Stucky QOTD: Joos!! And People Who USED To Post Here.

Today’s questions are motivated by Yojimbo’s “Disposition” article/video. More on that in a moment but, let’s get right to the questions.

Q1)-  Do you PERSONALLY know a Jew who is involved in taking over America, or the world?

I don’t give a damn about what you have read, videos you have seen, or all the other secondary knowledge you have.  I said,PERSONALLY know!!  There are more Jews in America than in Israel. Therefore, most of you surely must know at least one eeevul Joo somewhere!! Tell us about this person, and specifically what they are doing to take over the world.

Q2)- To currently active TBPers;  Is there a specific topic, or a specific poster, which pisses you off so much that you have considered taking a permanent vacation from TBP?

Q3)- To TBPers who have left the fold, or hardly post anymore; you left for a reason … so, what is that reason?  Is it da Joos?  If not, then what was it?  Be brutally honest. Really.

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1)-  Nope. Don’t know a single take-over-the-world-eeevul-Joo.

Yeah, I certainly do use the word “Joo” …. and talk about various fucken Joo bastards whom I wish would just die and go to hell.  Like that Joofuk, Howard Kuntsler.  However, it is never meant to be against the entire race (if they are a race), ethnicity, culture, religion, etc.  My loathing invectives are always directed at an individual.  I refuse to indict the whole because of the sins of just one.

Maybe I’m like that because of what happened one summer vacation while I was in high school.  We traveled to London, Ontario to visit friends from the old country.  When we got back to New Jersey we found huge swastikas spray painted all over the street in front of the house, and also on our driveway.  There are no Nazis in our family.  Only first generation Germans. So, yeah, I know about guilt by association, … that national guilt which punishes the innocent.  Fuck that shit.

I’ve known so many many Joos.  Probably way more than just about everyone here.  Starting at about 5 years old.  You see, in order to come to this country my father needed someone to “sponsor” him. The sponsor would literally guarantee the immigrant a job upon arrival, and for a set amount of time. There was no free shit available back then.  My father’s sponsor?  A Joo!!!!  Honest. Imagine that.  And I’ve know so many Joos since then that I literally have lost count … several have been very close friends.  Not a fucken World-Takeover type among them. Imagine that.

2)- Yes. The very topic we’re talking about. I’ll never leave, but if I were to leave, it would be because of the Joo conspiracy nonsense on this site.

bb the Village Idiot blathers on and on about the eeevul Joo, nonsense shit with no real info other than they’re all evil and must be eliminated …. and he gets soooo many thumbs up.  Meanwhile, say something even slightly positive about Joos and BAM!BANG!BAM!, you’re dead. Just watch how many nutters will call be a ‘Joo sympathizer’, or much worse, because of today’s QOTD. 

Blame the Joo! So easy a Caveman can do it.  Kill the Joos!! Then the world will be a much better, happier, peaceful place.  Yeah, that’s right, it’s da Joos who are responsible for everything bad in ‘Murika.  I kind of envy people who can take extraordinarily complex events and then compartmentalize and simplify it to; DA JOOS!! 

Even if they are idiots. I can’t wait for these types to flood this thread with article after article and video after video proving that Joos are eevul. I just haven’t seen the right one yet. Once I see the right one, the darkness will be lifted from my eyes, no longer blind to truth. I will stop being their bitch, and no longer a traitor to my white race. Free, free at last!  … to hate those killers of Christ, spawns of Satan, the only true enemy of ‘Murika . I’ll be a real Mensch.

3)- N/A




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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February 7, 2017 7:13 am

Wading in and muddying the water does nothing to disprove fish live there, it just makes them harder to see. You won nothing.

February 7, 2017 8:32 am

Yes of course. Da Judge . But that was then. You’re the Crusader now and this is the 4th Crusade.

February 7, 2017 9:56 am

Q1)- Do you PERSONALLY know a Jew who is involved in taking over America, or the world?

This is a stupid question. Of course I don’t personally know any Jews who are involved in taking over America. I don’t travel in the circles of the super-rich but I have eyes to see and an anytical mind that can evaluate all the evidence of Jewish control. And from what I have seen, the US and most of the western world are little more than slave colonies owned and run by Jews. Of course there are lots of non-Jews who have joined in and benefited immensely by their association with Jews but the brains behind this grand endeavor are owned by Jews…and more specifically Jewish bankers who control most central banks including the Federal Reserve and Bank of England, the fiat monetary system, major private banks such as Goldman Sachs, the Main Stream Media and of course Hollywood…to mention only a few of the major institutions and businesses. In fact, Jews have bought and paid for Congress and have infiltrated the State Department, intelligence agencies such as the CIA, Pentagon, the justice system…and so on. The establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913 by Rothschild bankers which was followed by the Income Tax act was a major milestone in this control because it provided the funds and mechanism to control the US government, wage wars, and subvert America. As noted by Dr. Kevin MacDonald in his excellent interview, one of the problems of Jewish control of America is this hatred of gentiles which is described in their most religious text, the Talmud. Judaism is characterized by two types of morality, one for the in-group (Jews) and another for the out-group (gentiles) which was clearly on display during the take over of Russia in 1917 by the Jewish Bolsheviks. Read Alexander Solzhenitsyn last book “200 Years Together” for the documentation.

To quote from Solzhenitsyn:

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution.’ It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people.More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history.It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time.The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

It must be noted that not all Jews support what powerful Jews are doing to America. Unfortunately, they are a minority and have been conditioned to close ranks with the tribe on important issues. As shown by over 90 expulsions of Jews from countries over the last 2000 years, the Jewish Question has been a problem that has plagued nations for a long time and seems almost unsolvable except by expulsion. Clearly, no nation can allow itself to be controlled by a fifth column working to undermines its people. My sense is that this is not going to end well for either Jews or gentiles.

February 8, 2017 12:45 pm

Stucky -Do YOU watch every fucking video posted?

If I make judgement calls on content of the video being discussed , then yes I do. And, the same goes with any material I comment on, other wise like you , I would merely be overtly displaying my massive ignorance and and deep seated prejudice on the subject.
But with you, I think the purpose was entirely different. You merely wanted to shame Jimbo from posting more content on the subject and appear to be intellectually superior on the subject in the process. You failed on both accounts.

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This principle is, contempt prior to examination. William Paley

BTW, since you created all the hoopla over the video . I became interested and gave it a view. Kevin McDonald’s understanding of the subject of the historical rise of Jewish ethnocentricity is superb. No one expects you to watch and read everything that is posted, but if you’ve not perused the content then your opinion of the subject is of no value. Stop pretending it is.

February 9, 2017 12:18 pm

Moot. Your point is moot, not mute.

February 9, 2017 4:05 pm

Good catch, grammar Nazi.

February 9, 2017 9:00 am

Stucky’s credibility has taken a hammering and may never recover. Most of his arguments are total nonsense. And who should we believe anyway? Stucky, Voltaire or Solzhenitsyn who experienced the horrors of Gulag “justice” metered out by mostly Jews (source: “200 Years Together”). Americans need to either wise up or prepare themselves for life in a gulag.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
― Voltaire

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

February 9, 2017 9:59 am

I often get in on the tail-end of things.

Regarding the Jews: I have had Jewish friends and have been a guest in their homes. They were kind to this Gentile Christian. I witnessed no intent to control the world.

As Llpoh observed far above in this thread, Jews are hard working and smart, perhaps even possessing more giftedness than other people groups. I suspect they are endowed with a certain craftiness that gives them an advantage to manipulate their environment for good or ill. These qualities ensure that they will rise to the top levels of whatever enterprises they pursue. Maybe sometime a TBP contributor will research and share the positive contributions Jews have made to the world. It would be a pleasant change from the nonstop bashing.

The problem they have is that they cling in stubbornness to a faith system that God freed them from, to their own detriment. Christ fulfilled the demands of the old Law, freeing us into the liberty of the new law of grace. Paul expounds this fully in the book of Romans if anyone would like to explore the theology.

The spiritual depravity of the Jewish people is a separate issue from the course of the nation itself. Biblical promises and prophecies regarding the nation of Israel are fascinating. Study them and you will have a clear understanding of the past and some assurance of what lies ahead for that thin strip of land that is such a headache for the world.

Regarding the New Testament beginning: the story in the second part of the Bible begins just prior to the birth of Christ. The actual covenant, as Stucky explained well, was initiated by the crucifixion of Jesus.

Regarding posters on TBP: we all say something idiotic now and then. I even read a dumb comment from Hardscrabble Farmer once. I miss some of the old guard and enjoy it when new contributors take the plunge.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 9, 2017 10:04 am
It’s not that all Jews hate whites, but so many plotters of the extinction of western society are Jews. You can’t expect people not to notice.

  Iska Waran
February 9, 2017 10:24 am

The irony is that the only support the Jews have, either individually or nationally, comes from Western culture.

I’m not so sure they want to destroy the hands that feed them as to remake those hands to serve a godless socialist paradise. The result will be their own destruction.

February 9, 2017 11:22 am

Is this thread closed now, because the last three comments I posted never appeared?

February 9, 2017 11:34 am

I would not bet on it. Jews invented the the scourge of Christianity , Communism and are overwhelmingly leftist, not to mention in the past they have bit the hand that invites and even supports them.
The Jews were expelled from England in 1290, from France in 1306 and from the Italian duchies of Parma and Milan in 1488 and 1490. Monarchs of various European countries, citing threats to Christianity were urging Spain to act likewise. In Castile there were nine million Christians and perhaps 1-200,000 Jews. They were killing each other. This blood-letting began long before Isabel was born and by the time she came to the throne, despite all her efforts to stop the killing and the measures she took to protect the Jews, the killing continued. Christians and Jews would not desist from attacking each other and it is fanciful to think the queen could do anything more than she did. It was obvious to the royal court that the newly-united state was vulnerable to internal disintegration or to re-conquest by Muslims. Both of these would carry an enormous cost in life. The Christians and the Jews had to be separated. Isabel saw no other choice but to rescind the permission of the Jews to stay in Spain.

The Jews were not citizens of Spain. By royal indult they had been granted leave to remain on the dual conditions that they not revile the Christian religion and that they not proselytise. Both conditions had been persistently broken opening a legal course for the Kings to suspend the permission of the Jews to remain. Thus the “expulsion” of 1492 was more correctly the withdrawal of the Kings’ protection. Among the strongest advocates for this were many former Jews. Tomas de Torquemada and Hernando de Talavera, both of Jewish descent and intimate confidants of Queen Isabel, pressed for expulsion. King Ferdinand became in favour of the action but he had not the power to rule on it without Isabel. Finally she acted by giving the Jews three months notice to leave the country.

The decree was published on March 31st in the year of Discovery, 1492. It established that:

“the Holy Catholic and evangelical faith should be preached to all the Jews in Castile, and that it was necessary to allow them time until the end of July to be baptized or to leave the country forever.”
Before and after 1492 Jews served as spies for Muslim raids on Spain.[x] If the Jews on behalf of Jewish interests harboured spies, then they all became liable. Many modern states enjoy such stability and resources that it appals us to think of collective punishments. But in the Middle Ages people shared the fate (the favour or punishment) of the lords and leaders to whom they were loyal.

Even without the Muslim dimension, the core problem was a powerful body of people said to be one thing—loyal Christians—but inextricably mixed with another—Judaizers who harboured an ambitious agenda for political domination. The Judaizing movement was not an innocuous attempt to spread a particular faith.[xi] But it combined pervasive undermining of the Catholic Church with aspirations for a New Jerusalem. There may never have had a chance for this to succeed, but the attempt and the popular reaction against it, was causing uncontrollable bloodshed and instability across Spain. Thus “Ferdinand and Isabella did not cease to protect their Jews while simultaneously trying to eliminate Judaizing among the conversos.”[xii]

February 9, 2017 11:36 am
February 9, 2017 4:34 pm

Flash- Why you wanna keep draggin out old shit?

February 9, 2017 6:03 pm

Israel is an idolatrous bunch. Just as the scriptures said they would be when they returned to their land again.

God’s best:-}

February 9, 2017 6:19 pm

“The Jews were not citizens of Spain. By royal indult they had been granted leave to remain on the dual conditions that they not revile the Christian religion and that they not proselytise. ”
I did not know Jews practiced proselytizing. There is no command for them to. They were to be a pure race to keep the line to Jesus pure. Not that there were no converts to Judaism in the Old Testament. But, they were not allowed to take part in much of what the congregation did until several generations so their heritage was phased out.
Christians on the other hand have instruction from Jesus to proselatyze all over the world. It’s called being a witness.


February 9, 2017 1:20 pm

The Futile Efforts of Donald Trump

Quote from the article by ISRAEL SHAMIR who is Jewish.

Still, Jewish insistence on the Syrian refugees’ acceptance and on Muslim immigration in general is a strange and baffling phenomenon. Hypocrisy is too mild a word to describe that. We may exclude compassion as a cause for it. There are many thousands of natives of Haifa in Israel who suffer in Syria and dream to come back to their towns and villages, but the state of Israel does not allow these Syrian refugees to return for one crime: they aren’t Jews.

Israel accepts Jews only; and American Jews do not object to it; they do not compare Israeli leaders with Hitler or Trump. Israel had build a wall on its border with Sinai, and this wall stopped the black wave of African migrants. American Jews did not shout “No wall, no ban” in front of Israeli Embassy. Mystery, eh?

The war on Christ and the Church is the most important element of Judaism. Wherever Jews succeed, the Church suffers, and vice versa. Israel, the Jewish state, has been located at the cradle of Christianity not by whim of Zionists: actually, the leading Zionist Theodore Herzl called for establishing the Jewish state elsewhere, from Uganda (modern Kenya) to Argentina. But the struggle against Christ necessitated their choice of Palestine with its deep Christian roots.

February 9, 2017 7:43 pm

What if the elite Joos don’t think of themselves as eeevul? What if their perspective is, as long as the world is divided into tribes, one of them is going to be on top, so why not them? What if they think of themselves as traders, and they offer ‘Muricans an exchange — mind-killing entertainment and social justice in exchange for their freedom and dignity — a deal many seem pleased to accept? What if you or I was born a Joo banker’s son – would we make the same decisions they do?

February 9, 2017 10:31 pm

“And the LORD said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people:”
“Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.”

God said the Jews were stiffnecked, not Christians. We are just agreeing with God.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
February 9, 2017 10:34 pm

200! I win!