THIS DAY IN HISTORY – The death of Guy Fawkes – 1606


At Westminster in London, Guy Fawkes, a chief conspirator in the plot to blow up the British Parliament building, jumps to his death moments before his execution for treason.

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On the eve of a general parliamentary session scheduled for November 5, 1605, Sir Thomas Knyvet, a justice of the peace, found Guy Fawkes lurking in a cellar of the Parliament building. Fawkes was detained and the premises thoroughly searched. Nearly two tons of gunpowder were found hidden within the cellar. In his interrogation, Fawkes revealed that he was a participant in an English Catholic conspiracy organized by Robert Catesby to annihilate England’s entire Protestant government, including King James I. The king was to have attended Parliament on November 5.

Over the next few months, English authorities killed or captured all of the conspirators in the “Gunpowder Plot” but also arrested, tortured, or killed dozens of innocent English Catholics. After a brief trial, Guy Fawkes was sentenced, along with the other surviving chief conspirators, to be hanged, drawn, and quartered in London. On January 30, 1606, the gruesome public executions began in London, and on January 31 Fawkes was called to meet his fate. While climbing to the hanging platform, however, he jumped from the ladder and broke his neck, dying instantly.

In remembrance of the Gunpowder Plot, Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated across Great Britain every year on the fifth of November. As dusk falls in the evening, villagers and city dwellers across Britain light bonfires, set off fireworks, and burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes, celebrating his failure to blow up Parliament and James I.

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Old Guy
Old Guy
January 31, 2017 9:31 am

You can’t conquer a free man. You can only kill him. He died a free man giving the middle finger to the state.

January 31, 2017 9:57 am

It’s interesting how wide the range of appeal Guy Fawkes has, seemingly opposing sides both embracing him.

January 31, 2017 11:47 am

Fawkes him

February 1, 2017 12:55 am

Stephen Gash [begin]:

“When asked by James I why he did it Guy Fawkes replied “To blow all the Scottish beggars here present back to your mountains”.

 The “Catholic emancipation” was the first piece of Scottish spin played out in this anti-English blighted union. 

 When the Scot James became King of England London was flooded with failed Scots living on the streets provoking the “King” to start a charity to help them. That charity still exists today as Scotscare that boasts itself as being one of the world’s oldest charities. As always the English poor were neglected.

The Stuart dynasty ushered in decades of civil unrest that led to Charles I’s 11 years of tyranny and the English Civil war. It turned the English trading companies into a warmongering British Empire.

 James was unpopular in England and as soon as he took power he plundered England’s wealth and installed a Scottish cabal just as happens now in business, media and politics all over England.

 The United Kingdom was established with the sole purpose of erasing England and expunging the English and those goals have almost been achieved.

 The true, ancient, charitable English Masonry, the York Rite, was infiltrated and corrupted by the false Scottish Rite masonry, in the 18th century, that now lords it across the USA instigating violent false-flag events.

[The most damaging of all events has been] the Union of England with Scotland enabling the unique usurping of England and the English with the political artifice of the United Kingdom and the cultural falsehood of “British”.

 The wrong man is burnt on the bonfires on November 5th. The correct effigy should be the Scottish usurper James I.”[End]

This is an English, not ‘British’, celebration. It isn’t even a ‘celebration’ as such. More accurately it commemorates a courageous near miss. ‘British’ is not an ethnic designation. ‘Britain’ is a political arrangement. It is a label that should be applied to Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish as much as English people. Americans in particular take care to respect these other identities yet continually fail to acknowledge ours save on the sole condition that there is dirt to be dished and they need to distance Scotland especially from any hint of collective responsibility, whereupon we ‘Briddish’ miraculously become English again.

And hence a ‘Queen of England’ Americans have a jolly time blaming for all the ills of the world as they seek absolution for their role as world policeman, an effort to sponge away guilt in return for a sprinkling of the martyr’s stardust and a chance to align themselves with the Oirish as the world’s leading parasitic victim culture, who is actually Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and scion of a strictly Juedeo-Scottish line. Sorry but the reigning monarch is about as English as gefilte fish in a kilt [note: actually the English invented the kilt strictly speaking, as they did much else besides the world knows as ‘Scottish’ and a hostile media never talks about, but you get the idea].