The Collapse Of The Left’s Great Con

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The Left is not just in disarray- – it is in complete collapse because the working class has awakened to the Left’s betrayal and abandonment of the working class in favor of building personal wealth and power.

The source of the angry angst rippling through the Democratic Party’s progressive camp is not President Trump–it’s the complete collapse of the Left globally. To understand this collapse, we turn (once again) to Marx’s profound understanding of the state and capitalism.

We turn not to the cultural Marxism that is passingly familiar to Americans, but to Marx’s core economic analysis, which as Sartre noted, is only taught to discredit it.

Cultural Marxism draws as much from Engels as Marx. In today’s use, cultural Marxism describes the overt erosion of traditional values–the family, community, religious faith, property rights and limited central government–in favor of rootless Cosmopolitanism and an expansive, all-powerful central state that replaces community, faith and property rights with statist control mechanisms that enforce dependence on the state and a mindset that the individual is guilty of anti-state thinking until proven innocent by the state’s own rules.


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Marx’s critique of capitalism is economic: capital and labor are in eternal conflict. In Marx’s analysis, capital has the upper hand until the internal contradictions of capitalism consume capital’s control from the inside.

Capital not only dominates labor, it also dominates the state. Thus the state-cartel version of capitalism that is dominant globally is not a coincidence or an outlier–it is the the only possible outcome of a system in which capital is the dominant force.

To counter this dominance of capital, social democratic political movements arose to wrest some measure of control out of the hands of capital in favor of labor. Social democratic movements were greatly aided by the near-collapse of the first version of cartel-capitalism in The Great Depression, when writing down the bad debt would have brought down the entire banking system and crippled capitalism’s core function of growing capital via expansion of debt.

The decimated owners of capital realized that they faced a bleak choice: either resist and be toppled by anarchism or Communism, or cede some of their wealth and power to the social democratic parties in exchange for social, political and economic stability.

Broadly speaking, the Left favored labor (whose rights were protected by the state) and the Right favored capital (also protected by the state).

But over the past 25 years of globalized neoliberalism, social democratic movements have abandoned labor to embrace the self-serving wealth and power offered by capital. The essence of globalization is: labor is commoditized as mobile capital is free to roam the globe for the lowest cost labor. In contrast, labor is far less mobile, and unable to shift as fluidly and frictionlessly as capital to exploit scarcities and opportunities.

Neoliberalism–the opening of markets and borders–enables capital to effortlessly crush labor. The social democrats, in embracing open borders, have institutionalized an open immigration that shreds the scarcity value of domestic labor in favor of lower cost immigrant labor that serves capital’s desire for lower costs.

Globalization and neoliberal financial / immigration policies signify the collapse of the Left and the victory of capital. Now capital completely dominates the state and its cronyist structures–political parties, lobbying, campaign contributions, charitable foundations operating as pay-for-play cash vacuums, and all the other features of cartel-state capitalism.

To mask the collapse of the Left’s economic defense of labor, the Left’s apologists and PR machine have substituted social justice movements for economic opportunities to acquire economic security and capital. This has succeeded brilliantly, as tens of millions of self-described “progressives” completely bought the left’s Great Con that “social justice” campaigns on behalf of marginalized social groups were the defining feature of Progressive Social Democratic movements.

This diversionary sleight-of-hand embrace of economically neutered “social justice” campaigns masked the fact that social democratic parties everywhere have thrown labor into the churning propellers of globalization, open immigration and neoliberal financial policies–all of which benefit mobile capital, which has engorged itself on the abandonment of labor by the Left.

Meanwhile, the fat-cats of the Left have engorged themselves on capital’s largesse in exchange for their treachery. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s $200 million in “earnings” come to mind, as do countless other examples of personal aggrandizement by self-proclaimed “defenders” of labor.

Please examine this chart, which depicts labor’s share of GDP (economic output), and tell me the Left hasn’t abandoned labor in favor of personal wealth and power.

The Left is not just in disarray – it is in complete collapse because the working class has awakened to the Left’s betrayal and abandonment of the working class in favor of building personal wealth and power. Anyone who denies this is still in the fatal grip of the Left’s Great Con.


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January 23, 2017 10:44 am

I agree and would take both your argument and your logical steps full-circle to conclusion and apply it to UNION parasites who’ve bled their hosts dry, leaving the dry shells of factories and industry which was the lifeblood of our nation’s middle class.

I would also give it some revision to target the WHOLE pack of CongressCritters, former and future, explaining to any Weiners and Frankenfurters in the crowd and even the cleancut, shiny-faced newbies all intent on resisting temptation.

And we should not be afraid to confront and expose the elephant in the room. The Triumvirate of Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman in bed with local leaders, the federal bureaucracy in charge of the public “trust”, and high-ranking military leaders hungering for those high-paying consultant jobs after retiring with 75% of their pay.

Fuckers. All of ’em.

January 23, 2017 6:22 pm

I agree, Maggie, the whole cast of CON-gress critters is part of this scheme, NOT just the left. That graph starts the slide in 1970….as I recall the left was not in charge for that entire span.

Old Guy
Old Guy
January 23, 2017 10:49 am

“The Left is not just in disarray……….it is in complete collapse………….”

The violence is just beginning.

There will be no compromise because they are…..literally……insane.

Civil War II is baked into the cake.

Prepare for it.

  Old Guy
January 23, 2017 11:49 am


First, I’m a big fan of Mr. Smith and I’ve been studying his work for years. Second, your assessment that the current state of affairs will lead to Civil War is correct as well. If, then, this is to be war then lets have a quick break-down of the players and how it will go down.

On the Left you have grifters, con men, self entitled snowflakes, illegal immigrants, generational welfare recipients and self loathing white women – that is the opposition. The deep state can mobilize them all it wants but it can only muster enough strength to burn a few trash cans and break a few windows and do so in their own territory.

This is not an underestimate of the “enemy” but a frank assessment where I pretend that the Left can muster every purple-hair’ed lesbian, latte drinking snowflake and 350lb welfare mom and get them off to combat.

The Left is also holed up in their castles which we now refer to as mega-cities. Unlike a medieval castle that was stocked, armed and prepared for war, our cities have a just-in-time delivery system for their food, energy and water. A two week siege of any American city would see it reduced to nothing.

I am not the only one that has figured out this weakness as it is discussed on other blogs as well like Zerohedge. The vulnerability of the Left is no secret. It is as if we picked sides for a game of dodgeball and one side made its choices by selecting people based on who had the loudest voice. A team like that would quickly learn that you cant shout away a ball speeding towards your face.

The deep state can continue to rile up the Lefties but it runs the risk of a counter revolution. Ask the Germans how well it worked out for them having loosed revolution on the Russians.

January 23, 2017 11:54 am

You left out the Metrosexual Male in your catalogue of the opposition.

January 23, 2017 1:07 pm

You left out General Winter, who helps the Russians every time.

Nickeltosser, I agree with you with one exception: Squeaky wheels and obnoxious loudmouth bitches with rings on their eyebrows and tongues get the grease.

January 23, 2017 10:50 am

The left’s view of the world is based on the idea that people belong to the whole (not themselves) and should be forced to live the way they are told to live by them.

Dissent in thinking or lifestyle cannot be allowed.

The right’s view is based on the idea that people own their own lives and should be as free as is compatible with civilization to do and become what they want to do and become with their own lives.

These two views don’t have a compatible middle ground, have anything in common with one another, or provide any viable way to coexist with one another: It is one or the other, period.

There is no synthesis of the two competing thesis’ that can emerge any more than oil and water can emerge as a new substance containing both without trying to separate.

Choose your side, there is no neutral in this, the final battle is approaching.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 23, 2017 11:03 am

This article is great. I have to read it a few more times. The left always (and sometimes rightly) accused the right of using “wedge issues” to distract from the “real issues”. Sometimes those wedge issues ARE the real issues. If an 8 month gestational baby could talk, it would probably care more about not being ripped apart than the capital gains rate. But people who can’t talk aren’t people, I guess. Now the left uses those same “wedge issues” to distract from the plain fact that McCain’s war agenda (which is 100% congruent with Hillary’s agenda) was narrowly defeated and must be resurrected. God forbid we cease remaking the Middle East as directed by the Sauds. Ergo “women’s rights, women’s rights!”

January 23, 2017 11:37 am

Truly, think about how much airtime has been spent and ink spilled discussing transgender rights, and compare that to how often you have heard of the epidemic of drug use in formerly middle and lower middle class town and cities which have been decimated by the globalist agenda discussed in this article. Whatever legitimate issues the transgender ‘community” may have, the number of person affected is tiny compared to the number of people out of work, working part time in jobs that pay less, or on welfare. What Hillary and her team never got is that the main issue in this past election was the same as when her husband first ran; “it’s the economy, stupid!”

January 23, 2017 12:13 pm


I had to take a long car ride with a leftie just this weekend and I knew a political discussion was coming so I preemptively shut it down with this:

The Democrats under Obama controlled the Executive, Congress and had a majority on the Supreme Court and what did it do with its mandate for change? It ran around in circles telling everyone how and where they could go pee-pee while giving unconditional support to the fantasy that there are 40+ different genders.

January 23, 2017 12:22 pm

Did it work or did you get cussed out?

January 23, 2017 1:09 pm

Suzanna, I had a similar confrontation with a liberal idiot this past weekend and I gave notice that she was an idiot and not to bring up politics with me ever again if she even hopes to remain friends.

January 23, 2017 3:30 pm


It is something that can’t be argued with. They can not deny that they ran around telling everyone where and how to go pee-pee. Using childish words like “pee-pee” drives home just how silly they actually are. They can not deny that they were 100% obsessed with creating 40+ new genders which anyone but the most insane has to agree is pure silliness. Finally, since there is no other legacy to the Obama presidency, they can’t fall back on all his amazing accomplishments.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 23, 2017 11:54 am

The article spotlights how the Elite Oligarchs used their Fed’s Fiat currency at the top (the politicians, talking heads, professors etc) and at the bottom (paid Useless Idiots) to manipulate the System and get vastly richer while gutting the Useless Idiots jobs. Now the Elite are trying to use the Useless Idiots to create Chaos to justify Martial Law and then exterminate them (Useless Eaters). You have got to hand it to the Oligarchs for such obviously brilliant “in your stupid face” chutzpah on their nightly MSM “news”; it could not have happened if they had not first taken over the government schools to Dumb Down Youth and Society to Moran levels using Cultural Communism.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
  rhs jr
January 23, 2017 12:43 pm

rhs….it is the old divide and conquer. The divide the population to fight against each other when they should be going after the politicians who caused the divide. But, as you state, they are unable to understand as they have been dumbed-down by Gov’t schools.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 23, 2017 1:01 pm

“Anyone who denies this is still in the fatal grip of the Left’s Great Con.”

I would say that judging by the size of many of the anti-Trump rallies worldwide that there are many still caught in said grip.

The brainwashing the left has accomplished is a thing to behold. But their followers are weak, without reason or consistency of principle or thought and soon will be financially bankrupt as well as austerity becomes the norm globally. Going forward I predict it will not be a good time to be an employee or dependent of the state.

There is still much talk of ‘civil war’ but I believe by and large it has been averted. The enemy has no stomach for _true_ conflict, their political power has been shattered, and soon their financial resources will be exhausted.

Addition: That being said – now is not the time to sit on our laurels and relax either….

  Francis Marion
January 23, 2017 6:49 pm

Yeah Francis. I agree with that.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 23, 2017 1:11 pm

Eventually we are going to get to the point where we can strip away the labels and the ideological differences of Left/Right, Marxist/Capitalist, White/Black, Patriarch/Feminist, Straight/LGBT and get right down to the reality of who has power and who wants power and what they are willing to do to exercise it.

People on the bottom want to be on the top, people on the top want to stay there. Most people don’t have the mental acuity to discern the difference between reality and ideology and they will follow the path of least resistance, i.e. whoever looks like they are going to win. People who inhabit the realm of liberty are rare as hen’s teeth- they neither seek nor desire to follow power but rather to live unmolested and dependent on their own devices, come what may.

If this does indeed come down to a violent conflict those who inhabit urban centers will suffer the greatest losses regardless of which side they choose. Cities have always been a bad bet in times of strife.

These conflicts are cyclical and as part of our nature as plagues. It is the harrow of our genetic strain to tear each other down until exhausted on the bloodshed we rebuild all over again.

January 23, 2017 1:31 pm

Get the Popcorn.

More fireworks to ensue.

January 23, 2017 1:33 pm


January 23, 2017 1:57 pm

As much fun as it is to bash these dupes both the willing and the unwitting dupes, they are not the real enemy, but all just pawns being manipulated by those oligarchs who hide so well. If the “right” were to reach out and smash these fools in any sort of display of violence it could turn them into martyrs and then the “uninvolved” 40% may move away from the freedom minded. Do not be like the bull who charges the cape, its just a distraction. Look behind the curtain find the ones who run the bull ring not the players they push on the stage.

As pointed out both in the article and by commenters they do not have strength of numbers, but since many seem to be psychopaths one can expect further stealth attacks and disruptions. They don’t even have to win a fight to create the distraction and disruption. Will the money powers try to create lots of small well funded and organized “political parties” as the dumbocrats self destruct? The powers that should not be will not quit because they know that to loose in to die.

Who is the real enemy?

January 23, 2017 3:53 pm

That is what is great about this place. Can read something that will put a completely different spin on this fake left-right paradigm that makes this world turn. Obvious to see that the vast majority of left wing reactionaries are and likely always been no more than useful props. Brown shirts in Skirts.

Through the smoke and deflection with the left’s Soro’s appointed leaders, their rhetoric and their Groupthink is beginning to show cracks at its foundations. Their defeat and their retreat from Moscow will be, I hope, ignominious and total.

They are breaking down. It can’t happen soon enough.

January 23, 2017 3:56 pm

Howard Johnson is right. We stay and fight. Rabbit.

January 23, 2017 4:59 pm
January 23, 2017 7:49 pm

“At times like the present, when the evils of unsound finance threaten us, the speculator may anticipate a harvest gathered from the misfortune of others, the capitalist may protect himself by hoarding or may even find profit from the fluctuations of values, but the wage earner – the first to be injured by a depreciated currency – is practically defenseless.” – Grover Cleveland

January 23, 2017 8:45 pm

Without unions, labor is and will remain powerless and at the mercy of Capitalists. If you do not understand that, you understand nothing. The biggest con of all is to convince the avergae Joe that union are evil

January 23, 2017 9:42 pm

I hope the statists are in permanent disarray and the majority now see the left, academia, and the media for what they are, in fact is seems impossible to me that they would not based on their performance over the last few months. However as the saying goes (paraphrased) no one ever went broke underestimating the American.

Wait for the probable recession in the next few years as we are overdue and another few years of non-stop press criticism and the tide will turn and the left will be back in and the country’s slide to bankruptcy will continue.