No Need to Ask

People trade their self-respect for trifles.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

He then bespattered the youth with abundance of that language which passes between country gentleman who embrace opposite sides of the question; with frequent applications to him to salute that part which is generally introduced into all controversies that arise among the lower orders of the English gentry at horse-races, cock-matches, and other public places. Allusions to this part are likewise often made for the sake of jest. And here, I believe, the wit is generally misunderstood. In reality, it lies in desiring another to kiss your a– for having just before threatened to kick his; for I have observed very accurately, that no one ever desires you to kick that which belongs to himself, nor offers to kiss this part in another.

It may likewise seem surprizing that in the many thousand kind invitations of this sort, which every one who hath conversed with country gentlemen must have heard, no one, I believe, hath ever seen a single instance where the desire hath been complied with; – a great instance of their want of politeness; for in town nothing can be more common than for the finest gentlemen to perform this ceremony every day to their superiors, without having that favour once requested of them.

Henry Fielding, A History of Tom Jones (1749)

Ass-kissing (A-K) is, as Henry Fielding noted, a paradoxical social phenomenon. Among those who request it, the requested never comply; A-K occurs only when the request is not made. One paradox Fielding didn’t mention: the more prevalent it becomes, the less anyone notices or remarks about it. Indeed, in our age even the most jaded and cynical, who dismiss all apparent virtue as hypocritical or false, who ascribe everything to the brutal machinations of venality, money, and power, seldom mention butt-bussing, although a distasteful but necessary examination reveals it as a powerful explanatory force.

Why are so many “luminaries” such obvious mediocrities? How does incompetence spread its leprous grasp? Why is so much obviously trite, second-rate, or just plain awful cultural fare not just tolerated, but hailed as brilliant, transgressive, and transformational? How can universities promulgate nonsense that leaves graduates stupider than before they matriculated? Why does the faintest of commendatory words—“nice,” “cute,” and “like”—dominate media, online, and verbal discourse, while we no longer hear terms like “admire” and “respect”? No answers are possible without examining the dynamics of sucking up.

Within the human psyche, two fundamental impulses war: to be liked, accepted, and fit in, or to be independent and stand alone. For the first to win, one only has to allow one’s emotions free rein. Being liked is usually pleasant, so that desire is the path of least emotional resistance. Independence requires a conscious decision and unwavering commitment, because it can lead to ostracism and hatred. The steadfastly independent guide their actions by principles, not random emotional impulse. If you know on which side of this dividing line a person falls, you know the single most important aspect of that individual’s personality and character.

For most people acceptance is more important than principle. Under enough social pressure, they’ll jettison whatever they’ve claimed to uphold. Government always rests on its coercive ability, but at least as potent a source of its power is the pervasive fear of independence and standing out. Many people would accept the state’s dictates and venerate it even if the gun was not figuratively or literally pointed at their heads. If A-K is your proficiency, you welcome a system in which economic, social, and political rewards are doled out by one’s conformity to the herd and obsequiousness to those doing the doling.

Politics is institutionalized A-K, which makes Washington the A-K capital of the world. An entire occupation, lobbying, is devoted to sucking up. This oleaginous trade solicits money from its clients to solicit favors from the government. (Any time you see the word “solicit” assume sucking up is somewhere involved.) Unlike that those bad old free markets where individuals trade value—goods, services, labor, credit, money, etc—for value, government trades goodwill, favors, influence, sex, etc. for power, payola, and prestige. As it expands, more and more of what transpires is governed by A-K, less and less by value for value, which puts the value creators at a disadvantage to the suck-ups. In the perfect world of the latter, the former would be completely at their mercy, abandoning their integrity, productive ability, talent, skill, and other virtues as they descend into supine suck-uptitude.

It is impossible to have your lips planted on someone else’s buttock, especially someone you deep-down despise, and not loathe yourself. Loathing themselves, butt-bussers cannot admire virtue in those who have it. It’s secretly hated and either publicly disparaged or denied. As A-K spreads like a noxious cloud from Washington out over the land, recognition and appreciation of virtue disappear, replaced by formulaic deference to socially and politically correct bromides and the faux virtues implied by those bromides.

In self-serving advertisements corporations signal their fealty to the approved causes of the moment. Campuses have become bromide bastions. Social media descend a step further. There’s nothing even faux virtuous about pictures of kittens and the like, but those who post them garner electronic affirmations that are worth less than the minimal effort—touching a screen or clicking a mouse—necessary to produce them. It’s a form of signaling: I’m safe and will give the crowd what it wants.

In order to ascend to the rarefied world of the enlightened elite, you are required to affirm membership with insipid and inane identifying incantations. You must be “awestruck” at the brilliance of obvious idiots and their ideas; “moved to tears” by ugly art, discordant music, unreadable novels, and tedious movies and theatre; fake laugh at the correct comics; cite approvingly propaganda masquerading as serious journalism, and praise the statesmanship of criminals. The elite unfortunately set the agenda for what the rest of the populace reads, views, and hears. The incantations are the elite’s public entrance exam; who knows what’s required privately. It’s undoubtedly unwholesome and disgusting, entangling its members in a vast, inescapable web: everyone kissing everyone else’s ass all at the same time.

The prevalence of A-K may elicit despair among those with no use for it, the few who would like to make their way based on their ambition, talent, skill, hard work and independent integrity. They have one grim consolation. The last several decades, as everybody was kissing everybody else’s ass, the world went to hell. Reality doesn’t kiss asses; it often kicks them. The A-K legions have ignored realities that might unpleasantly brook the approved narratives; realities that will not forever ignore them. Nothing is more certain: the world has an imminent rendezvous with a plethora of ass-kicking realities. The world is not completely devoid of justice.




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April 12, 2017 5:41 pm

“Why are so many “luminaries” such obvious mediocrities?”

This was explained (rightly, I would add) by “The Peter Principle” 40 years ago.

That a man rises to his level of incompetency. It’s obvious he can rise no further. Unfortunately, he remains there. As a consequence all that he administers is sub par.

April 12, 2017 6:25 pm

And THAT my friends is how shit happens.

April 12, 2017 10:26 pm

Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that the person who posted that clip calls it “Brian Williams masturbates to Syria Bombing” and the news feed at the bottom says “for the first time about being gay, saying he feared he would d-”

A little childish perhaps, but thats funny.

This is a great piece Robert, but very pointed. The way this is written, I gotta ask if something specific made you write it. It just strikes me written in response to a singular event.

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Robert Gore
April 12, 2017 10:52 pm

How much did you pay the guy to kiss your butt in the picture ;)?

  Robert Gore
April 12, 2017 10:59 pm

Robert: Start drinking again. It makes the madness that is America today somewhat bearable.
In my late 60s and watching younger folks pass every day, I ask God why I’m still here and in response, hear only the sound of muffled laughter. I suppose I keep Him amused. Just read where Will Grigg died of a heart attack at 54. I’m saddened. The man had much worthwhile to say. And he said it well.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 12, 2017 11:19 pm

“I suppose I keep Him amused.”

Flashman I suspect you are not alone.


I loved this piece. When you let it rip you are among the best. And I’m not trying to kiss your ass either. I mean that. Sincerely. 🙂

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
April 13, 2017 12:21 pm

Will Grigg is dead? I knew he had a health crisis of some sort, but that’s intensely sad. He was a great man, another Don Quixote, tilting at windmills (as are all men who speak the truth now.)

If there is a Christian God, Will is surely with the angels.

April 12, 2017 6:25 pm

Leprous grasp, matriculated? Priceless. I run a great risk in being caslled “Butt Kissy” but I think You have left Alan Abelson in the dust. Good work.

April 12, 2017 6:57 pm

Just finished reading it Stubb. Trump is about to cornhole his supporters. I wanna vomit.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
April 13, 2017 11:51 am

Being cornholed is more vicious than having to kiss someone’s A-hole, however as I warned everyone here it was going to happen.

Meet the new boss – same as the old boss.

Now get on your knees and prepare to yell Daddy as this is done to you. You wanted it and now you are getting it. Btw – when you kiss that A-hole put some tongue in it, they like that.

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
April 13, 2017 12:28 pm

There are no political solutions to the problems of politics.

I voted (a rare occurrence) for Trump, but I am not much disappointed if his admin does little (or nothing) to turn the tides.

Tides turn. Then politics turns. Not the other way around. The rise of the Alt-Right is an EARLY signal that the turn is slowly gaining. Trump’s election was also a sign…but he is just a transition figure.

If bonds continue to grind lower, and if stocks top later this year, and the entire false-virtue system of borrow-to-spend-creates-GDP-plus-Debt-Wealth breaks down in earnest, US politics will make last year look like a kumbaya moment.

Things are apt to get very chaotic…but Trump won’t change anything of import.

(I do wish he’d help get Congress to strip firearm silencers out of NFA 1934 so we shooters could more easily stop sawing away at our hearing….but even that seems like a pipe dream. Our politics is broken, and has been so for 100 years.)

April 12, 2017 7:05 pm

Iska, Dutch, looks like you’re about to get a little Trump love.

Not Sure
Not Sure
April 12, 2017 7:34 pm

I think Robert Gore is a brilliant man and his article is quite important in this age to…. Oh, I can’t believe I am saying this…. I hate myself; maybe there is a government job I can apply for.

  Not Sure
April 12, 2017 8:40 pm

The only “good” jobs (soon) will be working for corporations or government. The parasites win.

  Robert Gore
April 13, 2017 5:33 pm

Clever retort, but seriously, I enjoyed the post Robert…

April 12, 2017 8:13 pm

This article kicks ass and I’m not just kissing ass.

April 12, 2017 8:41 pm

Great article.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
April 12, 2017 9:07 pm

It starts in kindergarden, grade school, high school, every half wit , overpaid shit for brain teacher, coach, cop, priest, shrink, all the asslickers who got to their lofty position trying to spread the faith. Be a good sheeple, look at my McMansion and piece of shit egg shaped german car. Kiss your way to Harvard and Yale, become Lord of the Shitbirds. Start wars, make laws, bask in your rightiousness, buy more shit, cash the checks and pretend your soul isn’t dead.

April 12, 2017 9:07 pm

Robert , who cares what the ass kissing , flattering ,Adulterating , whoremongers of society do when Trump is betraying every campaign promise he made to his base.

I have learned watching Trump is that a man’s character and associates are far more important than campaign promises.
One thing for sure is Trump lacks loyalty to his supporters.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 13, 2017 8:43 am

’tis true.

April 13, 2017 2:15 am

10/4 Roberto

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 13, 2017 8:42 am

Thought provoking. We have become the human centipede.

You asked-

“Why does the faintest of commendatory words—“nice,” “cute,” and “like”—dominate media, online, and verbal discourse, while we no longer hear terms like “admire” and “respect”?”

I think there may be another answer.

Aspiration. When the mass of people no longer possess the moral, intellectual or hereditary values that lift them up, it is far easier and acceptable to lower your standards. If you want to be tough you can try and make it through BUDS or Ranger School or you can just get a tattoo. If you want to be popular you can be a Merit Scholar or you can be a slut.

By lowering the standards, one need not possess creativity, originality, physical fitness or beauty to catch attention, you only need to walk around with your g-string hanging out of your pants, or if you wish to be thought an intellectual giant, you don’t need to study assiduously but rather C&P motivational poster quotes on your FaceSperg.

Done and done.

Everything winds down, loses inertia, runs out, degenerates and fails- it’s pure physics. That’s the stage we are at. When people look up to, say the Kardashians or Beyonce, people with talent pools so shallow as to be all but empty we allow that we ourselves do not have to do much to meet that mark. Observe how many people roll out of bed and make ready their day without bothering to get out of their PJ’s.

And what appeals to the masses is often a reflection of the stage of the culture.

A lot has been written lately about the phenomenon of virtue signalling when what the people doing it are engaged in has little if anything at all to do with real virtue, but rather a perceived more that reflects the anomie of our time. The lowest common denominator becomes the easiest thing to achieve and so we slouch on, ever towards Gomorrah, lips pursed the entire way.

Paul Niemi
Paul Niemi
April 13, 2017 9:29 am

Our constitution ensures people in the republic need not adopt obsequiousness to their superiors to survive. They are found to have rights. Yet there are those who continually profess a hierarchical system of government, like a monarchy, or a military, and call it meritocracy. In this system, everyone kisses the backside of the person on the next rung up the ladder. At the top is the boss, who is entirely unconstrained and pretends to be the mouthpiece of God. History has proven leviathan to be an unsatisfactory state. Yet new generations will relearn this, as they reinvent the wheel with each new boss, who thinks he’s being flexible.

April 13, 2017 9:43 am

Nice description there HSF!

A-K and virtue signaling are birds of a feather.
It is sad, latching on to a putz for prizes and
accolades. Very nice write-up, sir.

BTW, when I respond to the Mr. with a “buss my butt”…
he always responds with a, “great, I’ll do it right now.”

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
April 13, 2017 12:45 pm

High social mood: Lots of A-K.

Low social mood: Lots of B-S.

B-S, you ask?


Coming soon. 50 years of compound stupidity has filled a reservoir of rage, just waiting for the dam to break. And the dam will break.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
April 13, 2017 4:16 pm

Paul Niemi, only in peacetime (or largely peaceful) is the military an ass-kissing rewarding organization, and never on the front lines.
Ability, determination and courage are rewarded when the alternative is death; death for the incompetent, the ignorant and lazy, and ANY ONE WHO IS NEARBY WHEN THE BUGLE BLOWS. If the guy next to you can get you killed by not being his best when the fight is going its’ worst, then you don’t want an ass-kisser next to you. Nor above you, nor anywhere in your group; read that Patton speech from yesterday. You want people who will knock an enemy’s head off using their HELMET, then grab their gun and kill the enemy who held it, and go looking for more. Then get up tomorrow and do it again.
We are fighting with one-hand-tied- behind- our- back ROE right now; just like those THREE poor, misled Swedish policewomen who got beat up by ONE unarmed jihadi the other week. This will end, suddenly, unpredictably and violently. Those who survive will be inoculated against stupidity, at least for a while.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
  james the deplorable wanderer
April 13, 2017 9:11 pm

If gonna use my name, put your real name behind it.

  Dennis Roe
April 15, 2017 9:41 pm

OHHH … ROE is “Rules of Engagement”, look it up if you have to.
Or was that intentional (joke) on your part?
OK, hee.hee.hee. Now back to our scheduled insanity…