The Fake News

Guest Post by The Zman

There’s not much new under the sun. Governments have been putting out propaganda to fool the public since the first guy figured out he could order some other guys to stack one rock on another. The trick is for the people in charge to appear to believe their own bravo sierra, but not actually believe it. If a ruler begins to think he is actually a god, for example, he is going to start making terrible errors. He needs the people to think he is a god, but he has to know he is a man and vulnerable to all the same defects as any other man.

Put another way, rulers must never get high off their own supply. A good example of this is the agit-prop about the Russians hacking the election. Polling shows that close to 60% of the public thinks the “Russians hacked us” stories are ridiculous. About 20% seem to think it happened and matters. That 20% is most assuredly the back benchers from the Cult of Modern Liberalism. That would not be a big deal, except the news media and the White House, at least for a few more weeks, are run by these people.


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The result is the Obama White House is getting pressure from their toadies in the press to do something about the Russian hacking that never actually happened.

Over the past four months, American intelligence agencies and aides to President Obama assembled a menu of options to respond to Russia’s hacking during the election, ranging from the obvious — exposing President Vladimir V. Putin’s financial ties to oligarchs — to the innovative, including manipulating the computer code that Russia uses in designing its cyberweapons.

But while Mr. Obama vowed on Friday to “send a clear message to Russia” as both a punishment and a deterrent, some of the options were rejected as ineffective, others as too risky. If the choices had been better, one of the aides involved in the debate noted recently, the president would have acted by now.

The options are risky because the White House knows the hacking story was made up to pacify the lunatics. They also know the Russians know it was made up. Creating a diplomatic crisis over something both sides know is a fiction – and a ridiculous one at that – is very dangerous. The Russians will assume there must be some other reason for the move. Once countries are left to guess about motives, things can spiral out of control quickly. Thus the White House has to just make a show of it, but not actually do anything.

The “Russians hacked us” stuff does show how the Left is expert at narrative management. They can easily retrofit the past, even the very recent past, into the official story line. If necessary, they will rewrite the narrative on the fly. You see that in this section of the linked story.

Mr. Obama is the president who, in his first year in office, reached for some of the most sophisticated cyberweapons on earth to blow up parts of Iran’s nuclear facilities. Now, at the end of his presidency, he has run headlong into a different challenge in the cyberwarfare arena.

The president has reached two conclusions, senior officials report: The only thing worse than not using a weapon is using it ineffectively. And if he does choose to retaliate, he has insisted on maintaining what is known as “escalation dominance,” the ability to ensure you can end a conflict on your terms.

Obama did nothing of the sort. It was the Israelis who sabotaged the Iranian reactors with malicious code. In fact, the US intelligence community was as baffled as everyone else about how the Israelis pulled off one of the great cyberwarfare capers of all time. But, that does not serve the narrative so the past will now be restated. The new past is Obama opened a desk drawer and pulled out a “cyber weapon” to deploy against the Iranians, like the Bond villain often does when he thinks he finally has Bond trapped.

Of course, the bigger problem here is that running endless fake news stories erodes public trust in the media and their government supervisors. Fifty years ago, people could suspect something was bullshit, but proving it was often impossible. Today, there is too much information and too many ways to disseminate it. This stuff is quickly exposed and the public becomes more skeptical, as well as better able to spot the lie. That’s why only nut jobs believe the Russian hacking stuff.

Russian hackers are real. So are Ukrainian hackers and Chinese hackers and Nigerian princess looking for your bank account number. The great threat to network security, however, is not a secret team of super villains writing malicious code. The broken window is the old guy, who is uncomfortable with technology, using “pass123” as his password. John Podesta was not hacked. He had a childishly simple password and he left it lying around for people to see.

According to research, 4% of people use “123456” as their password. Cracking that is not hacking. It is guessing. According to the revelations in WikiLeaks, the people working for Team Clinton at State shared passwords with one another. That means one person leaving the door open exposes everyone, which is what happened in every conceivable way. The reason all of this private information ended up in the public during the campaign is the people producing it are morons and should never be trusted to keep secrets.

That’s ultimately the real news behind the fake news. A skeptical public was presented evidence that confirmed their skepticism. The attempts to retroactively discredit these revelations is only reinforcing the general sense that the mainstream media cannot be trusted. Trust in major media is at all time lows and their audience is dissipating as people seek out alternatives. There’s nothing mysterious about it. As the gatekeepers lose control of the gates, the public learns the truth about what lies beyond the gates.

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December 19, 2016 4:40 pm

Left this comment on Mr. Z’s fine blog as well. I copy it here because I feel strongly about the topic.

The current buzz phrase is “fake news”, something of a tautology if ever there was one. When, pray tell, has “news” not been faked? Certainly not in the preceding century and in all likelihood not at any time in recorded history, as our host agrees. No government anywhere is concerned with the well-being of its citizenry beyond what it deems necessary to maintain social order among consumers; its main concern is the advancement of the interests of its financial sponsors and by default their (gov lackeys) own.

The internet and alternative news sources are all that stands between citizenries and the mass media house organs of “The Cathedral”. Any move by TPTB against the free dissemination of information, investigation and opinion will have to be met by perhaps quite drastic measures because it cannot be allowed to stand. The sleeping dog of a complacent public has awakened and those who continue to lie to it may find that its bite is far worse than its newly-found bark.

December 19, 2016 8:59 pm

great analogy there at the end!

Cartersville Critter
Cartersville Critter
December 19, 2016 4:44 pm

There is no such thing as “real’ or “fake” news. Both are metaphysical impossibilities and the ruling elite knows it. The truest sounding news item coming even past our own lips may later be proven false. The truest perceived account of some event may be ultimately proved wrong. Eye witness testimony in a trial is notoriously unreliable. Fake news like WMD’s in Iraq, spoken from the most cynical reporter still needs time to be smoked out. Real news requires a process. The ruling elite‘s survival requires that they control that process.

Likewise ‘objective’ news reporting is impossible. All of God’s children have ideological biases. No one can claim total objectively. The legacy news sources have made their claim of objectivity laughable and easily debunked. Try to keep a straight face while imagining George Stephanopoulos interviewing Hillary Clinton on objectively reporting ‘fake’ news. The more they vainly claim objectivity the more ridiculous they look.

Upshot: We are winning.

MN Steel
MN Steel
December 19, 2016 7:26 pm

There is only panic in those who cry “fake news!”


December 19, 2016 9:19 pm

MN Steel,
Thank you for the link. The Jolly Roger guy is pretty sharp.
Getting into “Zionist controlled corporations” and “Zionist
approval” becomes dicey because…antisemitism, and look out
below. So, that can be a topic for another day. Regardless who
writes or approves the “news” we know MSM is propaganda,
diversion, crappy entertainment, lies by omission and…plenty
of advertising of crappy stuff. Our response? Quit buying it.
I know football is a BIG draw and many men love those games…
well…are they worth the $150/month cable package?
People are moving to protect the internet with diverse servers.
Follow those people please, and send them some dough.

MN Steel
MN Steel
December 19, 2016 9:30 pm

Take a look at this and decide:
comment image

But our Hindu friends (can’t be antiseptic or whatever) would never orchestrate things to overthrow a country…

EL Coyote: trumpeteer snowflakes beware, anti-Trump commentary.
EL Coyote: trumpeteer snowflakes beware, anti-Trump commentary.
December 19, 2016 9:40 pm

Whenever the boss is out to lunch, the minions go crazy. Sharing passwords is but a symptom of unsupervised loose cannons. Trump intends to put a distance between him and the shadow government; that of professional toadies and lapdogs living high on the federal teat.

Trump is forming a totally different sort of government. Looks like the rich have taken over. Trump himself declared that he was firing the usual gang of idiots and proceeded to show the nation what an oligarchy could look like. First off, move the seat of government back to NY as god intended. It is understandable as few buyers like to move into a house formerly occupied by blacks.

How in the fuck will the nation keep an eye on Trump when he finally moves the seat of government to his NY digs, will he eventually rent out the new White House -Trump Tower – to his successors? The Trumperor might set up a prison in Trump Tower to house critics.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever

EC- What a happy day. The billionaires, banksters and warhawks are all in place to run this country with the Donald at the helm. What could go wrong?

December 19, 2016 10:27 pm

In 2012, Congress passes the Smith-Mundt modernization Act along with the NDAA legalizing the use of propaganda by the U.S. government against its own citizens inside the U.S. They don’t trust our ability to decipher the truth so their solution is to lie to us.
The propaganda they feed us about Russia, Syria, Ukraine, etc. is so transparently false, yet like all good propagandists they continue to repeat, repeat. Those who receive their news from the MSM believe the propaganda because it is the only story that they hear
The terrorists in the Middle East would be defeated in a few months if we joined hands with Russia, but there isn’t any money in that.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 20, 2016 7:58 am

As always when it comes to the entire government system that is in place now : your shit is shit and my shit is stuff ! Lies by omission and depending on the ignorance of a dumbed down society where I know most people cannot tell me who their local , state or federal representatives are but will tell you they either suck or do a good job but in reality most politicians with the exception of Ron Paul are nothing but self intrest driven political hacks and should be tared and feathered or hung in a nice promenade that current congressman and senators must walk by and smell the rotting flesh as they go into session !
You will notice there are very few town hall meetings due to the fact that most professional politicians deserve to be beaten to death by the angry mob ! As for fake news , we have been feed fake news my entire life . I remember thinking Vietnam was a good idea as an impressionable young kid until I witnessed older kids coming home in a box or so scarred for life so ultimately American corporations can take advantage of a cheap labor market so we get trillions of debt and Nike stock goes up ! I think I would rather have my good friend I lost there ! The motive of the fake news from left or right is the problem and there success is our ruination of a once powerful nation ! Now all the boys are discouraged to become young men and the girls are convinced there power is unlimited as long as everyone especially men are restricted from ever expressing anything they find offensive , we would not want to damage our precious special snowflakes !
And as our entertainment industry pushes the fake news with shows like The Fosters , Madame Secretary and countless others . Madame Secretary was an obvious attempt to boost Hillary Clinton’s public appeal counting on the ignorance of the below average ability of much of the voting population ! The fake narratives flow from everywhere and now the few places that peal back the faccide to expose the real threats and truths will be controlled and crushed by government power !
I remember stumbling on this Alex Jones guy on short wave about 20 years ago he sounded nuts but it was fun to listen and since I was installing and tuning equipment he had a strong signal a good test distance away . As time went on I discovered most of what he was ranting about ultimately actually was true WTF so fake news only if you refuse to think and investagate for yourself and few have the time or willingness and the left and the right working together are counting on that . Trump is the monkey wrench tossed in the gears ! Time will tell if his success will be good or not but the way the left is squealing , it’s probably on the right track .