The New American Coup – Media Leading Charge to Topple Government

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Yates SallyThere is clearly a coup unfolding led by the Democrats and the media. They will not accept Trump and are determined to destroy the government as we have known it. Sally Yates obviously pulled a political move by declaring that she would not execute Trump’s ban of the selected countries. She has no problem arresting aliens and deporting them under the Clinton laws.

Trump’s executive order would only constitute deporting someone on the next plane that tried to come in to the USA who was not a legal resident. They would not be arrested or put in prison as Clinton’s laws mandate. What was Yates up to? Obviously what she did had no real legal meaning, it was a political stand and for that Trump rightly fired her. She is a disgrace to her career.

The Trump ban is temporary, except on Syria, ranging from 90 to 120 days giving time to make sure the criteria is valid. Try going to India from Thailand. They will not let you in. You have to go back to your home country to apply for a visa. There are no open borders where you just go without agreements between countries. Americans could not go to Cuba for decades. Why is this temporary ban being used for such political levels? They could care less about the issue of aliens. They even try to call this a “Muslim” ban. One of our staff is Muslim and he came over this week from Europe with no problem, but he was born in Ireland. So despite the headlines, this is not a religious ban. It is really more about creating political unrest designed to overthrow the Trump government.

It was Europe who opened their borders to the Middle East ONLY because Merkel’s polls were negative because of her harsh treatment of Greece. It was her personal decision for her own career that created the refugee crisis in Europe and all the new terrorist attacks, rapes, and decline in security. Obama jumped in and said the USA would also accept these migrants claiming to be refugees when it was the USA bombing that turned them into refugees in the first place.

The American press will ONLY focus on the 100-200 people who were effected by the ACLU’s court battle. They take these few exceptions and made that appear to be the majority. They never addressed Clinton’s laws that imprison an illegal alien for 5 years if they dare come back to visit their families that are split and divided.

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This is simply all about trying to topple the Trump government and the media, like CNN, is leading the charge along with the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, and CDS just for starters. First we had the Green party exploiting people for donations without any real chance of doing anything but make Jill Stein rich. Now there are groups asking for money to fight Trump on the refugees. The exploitation of people for money seems to be a career of the anti-Trump forces. Whose pockets is all this money going?

Where was the media and the Justice Department when Obama defied the Constitution and said we had to surrender our rights for security to a wiser government because we are too stupid to know what is best for us? Where was Yates when Obama said this one? Cheering for she would have more power?

teddy on immigants

They are picking and choosing what to show the public and distorting the fact and the history. This is all about trying to topple the government and this is the real agenda — an all powerful government because we are too stupid to know what is best.

The media is hell-bent on toppling the government. They have no alternative. It’s all about fighting for bigger government and the surrender of all rights. This is not going to end nicely and it has not even been one month yet.

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February 1, 2017 11:21 am

Imo once we follow the money (SOROS) Trump freezes $$$,not one person not even the bused in BLM with pre made signs will show up for free

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
February 1, 2017 11:25 am

Usually Martin is swimming in the deep end, but I fear he may be right today. All the weird-ass shit going on sure has the aroma of a coup.

  Trapped in Portlandia
February 1, 2017 11:34 am

Time to dust off the long guns?

Hope not, but it’s played out that way in other countries many times in history.

Wonder what the Constitution says about who is responsible for the security of our Free State?

February 2, 2017 3:40 am

Lock and load.

February 1, 2017 11:30 am

Anyone wonder why none of those outraged at a temporary restriction on travel by “refugees” from obviously dangerous countries who don’t want to assimilate and become Americans weren’t equally outraged by Obama’s change in policy toward Cuban refugees who are actual refugees fleeing persecution and imprisonment in their homeland and genuinely wanting to become Americans?

Maybe someone in the position to do it should ask them, not that I’d expect a coherent answer.

February 1, 2017 11:33 am

Drone strike on the soros residence and problem solved

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2017 11:49 am

They’ve got a host of problems and though it pains me to outline them (should they deign to read our comments) I believe that hubris would prevent them from admitting to any of the following mistakes.

1) Their credibility has fallen beyond the point of being redeemed. It is one thing to be mistaken or to fail and then correct yourself and recover. Americans especially love redemption and underdogs. It is quite another to do so and then deny it and double down. No one likes an arrogant person even when they are right, a haughty attitude in a failure is especially repugnant.

2) They have no sense of humor. Comedy, humor, sarcasm, wit are simply acts of aggression delivered in defense. Used by someone in a position of power it is repulsive and boorish. What they are doing with their feigned sincerity, snarky faux-cynicism and constant unprovoked attacks on innocent targets aren’t funny. When it is directed against them, they get their backs up and it shows. Their perpetual frowns and sour looks are a turn-off as they used to say.

3) None of their platforms are reality based. If everything you stand for is based on a falsehood, you’d better not allow any kids in the crowd to comment on the Emperor’s dress. And right now the kids have seized the microphone and turned that bastard up.

4) Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of their entire worldview- for thee but not for me. It’s so obvious judging by their actions that anyone with two eyeballs and a pulse can see it. If what they are preaching isn’t how they are living, who do they think is going to heed their advice?

5) We are in the midst of a cyclical movement that transcends politics and ideology. Nature is at bat and that bitch is swinging for the stands. Those people are going to be shagging balls for the foreseeable future.

6) Newton’s Third Law.

7) We. Don’t. Care. You want entertainment, go watch Shai La Beouf’s magnum opus in NYC, not for the amusing brain-dead zombies chanting the mantra, but the for the shitlords that have turned his safe space into Room 101.

There’s more but that should work for now.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2017 8:18 pm

Perfect, excellent, pithy, and true. HSF,
100%, if I tried all day I could not have said it better.
You earn an A+

The best thing about living in the sticks is there are few
silver-tongue liberals bleating hypocrisy without even
realizing it. Generally, people have common sense and
truth is self evident. That said, no one is perfect…but some
people are just absurd/no ability to reason. Plus stupid/
uninformed. Who could vote Hillary, the murderess?

February 1, 2017 12:17 pm

” …. the media, like CNN, is leading the charge along with the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, and CDS just for starters.” ——— article

But, that’s only about 450 readers! Really, less than one percent of the population watches CuNNt. They are irrelevant and dying, they just don’t know it yet.

The NJ Shit Ledger is already saying Trump is a failed President. The name calling is unrelenting and borders on slander/libel. They’re not even making the slightest pretense of being objective journalists.

They say in a coup you should always first kill journalists. Now I know why.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 1, 2017 12:38 pm

My neighbor used to be the head of the democrat party here. I told him if Trump gets whacked I have to respond by going after him.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 1, 2017 12:41 pm

Know thy enemy: The Oligarchs want Chaos to impose absolute Tyranny; illegals and Useless Idiots are the kindle; the MSM is their match; Hussein was their eager gofer: The prophesied Black Mahdi himself.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2017 12:50 pm

Whois in charge of their strategic vision, Gilligan?

They don’t believe in guns.

This is a three ring circus without the animals, tents, high wire act, clowns, popcorn or sideshow.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 1, 2017 1:57 pm

This is a three ring circus with only clowns, lots and lots of clowns.

February 1, 2017 12:57 pm

Starting to figure out the California thing.

Why do they have the highest state income tax? And why do they stay?

Because they have to. Thats where their owners who make their money off of investment not income say they have to be.

February 1, 2017 1:04 pm

When I was a kid I used to laugh at the “blow up your tv” stickers. . They were right. Now I turn it all off, no fone , just walk with the dogs, snow, rain, just to unplug, and maybe drop a few lbs=-)

February 1, 2017 8:24 pm

good move goofy, TV will rot the mind.
And the animals are full of love, and only a tad of guile.
My best dog feigns right only to rapid fire nose in pocket to
steal my tissue. I can deal with that.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
February 1, 2017 3:27 pm

Í would like to think that the leftists are too cowardly to actually try to remove Trump. I would like to think that they are all gasbags. I would like to think that at the end of the day it will be all blather. If not, however, and they move on him in a serious way, Trump will not be led off to the helicopter with a leash around his neck like NIxon. No way. He will use the military, the police, loyal governors and, most of all, armed citizens to defy these traitors. He will declare a national emergency, declare states like California in rebellion and move to crush them once and for all. There will be blood. Trump understands very well that if he allows them to remove him from power their next move will be to fabricate something to send him to prison and there will be no Gerald Ford to pardon him. Nothing in Trump´s past indicates that he will go quietly into the night. Many American patriots have talked about fighting and shooting to save the country. A serious attempt to illegally remove our constitutional president would bring about the real thing. Trump would order the militia activited and the normally law-abiding, quiet, decent core Americans would feel legally empowered to hunt down the leftists with dogs. It will be interesting to see what Chicago looks like after food, water and electricity have been blocked for a week. Schumer, you might want to pack a suitcase and buy that El Al ticket right now. Seats are liable to be in rather short supply if you take it a step too far.

  Southern Sage
February 1, 2017 8:49 pm

It is being rumored Chicago (Homan Square prison/originally a Sears
Headquarters) is involved in the booming organ (stolen/murdered)
transplant business. It was long an Eastern European, and Israeli
monopoly…and of course China, but China is a closed society.
University Hospitals are involved. We are also looking at bio-weapons
and vaccine testing. We are thinking about abortion mills and cord blood
and tiny organs. BIG $ is involved here. These topics have seemed exotic
and far-far away, but we knew it was happening. George Webb has
connected the dots, Veritas project has connected the dots for the Planned
Parenthood baby parts industry. Remember? Now it is all on our doorstep.
And so are the disruption campaigns, the gov. “topples” and the covert actions.
That is what mainstream media is about…contributing to that entire vile foul
deep state system. Honest decent people need to be watchful, even do some
research, however repugnant. Our unconscious minds already know…but the
conscious minds filtered it out. Clarion call: time to wake up. Please.

February 1, 2017 8:37 pm

Shouln’t the woman in the photo be wearing a pussy hat? Shouldn’t all dimmierats be required to wear them?

February 1, 2017 8:57 pm

The women and the silly hats and the foul mouthed speeches
are all a distraction from the real “action.” Hey, look over here…
while the real makers are doing their dirty deals for their most
beloved profits. Murder is no barrier, heck, every tiny bit can be
sold or used for something. Right? Let us all aspire to be citizen
journalists and work to get the real stories out there…and name
some names! Shy? Inform yourself and some trusted others.
Talk turkey here, Admin. is an honest man.