Via Branco

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 2, 2017 8:20 am

Remember congressman , senators and staffers are either exempt or recieve a 70% assistance payment to enroll in any AHA plans while most Americans pay the full boat . Naturally they see no issue with Obama Care because it has no net effect to them personally . Maybe if McCain had to liquidate his retirement to cover the copay for cancer surgery and drug treatments used up any and all of his savings and income with no pay while he is out sick … sound familiar to anybody ???

  Boat Guy
August 2, 2017 12:50 pm

they get that because of an obama executive order-the other day i heard on the radio that trump is going to rescind the eo if they do not fix o’care-
not verified but sounds likely–

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 2, 2017 4:37 pm

We can hope but I fear Trump has been neutered ! Tampa Red I hope I am wrong and he is building up for a big October Surprise !

August 2, 2017 9:17 am

I want my wife to pluck this splinter out of my eye. I know its gonna cost thousands. Appt in an hour. Before obamacare, 20 dollar doc copay, or 50 copay at emergency room. Now a doc visit costs 200 bucks, and we pay til we hit ten grand before our insurance kicks in. Thats after paying 5 grand a year in premiums.

On another note: they are training imigrants to fly drones out of hancook airport in syracuse ny. Second time I saw a global hawk over my neighborhood. Trailed in formation by a cessna looking highwing prop plane with red wingtips, exactly as described as the sherrifs aircraft running those cel phone intercepters. Every city I have lived near in the past 15 years seems to have that style and coloring of cessna perusing the air daily. Just sayin. All public knowledge already. And there it is, flying at a height I would guess is just above the reach of small arms fire.

August 2, 2017 9:53 am

Lol. Call from eye docs office. Not covered. He cant remove object but will refer me to doctor who can remove it. Cant go straight to the doctor who will remove the splinter because I need the refferral guaranteeing the splinter which is visibly lodged in my eye is there.. minimum charge is 400 dollars.

August 2, 2017 12:15 pm

Sat in eye docs chair. Pulled out splinter with thumb and forefinger in front of him. He verified I got it out. He prescribed antibiotic. 24 buck office visit, 22 for the medicine. He was not amused. 3/4 inch long splinter, half inch buried in my eye white. No real damage. Gonna be more careful and get that face shield flipped down every damn time.

john prokovich
john prokovich
August 2, 2017 1:56 pm

Drain the Swamp…..

  john prokovich
August 2, 2017 2:32 pm

drain it my rear,just dump dirt in it and pave it–
draining it doesn’t seem to work–