Perhaps it will put a crimp in the chain
of people looking the other way. Apparently big $$$$$ and powerful people
are involved and they can threaten or buy/bribe their way out of trouble.
All the more reason for people to be on their toes about this plague and rat
these people out. We just need numbers of people to speak out. If the fat
cat doesn’t like it? He/she can eat their .357 and save us the trouble.

Thank you Mr. Duane Norman

December 20, 2016 7:26 am

The mainstream of America isn’t paying any attention to this.

Unless or until they do, nothing is going to come of it.

So how to get their interest and attention?

December 20, 2016 8:11 am

I was just talking about pizzagate with my 29 year old son, who had heard about it, but didn’t really know what it was all about. The way I explained it to him almost mirrored this article. I should’ve just sent him a link. I don’t know what to believe about it, but there is enough smoke that there has to be a fire somewhere. If Podesta would come forward and explain the coded email words in a way that makes sense and is believable then that is about the only way I can see this going away. There are some pretty incredible ideas out there on what is going on and they more than likely are not all true, but there is something going on and the presstitutes are working hard to try to stop us from knowing what it is.

December 20, 2016 8:59 am

Duane Norman? This guy is a fucking nut case.

December 20, 2016 11:19 am

My God even Ex President Jimmy Carter is sounding the Alarm !!!!!!
Politifact says Ex-Prez Jimmy Carter’s claims on Child Sex Trafficking are half true , I want to know why any of this is TRUE !!!????

When you read this you will CRY for our nation and world !!!!!

Atlanta is No. 1 Hub For Human Trafficking, Buckhead Cascade Links Launch Campaign to Fight It

Over 800,000 kids go missing every year in USA !!!!!!

This guys say its 180 Billion a Year Industry For Crying out LOUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pizzagate: BBC Cover Up Another Huge Pedophile Scandal

Pizzagate: BBC Cover Up Another Huge Pedophile Scandal

Goldman Sachs’ sex trafficking fund

Read more:

Here in this link Ted Gunderson talks about the Finders based in Washington DC a Kidnapping ring , starting at 13:35 listen for 10 minutes and you will not believe your ears !!!!!!!!

Ted L Gunderson Ex FBI Whistleblower Poisoned? –

Read Nancy Schaefer’s Senatorial report, “The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services”

They are trying to silence the historic and current evidence of this child traffic syndicate !!!!!
PizzaGate Just Got Even WEIRDER.

Pizzagate News: ‘BBC’ Supports James Alefantis But Did They Catch Him In A Lie?

Pizzagate News: ‘BBC’ Supports James Alefantis But Did They Catch Him In A Lie?

As you can see this seems to be treading under the surface of Government for many decades even with Government passing laws to deal with it but NOTHING is done , and is so awful it just makes one sick to think about !!! USE YOUR VOICE PLEASE !!!!!

Become involved , spread the word , lets shut down this network of Evil …. , ,

The Super Bowl is the Biggest Trafficking event , , And your Body Parts are worth more than Your Life ,

There has to be Top Level Government personnel involved in this International Child pornography/ Child Sex Trafficking for it to have the cover up power it has to look the other way !!!!!???

December 20, 2016 11:20 am

This is why Obama and the CIA Will Not Brief the Congress on the Russian Hack , its because Obama covered up this Porn Mess inside his administration !!!! How Russia Hacked into the Obama Administration and then into Hillary Clinton and Podesta etc ,
Bloomberg quotes a cybersecurity expert saying the Missile Defense Agency’s use of porn is concerning because “many pornographic websites are infected and criminals and foreign intelligence services such as Russia’s use them to gain access and harvest data.”

Over 5000 employees inside the Pentagon surfed Porn sites that the Washington Times link above says Russia uses to gain access to Harvest the Democrats Data !!!!!

Pentagon Child Porn Ring Uninvestigated – Anderson Cooper & Senator Grassley

It’s a 150 Billion dollar Industry ,

December 20, 2016 11:28 am
December 20, 2016 11:29 am

Here in this link Ted Gunderson talks about the Finders based in Washington DC a Kidnapping ring , starting at 13:35 listen for 10 minutes and you will not believe your ears !!!!!!!!

Ted L Gunderson Ex FBI Whistleblower Poisoned? –

Read Nancy Schaefer’s Senatorial report, “The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services”

December 20, 2016 11:31 am

Over 800,000 kids go missing every year in USA !!!!!!

December 20, 2016 11:32 am

Pizzagate: BBC Cover Up Another Huge Pedophile Scandal

December 20, 2016 11:33 am

My God even Ex President Jimmy Carter is sounding the Alarm !!!!!!
Politifact says Ex-Prez Jimmy Carter’s claims on Child Sex Trafficking are half true , I want to know why any of this is TRUE !!!????

When you read this you will CRY for our nation and world !!!!!

Atlanta is No. 1 Hub For Human Trafficking, Buckhead Cascade Links Launch Campaign to Fight It

December 20, 2016 11:35 am

Become involved , spread the word , lets shut down this network of Evil …. ,
Hollywood is involved ,

December 20, 2016 11:35 am
Rise Up
Rise Up
December 20, 2016 1:09 pm

Supposedly the FBI conducts honeypots on the internet to catch pedophiles. Those efforts are akin to the war on drugs, where tens of thousands low-level drug “offenders” are locked up (as part of the private prison scam), while high-roller drug kingpins are rarely caught and brought to justice, and big banks like HSBC who laundered huge sums of drug money are minimally fined and are allowed to continue operations.

Seems to be the same for these pedophile/child trafficking rackets. The FBI pretends to go after the bad guys, but only the lowest on the totem pole, and cover up and or ignore the bigger horrendous crimes like Pizzagate.

And more alarming is the effort to “normalize” pedophile behavior as merely an alternative lifestyle.

It’s truly sickening to consider what have we become. Some argue this has gone on for centuries. Isn’t it time to quit using that as an excuse?

December 20, 2016 9:09 pm

Well, has anyone ever heard of Las Mujeres de Juarez? Was really popular about 10yrs ago. Nothing was ever found as to how possibly thousands of women, usually young, disappeared.