Le Pen Attacks Merkel in Parliament Representing a Free Europe

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The EU Dream of creating a federalized Europe is collapsing. The immigration crisis was created by Merkel solely for he personal popularity was collapsing due to her hard stance against Greece. The Eurozone is collapsing and Brussels still refuses to recognize that they have gone too far beyond a mere trade union trying to create one government of Europe.

Hollande previously said that forcing Europe into a single federalized government was to end European War. This European Project has created the risk of internal civil war by trying to force an agenda upon a people no different than what Napoleon and Hitler attempted using military strength. Today, Brussels seeks the same end goal – a single European State.

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kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
March 3, 2017 7:33 am

Le Pen’s speech made Farage look like a 2nd grader. She made a blistering attack against the EU and especially Merkel.

Members of humanity (non-Musloid world) need her to win.

March 3, 2017 7:42 am

Le Pen is going to end up as hated by the world elite powers and leftists as Trump.

March 3, 2017 2:18 pm

anon, she already is. “they” already throw everything they have at her.
we will fight here in France, but I suspect our country is already too moraly and muzzies-contamination crippled to be able to put her in charge.
we’ll do our best, god help us.
don’t fool yourself here, what is at stake isn’t a franco-french surrender monkey story between lost and found, and weather forecast in west virginia. It’s an important brick in the fight for survival of the christian/caucasian community.
every aware individual should never make a single step back.
I will vote for Marine until I die, even in hell if need be.

March 3, 2017 5:52 pm
March 3, 2017 7:30 pm

That was epic!! My new favorite European politician. Farage is funnier but Le Pen much more blistering. Reminded me a little of Trump’s total destruction of Bubba the rapist at, I believe, the last debate. Hollande’s reaction was similar to Bubba’ s too.

March 3, 2017 7:44 pm

I read somewhere today that they are going to arrest Le Pen for sending violent images on social media.
I would guess that means she is now being taken seriously.